Volume 19, Issue 5 (May 2019)                   Modares Mechanical Engineering 2019, 19(5): 1167-1176 | Back to browse issues page

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Jamshidifard S, Shirvani M, Kasiri Bidhendi N, Movahedirad S. Experimental and Numerical Study of Effective Parameters on Helical One-channel Dust-concentrator Performance for Separation of Black Powder of Gas Pipeline. Modares Mechanical Engineering 2019; 19 (5) :1167-1176
URL: http://mme.modares.ac.ir/article-15-25499-en.html
1- Chemistry Department, Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran
2- Chemistry Department, Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran , shirvani.m@iust.ac.ir
Abstract:   (4357 Views)
In this paper, black powder of the separation from air flow by a helical one-channel dust concentrator have been experimentally studied and the efficiency and pressure drop have been investigated by Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations in different operating conditions. Experimental set-up is a helical one-channel including 29 branches for exporting diluted stream out. It also has two suction devices at the ends of channels in order to provide testing in high inlet flow. Black powder particles with certain particle size distribution have been tested, whose average particle size has been determined 0.327 µm by DLS and SEM images processing. CFD simulation of helical one-channel dust concentrator for air-black powder separation has been done with FLUENT software. The Realizable k-ε turbulent model, as an optimal turbulence model in terms of accuracy and speed in simulation, has been used. According to evaluation of the results, the experimental results have been compared and it showed 5.2% error. To investigate the effect of operating condition, the various air flow rate and solids mass fractions were investigated and the results showed that the simulation efficiency has increased more than 4.1% by increasing 58% of the inlet volumetric flow rate. The separation efficiency had no change by increasing the solid mass fraction from 7% up to 20%.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD)
Received: 2018/09/25 | Accepted: 2019/01/17 | Published: 2019/05/1

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