Volume 15, Issue 3 (5-2015)                   Modares Mechanical Engineering 2015, 15(3): 260-270 | Back to browse issues page

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Jamaati J, Farahinia A R, Niazmand H. Numerical Investigation of Electro-osmotic Flow in Heterogeneous Microchannels. Modares Mechanical Engineering 2015; 15 (3) :260-270
URL: http://mme.modares.ac.ir/article-15-6470-en.html
1- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Razi University
2- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Abstract:   (5792 Views)
Numerical modeling of electro-osmotic flow in heterogeneous micro-channels using two different models is presented in this article. For the through modeling of such flows, the coupled equations of Navier-Stokes, Nernst-Planck and the Poisson-Boltzmann are solved for the flow field, electric charges transport and electric field, respectively. Numerical solution of these equations for the heterogeneous micro-channels is complicated and difficult. Therefore, simple and approximate models such as Helmholtz-Smoluchowski have been proposed in which the solution of Poisson-Boltzmann, Nernst-Planck are neglected and the effect of the electric field on the flow field is applied through a prescribed slip boundary condition at the walls of micro-channel. The electro-osmotic flow fields within the heterogeneous micro-channels are usually complex and contain the vortex region that is ideal for mixing purpose. Hence, in this paper, the micro-channels designed so that they are capable to serve as micro-mixers in the mixing applications. For the micro-channels proposed here, the flow fields are obtained both with approximate modeling and the full simulation of electro-osmotic flows so that a comparison can be made to discuss the accuracy of the approximate model. The results of this study can be used to model the electro-osmotic flow field within heterogeneous micro-channels.
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Article Type: Research Article | Subject: Micro & Nano Systems
Received: 2014/12/17 | Accepted: 2015/01/11 | Published: 2015/02/8

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