Nakhodchi S, Saberi E. Investigating effect of Norton and Liu – Murakami creep models in determination of creep fracture mechanic parameter (C*). Modares Mechanical Engineering 2016; 15 (12) :425-434
Abstract: (6675 Views)
Creep fracture mechanic parameter, C*, is an essential tool for creep crack growth rate estimation and so remnant life determination of components operating at high temperature. For determining this parameter experimental works, FE methods, and engineering approaches can be utilized. In this paper in order to facilitate FE methods in C* determination for a CT specimen, creep behavior models of Norton and Liu-Murakami were developed and related subroutines were created. Each of the aforementioned models has its own temperature dependent material coefficients which were determined and validated based on creep rupture tests on crack free uniaxial specimens of P91 steel and IN718 super alloy respectively in 650˚C and 620˚C temperature. In this study creep fracture mechanic parameter value of a CT specimen made of P91 steel were derived by application of Norton and Liu-Murakami creep behavior models and results were compared with results of the experimental tests and reference stress engineering approach results. The results indicate that Liu-Murakami creep behavior model most exactly estimates creep fracture mechanics parameter, but yet reference stress engineering approach is the most economical way to determine this parameter.
Article Type:
Research Article |
Creep, Fatigue & Failure Received: 2015/09/7 | Accepted: 2015/10/12 | Published: 2016/02/20