Aberoomand V, Fesharakifard R, Kamal Eigoli A. Torque Control of a Hybrid Actuator in the Presence of Parametric Uncertainties and Physical Constraints. Modares Mechanical Engineering 2017; 16 (12) :227-238
1- New Technologies Research Center, Amirkabir University of Technology
Abstract: (5418 Views)
In electromagnetic motors, increase in output torque leads to increase in rotor inertia. Various robotics applications, especially haptic interfaces, oblige convenient dynamic performances of electromagnetic motors which are strongly in turn influenced by the rotor’s inertia. In the present paper, a robust control method for a viscous hybrid actuator is developed which supplies a desired varying torque while maintaining a constant low inertia. This hybrid actuator includes two dc motors with the shafts coupled through a rotational damper using a viscous non-contact coupler. This coupling method is based on Eddy current to provide the required performances. The large far motor eliminates or reduces the inertial forces and external dynamics effects on the actuator. The small near motor provides the desired output torque. Since the system is essentially linear, the applied robust control method is based on Hꝏ and parametric uncertainties and physical constraints including motors’ voltages saturation, rotary damper’s speed saturation, fastest user’s speed and acceleration applied to the actuator and force sensor noise are considered in its design. Also the robust method of µ-synthesis for the system in presence of parameteric uncertainties and other physical constraints are studied. The implementation of the controller on a 1 dof haptic interface model validate the achievement of the desired performances.
Article Type:
Research Article |
robatic Received: 2016/08/10 | Accepted: 2016/10/29 | Published: 2016/12/11