Abstract: (6605 Views)
This paper presents pore scale simulation of turbulent combustion of air/methane mixture in porous media to investigate the effects of multidimensionality and turbulence on the flame within pore scale. A porous medium consisting of a staggered arrangement of square cylinders considered here. Results of turbulent kinetic energy, temperature, flame thickness, flame structure and flame speed are presented and compared at different equivalence ratios. The turbulent kinetic energy increases along the burner because of turbulence created by the solid matrix with a sudden jump at the flame front due to increase of the velocity as a result of thermal expansion. Also, it is shown that at higher equivalence ratios, the effect of turbulence within porous burner is highly significant phenomenon. Due to higher turbulence effects in higher equivalence ratios, the flame thickness increases by increasing the equivalence ratio which is in opposite of the trend observed in laminar flow simulation. Also, it is shown that the dimensionless flame speed and excess temperature is higher at lower equivalence ratios due to lower heat loss to the cold upstream environment of burner. Two dimensional structure of flame in the pores of porous medium is shown in the present study via isotherm lines.
Article Type:
Research Article |
Porous Media Received: 2013/02/16 | Accepted: 2013/05/26 | Published: 2013/12/22