Volume 15, Issue 1 (3-2015)                   Modares Mechanical Engineering 2015, 15(1): 194-202 | Back to browse issues page

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Hassanzadeh H, Zolfaghari S A, Shariati H. Evaluating the effects of layer arrangement of a porous clothing on heat and mass transfer from the body under cold conditions. Modares Mechanical Engineering 2015; 15 (1) :194-202
URL: http://mme.modares.ac.ir/article-15-3936-en.html
Abstract:   (7423 Views)
Although,the physical activity in the cold condition causes the body temperature to rise,it can be a significant factor in the occurrence of thermal discomfort due to increase in the perspiration rate and water gathering in the fabric.Moreover,the accumulated water at the inner side of the clothing can cause a difficulty in the skin respiration. So, the amount of accumulated water and interior surface wetness are important indices for evaluating the suitability of clothing for winter activity. The aim of this study is to determine the amount of accumulated water in various arrangements of multi-layer clothing assemblies containing of three bathing layers of Polyester and Viscose in a very cold environment (with -20C temperature).For this reason,the clothing has been modeled as a porous media with multi-phases and multi-species flow by considering the sorption and condensation phenomena.Also,the implicit finite volume numerical method has been used for discretizing and solving the governing equations.The results show that locating the non-absorbing polyester fabric at the layer adjacent to the skin causes the wetness to decrease at this region. Also, locating the polyester at the outer layer can help to maintain the clothing temperature at the proper conditions.Also,the results indicate that using the viscose fabric as the middle layer leads to decrease in the water content value at the center of clothing. Therefore, the “polyester-viscose-polyester” arrangement can properly remove the perspiratory moisture from the skin to environment, with the minimum of inner water content index (0.02) and maximum inner surface temperature(33C) and average clothing temperature(16.1C).
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Article Type: Research Article | Subject: Heat & Mass Transfer
Received: 2014/10/14 | Accepted: 2014/11/14 | Published: 2014/11/30

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