Abstract: (7583 Views)
Human bones experience different modes of loading including tension, compression, bending, and torsion. The modes of loading depend on the activities done by the body. Regarding the crack shape and loading modes, by the time only the first mode of fracture has been studied in order to analyze the fracture toughness. However, it is necessary to analyze different modes of fracture in order to find more reliable results. In this research, finite element analysis and calculations for geometric coefficients were done to obtain the toughness of bone. Hence, first, second, and combined modes of fracture in cortical samples having cracks were studied numerically and experimentally. To this end, bovine tibia was used to make standard tensile samples for implementation in Arkan’s device. Some optimizations were made on the Arcan’s device. These were included of bone fixation in the device and ability of performing tests in different angels. Stress intensity factor (Kc) was obtained for different fracture modes. Results showed a decrease in KIc respect to change in loading angle while KIIc acted vice versa. Performing some extra optimizations, the device can be used for tortional fracture mode in a torsional test device.
Article Type:
Research Article |
Biomechanics Received: 2014/10/23 | Accepted: 2015/01/14 | Published: 2015/02/21