Volume 22, Issue 11 (November 2022)                   Modares Mechanical Engineering 2022, 22(11): 637-646 | Back to browse issues page

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Kia S M, Nejati jahromi M, Isvand H. Numerical simulation and experimental evaluation of an unsteady flow around forced rotating cylindrical prototype with three orthogonal plates. Modares Mechanical Engineering 2022; 22 (11) :637-646
URL: http://mme.modares.ac.ir/article-15-60890-en.html
1- MSc., Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran
2- Associate Prof., Faculty of electrical engineering, Shahid Sattari Aeronautical University, Tehran, Iran , mansournejati@gmail.com
3- Associate Prof., Faculty of aerospace, Shahid Sattari Aeronautical University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (1698 Views)
In general, rotating objects always produce different rotational torques according to different dimensions and rotational speeds. In some cases, it can cause a lot of damage to equipment, so it is necessary to be aware of the amount of torque that rotating objects produce at different rotational speeds, as well as in the presence or absence of air flow. in this study, numerical and experimental analysis of non-continuous flow around a cylindrical model with vertical plates under forced rotation is performed and its main purpose is to measure the torque of rotating objects in the presence of wind current also to stabilize rotation. Rotational speeds are constant. First, an aerodynamic torque measuring device was built and then a 3-fin cylindrical model was tested in a wind tunnel, and numerical simulations of 3 and 2 fin models were performed in the same laboratory conditions by Ensys Fluent software. A good agreement was observed between the experimental and numerical results and the maximum error between them was less than 10%, which is acceptable. From the simulation results, it was observed that in every 180 degrees of rotation that the maximum cross section of the models is exposed to direct wind flow, the maximum torque produced by the 2-blade cylindrical model is 30% higher than the maximum torque produced by the 3-blade model. As the wind speed increases from 20 to 60 meters per second, the torque of the 3-fin model increases from 0.4 to 1.2 Nm, which is equivalent to 200%.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD)
Received: 2022/04/15 | Accepted: 2022/07/3 | Published: 2022/11/1

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