Abstract: (6643 Views)
In this paper, plastic deformation of the clamped mild steel and aluminum circular plates subjected to different hydrodynamic impact loading conditions are investigated. Extensive experimental tests were carried out by using a drop hammer. The experimental results presented in terms of central deflection of the plates, deflection profiles, and strain distributions. The effect of different parameters such as material properties, plate thickness, stand off distance of hammer or the transfer energy were also investigated on behavior of deformation of plate. Analytical modeling was carried out using energy approach and introducing the deflection profile function based on observes result of experimental. In this model effect of strain rate, hoop strain, radius strain and also effects of bending strain energy and membrane strain energy have been inserted. Calculations of the cases indicate that the proposed analytical models are based on reasonable assumptions. So, this method can be used for study of plastic deformation of plates under dynamic loading. The agreement between analytical and experimental results indicates that new analytical approach presented in this work maybe successfully employed for prediction of central deflection in different hydrodynamic impact loading conditions.
Article Type:
Research Article |
Impact Mechanics Received: 2014/11/10 | Accepted: 2014/12/20 | Published: 2015/01/10