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Field study of the effect of various gas turbine and supplementary firing operating modes on the performance of a real combined cycle power plant Afshin Abdollahian, Mehran Ameri
*Abstract -
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An Investigation into Plastic deformation of sandwich structures with aluminum facesheets and pumice core under low-velocity impact loading Morteza Eyvazkhani, Tohid Mirzababaie mostofi, Hashem Babaei
*Abstract -
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Investigation of temperature variation effect in -100 C to +100 C on the behavior of torsion springs Alireza Ehsani, Kamal Jahani
*, Adel Pourtaghi
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Experimental study of the effects of ultrasonic waves on surface sediments in pool boiling Mohsen Khooshehchin, Samira Ghotbinasab, Akbar Mohammadidoust
*Abstract -
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Experimental and finite element study of the effect of force distribution on electromagnetic pre-forming of aluminum alloy conical sheet parts Abolfazl Rajabloo, Mohammad Bakhshi Jooybari, Hamid Gorji
*Abstract -
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Laboratory study on the mechanical properties of vinyl ester matrix composite coatings reinforced by glass fiber, Nano TiO2 and Carbon Nanofibers faezeh delfariban, Morteza Alizadeh, moslem tayyebi
*, E. Salahinejad
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