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S.h. Heidary , B. Beigzadeh ,
Volume 19, Issue 1 (1-2019)

Anthropomorphic robotic hand has always been one of the interesting topics for researchers in recent decades due to its application range, including space exploration, medicine, military, etc. In this paper, a new plan is designed to drive exoskeleton fingers and by means of which the fingers can not only mimic human-like movements, but also be lightweight and portable. In this way, before implementation of the new plan, the anatomy of index finger and related kinematic were studied to give a hand to the extraction of angle relationships among distal, middle, and proximal phalanges. In upcoming step, theories, and mathematical relations about replacing sheaths and its influence on bending joints, based on the coupling mechanisms, were explained and applied clearly. Additionally, considering extracted relationships and equations in prior section, a new model of robotic finger with mentioned properties was simulated in MSC ADAMS software. In following step, after linking the software with Matlab, the results of the simulation and comparing them with human finger in the configuration and generation of humanoid movements were discussed. In the last step, according to simulation results, an example was constructed and presented, using a 3D printer in accordance with the proposed mechanism.

A. Rouhollahi , M. Azmoun, M. Tale Masouleh, A. Kalhor,
Volume 19, Issue 1 (1-2019)

This article investigated design and construction of a 4-DOF delta parallel robot’s components and additionally inverse kinematics and kinematics control of the robot. The initial and final version of the robot based on existing needs, the addition of gearboxes due to the low torque of motors, and flange transformations to connect the gearbox to the robot's base were also discussed. In the following, by simulating the robot in MATLAB software, the integrity of the inverse kinematic equation of the robot was investigated. In the other part, the design of the kinematic control in the joint space was discussed and the results were plotted in the graphs for a z-direction. By designing a suitable robot controller, tracing the desired path and comparing its results with other controllers become possible. By designing a conveyor for the robot and equipping it with a camera, detecting the objects that the robot moves them become possible with image processing. For the purpose of picking and placing the objects, the robot's end effector is equipped with a controlled suction.  The results, through which the paths crossed, showed the designed PID controller for the robot was working correctly and the desired path was followed with small error.

Z. Naseriasl , R. Fesharakifard, H. Ghafarirad ,
Volume 19, Issue 4 (4-2019)

Nowadays, the need of welding industry's to improve weld quality has led to the consideration of robotic welding. The use of articulated industrial robots for welding has many challenges. Because some robots do not have the capability of online error compensating of the seam track. Therefore, in order to remove the welding seam tracking error, the use of an auxiliary mechanism is proposed in this article. This mechanism is a table with 1-degree of freedom (dof), which produces a continuous motion in workpiece under the welding torch. The rotational motion of the motor is transformed into a translational motion of the workpiece by a ball-screw system, where this linear motion compensates the tracking error. Since in the welding process, relative motion accuracy of the workpiece and the welding torch is crucial, proper control of the interface table ensures the weld quality. In this paper, two different methods for controlling the table with 1-dof are studied. In the first method, due to the complexity of friction model of the ball-screw mechanism and the presence of nonlinear terms, this part of the model is considered as an external disturbance, and, then, a PID controller for the linear part is designed. In the second method, known as feedback linearization, a control law is designed for that the tracking error tends to zero by passing time. Throught a comparison between the simulation results, the second control method demonstrates better precision relating the first controller. While the error of PID controller equals to 3 mm and the second controller’s error does not go beyond 0.5 mm. At last, the experimental cell used for the robotic welding is introduced to evaluate the mentioned results.

Gh. Abbasnejad , M. Tale-Masouleh,
Volume 19, Issue 5 (5-2019)

Because of the fact that cable-driven parallel robot ​possess limited moment resisting/exerting capabilities and relatively small orientation workspaces, in this paper, a method for determination of optimal configuration of reconfigurable cable-driven parallel robots is presented to improve their performance. In such robots, actuators can move the cable attachment points on the base with respect to the motion of the end-effector in its trajectory. In the determined configuration, any external wrench on the end-effector can be balanced, using cable forces for all poses near to a pose of the robot. The largest wrench-closure circular zone centered at an arbitrary point of a trajectory for a given range of orientation around a reference orientation of the end-effector is computed. Taking the area of such zone into account and with the aim of enlarging them, the optimal configuration of the robot is determined. The optimal configuration is found by appropriately changing the position of the moving attachment points on the base of the robots. By applying this procedure on a number of points on a given trajectory iteratively, proper actuation schemes are obtained. In this paper, this method is utilized for reconfigurable planar cable-driven parallel robots and the quality of their actuation schemes is compared with the robots with fixed cable attachment points on

H. Chalangari Juybari, M. Tale Masouleh, B. Dadash Zadeh,
Volume 19, Issue 6 (6-2019)

Parallel robots have a lot of compared to their counterparts, serial robots, such as higher accuracy, more load to weight ratio, and higher stiffness, which contribute to their various, and precise applications. Stiffness of the robot, as one of the most crucial parameters which should be considered in of the robot, the desired application. In this paper, an experimental study is investigated on evaluation of the robot’s stiffness and the errors corresponding to of the mechanism, which indicate the displacement of -effector of the robot with respect to external imposed forces. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the stiffness and the errors due to the softness behavior of the mechanism of a 3 degree of freedom (3-DoF) parallel robot; for this end, the amount of transfer of the final executor to the applied load is simulated. First, the 3-DoF decoupled robot is introduced and its features are expressed and the stiffness of the mechanism is modeled using Finite Element Method (FEM). Then, of the mechanism is determined in different positions of the end-effector by considering predefined boundary conditions. In order to evaluate the obtained model of the robots’ stiffness, a novel experimental setup is developed to measure the stiffness of the mechanism. By employing the setup, of the robot is measured in different conditions. Finally, the output results of the stiffness model are compared to the experimental tests. The results reveal that the 3-DoF decoupled parallel robot shows a proper stiffness behavior. Hence, it can be employed in various applications with high precision.

M. Mirzaei , H. Taghvaei ,
Volume 19, Issue 7 (7-2019)

Determining a dynamic model for an underwater robot is of great importance in design of guidance and control system. Researchers always need a complete knowledge about hydrodynamic stability derivatives coefficients of vehicle with sufficient accuracy to design a successful control system for underwater vehicles. The selection of proper actuator in control system is important on the global performance of the system and the costs of the project. Usually, the effect of dynamic stability derivative coefficients is not considered in the design of actuators; therefore, in the present study, it is tried to investigate the effect of these coefficients in the design of actuators. For this purpose, firstly, the equations of motion for an underwater robot are presented. Then, hydrodynamic coefficients that contains static and dynamic coefficients are determined, using a rapid computational code and, then, the effect of hydrodynamic stability derivatives coefficients on the operational dynamic parameters of vehicle such as the bandwidth of the system dynamics and its role in the control system are considered. Finally, the selection of appropriate actuator for the underwater robot and the effects of natural frequency of actuators on the system performance are studied.

H. Abdi, M.j. Shaker Arani, H. Salarieh, M.m. Kakaei,
Volume 19, Issue 11 (11-2019)

In this study, a dynamic based control algorithm for a six-link quadruped locomotion is proposed. Up to now, a lot of robotic scientists have researched in quadruped locomotion but most of their researches are based on modeling of robot and its surrounding. Such methods are not able to generate a stable locomotion when the surrounding changes a little. So this is important to propose a dynamic based control algorithm. The algorithms that can guarantee the stability are classified to two categories of dynamic based and trajectory based methods. The trajectory based algorithms need detailed information of gait and surrounding which is not necessarily available. But the dynamic based algorithms use some geometric constraints to reach a stable controller. These geometric constraints generate the proper gaits. So in this study by employing the dynamic based control algorithm, we proposed a controller for generating the Trot and Pace gait on a straight and flat path for quadruped robot locomotion. Given that the quadruped robot has four degrees of freedom so three geometric constraints are needed to provide a rhythmic locomotion. In this study we showed that for step generating by quadruped robot, both the appropriate initial conditions for angular velocities and presence of a point mass on the neck of the robot are needed. Also in this study the stability of quadruped locomotion has been proved using Poincaré return map.

E. Ramezanzadeh, Z. Rahmani, M. Hasanghasemi,
Volume 19, Issue 12 (12-2019)

In this paper, a trajectory tracking control of a nonholonomic wheeled mobile robot is proposed based on terminal sliding mode control, and the proposed method has been implemented on a wheeled mobile robot. A wheeled mobile robot is a nonlinear nonholonomic system, and it has three extended coordinates and a nonholonomic constraint. First, the equation of wheeled mobile robot for the extended chained form is derived by transformation of the nonholonomic system equation to the extended chained form. Then a finite time terminal sliding mode approach for trajectory tracking control of the wheeled mobile robot is presented. Afterward, with a graphical simulation environment which is applicable in the Matlab software, graphical simulations of wheeled mobile robot’s movement are done. The result of the graphical simulation in comparing with sliding mode control show the performance of the proposed method. Finally, the practical results of implementation of the controller for trajectory tracking of the wheeled mobile robot is shown, and the results show good tracking performance of the proposed method.

S.a. Moafi, F. Najafi,
Volume 20, Issue 2 (1-2020)

In this paper, an intelligent powerful control scheme is presented for a lower-limb rehabilitation robot. The focus of this study is on maintaining patient safety, focusing on the concept of assist as needed to improve the efficacy of robotic rehabilitation exercises and intelligent controller behavior. The proposed control scheme is consists of force field control and fuzzy logic control. Gravity compensation, friction forces, and interaction torque have been considered to the dynamic model of the system. The force field control method creates a virtual wall along the desired trajectory in the sagittal plane that can guide the patient's gait. Force field control parameters are selected using the fuzzy logic control rules o improve the concept of assist as needed for the rehabilitation robot in order to make a freedom of action for the patient. Therefore, the fuzzy logic control algorithm was proposed to improve the behavioral quality of the rehabilitation robot depending on the patient's ability in the gait process. In this regard, the proposed control scheme has been implemented for the lower-limb rehabilitation robot system. Simulation results show the efficiency of the proposed controller to improve the quality of motorized gait training. 

M. Aalipour, A. Mokhtarian, H. Karimpour,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (2-2020)

Spherical robots are the mobile robots with spherical shapes equipped to an internal drive mechanism that moves on the ground due to their external shell rolling. In this research, first, a pendulum spherical robot is modeled, then using the Lagrange method, dynamic equations of plane motion of robot on the non-flat surface are derived. Considering the scarcity of the number of operators relative to the number of degrees of freedom of the spherical robot, designing of a non-linear controller is performed based on feedback linearization techniques. Therefore, regarding non-confirm initial conditions on the trajectory, parametric uncertainty and disturbance torque on the robot, the performance of the system has been investigated. By selecting the appropriate rotation trajectory, the robot motion is simulated in MATLAB software and in following the pendulum rotation angle and actuating torque are obtained. The results indicate that the designed controller has proper and resistant performance in tracking selected trajectory for sphere shell rotation during moving on a non-flat surface.

A. Motahari, H. Zohoor, M. Habibnejad Korayem ,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (2-2020)

In this paper, the design and construction of a new binary pneumatic actuated hyper-redundant manipulator is presented. The discretely actuated hyper-redundant manipulators have advantages such as wide workspace, the ability of obstacle avoidance and simple control. Despite of these advantages, few prototypes have been made so far, which each of them has some defects. These defects are small movement range, fairly high cost, and accelerated and impulsive motion. To solve these problems, the 3-revolute prismatic spherical parallel mechanisms (3-RPS) are used as modules in this paper. So the cost is reduced due to the lower number of legs. Also, the motion range has been increased by replacing the spherical joints with universal joints. The movements of the manipulator have been effectively more uniform and softer by using flow control valves on cylinders. Finally, several tests are conducted to determine how the manipulator moves and the results are presented.

Moein Taheri, Seyed Hasan Bathaee,
Volume 20, Issue 12 (11-2020)

Diagnosis of cell properties to separate healthy and damaged tissues, imaging and determination of cells’ shape and different surfaces are new applications of atomic force microscopy, which have extended using of the atomic force microscopy these days. In the manipulation modeling of micro/nanoparticles, using an atomic force microscope, one of the important points, is using an appropriate and accurate contact model. Since in the 3D manipulation, micro/nanoparticle is located between the cantilever and the substrate, therefore contact theories should be divided into two parts. The first section is the contact between the substrate and micro/nanoparticle, and the other section is the contact between micro/nanoparticle and the tip of the cantilever. In this research elasticity module of the gastric cancer cells has been measured using atomic force microscopy to diagnose cancerous tissue. To do so, two Hertz and JKR contact models have been developed to extract the elasticity module. In an experimental, after isolating the cells from the gastric cancer tissue, the specimens were tested using a rectangular beam and pyramidal and spherical needles under an atomic force microscope, and the force-depth graphs were obtained. Data analysis was performed. According to obtained results, the considered cell’s elasticity module has been approximated 325±25 kPa based on the curves obtained from the comparison of experimental data from atomic force microscopy and Hertz and JKR contact theories.
Farhad Rajaei, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Alireza Hadi, Hossein Valiyanholagh,
Volume 21, Issue 6 (5-2021)

Human ankle-foot gait is the result of a complex interaction between nerves and muscles. A significant number of prosthetic ankle-foots (passive, semi-active, active) have been designed to restore an identical function of a real limb. Excluding passive and semi-active prosthesis who couldn’t generate any positive work, one of the biggest challenges in creating these prostheses is providing the needed power and energy during movement. Supplying this power and energy, requires a high-torque and high-power actuator having high weight, thereby causing a dramatic increase in the weight and size of that prostheses. In this paper, a combination of an active actuator (an electrical motor) and an passive stimulus (a spring) is utilized, which decrease the needed power and energy, and in addition to walking mode can also support running mode up to 2.5m/s. Accordingly, The first stage of this article includes mechanical modeling of the ankle and evaluation of efficiency and power consumption in all presented models. Then the structure of Series Elastic Actuator differed with the previous structures is selected as the best combination.  In this opted structure, power and energy consumption is dramatically declined up to 58% and 26% in walking mode and 64% and 57% in running mode. Consequently, a lighter motor and battery can supply the required power, so the prosthesis chr('39')s weight is subtracted.
Esmaeel Khanmirza, Morteza Haghbeigi, Mohammad Farzan,
Volume 23, Issue 3 (3-2023)

Multi-robot path planning problem involves some challenges. One of them is the exponential increase in the size of the search space as a result of increasing the number of robots in the operating environment. Therefore, there is a need for algorithms with high computational performance to plan optimal and collision-free paths in a limited time. In this article, a centralized path planning algorithm is presented. The algorithm is a heuristic incremental search, in which the D* Lite algorithm has been adapted for the multi-robot case. The concept of occupancy time has been embedded into the environment model to avoid path interference. A centralized function has been designed to update the environment model and robot data. To evaluate the method, two groups of simulations of static and dynamic types were carried out. The static simulations focused on studying the effect of algorithm parameters, and it was shown that the algorithm can plan paths for up to 40 robots in an environment having 55 percent free space. The dynamic simulations were carried out in Gazebo, a real-time and dynamic physical simulator. The results were compared to a baseline method based on potential fields. The number of robots was increased to 14, and it was demonstrated that for 9 robots and more, the potential field approach either fails or has a rapid increase in computation time, while the proposed method can find feasible solutions in a limited time.
Sepideh Akbari, Mohammad Hadi Namdar Ghalati, Hamed Ghafarirad, Seyed Mehdi Rezaei,
Volume 23, Issue 4 (3-2023)

Pneumatic Soft bending actuators as safe and highly adaptable robots are being considered by researchers, such that they become an ideal choice for making devices that interact more with humans. These advantages come along with several disadvantages. Their great adaptability is provided by their high degrees of freedom, and consequently, it makes the modeling a significant challenge for researchers. In this paper, the modeling of a soft fiber-reinforced bending actuator that is in contact with the environment has been conducted by utilizing the finite rigid element method. This method provides a context within which the modeling theories of traditional rigid robots, such as the Denavit-Hartenberg method, become usable for a soft continuum actuator. Therefore, in the following, resorting to this theory, the static and dynamic behavior of a soft actuator under the effect of the external load has been investigated and compared with the empirical results derived from a fabricated actuator. The results show a minimum accuracy of 9 percent, although being as simple as can be used for other purposes like implementing control systems based on that.
Mehran Mahboubkhah, Farhad Khabazi Barab, Ali Fathi, Mohammda Hosein Alinaghipour,
Volume 23, Issue 5 (4-2023)

Fused deposition modeling (FDM) is one of the most common 3D printings technologies. Low cost and the ability to produce models using wide range of thermoplastic polymers, makes this process suitable for rapid prototyping and manufacturing some commercial parts. The manufacturing complicated parts and increasing their qualities are possible, using more than three degrees of freedom printers. In this paper, a 5-DOF 3D printer is introduced. The mechanism of this printer is 4-DOF parallel mechanism with one additional degree of freedom resulting from rotation of printer bed about Z-axis. In order to generate tool path for 5-DOF printer, a CAM software was developed with python. For controlling the printer, control software was designed based on open-source Repetier framework. Since original framework only supports 3-axis printers, source code needed to be changed such as extending source code to support 5-axis and adding mechanism inverse kinematics. By using this 5-Dof mechanism, the prints of complicated parts without using the support are possible.
Mehran Mahboubkhah, Mehdi Tayyari,
Volume 23, Issue 5 (4-2023)

Employing machine tools with more than three degrees of freedom, is one of the effective methods for increasing the flexibility and accuracy of the machining parts. The milling machines with parallel mechanisms and higher degrees of freedom, have great stiffness and flexibility and also have great capability in the machining of the complicated parts. The calibration of this type of device, allows for increasing the accuracy and repeatability of the produced parts. In this article, a 4DOF milling machine with a parallel mechanism is introduced and necessary tests are performed to detect the movement errors of its rails. Again, the movement errors of the device have been measured by means of a dial indicator on a fixed part of the device using a magnetic base for positioning and linear movement of the device, and the measurement of errors after calibration has shown that the errors of the device have been significantly reduced. And it has increased the accuracy of the movement axes of the milling machine. Furthermore, the straightness of the axes is measured using a dial indicator and the error compensations are done. It is shown that the straightness of each axis with the adjustment of limit switches are improved very well.
Reyhane Moradihaghighat, Mostafa Rostami, Mohammad Ali Ghasemi, Zohreh Meynoush Kohandani,
Volume 23, Issue 11 (11-2023)

The purpose of this study is to develop a new surgeon assistant device applicable in open spinal fusion surgery to improve the accuracy of the entry point for pedicle screw insertion position.

We developed a new device named Surgeon Assistant Pedicle Detector (SA_PeD). SA_PeD detects and shows the accurate entry point for pedicle screw insertion to the surgeon, by using preoperative planning, registration and tracking phases.

The tests were made by eight operators and each of them on five vertebrae with two holes. The results show that the average position error is 0.52±0.26mm. Repeatability and reproducibility of device is also reported which is impressive. The device is also independent of the operator and has same result for all operators.

Considering that maximizing the accuracy, increases costs exponentially, so the device is cost effective in comparison to other expensive robotic and navigation systems and greatly reduces the number of errors. The device also occupies little space in the operating room and is easy to learn for the surgeon to use it.
Morteza Haghbeigi, Esmaeel Khanmirza, Amir Hossein Davaie Markazi,
Volume 24, Issue 7 (6-2024)

The Artificial Potential Fields approach is amongst the widely used path planning methods in continuous environments. However, the implementation of it in multi-robot path planning encounters challenges such as the local-minima and an increase in traffic probability with the rise in the number of robots. The purpose of the proposed method is to improve multi-robot path planning in complex environments. A new adaptive potential function is introduced that reduces the probability of the robots entering an area at the same time and thus reducing the probability of traffic. Also, new potential functions have been proposed that lead to smoother paths with less traverse time when the robot encounters obstacles. In these functions, in addition to the position of robots and obstacles, heading of the robot and the position of the target are also considered. In order to evaluate this method, a distributed software architecture has been designed and implemented in the framework of the robot operating system. In this architecture, as robots move, new robots can join the operation or new tasks can be assigned to robots. Two series of real-time simulations are carried out in the Gazebo environment. The results show that the use of the proposed potential functions leads to a decrease in the convergence of the robots. In the simulation done for 2 robots, proposed method has resulted in a 35% reduction in the traversal time. While in case of 15 robots in the same map, a 50% reduction in the traversal time has been achieved.
Hadi Sazgar, Ali Keymasi-Khalaji,
Volume 24, Issue 10 (9-2024)

In many wheeled robot applications, in addition to accurate position control, dimensional and weight limitations are also important. The limitation of weight and dimensions means that it is not possible to use arbitrarily large actuators. On the other hand, accurate and fast tracking usually requires high control gains and, as a result, large control inputs. If the control input exceeds the saturation limit of the operator, in addition to increasing the tracking error, it may lead to robot instability in some cases. Therefore, it will be precious to provide a control method that can simultaneously provide high control accuracy and guarantee the robot's stability, taking into account the saturation limit of the actuators (speed and torque) in a predetermined manner. This issue has been addressed in the present study. The proposed control includes two parts: a kinematic controller and a dynamic controller. The kinematic control design is based on the Lyapunov approach, which can adjust the speed saturation limit of the actuators. For dynamic control, the robot velocity components are considered as control reference values ​​and the robot wheel torque is considered as control inputs. In the dynamic control design, the torque saturation limit of the actuators is included in a predetermined way. To evaluate the performance of the proposed nonlinear control, various analyses were performed on the wheeled robot. The results showed that the proposed control algorithm while guaranteeing stability and following the path with high accuracy, has also fully met the requirements of the actuators’ saturation limits

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