M. Zhaleh Rafati, A. Javadi , M. Taherinezhad, S.f. Chini,
Volume 19, Issue 2 (2-2019)
Controlling the gas turbine emissions has led the manufacturers to use new technologies. Nitrogen oxides (NOx) are one of the major pollutants of gas turbines with natural gas as fuel. Thermal NOx is the main cause of NOx formation in gas turbines at high temperatures. So, water injection can be useful in reducing the NOx emission. In addition to NOx reduction, water injection causes an increase in carbon monoxide emission and damage to combustion chamber. Therefore, it is desirable to find the optimum amount of water injected to the combustion chamber to meet the regulations. To find the optimal water mass flow rate, we numerically investigated the combustion inside the chamber for full load and part load before and after water injection. Then, the effect of water injection at different flow rates was studied to obtain optimal water flow rate. The results showed that for the full load, the optimal water flow rate was 100% of the fuel flow rate and the upstream pressure of the feed water system was 24.45 bar. For the part load (fuel flow rate equals to 75% of the full load), the optimum water injection rate is 80% of the fuel flow rate. In this case, the pressure required for water injection is about 16.5 bar. Results also show that the change in water temperature in the range of 10-80˚C has no significant effect on NOx formation and water can be injected at the ambient temperature.
N. Rajabi, M. Moghiman,
Volume 19, Issue 12 (12-2019)
Co-firing of biomass and fossil fuels in industrial furnaces is a suitable way to reduce the environmental impact from human activities, with acceptable investment. In this paper, the results of numerical simulation co-firing of sulfide concentrates and three auxiliary fuels including gasoil, kerosene and sawdust biomass are compared in the flash furnace copper smelting. For modeling of turbulent flow and combustion, RNG, k-ε model and probability density function model (pdf) have been used, respectively. This study has been carried out to investigate the furnace temperature and combustion pollutants distribution. The numerical simulation results show that the flame temperature resulting from the combustion of diesel fuel and sawdust as auxiliary fuel is the highest and lowest, respectively. In biomass combustion, despite that the flame temperature is low, but the NOx mass fraction increases because there is nitrogen in the sawdust chemical composition. Also in sawdust combustion that the oxygen content is high, the SO2 and SO3 sulfur pollutants increase in the high temperatures regions of the furnace and the lower temperature of the auxiliary fuel burner, respectively. Because SO2 is formed at high temperatures (> 1273K) and oxygen-rich and SO3 species is produced at relatively low temperatures with excess oxygen. The amount of CO emissions in sawdust combustion is much lower than the amount of combustion of diesel and oil.
M. Nozari, S. Tabejamaat, M. Aghayari, H. Sadeghzade,
Volume 20, Issue 7 (6-2020)
Combustion chamber has a crucial role in gas turbines and has a significant effect on the pollution and efficiency of them. Due to the complicated flow in combustion chambers because of high turbulence intensity, flow mixing, and flame behavior, prediction of the performance of such chambers is very complicated. There is a vital need for experimental investigations to study and understand the flame behavior in combustors. This experimental study was performed using a can type combustion chamber and LPG fuel at atmospheric conditions. First, stability curve, temperature distribution in the combustion chamber, and its exit plane in 6 flow conditions and then flow behavior were evaluated. The pollution at the outlet was obtained in different conditions and equivalence ratios. The results show that the flame tends to go downstream of the combustion chamber when the fuel mass flow rate increases (or in other words, by increasing the equivalence ratio) in constant air mass flow rate and finally exits from the chamber. By increasing the air mass flow rate in constant fuel mass flow rate, CO pollution is increased, and NOx pollution is decreased.
Ali Zargarbashi, Sadegh Tabejamaat, Soroush Sarrafan Sadeghi, Soroush Sheykhbaglou,
Volume 20, Issue 12 (11-2020)
In this paper, the experimental study of partially premixed combustion of methane and oxygen in a 5 mm mesoscale quartz reactor with 1 mm wall thickness and 5, 10, and 15 cm lengths. The partially premixed for 25%, 50%, and 75% mixing ratios paid. Experimental results including the factor of affecting flame regimes, formation range, flame dynamics, the outer wall temperature distribution of the reactor had been analyzing and reporting. The above tests were performing in an asymmetrically centered cylinder combustion chamber and a laminar flow regime. In most partial pre-mixing combustion experiments, the oscillation regime, which had an optimal heat distribution throughout the reactor, had been observed. The flame dynamics were more effect by changes in mixing ratio, reactor length, oxygen flow rate, and finally fuel flow rate (equivalence ratio). Also observed that by increasing the reactor length due to the appropriate time for homogenization of the mixture, differences in the flame formation interval were reducing in the different ratios of the pre-mixes.
Mehrdad Kiani, Ali Akbar Abbasian Arani, Ehsan Houshfar, Mehdi Ashjaee,
Volume 24, Issue 3 (2-2024)
The great attention and interest of researchers to use ammonia in combustion systems as a carbon-free fuel for gas turbines, as well as the existence of developed infrastructure for its production, show the importance of present fuel and this issue. In addition, one of the best candidates for storing renewable energies on large scales or transporting them for long distances is doubtlessly Ammonia (NH3). In gas turbines and boilers, adding landfill gas improve NH3 reactivity effectively. The present effort studies NH3/landfill mixtures’ laminar flame propagation from 1 to 10 atm in an 11-liter constant volume combustion chamber using experimental approaches such as Mach-Zehnder and Schlieren interferometry method. The numerical study was performed using the Ansys Chemkin-Pro package via San Diego, Okafor, and GRI-Mech 3.0 mechanisms which can provide very accurate predictions for laminar burning velocities. The results indicated that the most considerable influence on increasing laminar burning velocities could be attributed to Ammonia concentration in the mixture. The experiments also showed that laminar burning velocity is reduced when the pressure is increased.
Mohammad Younesi, Hojat Ghassemi,
Volume 24, Issue 6 (5-2024)
At the outlet of a converging nozzle connected to a high-pressure gas source, based on its input pressure, an under-expanded and ultrasonic flow is created, accompanied by a shock wave. A simple design of the Hartmann-Sprenger resonance tube device is made by placing a closed-end tube in front of this converging nozzle. The impact of the shock wave and nozzle outflow jet on the tube causes intense heating in the trapped gas inside the tube. This research investigated the functional cycle of the resonance tube and the fluctuating nature of the flow inside it. The main parameters of the problem in the form of the inlet pressure to the nozzle and the distance between the tube and the nozzle, the determination and the effect of changing their value on the fluctuating performance of the flow inside the tube, and the fluctuations of the pressure at the end of the tube were shown. The dominant frequencies of these oscillations were determined and shown that in the range of input pressure from one to ten bar, the range of dominant frequencies is between 600 and 933 Hz, which are slightly different from the resonant frequency of the tube. The intensification of oscillations and dominant frequencies can only be seen in a certain number of values of the main parameters, and the intended heating is created only in these conditions.
Shahaboddin Kharazmi, Fazel Fereydunian,
Volume 24, Issue 9 (8-2024)
The task of the intake air manifold of gasoline engines is to transfer air, crankcase vapors, blow-by flow, fuel tank vapors, and fuel injected into the passages of the engine cylinder head. This part must be designed in such a way that it can supply the air needed by the car engine in different conditions of its operation with the lowest pressure drop and speed and distribute it equally between the engine cylinders in terms of flow rate and air-fuel ratio. Also, the mixing of oil vapors, blow-by flow and gasoline vapors of the engine is done in it and distributed equally between different cylinders. To achieve this goal, the air manifold needs to be designed in the most optimal way. In this research, the EC5 engine has been examined. The intended engine is designed and simulated in GT-SUITE software and the desired information for this modeling is practically extracted. The model designed in the software has been validated using experimental results. Then, using the desired model, the resonance volume in the air manifold has been investigated. Two engine models have been designed and compared using resonant volume and without using resonant volume in the inlet air manifold. The results of this comparison show that the engine with resonance volume had an increase in power of about 10 kW at engine speed of 6000 rpm
Aref Sohrabi, Seyyed Mahdi Mirsajedi,
Volume 24, Issue 12 (11-2024)
This study investigates the combustion of hydrogen-methane mixtures in the annular combustion chamber of a C30 microturbine. The primary objective is to evaluate the impact of premixed methane-hydrogen combustion on pollutant emissions and outlet temperature in an annular combustion chamber. Simulations were performed using a partially premixed combustion model and the k-ε turbulence model, employing the Probability Density Function (PDF) approach for chemical reaction modeling. To ensure a detailed analysis of pollutant emissions, comparisons were conducted at a constant turbine inlet temperature. The results indicate that adding hydrogen to methane increases NOx emissions due to the higher flame temperature compared to pure methane, even at constant turbine inlet temperatures. However, this blend can reduce fuel consumption by up to 35%. Additionally, a fuel mixture of 60% methane and 40% hydrogen results in a 61% reduction in CO2 emissions. The study further revealed that, owing to the premixed nature of the fuel-air mixture, the annular geometry, and the swirling flow pattern within the combustion chamber, a fuel blend containing 30% hydrogen can lower NOx emissions to 16.1 ppm—significantly less than the 46 ppm reported in previous studies. Moreover, increasing the hydrogen fraction in the fuel reduced CO emissions by 16%. These findings demonstrate that annular combustion chambers with premixed flows and hydrogen-methane fuel blends have considerable potential for reducing pollutant emissions and optimizing fuel consumption