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Volume 1, Issue 1 (spring 2020)
The item of livability is one of the closest concepts to the quality of life that through it an ideal environmental society can be estimated. Therefore, any increasing or decreasing in the amount of livability is a means to evaluate staying inhabitants in the neighborhoods, regions, and cities. Also, it is a measurement for estimating the quality of life. While the city is developing, at the same time, all its traditional, new and periphery neighborhoods are facing to variety of physical, cultural, etc changes. So, due to existence of some challenging issues and necessity of livability to inhabitants, this needs to be assessed. In this study, three different neighborhoods including Haji, Etemadieh, and Mazdaghineh are investigated. It is interesting that all of them situated in 2 region municipality in Hamedan. There would be four components including physical-spatial, social-cultural, economic, and environmental items. The analytical-comparative methodology is used and in order to data analyzing and final evaluations, SPSS 19 and Expert Choice 10 technique is implemented and finally AHP method is used. To gather data observing, completion questionaires by residetial neighborhood and interviews with experts are used. Final results exhibited that the amount of livability in the neighborhood of Etemadieh is the most, nearly 0.431 points, and Haji and Mazdaghineh respectively are the second and the third livability neighborhoods with 0.322 and 0.246 points. The physical and economic components in Haji neighborhood are more favorable than other neighborhoods, but the social component in Mazdaqineh neighborhood is superior to the other two neighborhoods. The Etemadiyeh neighborhood is also a priority in the environmental component over other neighborhoods.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (spring 2020)
According to the development of Tehran and the joint of many rural contexts surrounding it, urban-rural contexts with special ecological and social conditions constitute a major part of Tehran. While the ecological and social qualities of these contexts are exposed to destruction, on the other hand, urban facilities and services are not properly received. The dominance of ecological, physical, social, and economic problems in these contexts requires the comprehensive plan to sustainable urban regeneration. This study aims to formulate the conceptual framework for sustainable urban regeneration in order to improve the quality of life and solving (social, economic, and environmental) problems in these contexts. Also, in order to make an equilibrium between development and environmental conservation and attention to the ecological nature of urban-rural contexts, the green network approach has been chosen to formulate the conceptual framework. This study is based on library studies, through qualitative content analysis on sustainable urban regeneration and green network, sustainable urban regeneration goals and green network design policies have been extracted. In conceptual framework, green network has been used as tools to create identity and sense of place, local economy, linkage and connections, multiple functions, placemaking and spatial arrangement of public and green space, climate compatible development, ecological integrity for landscape, compatible design with environment in multi-level of urban, neighborhood, green network and components of green network.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (spring 2020)
Aims: The border areas are the most deprived ones due to their remoteness from the capital and marginality. Therefore, border development is essential. This development can be realized through establishment of custom and border marketplaces, which will provide convenient shopping and leisure facilities, along with other infrastructures for importing and exporting goods, as well as entrance and departure of passengers. The goal of the present study was to develop a conceptual model for designing customs and border marketplaces.
Participants & Methods: This qualitative study has been conducted in two steps. In the first step, the design qualities of border marketplaces were extracted based on theoretical literature and were evaluated by a semi-structured interview with 10 participants by using snowball methods. In the next step, the theoretical model was developed by a questionnaire, based on the principles of the Delphi method with the help of 10 experts in the field of design sciences.
Findings: The results indicate that some approaches such as urban tourism, passive defense, city branding, and urban design are effective in developing the border areas.
Conclusion: A conceptual model including economic, social, legal and physical dimensions with an emphasize on some principles such as passive defense, accessibility, variety, inclusiveness, vitality, infrastructures, legibility, identity and local architecture, context-museum, sustainability, visual character, continuity and coherence, compatibility with nature and environmental cleanliness, can be used by urban planners and designers in the development of border areas.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (spring 2020)
Forming urban heat islands is a serious challenge of the present age and a concern of academic communities. Attention to this issue has increased tremendously in scientific articles and researches, particularly in the last decade. With regard to the importance of the issue, the aim of this study is to form a systematic review and thematic analysis of articles and other researches in this field. Moreover, the content of the key articles was analyzed and the most important factors affecting the formation of urban heat islands were represented in a diagram and each of them was analyzed separately. As examined, urban heat islands are affected by climatic and urban construction factors. The climatic factors include sunlight, wind speed and direction, cloud cover, soil moisture, air humidity, precipitation, latitude, seasonal topographic variations, and the proximity to the river and the sea. Although these factors are almost uncontrollable in the existing cities, they have enormous importance for deciding new towns location and making the decision for city development direction. The second group of factors mainly related to the design of cities is controllable. Among these factors, the most important one is the amount and quality of vegetation in the city. Other factors such as land use, urban density, type of materials used on the facade of the buildings and streets, form and geometry of the city, and also transportation mode could influence the intensity and extent of urban heat islands.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (Winter 2021)
In this paper, we will try to reconstruct Hegel’s logic and metaphysics through modern logic. Graham Priest has claimed that we can read Hegel’s logic with the paraconsistent approach to logic, specially Dialetheism; he calls Hegel a Dialetheist. At first, we report Priest’s account of Hegel’s dialectic and his notion of dialectical contradiction; also, we try to analyze Priest’s argument for calling Hegel a Dialetheist. To achieve the proper comparison between Hegel’s logic and Dialetic one, we explain, non-technically, the simple semantics of a Dialetic logic. Furthermore, finally, we establish a criticism of Priest’s account to reopen the question about Hegel’s being Dialetheist.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (Winter 2021)
Athir al-Dīn al-Abharī was the only Avicennan logician who denied the validity of conditional syllogism. He was also the first who doubted in the validity of conversion and contraposition of conditionals and dispensed with them. In the contemporary era, after 1968, some logical consequence systems have evolved under the title ‘Conditional Logic’, which rejected the validity of the same rules. A similarity between al-Abharī’s system and these contemporary’s is in their commitment to Modus Ponens and Modus Tollens. Analyzing the reasons that the two groups provided for denying conditional syllogism reveals that their rejections were rooted in their novel interpretations of ‘strict conditional’. On al-Abjarī’s view, the strict conditional ‘whenever A then B’ means that ‘A implies B in all assumptions in which the implication between A and B is possible’. On the contemporary conditional logicians’ view, the conditional proposition ‘if A then B’ in natural languages means that ‘other things being equal, A implies B’. The two interpretations are common in the fact that in addition to the assumption of antecedent, they both assume matters which are somehow related to the antecedent, and this is the common root for both groups to deny the validity of conditional syllogism.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (Winter 2021)
According to Avicenna's theory of knowledge, intellectual knowledge in human beings is explained via the inherence of intelligible forms in the soul. In this paper, I will show that the inherence of intelligible forms in the soul is at odds with the soul's immateriality.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (Spring 2021)
One of the most important issues in the reference section of the philosophy of language is the sense of the proper names. Two main figures in this discussion are Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege and John Stuart Mill. Frege has posed several puzzles against Mill's view. One of the puzzles is the puzzle of the belief context. the puzzle of the belief context implies that Mill's view of proper names is incorrect because it entails an account of the Substitution Principle (S) which is the origin of contradiction in the belief context. (S) is accounted in two ways. Frege shows in his puzzle that S1 is responsible for contradiction in belief context. Since Mill’s view entails S1, it is responsible for contradiction. But if Frege’s view of proper names is accepted, since the referent of proper names in belief context is identical with the sense of proper name in ordinal context, S2 which is more intuitive than S1 is not violated in any context. Kripke, a prominent advocate of Millie's view, shows the puzzle of the belief context can be reproduced even if Frege's view of the sense of the proper names is accepted. He designs his first puzzle by two intuitionally true principles (Disquotation and Translation), and designs his second puzzle by only Disquotation Principle. David Sosa, a proponent of Frege's view, claims that He has been able to revive Frege's puzzle against Mill, which Kripke believes he was able to neutralize with two similar puzzles. On his opinion, intuitionally true Hermeneutic principle is violated in the context of belief only if Millian view is accepted. In this paper, after explaining Sosa's proposal, a concern have been proposed about it. The concern is related to the analytical nature of line 7 of Frege’s puzzle, line of 8 of Kripke’s first puzzle, and line of 7 of Kripke’s second puzzle. Sosa believes that these lines are analytic. Nevertheless, according to the scenario of puzzles, being analytic of these lines is not clear. Because of this unclarity, Steinberg claims that these lines are responsible for contradiction.
Volume 1, Issue 3 (Summer 2021)
In the philosophy of religion, Divine Agency has been related to how God does his action in the human world and the physical world. Polkinghorne has presented a particular method to answer this question. His theological approach has been a combination of Classical Theology and Process Theology. On the one hand, he has said that the God defined in Classical Theology is too unavailable, and on the other hand, he has criticized the Process approach to God. Polkinghorne has established that Epistemology is equal to Ontology, and based on this fact, he has explained his Critical Realism. In his view, the guaranty of reality is not to understand it but is its objectivity. Uncertain situations in Modern Physics presented in Einsteinian Relativity, Quantum Theory, and Chaos Theory is the main areas Polkinghorne has constructed his specific theory about Divine Agency on them.
Volume 1, Issue 3 (Summer 2021)
Throughout the texts of contemporary logicians, it has been explicitly or implicitly stated that the division of propositions into actuality, mental and factual, has no effect on logical syllogisms. In the following text, first, by analyzing the opinions of contemporaries on the division of propositions into actuality, mental and factual, the differences and similarities of the opinions in this regard have been identified. Then we examine the position of the conditional's quantifier and its effect on the conditions of conditional-categorical syllogisms (conjunctive or exceptive) in the opinions of contemporary logicians. In the final step and based on the conditions of conditional-categorical syllogisms (conjunctive or exceptive), we have shown that some of the moods that most contemporaries have declared to be valid have counter-examples, and only with the factual of the categorical premises in all situations and for all samples will result.
Volume 1, Issue 3 (Summer 2021)
Even today, Sheikh Eshraq's cryptic stories can be a great guide to us. In the sense that they can make human beings and show us the world around them. Because Sheikh in these stories regularly seek to represent the hierarchy of the universe and the position of the human in his proof that the human soul was the abstract light that originated in the set of existence. But the material body that belongs from the sacred universe has fallen to the darkness of the material universe, and it has been captured there. Then happiness comes back to its original itself. So, to identify more the main place soul of human speech in these cryptic stories, he has arranged the quadruple hierarchy of the universe based on the problem of the sulk and love between lights in the form of secret and the form of detailed that consist of universe wisdom, universe egos, objects, and purgatory universe and example universe among these factors Sheikh Eshraq emphasized the universe or imagination. It is the storytelling scene of his cryptic.
Volume 1, Issue 4 (Fall 2019)
Administrative political decentralization, the move towards political development and the management of geographic space are one of the main concerns of governmental systems in developing countries in general and in Iran in particular to achieve democracy. Such a decentralization follows a special approach to the geographic (Natural human) characteristics of each country as well as the type of administrative political system that governs it. However, the most important regional geopolitical decentralization in each independent political unit is the local government. Local governments play an effective role in optimizing the management of human habitats with the knowledge of geographical areas and human rights. Therefore, the present research seeks to answer the following questions: What are the effective elements in the formation of an effective local government in Iran? The method of this research was descriptive- analytic, which has been done by studying high-handed documents and rules in Iran, as well as studying the human-natural characteristics of Iran to identify the indices and elements effective in the formation of an efficient local government. Findings of the research indicate that the decentralization and delegated powers to non-central places and the distribution of power at the geographical level are scattered in some of the laws and documents of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Volume 1, Issue 4 (Fall 2021)
Discovering the differences between the various systems of modal logics was one of the advantages of inventing Kripke semantics. One of the most obvious examples is interpreting the necessity of provability in provability logic. According to Boolos in The Logic of Provability, by discovering this logic, we can say that the understanding of new issues in the field of argument was opened. In this paper, with a formal approach and with a descriptive-analytical and comparative method, the axiomatic propositional systems of the GL, Grz, and H, and their possible world semantics based on Kripke semantics are studied, as well as the sequent calculus of GL (in Peano arithmetic) and GLS (in the standard model) were introduced. Finally, the meta-theorems of soundness, consistency, and completeness of the GL were interpreted and proved.
Volume 2, Issue 1 (Number 1 - 2000)
A study was carried out to determine whether naturally-occurring weeds and other
cultivated plants in tomato growing regions could act as symptomless reservoirs of
infection to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici. A numher of F. oxysporum isolates
from weeds and oubergines were used in this investigation. A susceptible tomato
cultivar was used for comparison. The plants were artificially inoculated at the five to
six leaf stage by root dip method. Only tomato showed wilt symptoms and died three
weeks after inoculation. These isolates were identified as F. o. f. sp. lycopersici. Weeds
including Amaranthus retroflexus, Amaranthus. sp., Chenopodium album, and aubergines
were colonized to various degrees and determined as symptomless carriers. Therefore,
in infested areas, aubergines should not be rotated consecutively with tomatoes and
proper measures should be adopted to control the weeds.
Volume 2, Issue 1 (Number 1 - 2000)
This experiment was carried out to study the effect of sodium chloride from
drinking water and feed intake on the quality of egs from laying hens. Four hundred
and twenty native and white leghorn laying hens ranging from 36 to 43 weeks of age
were used. Seven experimental treatments containing different levels of salt supplied
by feed and/or drinking water were compared. Increasing salt intake by the addition of
NaCI to drinking water or feed intake reduced shell thickness, shell ash and increased,
the number of damaged eggs. Shell calcium was not affected hy added salt, however,
the addition of salt to the food reduced shell-breaking strength. Breed differences
influenced the traits studied, except for shell percentage and shell calcium. Sodium
chloride intake from drinking water was more effective in reducing shell quality than
salt from food.
Volume 2, Issue 1 (Number 1 - 2000)
The percentage of urediniospore germination of two isolates of yellow rust {Puccinia
striiformis f. sp. tritici) namely, WYR 69/10 |Race 104E 137(1)] and isolate WYR 79/4
|Race 41E 139 (4)], was studied at various temperatues between 5-20°C on agar and
the adaxial surface of detached leaves on a layer of benzimidazole agar. Four
replicates for five temperature treatments were arranged as a preliminary
investigation to find the most appropriate temperature for the subsequent comparison
of spore germination on the host material under investigation. Mean percentage
values were analysed separately and the levels of urediniospore germination at
different temperatures were compared using analysis of variance and Student-
Newman-Keuls techniques. Spore germination of both isolates was high over the
temperature range 5-10°C, but dropped significantly at 15-20°C . At the cooler
temperatures 5° , 7.5° and 10°C , isolate WYR 69/10 consistently germinated at a
higher level than isolate WYR 79/4 , whereas at 20°C, the latter isolate gave the
highest figures. This observation indicates that both isolates germinated most
effectively at 10°C on agar and detached leaves.
Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2016)
: Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is an autoimmune disease characterized by selective destruction of pancreatic beta cells.
The study included 80 children, 20 of them have T1DM, 40 children were selected from first degree relatives to the same child and 20 healthy children serve as control. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated, random blood glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin A1c (GHbA1c) were measured. The following biochemical markers were measured in sera of all subjects by ELISA kits: Human insulin ,C-peptide, human islet cell antibody (ICA), insulin auto antibodies (IAA) and antiglutamic acid decarboxylase (anti-GAD) antibodies.
: This study showed that diabetic children had high level of ICA (65%), IAA (55%), anti-GAD antibodies (50%) and decrease in C-peptide (60%). Whereas the relatives showed high level of anti-GAD antibodies (30%), IAA(25%), ICA(2.5) and decrease in C-peptide (30%). Anti-GAD antibodies were significantly higher among the relatives of the diabetics compared to the healthy controls.
: The strongest predictors of diabetes were C- peptide and islets cell antibodies, which had odd ratio 4.7 and 3.1, respectively. Autoantibodies could distinguish T1DM patients from healthy control subjects and they may also identify individuals at high risk during progression from pre-diabetes to overt disease.
Volume 2, Issue 1 (Winter 2022)
Challenging the entire western philosophical tradition, which in his opinion has caused useless theoretical dualisms throughout the history of philosophy, Rorty wants to attempt to deconstruct and eliminate these dualisms in the context of "redemptive literary culture". By creating a dividing line between the private and public spheres, Rorty wants to specify the contribution and involvement of philosophers in presenting theoretical and philosophical views and to say that the political sphere does not need to acquire foundations from the individual criteria of the private sphere. It is as if Rorty wants to prevent the philosopher's ambitions and interference with theorizing by reducing philosophy to literature. In fact, he believes in the distinction between private and public spheres or politics, the philosopher's tool is imagination and his intellectual sphere is literary culture and his place is the private sphere. Assuming the acceptance of pragmatic criteria, doesn't this division of a person in two completely different areas make him a dual personality? Can this intellectual stance be reasonable and acceptable?
Volume 2, Issue 2 (Number 2 - 2000)
The purpose of the study was to identify and prioritize the educational needs and
support needed by agricultural extension agents in Isfahan, Islamic Republic of Iran.
The target population for the study consisted of S3 agricultural extension agents in
Isfahan province. Census population were used therefore, sampling procedures were
not utilized and genera I izability of the results was limited to study population. Results
indicate the five most highly ranked items on educational needs of extension agents
were: extension philosophy, instructional technology, innovation and adoption process,
adult education, and extension methods. Respondents indicated that the major
support needed were availability of subject matter specialists to help them with their
technical and communication methods.
Volume 2, Issue 2 (Number 2 - 2000)
Cabbage leaf miner Scaptomyza flava (Fallen) (l)iptera: Drosophilidae) is a native
and oligophagous leaf miner insect on cruciferous plants (Brassicaceae). It occurs in
many parts of the world and throughout Khuzestan. The relationship between feeding
and ovipositional preferences of insect, and host plant suitability on seven host plant
species (cauliflower Brassica oleracea var. botryds, green cabbage B. oleracea var.
capitata, hedge mustard Sisymbrium officinale, brussels sprout B. oleracea var.
germmifers, turnip Brassica rapa, cucumber Cucumis mtivits, wheat Triticum aestivum
and rice Oryza saliva) was evaluated. Ovipositional preference of 5. flava was
determined by measuring feeding punctures and egg density after ndult female flies
were given a simultaneous choice and non-choice of all host plants for feeding and
oviposition. Studies were performed under greenhouse conditions. The experimental
design was a randomized complete block one with 8 treatments and 5 replications of
each treatment. S. jlava showed distinct hierarchical ordering in its ovipositional
preference, with turnip, green cabbage, and hedge mustard being preferred over all
others. Approximately 1.05 and 5.8 times more eggs were deposited on green cabbage
than on turnip and cauliflower respectively. When the percentage of punctures with
eggs was calculated for each species, cauliflower had by far the highest value at 10%
and 19.7% in choice and non-choice tests respectively. For all other species on which
eggs were laid it was less than half this. In non-choice tests, females laid more eggs on
green cabbage and turnip than other brassicas.