Showing 85 results for Abdollahi
Volume 0, Issue 2 (8-2011)
The relationship between topography, soil factors, and distribution of ecological vegetation groups in the Nodoushan arid rangelands of Yazd province (Iran) was investigated. The present species were recorded in each vegetation group using a randomized-systematic sampling method. Plant cover and density were estimated quantitatively using the transect and quadrate methods, and the two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN), after which vegetation was classified into different groups. Soil samples were taken from 0–30 cm in each quadrat. In each vegetation group, 20 environmental variables including altitude, slope, aspect, percentage of bare rock, grazing intensity, percentage of gravel, soluble ions (Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+), total nitrogen, organic matter, lime, gypsum, EC, pH, and percentage of sand, silt and clay were measured. Multivariate techniques including detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) were used to analyze the collected data. The results showed that the vegetation distribution was related to elevation, slope, and soil characteristics such as texture, organic matter, gypsum, acidity, lime, and gravity percentage.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2014)
Processing efficiency of rainbow trout, amounts of by-products and their nutritional value as well as some correlations between whole fish weight and products yield were evaluated. Results showed that efficiency decreased up to 87.56 ± 3.43% for gutted fish and it reached up to 56.69 ± 3.26% and 45.36 ± 2.37% for skined on and skinless fillets, respectively. The highest amounts of by-product were related to head and viscera which were 15.52 ± 2.00% and 12.62 ± 2.61% of body weight, respectively. A significant negative correlation was found between fish weight and head weight percentage (P<0.01). Also, the yield of headed and gutted product increased significantly by increase in fish weight (P<0.01). Among by-products, viscera and head were the richest sources of fat (17.4 and 13.0 % of wet weight) and skin contained the highest amount of protein (24.1% of wet weight). Moreover, a significant presence of the most important and health benficial omega-3 fatty acids was detected in both head and viscera. Viscera and bone were also found as rich source of iron mineral.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (Fall 2022)
Non-epistemic values in scientific reasoning bring many discussions. One way to justify the role of these values is the argument from inductive risk. The aim of this article is to examine a version of this argument that is presented by Douglas. By raising the question about "evidential sufficiency", Douglas advances her argument to justify the influence of non-epistemic values. Assuming the correctness of Douglas' argument, we try to determine the answer of "evidential sufficiency" based on the conclusion of her argument. Even considering both epistemic and non-epistemic values, we will show that the question of sufficiency will not have a proper answer. Because to determine evidential sufficiency, we will either confront circularity or force to add other ambiguous things. Also, we will explain that Douglas should have sought the "evidential sufficiency" by emphasizing more on the practice of scientists in actuality, in which there is no requirement to incorporate scientific claims with policy-making claims. This criticism is sympathetic to some other criticisms of Douglas, according to which she incorporated pragmatic and epistemic domains of science.
Volume 2, Issue 7 (Autumn 2021)
Volunteers are an organization's most complete human resource to hold a successful sporting event. Maintaining a volunteer workforce and motivating volunteers to continue their activities is one of the most important tasks of sporting event managers. This study aimed to investigate how volunteers' involvement in the 14th Sports Olympiad for University Students in Iran affected their behavior. For this purpose, 157 volunteers present at the 14th Sports Olympiad for University Students in Iran were randomly selected as the research sample. Researchers collected data using the Zitsmal et al. (1996) Modified Scale of Behavioral Intentions, Doherty's community involvement scale (2009), and Zaichkowsky's Event Involvement Questionnaire (1994). In order to test the hypotheses, structural equation modeling was used. The results showed that the measurement model has appropriate internal consistency, convergent validity and Discriminant validity. It was confirmed that all variables used in the study were accurate. In the structural model results, the index for determining the coefficient of behavioral intentions was 0.44. Showed that social participation and event participation had a moderate and positive correlation with each other (0.40), and community involvement and event involvement, respectively, with path coefficients of 0.45 and 0.34, had an effect on behavioral intentions, so it can be concluded that understanding the psychological and behavioral aspects of volunteers, such as types of involvement, helps sports organizations in attracting volunteers. In this way, they can maximize the willingness of volunteers to involvement in the future.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (Winter 2023)
Based on the interaction between science and religion, Nancy Murphy turns to a special version of non-transitive physicalism that uses empirical science, physicalism, and the Bible to formulate her holistic physicalism; A middle position between essential dualism and illusionism that defines humans as spiritual beings and hides the problem of the mind within it. Murphy brings the soul into holistic physicalism with his theological assumptions and not with scientific evidence and philosophical arguments. The distinguishing feature of non-transmission physicalism from transmission physicalism is the attention to the explanatory gap in the issue of "supervenience". Holistic physicalism has not filled this gap and has only changed the form of the problem from explaining the relationship between human parts to explaining the relationship between human dimensions. Therefore, combining the universal and weak perceptions of supervenience, along with the positive and negative teachings of holistic physicalism, that is, the use of pure holistic physicalism and avoiding introducing theological presuppositions in a philosophical theory, can be used to solve the problem.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2013)
Error management culture is emerging concept which facilitates transferring and sharing the knowledge which obtained from organizational errors among employees and organizational units. This culture leads to improve learning processes among organizational units which denotes the concept of absorptive capacity. Knowledge gained from errors leads to improve organizational innovation which upgrade long-term organizational performance. This study examined the relationship between error management culture and organizational performance with consideration of the absorptive capacity role and innovative performance. All managers of pharmaceutical companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange were selected as statistical society for this survey. Hypotheses were tested based on 153 collected questionnaires by structural equation modeling and regression analysis. Findings prove a positive relationship between variables. Absorptive capacity and innovative performance play the roles of mediators between error management culture and organizational performance.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (Spring 2023)
According to conciliationist (reductionist) argumentations in epistemology of disagreement, disagreement with an epistemic peer, due to epistemic symmetry, reduces the confidence in the justification. But many religious believers are not willing to take the existence of epistemic peer disagreement. They think that they have different evidence for their religious beliefs and, hence, aren’t really epistemic peers with their opponents. They present private evidence, especially religious experiences, as a symmetry breaker. For this reason, some reductionists have argued to defend the reductionist position. In this article, we examine the responses of the reductionists to this challenge. In one of these answers, it is added an “alternative explanation or story” to the conditions of epistemic peer and claimed that the true epistemic peer under full disclosure should takes into account private evidences or experiences and gives a good story or explanation about why such experiences aren’t as efficacious as the religious person might think. We show that the “alternative explanation” presented by reductionists is not readily available in the most of the religious disagreements.
Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2017)
Background: Enterobious vermicularis (E. vermicularis) is one the most common parasitic infection among children.
Objectives: The present study aimed to determine the prevalence rate of enterobiasis among preschool children in Mazandaran province, northern Iran.
Materials and Methods: In this cross–sectional study, 653 preschool children were recruited via the cluster sampling method during April 2013 to Feb 2014. A questionnaire was administrated to parents by an interviewer and determined children’s socio-demographic characteristics, personal hygiene, and healthy behaviors. The Graham technique was applied for diagnosis. Data were analyzed using logistic regression model and chi-square test.
Results: In a total of 653 examined subjects, the prevalence rate of E. vermicularis was 19.4%, among which 40.9% were male, and 59.1% were female. The highest and lowest prevalence rates of E. vermicularis were found in Neka (61.4%) and Tonekabon (1.6%) districts, respectively. A significant association was found between infection and residency, parental occupations, parental education, number of family members, changing underwear, sterilization of linen clothing, taking daily bath, boiling or ironing clothes.
Conclusions: The high prevalence rate of E. vermicularis infection in this study proves the stability status of enterobiasis in this area, posing a risk for children there. Systematic control of infection in children is proposed.
Volume 3, Issue 4 (Fall 2023)
I examine the characteristics and justifications of rational disagreement in science. It explores the relationship between the justification of rational disagreement in science and the justification of rational disagreement in the epistemology of disagreement, specifically religious disagreement. In this regard, I focus on the views of two famous philosophers of science from the second half of the 20th century, namely Thomas Kuhn and Paul Feyerabend. The views of these two philosophers on rational disagreement in science can be seen as significant, concrete, and tangible examples of the main approaches in the epistemology of (religious) disagreement, in which rational religious disagreement is justified. I bring together insights from both epistemology and philosophy of science and show reflection on disagreement in science can improve our intuitive understanding of rational disagreement in epistemology. To better understand the existing approaches in epistemology, I utilize intuitive ideas found in rational disagreement in science.
Volume 4, Issue 2 (12-2016)
Time is an abstract concept standing beside others such as the location and human. Time, in human experience, has two aspects of outer time and inner time. The outer time is indeed that real time which the human being is unable to change its circumstances, while the inner time is the creation of the man’s mind. The present research deals with the examination of the concept of time in the poems of Mahmoud Darwish and Gheisar Aminpour so as to specify the utilization of the time element by these two poets.
This article, at first, has set to define the time lexically and the main opinions stated about time .Then, presenting a definition of outer time and inner time, it studies the thoughts of these two poets on the element of time. This research shows that Mahmoud Darwish and Gheisar Aminpour, for achieving eternity and escape from death, have had recourse to modes like return to past, myth and love, indicating the common view of these two poets on the element of time.
Volume 4, Issue 3 (9-2015)
Application of antagonistic agents in the rhizosphere of plants is an important approach in control of soil-borne pathogens. Establishment and persistence of biocontrol agents in the soil is a major concern in biological control. This study aimed to determine the effect of plant debris of oak forests on activity of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Trichoderma vierns against Meloidogyne javanica in tomato in green house conditions. In different treatments, both or one of the bioagents were applied to the soil inoculated with M. javanica and amended or unamended with oak plant debris. Based on the results, the growth–related factors of tomato improved in those treatments, in which plant debris were mixed with the soil. In case of nematode-related factors, the number of galls on roots decreased significantly in pots amended with plant debris. Maximum reduction in reproduction factor was observed in treatments with one or both of the biocontrol agents. In comparison to unamended treatments, the rate of reduction in root gall was 56.3% for treatments receiving T. virens and maximum increase in dry weight of root was observed in soils treated with P. fluorescens or T. virens, 68.2% and 56.1%, respectively.
Volume 4, Issue 3 (9-2015)
Biological and demographic parameters of the mealybug ladybird, Cryptolaemus montrouzieri (Mulsant) were evaluated on citrus mealybug, Planococcus citri (Risso) and obscure mealybug, Pseudococcus viburni (Signoret) under 24 ± 2 ºC, 80 ± 5% relative humidity and a photoperiod of 16:8 (L: D) h. The mealybugs had a significant effect on developmental time and reproductive and demographic parameters of the ladybird. Life span (egg to adult death) was obtained 220.85 ± 5.78 and 119.44 ± 2.1 days when fed on Pl. citri and Ps. viburni, respectively. However, mean number of eggs per female (fecundity) and mean percent of egg hatching were significantly higher on Ps. viburni than on Pl. citri. In addition, values of intrinsic rate of increase (rm), finite rate of increase (λ) andnet reproductive rate (R0) were significantly higher on Ps. viburni than on Pl. citri.The values of intrinsic rate of increase were estimated 0.081and 0.094 day-1 on Pl. citri and Ps. viburni, respectively. Results of this study suggested that the obscure mealybug is a more suitable prey than the citrus mealybug as the ladybird displayed shorter developmental time, and higher fecundity and growth rate when fed with obscure mealybug.
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2015)
In this study an agar/gelatin bilayer film was produced from agar and gelatin monolayers using the casting method in two phases. Then, the characteristics of this bilayer film, including water vapor permeability (WVP), water solubility, water absorption, mechanical and optical properties were compared with those of monolayer films. The results showed that WVP of the bilayer film (3.25×10-10 g/msPa) was significantly lower than the agar (3.90 × 10-10 g/msPa), and gelatin (4/32×10-10 g/msPa). Absorption of UV light by bilayer film was significantly higher than the single-layer agar and gelatin films. Although the tensile strength of the bilayer film (10.8 MPa) was higher than the single-layer gelatin (2.86 MPa), it was lower than the single layer of agar film (30.49 MPa) (P<0.05). In conclusion, some properties of agar and gelatin films can be improved by making bilayers film of both biopolymers.
Volume 4, Issue 8 (Fall & Winter 2018)
Over time, the words change meaning. According to linguistic studies, the most important types of this semantic change are: semantic generalization, semantic appropriation, metaphor and semantic degradation or promotion. This rule also applies to the vocabulary of Arabic; and some of the terms used in the Quran have undergone a semantic transformation. Unfortunately, a number of contemporary Persian translators have neglected this and translated some of the terms in the common and contemporary meaning. This function can seriously damage the Quranic concepts. Since the main religious teachings of the Muslims are taken from the Quran, the slightest error should not occur in the transfer of Quranic concepts to another language. Since some Quran translators have failed to do so in some cases, we have reviewed the errors found in some translations. With the search method in the sources of the vocabulary and the interpretation of the old period, and contemporary dictionaries, we will show the semantic change brought to some Quranic words. Twelve words that have undergone a semantic change have been investigated in 29 Persian translations of the Qur'an and it has been concluded that some translators mistakenly translated those words into contemporary sense.
Volume 5, Issue 2 (Spring 2025)
The aim of the present article is to examine whether observation (experience) can serve as a criterion to refute relativism. In the traditional debate between epistemic absolutists and relativists, the main issue is whether there are neutral and absolute criteria for selecting epistemic systems, or whether such criteria are dependent on socio-cultural contexts. Absolutists consider empirical evidence as a neutral and absolute criterion, while relativists, emphasizing the theory-ladenness of observation and underdetermination, argue that observation is always influenced by theoretical presuppositions and thus non-absolute. Recently, David Stump, by proposing a pragmatic stance as a third position, rejects both relativism and absolutism. He uses observation as an objective but non-absolute criterion to refute relativism. However, Shahram Shahriari demonstrates that Stump's third position cannot exist. We, by examining the debate between Stump and Shahriari, show that observation, as Stump envisions it, cannot provide the sufficient grounds to refute relativism.
Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2016)
The effects of some micronutrients (iron, zinc and silicon) and macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) were evaluated on the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita and plant growth parameters of cucumber (Cucumis sativus cv. Negin) in two independent trials. Each of iron, zinc and silicon micronutrients was used at 5 mg/kg of soil, as iron sequestrene (Fe-EDDHA), zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) and sodium siliconate (Na2O3Si), respectively. Furthermore, nitrogen at 60, 120 and 180 mg/kg, phosphorus at 25, 50 and 75 mg/kg and potassium at 12.5, 25 and 37.5 mg/kg of soil were used as urea, triple superphosphate and potassium sulfate, respectively. At four-leaf stage seedlings, 8000 nematode eggs and juveniles (2 egg and juveniles/gr soil) were added around the roots. After 60-days, data analysis indicated silicon + iron, significantly reduced the number of galls/g of root by 55 and 42% compared to control, in the two experiments, respectively, but none of these treatments resulted in significant positive effects on the growth or yield of the studied cucumber cultivar. When macronutrients were evaluated, results showed that N120P25K25 (120 mg/kg of Nitrogen, 25 mg/kg of phosphorus and 25 mg/kg of potassium) and N120P50K25 (120 mg/kg of nitrogen, 50 mg/kg of phosphorus and 25 mg/kg of potassium) significantly reduced the number of galls by 96 and 81% (experiment 3) and 79 and 70% (experiment 4) when compared with control, respectively. These both treatments also improved cucumber growth parameters such as shoot dry and fresh weights, root fresh weight and fruit yield.
Volume 6, Issue 11 (Spring & Summer 2019)
Due to the formation of numerous translations of the Qur'an and the important role of translation in relation of all sections of society with the teachings of the Holy Qur'an, scholarly criticism of the translations of the Holy Qur'an has emerged as one of the areas of Qur'anic studies in contemporary period. The importance of research in this field is understood when we see translational errors leading to differences in the perceptions of the Qur'an among the general public. Studies of the criticism of the translations of the Qur'an have sought to establish a critical mechanism for evaluating the translations of the Qur'an and hence, it introduces the translators slip places. The present study, through a descriptive and critical analysis, has investigated " Assumming different words as one due to negligence " as one of the slips of the Persian translators of the Holy Qur'an. Enumerating different types of assumming different words as one due to negligence, the two types of " Negligence in diagnosing the root of the words"and “Negligence in pay attention to the differences between similar constructions” have introduced and gave them 12 examples. Statistical reports of translators' performance in the studied samples indicate that translations of Ansarian, Bahrampour, Safavid Mousavi Garmaroudi and Ali Akbar Taheri's have the lowest Negligence. On the other hand, the translations of Mohammad Ebrahim Boroujerdi (9 slips), Mohammad Kazem Arfa (7 slips), Ibrahim Ameli (6 slips), Mohammad Kazem Moezzi (6 slips) have had less success in staying away from Assumming different words as one due to negligence.
Volume 6, Issue 12 (Fall & Winter 2020)
Translation of the Holy Qur'an is a way to establish a connection to Holy Qur'an for non-Arabic people, therefore analyzing and criticizing the translations of the Holy Qur'an is necessary to understand the merits and shortcomings of previous translations and to obtain a favorable translation. One of the common languages for the translation of the Holy Qur'an is the Russian language. Using a descriptive-analytical approach, this paper examines five prominent translations of the Holy Qur'an into Russian including the first verse of Surah Alaq by “Mohammed Nuri Usmanov”, “Valeria Prokhorova”, “Ignati Krachkowski”, “Elmir Kuliyev” and “Betsy Shidfar”. In this study, in addition to presenting a history of the translation of the Holy Qur'an into Russian, these translations were examined on the first verse of Surah Alaq, and their strengths and weaknesses were explained with reference to interpretive, literary, and historical evidence and finally, a relatively appropriate translation of the verse mentioned is presented in Russian language using the appropriateness of the verses in Surah Alaq.
Volume 8, Issue 1 (Winter 2019)
In this study, the physical and mechanical properties of tragacanth film incorporated with different antioxidant compounds including Hypericum perforatum extract, Ferulago angulata extract and vitamin C 25% (w/v) were studied. Adding Hypericum perforatum extract, Ferulago angulata extract and vitamin C reduced the moisture content and the solubility of the tragacanth film (p<0.05). The lowest amount of the solubility was observed in the tragacanth film containing vitamin C (51.59%) and Hypericum perforatum extract (52.05%). The amount of water vapor permeability (WVP) decreased in the tragacanth film containing vitamin C (1.68±0.06×10-7 gs-1m-1Pa-1 ), and in the films containing extracts increased significantly (p<0.05). Adding both extract and vitamin C to the tragacanth film decreased the mechanical properties of the film. Also, the lowest amounts of opacity were observed in the tragacanth film and tragacanth film containing vitamin C 1.72 and 0.98, respectively (p<0.05). The lowest amount of light transmission was observed in the tragacanth film containing Hypericum perforatum and Ferulago angulata extract (p<0.05).
Volume 8, Issue 1 (Winter 2020)
Aims: Affecting factors on runoff generation in mountainous areas, where the hydrological processes are complex, play an important role in the recognition of hydrological phenomena. The aim of the present study was to simulate the water balance of Farsan Basin using the SWAT model.
Materials & Methods: In this semi-distributed research, SWAT model was used to simulate the monthly runoff the basin of interest. The study area was Farsan watershed, it is the part of Beheshtabad Basin. Basin's curve number was estimated using a remotely sensed NDVI. The calibration and validation of the model were carried out by using the SUFI2 Algorithm (sequential uncertainty fitting) for two periods, one from 2001 to 2011 and another from 2012 to 2015.
Findings: The threshold depth of water in the shallow aquifer to start evaporation (REVAPMN) had the least sensitivity, while the soil evapotranspiration (ESCO), the time delay of the transferring water from the last soil profile to the groundwater level (GW_DELAY), and curve numbers in normal condition (CN2) were the most sensitive factors, respectively. To evaluate the simulation, R2 (coefficient of determination), bR2 (weight correlation coefficient), and NS (Nash Sutcliffe model efficiency) at the calibration stage were 0.63, 0.33, and 0.57, respectively. Whereas at the validation phase, these coefficients were found to be 0.69, 0.68, and 0.52, respectively.
Conclusion: A proper specification of these sensitive parameters may be the key factor for runoff simulations. The impact of change in surface parameters may have a great influence in both generating runoff and mountain hydrology.