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Showing 16 results for Abdollahzadeh

Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2013)

Global aquaculture production has more than tripled during the last 15 years, and aquaculture is expected to account an increasing share in global seafood production. There are large differences among countries in the rate of growth and development of aquaculture. This review tries to explain the progress and problems of aquaculture during three last decades in Iran. The total production of Iran from aquaculture was 25,800 tons in 1994, approximately 8 percent of the total fisheries production. However, by 2008 it increased to more than 154,000 tons; 27% of total fisheries production. During the last decade, production share of different species in Iran has been variable. In the years 1998 and 2008 the highest percentage of aquaculture production was belonged to silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (50%) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss; 40%), respectively. The results showed that culture of rainbow trout has grown noticeably in the past two decades. At present, Iran has been acquired the first rank of rainbow trout culture in fresh water of the world. But in contrast, in recent decade shrimp aquaculture industry has failed due to white spot syndrome. Coastal and inland waters of Iran have more potential for aquaculture development. Recently, great sturgeon Huso huso and some species of barbus family have aroused interest from government and private enterprises for potential aquaculture use. Although aquaculture of Iran has shown a significant growth in the last decade, but it is concluded by introducing new species and overcome to present aquaculture problems in the country, the aquaculture production will be increased to several times.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (winter 2021)

Problem statement: In fact, urban streets as the most important part of the urban landscape structure, reflect the values ​​and socio-cultural relations of citizens and can well facilitate or influence the possibility of living in the city and social interactions. Therefore, moving towards vibrant urban spaces is even more necessary in cities, despite the dynamic and human-centered public spaces that provide the ground for the active presence of human beings in the environment. Aim: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the role of humanistic urban landscape in the vitality of Tabriz city streets from the perspective of citizens.
Methods: The research is descriptive-analytical with an applied purpose. Snowball method was used to determine the sample size. SPSS software and ANP method were used to analyze the data. Results: The results obtained from the final analysis of selected research spaces based on humanistic landscape components and quality of life show that the range of Shariati to Ghonga intersection with a normal weight of 0.498 is more consistent with the extracted qualities.
Conclusion: The final results of the weights showed that the highest average goes back to the criterion of biological urban elements and the views of the streets of Tabriz affect the perception of citizens and their interpretation and reading of the environment. Also, the results obtained from the final analysis of the selected spaces of the research based on the components of humanistic perspective and quality of vitality, are more in line with the extracted qualities.

Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-2017)

The field of entrepreneurship research is now approximately 30–40 years old and has become a significant field of intellectual activity involving thousands of scholars in different countries. Therefore, it is vital to systematically analyze the main strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of entrepreneurship research within the field. Hence current research undertaken with aim to analyze strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities (SWOT) of entrepreneurship researches and formulate appropriate strategies for this system. By depth literature review, 55 external factors (25 opportunities and 30 threats) and 48 internal factors (19 strengths and 29 weaknesses) are identified. Then weighting and ranking of the factors ranging from 1 (unimportant) to 4 (very important) took place by using the viewpoints of group of 31 researchers and faculty members in the field of entrepreneurship. Final score of external factors for entrepreneurship researches is 2.881. This implies that entrepreneurship researches couldn’t benefit from opportunities factors or avoids threats factors. Moreover final score of internal factors for entrepreneurship researches is 2.789. This implies that effective internal factor for entrepreneurship researches are strength. Regarding cell number five in internal and external matrix, conservative strategies are accepted in strategic planning for development of entrepreneurship researches. Finally by QSPM technique attractiveness of strategies is specified.

Volume 7, Issue 1 (Winter 2018)

Aims: Essential oils are a complex of volatile compounds obtained from different parts of plants. Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) essential oil (EO) is known as a suitable source of antibacterial compounds. The aim of present study was to investigate the antibacterial activity of cinnamon EO and ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) against 2 strains of Listeria monocytogenes.
Materials & Methods: In this experimental study, 2 strains of L. monocytogenes (a standard strain and a fish isolated strain) were used. The antibacterial activity of cinnamon EO and ZnO NPs was assessed by well diffusion test. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of cinnamon EO and ZnO NPs were also determined using broth macrodilution method.  Moreover, the antibacterial properties of cinnamon EO and ZnO NPs were investigated in a liquid medium. The data were analyzed by SPSS 19 software, using one-way ANOVA and Tukey's post hoc tests.
Findings: The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) of cinnamon EO were 16µl/ml and 64µl/ml, respectively. Furthermore, the MIC and MBC of ZnO NPs were 12.5mg/ml and 25mg/ml, respectively. The bacterial population significantly decreased with increasing the ZnO NPs and the cinnamon EO concentrations (p<0.05) and during cold storage, there were significant differences between the 2 strains.
Conclusion: Cinnamon essential oil and ZnO nanoparticles have strong antimicrobial effects against L. monocytogenes, so that the cinnamon essential oil shows bacteriostatic effects on Listeria, but ZnO nanoparticles show bactericidal effect.

Volume 9, Issue 2 (Spring 2024)

Aims: Chronic pain can change the body image in patients with musculoskeletal pain.  The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of compassion therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy on the body image in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain.
Method and Materials: This study is a semi-experimental research in nature with an unequal control group and pretest/post-test-follow-up , which was conducted in 2023. The statistical population of this research included all patients with musculoskeletal pain in Tehran. The sample of this study included 45 patients with musculoskeletal pain whose scores were low on the body image scale which were selected by convenience sampling method. These people were divided into two groups of experimental and control and one group of control (15 participants in each group). For intervention group eight 90-minute sessions of compassion therapy and for control group nine 90-minute sessions of acceptance and commitment therapy were held weekly Body image questionnaire was completed by all three groups pre-test, post-test, and follow-up stages. The data were analyzed with SPSS software version 26.
Findings: The analysis of covariance with repeated measurements indicated there is no significant difference between experimental groups of compassion therapy and acceptance / commitment therapy (P<0.05), but both experimental groups were significantly different from the control group (P=0.001).
Conclusion: It seems, compassion therapy and acceptance / commitment therapy can improve body image in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain.

Volume 12, Issue 3 (10-2012)

In recent years, many large ground motions occurred very close to modern cities and caused severe damage to buildings. Damage to modern engineering structures is beyond engineers’ expectation, because the structures are thought to have been designed according to proper ground motion-resistant design standards. In these buildings, although the distribution of strength for all stories of designed structures was considered uniform, but the distribution of overall damage of stories was non-uniform and considerable damage for some stories was observed. In this study, 8, 12 and 15-story dual steel moment-resisting frames with concrete shear wall were designed as a residential building that was located in seismic zone 4 (very high relative seismic risk region). These structures were designed with uniform strength ratio for all elements according to the modal response spectra analysis and static equivalent lateral seismic load pattern that were typically recommended by most building codes. Then six severe ground motions recorded in soil type III with magnitude greater than 6.2 on the Richter scale, without forward directivity, were selected. Finally, all structures subjected to these six severe ground motions and distribution of damage was examined by using nonlinear dynamic analysis. According to the results, despite uniform distribution of strength for all elements, element types and stories in each structure, the distribution of overall damage for element types (e.g. beams, columns and shear wall) and stories and the distribution of local damage for elements are non-uniform and among different stories, first and last stories have minimum overall damage and among different elements types, the damage of the beams is more than columns and shear wall and increasing the number of stories has not been effected on the distribution of damage of elements, and for 8, 12 and 15-story distribution of damage of elements is similar. Evaluation of distribution of damage on elements illustrate that the beams and columns near the shear wall have been damaged more than the beams and columns that are located far from the shear wall. On some stories, the beams and columns near the shear wall have been damaged considerably, but the beams and columns that are located far from the shear wall have been remained elastic. Also, these results conclude that the distribution of overall damage on stories and element types are not adequate for evaluation of seismic damage and the local damage of each element should be examined separately, because from distortion of the results caused by the temperature effect. As the complexity of equipment and speed of testing for the RCPT and RCMT tests are similar, the RCMT test can be recommended for more realistic appraisal of concrete. There was good correlation between the results of the RCMT and electrical resistance test which shows a good potential for utilization of the electrical resistivity methods for appraisal of chloride resistivity of concrete.

Volume 14, Issue 1 (1-2012)

The interest for the spatial dimensions of agricultural development has been recently increased. This paper aimed at redefining the spatial patterns of agriculture to formulate appropriate strategies based on regional potentials. A Composite Agricultural Development Indicator (CADI), which is useful for the identification of spatial structure, has been developed. The developed composite Index (CI) includes five dimensions of Agricultural Development: (1) social-cultural, (2) structural-farming, (3) technical-management, (4) economical-financial, and (5) infrastructural-services and consists of 87 indicators selected at the county level. Indicators were normalized according to a coherent framework and using the division by means technique and were combined via weightings derived from Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) and Principal Components Analysis (PCA). The evaluation of agricultural development based on desired CADI was used to map the spatial development patterns at county level. Province counties are compared and ranked in order to show the spatial gap between them. Then, spatial development patterns were divided into three zones based on CADI. Results showed that the nature of spatial agricultural development firstly depends on the service and infrastructural development and secondly on utilization of natural and physical endowments.

Volume 14, Issue 4 (12-2014)

Experiments from disaster earthquakes showed, from Forward directivity, Backward directivity and Filing step effects in near fault strong motion, Forward directivity has more severe effects on engineering structures. In near fault regions when rupture propagation of fault is toward to the construction site and velocity of strong motion waves is approximately equal to rupture propagation speed, the velocity time history record of ground that is normal to the fault surface has 1 to 3 long period pulses with high magnitude. This future causes to impose more demands of strength and ductility to structures located normal to the fault line in near field of fault. Also average amplitude of response spectrum of near fault earthquakes are about 1.1 to 2 times more than average response spectrum of regions located far from fault. To estimation of forward directivity effect on structural elements, in this study variation of demand and capacity of beams and columns of steel moment resisting frames are studied under effect of forward directivity with variation of models height. So the variation of strength and ductility demand of structure elements have been estimated under effect of forward directivity based on FEMA356 instruction by 100 time history nonlinear dynamic analyses for 5 structural models. The modes were steel moment resisting farms with 3, 5, 7, 10 and 15 stories height. To studding about effect of forward directivity on beams, maximum nodal rotation, maximum absolute moment and seismic performance of beams studied. Results showed forward directivity causes to increase nodal rotation 1.1 to 1.7 times more for low-rise models (7 stories and less) and 1.4 to 3.2 times more fore high-rise models. The maximum moment of beams is increased 2 to 16% for low-rise models and 10 to 50% for high-rise models. In life safety level, demand to capacity ratio of performance level of beams is increased between 1 to 1.6 times more for low-rise models and 1.2 to 3.2 times more for high-rise models. Also it has been indicated that forward directivity has not any effects on beams ductility. Studding on forward directivity effects on columns showed because of interaction between axial force and moment of columns, forward directivity is able to effect on moment capacity and ductility of columns. So forward directivity increases 2 to 20% axial force of columns related to height of models and location of columns. Results illustrate axial force increasing about 20% causes to decrease 12.5 to 50% of moment strength capacity of column and also it can decreases 20 to 50% rotation ductility of columns. On the other hand forward directivity causes to increase moment demand of columns about 30 to 56% for high-rise models. Conclusions showed forward directivity effects causes to increase demand to capacity ratio of structural elements about 1.1 to 1.75 times more for low raise models (7stories and less) and 1.5 to 5 times more for high rise models. Also it is considered that aspect ratio of structure has a direct relationship to amplification of forward directivity effect on columns.

Volume 14, Issue 7 (Supplementary Issue - 2012)

Iran is one of the countries facing the most severe farmland fragmentation (FF) in rural areas and farmland consolidation (FC) is generally regarded as being a suitable instrument to solve this problem . A case study in the central area of Iran was conducted to explore landholder's attitudes towards issues related to FF and FC. Randomized stratified sampling frame was used to select 146 landholders in 10 villages that operated under Land Renovation and Development Schemes (LRDS). A questionnaire in several sections was developed to address main issues concerning FF and FC. Findings showed that increasing production input costs (labor, fuel, and machinery) is the most severe predicament caused by FF. Landholders believed that partial inheritance system, population increases and lack of job opportunity in off-farm interrelated together are main determinants of FF. Also reduction of land in the process of consolidation operates as a key restraint factor against FC. Physical investments by government and access to credit and loan operate as promoter factors of FC according to landholders’ view. Their most preferred options of FC are the government sponsored farming in rural production cooperative units including traditional cooperatives and informal peasantry societies to facilitate voluntary land consolidation.
Akbar Alibeigloo, Ehsan Abdollahzadeh,
Volume 15, Issue 11 (1-2016)

Conventional Ritz and Galerkin methods based on local theory of elasticity employ polynomials as their approximating functions, however these methods are not convenient to use in three-dimensional nonlocal analysis. In the present study, to conquer this difficulty, a type of weighted residual approach with a set of trigonometric approximating functions were developed. By using appropriate trigonometric approximating functions, it is possible to consider the effect of various edges boundary condition on frequency behavior of nanoplate. Validation of present formulation is carried out by comparing numerical result with the published results. It is concluded that the effect of nonlocal parameter on natural frequencies is significant especially in higher modes due to the lower wavelength of the mode. The research shows that in nonlocal elasticity there are distinct discrepancies between behaviors of two and three-dimensional results. In addition, the difference between the two- and three-dimensional results in local elasticity is not as noticeable as in nonlocal elasticity. Furthermore, the effects of length to thickness ratio, aspect ratio, nonlocal parameter and different boundary conditions on fundamental natural frequency of nanoplates were studied. This benchmark solution can be used to assess the accuracy of conventional two-dimensional theories.
Behnam Miripour Fard, Pegah Abdollahzadeh,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (4-2016)

Stratospheric airships have introduced interesting solutions for challenges in aerospace industries. Buoyant and propulsion forces produced by airships makes them to be capable of long-time flight and efficient operation. In spite of many progresses, there are still many challenges in this interesting field of study. In this paper, first the dynamic model of fully-actuated stratospheric airship with 6-DOF expressed by the generalized coordinates, then desired values of the airship attitude, linear and angular velocities obtained according to desired path and using pseudo inversion of the kinematics and dynamics equations. In view of the unknown inertial parameters first in adaptive inverse dynamic control, inertial parameters estimated online by using linearization parameters and gradient update law. Next control law and nonlinear dynamic equation is deduced by designing control algorithm based on passivity, and according to that, adaptive and robust control based on passivity applied for controlling airship. The stability of the closed loop control system is proved by using the Lyapunov stability theory. Finally, comparison between the results of the all methods are shown.

Volume 20, Issue 6 (12-2020)

In design of structures using force-based methods applied in current seismic codes, to obtain the nonlinear displacements of structures under the design earthquake, deflection amplification factor (Cd) is applied. In other words, the displacements obtained from elastic analyses under the reduced seismic forces are amplified by Cd to obtain the inelastic displacements under the design earthquake. Research studies showed that using a constant coefficient for estimating the inelastic displacements may lead to considerable overestimation or underestimation of the displacements in different stories of structures. Generally, in regular structures the inelastic maximum interstory drift ratio (IMIDR) occurs in lower stories. Investigating the seismic performance of structures with irregularity in their heights showed that the inelastic responses of these types of structures can differ significantly from the inelastic responses of regular structures. The present study investigates Cd for estimating IMIDR and inelastic maximum roof drift ratio (IMRDR) for steel special moment resisting frames (SMRFs) with vertical mass irregularity under the design earthquake. In addition, the variation of Cd with the variation of the location of the heavier story in the structural height, and mass ratio (i.e., the ratio of the mass of the heavier story to the mass of the adjacent story) is studied. For producing a heavier story, the dead and live loads of the story are multiplied by 2.0 and 3.0. Three different locations (i.e., bottom, mid-height and top story) for the heavier story, are assumed. For investigating the effects of mass irregularity, two regular 5- and 10-story structures are also considered. Therefore, 14 structures (i.e., two mass ratios × two building heights (5 and 10 stories) × three locations for the heavier story + two regular structures) are considered. To perform nonlinear dynamic analyses, 67 ground motion records are applied. The records are scaled such that the mean of the pseudo acceleration response spectra exceeds the design response spectrum for the period range of 0.2T1 to 1.5T1. The results show that using Cd = 5.5 recommended by Standard No. 2800 and ASCE 7 for steel SMRFs underestimates the IMIDR in most of the structures considered and their stories, under the design earthquake. When the heavier story is located in the first story, the lowest mean Cd is obtained in the first story. Because, increasing the mass of the story leads to an increment in the stiffness and strength demand of the story. When the heavier story is located at the roof, the lowest mean Cd is obtained for the top story. While the mean Cd in the first story increases significantly. Moreover, it is shown that Cd = 5.5 underestimates the IMRDR in the structures considered. Investigating the consideration of different values for Cd shows that using Cd = 7.5 leads to the lowest error in the estimation of IMIDR in the structures considered. In the case of estimating IMRDR, the displacement amplification factor is termed Cd Roof, and it is shown that using Cd Roof = 6.5 leads to the lowest error in the estimation of IMRDR. Therefore, Cd = 7.5 and Cd Roof = 6.5 are respectively proposed for more precisely estimating IMIDR and IMRDR in steel SMRFs with vertical mass irregularity.

Volume 20, Issue 143 (January 2023)

Coffee Mix is one of the most popular instant drinks in the world, which is widely consumed. This product can cause nutritional problems due to the significant amount of sugar in the formulation. On the other hand, due to its beneficial properties, honey and ginger powder can be used in the instant coffee powder formula, to solve the anti-nutritional effects of sugar and to take advantage of the beneficial properties of ginger and honey powder. In this study, the effect of adding honey powder as a substitute for sugar in amounts of 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 35% of the consumed sugar and ginger powder in amounts of 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, and 3 0.0 and 0.35% were added to the 3 in 1 instant coffee formulation and the physicochemical properties, phenolic compounds, antioxidant capacity and sensory properties and microbial properties of the coffee mixture were evaluated. The research results showed that adding honey and ginger powder to the instant coffee mixture improves its physicochemical properties and overall acceptability. Sensory tests conducted by the evaluators also determined that the treatment of 20% honey powder and 0.2% ginger and the treatment of 10% honey powder and 0.3% ginger were more favorable samples in terms of overall acceptability. The treatment of 30% honey powder and 0.3% ginger had the highest amount of phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity. Therefore, the most appropriate treatment in terms of nutritional characteristics was the treatment of 30% honey powder and 0.3% ginger.

Volume 23, Issue 1 (3-2023)

Recycling of concrete has been the focus of researchers owing to the large volume of concrete waste and the limited resources of valuable materials. Recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) contains aggregates of various types of concrete and building materials that have been destroyed due to their shelf life or as a result of war and natural disasters. In order to use different types of recycled aggregates (RA), it is necessary to conduct more detailed and sensitive research on the behavior of RAC in order to reach the highest possible level of quality and cost in the construction process. On the other hand, RA are made of concrete with different properties and its aggregates have been subjected to different form of loading, hence it is important to carefully examine their behavior and properties. Therefore, in this study, the strength and the durability of RAC after freeze and thaw cycles were compared with natural concrete while different water/cement ratios are used.
In this study, RA were extracted from demolished waste concrete specimens and used to produce three mixtures named RC, RN and NC while 100, 50 and 0 percent of RA were replaced respectively. Water to cement ratio were kept as 45 and 55 percent of cement. A total number of 57 samples for flexural, compressive, tensile strength and ultrasonic tests were made. 24 samples were placed in the refrigerator and freeze and thaw cycles were applied on. 18 and 15 specimens were prepared for testing at 28 and 120 days of age, respectively. According to ASTM C666, the relative dynamic modulus of the specimens was tested using ultrasonic test after each 40 cycle’s period. After the test was finished, compressive strength, single point bending, indirect tensile tests and elastic modulus were determined for each specimens. Finally, the behavior of recycled and natural concrete was compared.
The results showed that the freeze and thaw cycles reduced the resistance of both RAC and NAC. Recycled aggregates have 2.5 times more water absorption than Natural aggregates. RAC has lost 41%, 18%, 10% and 28% of its compressive, flexural, tensile strength and modulus of elasticity, after the freeze and thaw cycle, respectively. The 100% replacement of RA reduced even more the mechanical behavior of samples. The relative dynamic modulus at the end of the cycles for RAC was 2% higher than that of NAC, indicating its better durability properties against freeze and thaw cycles. Concrete with 50% replacement of recycled aggregate has almost the same durability and strength as NAC, hence is recommended to be use in similar condition

Volume 23, Issue 3 (5-2021)

Continuous Biological Control (BC) of pests can reduce unnecessary pesticide applications in rice production, thus promoting occupational safety and health in farming. In this study, the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) of behavior change was examined for its applicability in explaining adoption and maintenance of BC use among 344 rice farmers of Simorgh County, Mazandaran Province in northern Iran, to better understand how farmers change their pest management behavior for incorporating BC. The stages of behavior change in BC use were assessed according to the TTM model, i.e. Pre-Contemplation (PC), Contemplation (C), Preparation (PR), Action (A), and Maintenance (M), in the management of rice stem borer [Chilo suppressalis (Walker)]. Almost three quarters (75.1%) of the farmers were in pre-action stages (43.1% in PC stage, 16.3% in C stage, and 15.7% in PR stage), 15.1% were changing their behavior (A stage), and while few farmers (9.8%) reported continuous use of BC agents for more than two cropping seasons (M stage). Farmers in the early stages of TTM model showed lower education levels, higher income, lower self-consumption of rice, higher grain yields, higher damage by rice stem borer, and lower knowledge levels about natural enemies than those who were in the later stages of change. Moreover, self-efficacy in BC use and perceived advantages of BC use increased through the stages of change, whereas the perceived disadvantages of BC use decreased. This is the first report supporting the appropriateness of the TTM in explaining farmers’ behavior change in BC use, which provides novel evidence on farmers’ adoption process of BC. Extension measures should focus on usual obstacles related to BC use, such as perceived advantages and disadvantages of BC as well as self-efficacy in BC use, targeting to match the stage of change with various intervention strategies.

Volume 23, Issue 3 (8-2023)


Wharf is an engineering structure which is constructed generally for loading or unloading of goods. The structure may be constructed on the weak layers like gravel and sand with respect to the bank conditions. In case of incorrect design of this type of structure and its failure, the wharf activities may be stopped for a long time due to damage to adjacent facilities. For this reason, investigating the behavior of coastal structures against failure factors such as earthquake and the liquefaction due to it, is of great importance. Analysis of wharf performance against liquefaction is done generally using the numerical methods. In this article using the Flac2D software which has the capability of nonlinear analysis of effective stress and generation of excess pore water pressure in the soil continuum, the liquefaction phenomenon in the soil surrounding the wharf is simulated using the behavioral model Finn. In continuation, the impact of different earthquake parameters on the wharf behavior is investigated. Finally, the results of the excess pore water pressure, horizontal displacement, soil settlement and bending moment of piles are presented. Then, the correlation between these parameters and different earthquake parameters is investigated. As the earthquake intensity criteria have great importance in terms of statistical assessment of seismic demand of various types of structures, therefore, in this study in order to investigate the quality of earthquake intensity criteria, the determining indices such as being optimal and applicable, efficiency index, sufficiency with respect to the earthquake magnitude and distance to the center of earthquake propagation are investigated. The results show that compatibility between the earthquake parameters and soil settlement is generally better with respect to other parameters.

Keywords: Wharf, liquefaction, dynamic analysis, finite difference method.

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