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Volume 1, Issue 3 (Summer 2021)

Thoughts Kierkegaard, one of the leading pioneers of existentialist philosophy, has greatly influenced Sartre's existentialist ideas and his literary and theatrical works and prominent filmmakers in the history of world cinema and other artists in other fields. In this article, organized in three parts, we aim to examine the reflection of Thoughts Kierkegaard's on categories such as "truth, forgetfulness, domination of popular beliefs, existential and non-existent human beings, individualization and liberation from Intermediate, and freedom and Selection." Sepehr Hasti and ... " are among the factors that Sartre's literary works are completely influenced by and in artistic forms and forms and the form of images and dramatic phenomena in dramatic and literary works, Sartre's screenplays are skillfully, creatively, and attractively reflected. Has found. In the form of fascinating visual events, stories, and adventures, these phenomena have woven and implemented the abstract ideas of existentialism in such a way that its created characters, as if living in their natural life and in a completely real way, disappear. Sartre's plays The Flies, a historical work adapted from the Greek playwright Euripides, The Noble Prostitute, the subject of contemporary American society, and The Infected Gangs, whose adventures and events take place. Concerned with World War II and the French resistance movement, it has received the most influence from Kierkegaard's philosophical thought. In this article, we have shown the extent of Sartre's influence on Kierkegaard by examining these plays.

Volume 7, Issue 3 (Summer 2019)

Aims: Locus of control (LOC) refers to the extent to which individuals believe that they can control events that affect them. Health Locus of Control (HLOC) refers to beliefs that related to how one’s health is affected by oneself, others, or fate; and also it is one of the most broadly measured factors of health beliefs for the scheduling of health education programs. The aim of this study was to assess HLOC among Students at Isfahan University of Medical Sciences.
Materials and Methods: This cross‑sectional study was conducted in 297 students in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences in Iran selected by simple random sampling method in 2018. Data collection was done by the demographic questionnaire and Form “B” of Multidimensional Health Locus of Control (MHLC) scale. Statistical analysis includes (ANOVA, t-test, Pearson test) was performed using SPSS version 20 and p<0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Findings: The mean±SD of three dimensions of HLOC were 26.41±3.98, 16.64±4.36 and 21.67±4.37 for internal, chance and powerful others respectively. There was a significant relationship between internal and powerful others locus of control dimensions with sex (p=0.035, p=0.041). Further, there was not a significant relationship between HLOC dimensions with students’ age, major, parent’s education and occupation.
Conclusion: Since the most scores were relating to an internal locus of control dimension and fewer scores were relating to the chance locus of control dimension, it can be concluded that personal behavioral factors have more influence on students' health and their beliefs about chance, luck or fate has less influence on their health.

Alireza Zamani Aghaie, Asghar Baradaran Rahimi, Alireza Akbarzadeh,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (6-2015)

In this paper, thermo-hydraulic behavior of a solar heater is numerically investigated and optimum geometry for the angled-rib turbulator which produces the maximum thermal enhancement factor is determined by Taguchi method. A general innovative geometry is introduced for the rib, that changing in its geometrical parameters will lead to three convenient types of turbulators, namely triangular, rectangular and trapezoidal ribs, simultaneously. َApplying Taguchi method leads to the optimum geometry parameters. A L16 (44) orthogonal Taguchi array is used. The aim of the Taguchi analysis is maximizing the thermal enhancement factor. The factors employed for the analysis are rib relative pitch, height, tip width and percentage of upstream-side perpendicularity. The analysis has been carried out for a flow of Re=10000 and a constant rib width. Due to the twofold effect of turbulators on thermo-hydraulic behavior, thermal enhancement factor concept is employed which stands for both heat transfer rate and friction factor. Results show that rib pitch and height have the most effect on thermal enhancement factor, respectively. The optimum rib geometry is found to be a triangular rib which has P/H=2, e/H=0.2 and 100% perpendicularity.
Mohammad Reza Shabgard, Mohammad Jedari SAghaie,
Volume 15, Issue 8 (10-2015)

In the present study, in order to investigate the effect of impact angle and sand jet pressure on the erosion rate and residual stress in sand molding operation, the experiments are performed using gray cast iron, pearlitic ductile iron (PDI) and austempered ductile iron (ADI) as workpiece materials. To fulfill this objective, experimental tests are conducted in full factorial design with workpiece material, impact angle and jet pressure as input and erosive wear rate and residual stress as output parameters. According to the results, variation of impact angle of erosive particles intensively affects the erosion rate of materials in a way that, among the experiments which are carried out in lower impact angles (15 to 30°), ADI cast iron shows the maximum erosive strength however as the impact angle shifts to higher values (75 to 90°), PDI cast iron becomes more resistance against erosion. It can also be noted from the SEM images that in sand shooting process, the presence of flake graphite in gray cast iron causes more formed and grown cracks which significantly intensifies its erosion rate relative to ADI and PDI cast irons. Additionally, comparative analysis of results revealed that formation of surface micro cracks in gray cast iron material causes less induced compression residual stresses relative to ADI cast iron whose great stiffness leads to higher magnitudes of compression residual stress in sand molding operation.
Behzad Binesh, Mehrdad Aghaie-Khafri, Mohammad Daneshi,
Volume 17, Issue 8 (10-2017)

In this study, severe plastic deformation of 7075 aluminum alloy was investigated using a new method, based on the combination of conventional upsetting and direct extrusion. In this process, which is called repetitive upsetting-extrusion, cylindrical samples were first subjected to upsetting and were subsequently subjected to extrusion at 250 °C with various processing cycles. Die design was carried out considering the possibility of conducting both upsetting and extrusion by using a single die and the maximum of four RUE cycles were successfully performed on the samples. Finite element method was used to simulate the deformation behavior of 7075 alloy during repetitive upsetting-extrusion processing and the strain distribution was obtained for the deformed samples. The finite element simulation results correlated fairly well with the microstructural observations. Based on the simulation results, the maximum effective strain was observed at the central region of the samples. The deformation behavior and the flow pattern were discussed based on the experimental and the simulation results. In addition, the effect of applied strain on mechanical properties of processed samples was studied. Tensile strength and elongation of deformed samples increased with extending the number of repetitive upsetting-extrusion cycles.
A. Mir, M. Aghaie-Khafri,
Volume 19, Issue 3 (March 2019)

The aim of this study is to investigate the life-span according to the damage caused by the main mechanisms of damage development in turbine blades and to model the growth of the damage. For this purpose, the low cycle fatigue test on martensitic 410 stainless steel was immersed in tempered glass at 565°C in three strain gauges 0.8, 1 and 1.5 with a constant temperature of 500°C and 15 seconds per cycle. The effect of creep-fatigue interaction on life and also damage to turbine blade in different conditions was investigated. The results showed that with the variation of the strain amplitude from 0.8 to 1.5, the life of the piece varies from 205 to 65 cycles and this is while the level of failure of the samples varies. In the next step, the modified Coffin-Manson model was used to indicate the damage and its simultaneous effect on the life of the piece. The results showed that decreasing the number of grain boundaries and its effect on the cavities created in the piece decreases the damage and thus the life of the turbine blade increases. High-temperature tensile tests and low-tensile fatigue-temperature control were also performed in different tempering modes for 410 and 420 steel stainless steel and The results showed that, under the same conditions, the temperature increase from 200 to 565°C resulted in a decrease in life from 2218 to 1952 cycles.

H. Aghaie, M. Saghafian, D. Saedi,
Volume 19, Issue 12 (December 2019)

Today, the use of ultrasonic waves is expanding to the separation of particles or cells. One of the effective factors in the separating is cell deformation caused by ultrasonic waves. The most popular models used for deformation are the elastic and viscoelastic models. In this research, the cell has been modeled in a fluid environment under the influence of ultrasonic waves and deformations has been obtained. For this purpose, the Helmholtz equation that is a combine of the disturbance equations of sound waves and Navier-Stokes equation is solved and acoustic pressure is obtained. This pressure is then applied to the cell as deformation agent and the deformation is obtained using fluid-solid interactions modeling. Initially, deformation of the cell with elastic properties has been presented and validation has been conducted using comparison with the previous experimental researches. Finally, the deformation for the viscoelastic cell, which has so far not been used for deformation modeling in the acoustic field, has been obtained and presented. The results show that the viscoelastic model has the most compatibility with the experiment results. Also, the effect of frequency on the aspect ratio has been investigated. As the frequency ranges increased from 2 to 8 MHz, the aspect ratio is increased to 0.3.

Volume 19, Issue 130 (December 2022)

The honey quality can vary based on various factors such as plant origin, geographical area, production method and storage. By determining the quality characteristics of honey, it is possible to ensure the quality level as well as the existence of fraud in it. In this study, some physico-chemical, rheological and microbiological characteristics of 14 types of honey of Sistan and Baluchestan and Qazvin provinces (six natural honey samples and one counterfeit honey sample from each province) were investigated. The results indicated that there was no significant difference between amounts of reducing sugar of natural honey samples. The highest significant sucrose value belonged to the counterfeit samples and Diyalabad Qazvin and Ziziphus honey of Chabahar had the lowest values. Moisture content of samples varied from 12.5 to 17.21%. Diastasis activity of counterfeit samples was zero and Astragalus-Thymus of Tarom Qazvin with 08.09 DN had the lowest diastase activity among the natural honey samples. HMFcontent of natural samples was in the range of 3.9 to 7.80 mg/kg whereas for Zabol and Qazvin counterfeit honey was measured 341 and 280 mg/kg respectively. The highest and lowest fructose to glucose ratio was obtained for the samples of Ziziphus of Chabahar (1.22) and Alhagi honey of Zabol (0.69). In general, Sistan and Baluchestan samples had the higher viscosity compared to Qazvin provine’s ones. Furthermore, the highest contamination of osmophilic yeasts and mold belonged to counterfeit honeys. According to the results of this study, the quality of honey can vary significantly depending on the geographical location and plant origin. Also, some quality indicators of honey, especially the amount of sucrose, diastase activity and hydroxymethylfurfural content can be used as useful tools to detect the adulteration of the product.

Volume 21, Issue 2 (Summer 2018)

Aims: Botulinum neurotoxins are the strongest known bacterial toxins that cause muscle paralysis due to inhibition of acetylcholine release. Design of inhibitors is still pursued as a major strategy for intracellular inhibition of poisoning caused by these toxins. Investigation of the potential function of design inhibitors, pure poison or catalytic area is essential. The aims of present study were expression and purification of recombinant catalytic domain of botulinum neurotoxin type E (BoNT/E) Type E from a synthetic gene.
Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, the sequence of the botulinum neurotoxin type E light chain was adopted from GeneBank and codons were optimized according to E.coli BL21 (DE3) codon usage. Other bioinformatics tools were exploited to reach the optimum expression of the gene in the mentioned host. The resultant (gene) was then ordered to synthesize and cloning in pET28a (+) expression vector. The recombinant vector was transferred into E. coli BL21 (DE3) host cells. The expression of the protein was induced by addition of IPTG. The expression conditions were changed to obtain a soluble expression of the protein. Then, the protein was purified by an affinity chromatography, followed by a further purification with amicon filter. SDS-PAGE was used to evaluate expression and purification of the protein and Western blotting was performed to confirm the expressed protein.
Finding: Codon Adaptation Index of the gene increased to 0.85. The third predicted structure showed good quality. The thermodynamic analysis of the mRNA structure showed that the predicted structure is stable. The soluble expression was obtained in 18°C and 18h induction by 1 mM IPTG. Protein production with higher more than 90% purity was confirmed.
Conclusion: Optimization of the protein expression conditions resulted in producing the solution in the culture medium by E. coli BL21 as host.

Volume 22, Issue 158 (April 2025)

Bug-damage wheat is one of the agricultural wastes, which by entering the human cycle will significantly contribute to the industry of baking products. Therefore, in the present study, bug-damage wheat flour at levels of 10, 20 and 30% was replaced by healthy wheat flour in the formulation of traditional Zaboli cookies and ascorbic acid at levels of 30 and 60 pp was used to compensate. The results showed that the moisture, ash, fat, protein, Falling's number and Zeleny's number of healthy and bug-damage wheat flour could not be a suitable indicator to detect wheat. This was despite the fact that the amount of wet gluten and gluten index were effective parameters for distinguishing between healthy and healthy and bug-damage wheat, and the amount of gluten and gluten index was higher in the flour sample obtained from healthy wheat. Also, the results showed that by replacing healthy and bug-damage wheat flour, the moisture level of cookies decreased. Ascorbic acid was successful in maintaining the moisture of the cookies during the baking process and after. In addition, based on the results, it was indicated that the sample containing 10% bug-damage wheat flour and 30 ppm of ascorbic acid had the highest volume and the lowest firmness. The presence of bug-damage wheat flour and ascorbic acid in the formulation led to the darker and lighter color of the samples, respectively. Based on the overall acceptance score, it was determined that the sample containing 10% bug-damage wheat flour and 30 ppm ascorbic acid, the control sample and the sample containing 20% of bug-damage wheat flour and 60 ppm of ascorbic acid were the three best samples. But since the purpose of using bug-damage wheat flour, the samples containing bug-damage wheat flour are introduced as the best samples in terms of technological and sensory properties.

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