Showing 8 results for Alamdari
Volume 3, Issue 2 (5-2017)
Background: Accessory colonization factor is located immediately adjacent to and downstream of TCP cluster. These genes (acfA, B, C, D) are involved in bacterial colonization and pathogenesis. The aim of this study was to analyze the ACF cluster prevalence rate and gene content in clinical isolates of Vibrio cholerae.
Materials and Methods: All of the 21 V. cholerae isolates used in this study were collected during 2011-2012 outbreaks in Iran. All of the isolates were screened by biochemical tests and confirmed by specific PCR for 16srRNA-23srRNA intergenic space. The gene content of ACF cluster in the isolates was analyzed using 4 primer pairs with overlapping sequences and then subjected into Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) assay.
Results: Among the 21 V. cholerae isolates, all of them (100%) were identified as V. cholerae O1 Inaba, 20 (95%) isolates were determined with El Tor biotype specificity, and 1 isolate (5%) appeared as Classical biotype. A total of 18 strains (85.8 %) contained a complete set of ACF-associated genes, 3 strains (14.2 %) were negative for ACF cluster, and all of the strains showed similar RFLP pattern to each other and to V. cholerae ATCC 14035.
Conclusion: The results showed that O1 Inaba was the dominant serotype and positive for ACF cluster in pathogenic V. cholerae isolates collected during 2011-2012 in Iran. The presence of some ACF negative strains with potentially pathogenic characteristics proposed that other colonization factors might have been involved in causing pathogenicity and diarrhea in these strains.
Volume 8, Issue 4 (2019 2019)
Aims Sacred architecture is a reflector of divine beauties, and it is an illustrative example of the combination and association of symbolic forms with our deep beliefs and this connection can be expressed in the deepest mysterious layers of the altar. The altar is the most important part of the religious building. In the history of architectural decorations in Islamic art, altar has always embedded the best and most valuable examples in terms of style and in terms of motifs as well as calligraphy values. The Aljaito altar, in terms of the art of Stucco used in it, is in the rank of the most beautiful works of the Ilkhani era. In this research, the study of the herbal designs of the altar, the characteristics, and generalities of the motifs and the patterns governing them are the aim of the research.
Instruments & Methods Through library and field studies, we have identified the decoration of the altar of the Jameh Mosque of Isfahan. The research method is descriptive-analytical and uses architectural software.
Findings & Conclusion The following results were obtained by examining the designs and decorations of Aljaito altar: 81 patterns of herbal design were extracted from the altar designs, with a range of 28% horizontal rectangle, 22% circle, 21% pentagon, 15% vertical rectangular, 7% star, 6% square, and 1% Shamseh; the majority of it included horizontal rectangle. Also, the dominant line in Aljaito altar designs adhered to 100% of the curve pattern, and 85% were completely non-symmetrical and 15% was vertical to the axis in the herbal designs.
Volume 10, Issue 1 (Issue 1 (Tome 44)- 2006)
Motivated and efficient human resources have a very significant role in increasing the effectiveness of an organization. Knowing the rate of employees’job satisfaction may help the managers to improve human resource productivity. Based on different studies, there are a lot of Factors inFluencing job satisfaction. The rate of influence of each factor is different depending on the size, culture, awarding system, promotional system, kind of production and other environmental factors of an organization. In this research, based on scientific hypotheses and tests, it was tried to obtoin the main determinants of job satisfaction in public sectors. According to a case study in Interior Ministry, it was found out that which factors for the dependent variable of job satisfaction have a predictor role and which of the independient variables such as appraisal system, leadership style, level of income and promotional system has a significant relation with it.
Volume 12, Issue 3 (9-2023)
The extrusion process is widely used in making aquatic feeds. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of extrusion on biochemical analysis, removal of phenolic compounds and protein and carbohydrate digestibility of wheat flour in common carp. In treatments 1, 2 and 3 wheat flour was mixed with tap water at the rate of 250, 100 and 200 ml per kg of flour and then extruded by a single-axis extruder under the temperature of 120, 135 and 120 °C, respectively. Treatment 4 (control) was not subjected to the conditions of dough preparation and then extrusion. Extruding had no significant effect on the amount of crude protein and ash of wheat flour (p>0.05) but it significantly decreased the content of crude lipid, total phenolic compounds and non-tannin phenolic compounds and increased the digestibility of carbohydrate and protein (p<0.05). There were no significant differences in the amount of crude protein, crude lipid, ash and non-tannin phenolic compounds in the extruded treatments, but significantly the lowest amount of total phenolic compounds was recorded in treatments 1 and 2. Significantly, the highest carbohydrate digestibility was obtained in treatments 1 and 2, and the highest protein digestibility was observed in treatment 2. In total, treatment 2 (135 °C and 100 ml tap water per kg flour) was recognized as the best extruded wheat flour for common carp.
Pourya Alamdari, Ali Akbar Rajabi, Mojtaba Mirhosseini,
Volume 13, Issue 15 (Third Special Issue 2014)
Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) is one of the techniques for heat transfer enhancement. In current study, the enhancement of natural convection heat transfer inside a vertical tube is experimentally investigated under applying a strong electrical field (EHD). For this purpose, a wire electrode with positive polarity is used along the pipe axis while the inner surface of tube is connected to the ground. EHD disturbs the thermal boundary layer by generating ionic wind which flows from wire electrode to inner side of tube and causes the heat transfer enhancement. In this study, the effects of wire electrode diameter and also electrical field on heat transfer enhancement are investigated. Obtained data are reported as local Nusselt number along the pipe axis and mean Nusselt number. The results show that decreasing the wire electrode diameter increases the heat transfer of tube. In addition, increasing of electrical current due to strong electrical field, increases the Nusselt number. At the lowest wire electrode diameter, the highest Nusselt number was observed which was 2.03 times more than the case that no electrical field was applied.
Volume 18, Issue 112 (May 2021)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of flushing of CO2 / N2 gases at different ratios and gas treatment duration on physicochemical and microbiological properties of raw milk using a combined design. In this research acidity, pH, freezing point, total count, total yeast and mold count and total coliform count were performed on 15 raw milk samples between 9 and 15 minutes after injections. Statistical analysis showed that the combined treatment of nitrogen and carbon dioxide had significant effect on the acidity and pH of raw milk (p˂0.05), so that with increasing the amount of carbon dioxide to 100%, the pH decreased and acidity increased. The combined effect of both gases on the freezing point of raw milk was significant (p˂0.05). Increasing the treatment time of raw milk from 9 to 15 minutes had significant effect (p˂0.05) on reducing the microbial load, but no significant reduction was observed due to the combination of gases. According to ANOVA results, in 100% nitrogen and duration of 15 minutes, the best results in terms of microbiology and chemistry were obtained. The effect of milk treated with a mixture of CO2 and N2 gases on yogurt properties, as a food model, has also been investigated. Yogurt samples were investigated for chemical, microbial, and organoleptic properties during 22 days storage time. The results showed that the raw milk treated with gas mixture did not have an adverse significant effect on the sensory and physicochemical properties of yogurt (p> 0.05). However, yogurt acidity, pH and synthesis were significantly affected during storage time (p˂0.05). Therefore, the application of raw milk treatment with 100% nitrogen gas for 15 minutes can be considered as a bacteriostatic agent in the preservation of raw milk in industrial scale.
Volume 21, Issue 4 (Winter 2017)
Recognizing the boundary of criminal intervention and non-criminal intervention in individual liberty is a question with is considered in debate of Principle on Criminalization. In crimination of cybercrimes specifies those acts which could be criminal in cyberspace. This procedure is based on some issues, such as principle of harm and The principle of individual independence, which limit incrimination and justification scopes. Some of them, such as the principle of general interest and the principle of the rule of law, are supporting incrimination as well, these principles as a rule and pattern determine those acts which should be excluded from state’s authority. This paper seeks to respond this question that how much are affected both Iranian and German criminal legislation systems, of incrimination of cyber wrongdoings? How much German concerned findings could be used in Iranian system? Findings of this research show that, German legislators, in a liberal manner which is based on human liberation and Individualism, which is mostly affect by principle of harm, provided that, the harm was sever and other preventive ways were impossible or useless. But Iranian legislator, along with using the principle of ham, with a different interpretation, considers harm to morality and Islamic worth, and this Iranian legislator’s notion is justified by the principle of rule of law and principle of general interest.
Volume 22, Issue 4 (Winter 2019)
One of the concepts considered as a development indicator in recent decades is to increase the level of public awareness about all themes, including individual rights and laws. Urban rights are a set of rules and regulations that determine the quality of relations, rights, and duties of citizens against each other, society and institutions of urban management. Awareness of these rights can be regarded as the core of social and political participation and basis of civil society. Accordingly, active participation of citizens in community affairs is considered as a part of the rights and duties of citizenship. Today, citizenship is part of the social and civil rights of any person who impels the organizations and the public to support him, in respect of obedience and observance of the laws and obligations. Although the concepts of citizenship rights in the developed Western countries have an extensive history, however, during the process of globalization, this concept has entered into developing countries, including Iran, and has attracted the attention of researchers, social activists, planners and urban managers. The first step in dealing with the issue of urban rights and active citizenship is to measure the citizens' awareness of their rights. Accordingly, in this study, citizens' awareness of urban rights in two affluent (5th municipal area of Mashhad) and non-affluent areas (1st municipal area of Mashhad with emphasis on Sadjad district), as well as the relationship between the awareness of urban rights and their active participation were investigated and analyzed.
Considering that present study is seeking to assess a relationship between the level of urban rights and citizenship awareness, this study is considered as a solidarity research in terms of its nature, and it is considered as a descriptive-analytical study in terms of the method applied. The required data are collected through documentary and survey methods. The statistical population of this research includes residents of two districts of 1st and 5th municipalities of Mashhad, which involves the age group of 25 to 70 years. The reason for choosing this age range is that people usually marry at the age of 25 after graduation and military service (in the case of men) and enter the work and activity field, consequently, deal with urban management institutions. The research unit in this study is individual and the sample size was determined using the 384 Cochran formula. Data were collected through questionnaires using descriptive and inferential statistical tests such as correlation test, mean comparison, and chi-square, and were analyzed using SPSS software.
Results and Discussion
The results of this research show that the awareness level of residents of municipal district 1 regarding the urban rights is fair with an average of 3.124 and in district 5 with an average of 2.517 is lower than average as well as the difference in mean in two regions is significant. The significant difference in the level of awareness of urban rights in the two districts can be explained so that the district 1 is considered as one of the affluent and prosperous areas of Mashhad, and in contrast to the district 5 is considered as a non-affluent and impoverished area. It is normal that more income, better use of more educational facilities, the use of more advanced media outlets (Internet, newspaper, books, etc.), provide the higher occupational conditions and interaction with well-informed people, possibility of more domestic and foreign travels, which all contribute to raising the level of awareness of urban rights. There is also a significant positive relationship between income level and awareness which is another result of this study, confirms this claim. Other results of the research show that there is a significant positive relationship between the citizens’ awareness of urban rights and their active participation in urban management institutions. That is, the higher the level of citizens' awareness of citizenship rights is, their active participation in urban management. Furthermore, the results indicate that there is a significant positive relationship between residents' awareness of citizenship rights and their gender variables, their income, and educational level. This means that the men are more aware of urban rights and laws than women. People with higher levels of income and education have also had a greater awareness of citizenship rights. There was no significant relationship between the age and duration of respondents' residence in Mashhad and their knowledge of urban rights.
The results of most studies conducted in Iran on the participation of citizens indicate their high level of willingness to participate in community affairs and urban management, however, in practice, the active participation of people in the administration of city affairs is less. Perhaps one of the missing circles in this regard is less attention to citizens' awareness of their rights and duties towards citizens, urban managers, and the use of urban spaces. Citizens who do not understand their rights and duties to the community cannot be expected to participate actively in city affairs. There is a significant positive relationship between the awareness level of the rights and the laws of the city and the active participation of citizens in this research according to the theoretical issues and research background in relation to the issue of citizenship rights and participation. Members of a community are encouraged to participate in real, informed, and effective participation in different aspects of social life, in case, they are aware of their rights and obligations on the one hand and the scope of duties and responsibilities of the managers of the institutions and executive agencies on the other. Such awareness also encourages them to claim their rights and increases their sense of responsibility towards respecting the rights of others as well as the rules of the institutions of the community. Therefore, awareness of citizenship rights can be considered as the core of social and political participation of a community.
The lack of a meaningful relationship between the age and dwelling duration of residents with the level of awareness of citizenship rights in this research reflects the fact that in Iranian cities, even in metropolitan areas such as Mashhad, there is no appropriate social and institutional context for active citizenship participation and informing and training on urban and citizenship rights. Hence, to create and to improve such a field, more effort of managers, planners, and educational institutions is required.