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Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
Among the challenges of language acquisition, developing writing proficiency is widely acknowledged as particularly demanding. Learners must not only select appropriate vocabulary but also use it effectively within a specific context. However, the emphasis on writing skill development should not solely lie in memorizing grammatical rules. Rather, grammar should serve as a tool to facilitate clear and effective communication of ideas. Consequently, prioritizing and strategically selecting essential grammar rules for instruction can significantly enhance and expedite the acquisition of writing skills. This research employs a descriptive-analytical method and utilizes a questionnaire to investigate the potential effects of streamlining Arabic grammar instruction on facilitating and accelerating the development of writing skills in Arabic among Persian undergraduate students majoring in Arabic Language and Literature. To achieve this objective, the study employed a researcher-designed questionnaire distributed among a sample of 16 Arabic language teachers and experts. This instrument aimed to identify the relative importance of Arabic grammar components across three proficiency levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Informed by expert opinion, the research proposes a tiered approach to Arabic grammar instruction. At the beginner level, priority is given to mastering structural order and interrogative particles. The intermediate level focuses on relative nouns, causative constructions, and the mood system. Finally, advanced learners concentrate on verbal mode and aspects. Additionally, the findings highlight the experts' emphasis on introducing similar Arabic and Persian grammar rules in the early stages of education, and Arabic-specific rules at higher levels.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
I aim to explore whether there are similarities and differences between the ethical virtues and vices in Nahj al-Balāghah in terms of cognitive-linguistics and based on the image schemas of Evans and Green's Model piety, perseverance, expenditure are the ethical teachings, described in Nahj al-Balāghah, chosen and analyzed based on image schemas. And the vices described in Nahj al-Balāghah are Secularism, greed, and jealousy. Studying the descriptive-analytical approach, I investigate and compare the virtues and vices discussed in sermons and short sayings of Nahj al-Balāghah in terms of cognitive semantics. Finally, the findings reveal that the general types of image schemas of Evans and Green’s model (schemas of Force, Balance, Unity/ Multiplcity, Existence, Identity, Locomotion, Containment, Space) have almost similar frequencies for both the virtues and vices. Among all, the schemas of force are the most repetitive in virtues and vices. And the balance is on the second level. The research finding is significant because it shows the similarity of the virtues and vices in using the different types of schemas in Nahj al-Balāghah. Their main difference lies in the way of using the subsets of the general concepts.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
Autism is a neurocognitive disorder. Many children with autism do not have a change in language and usually tend to have literal interpretations of phrases, which makes it difficult to understand metaphorical language, which can be seen in both visual and visual metaphors. The aim of this study was to compare auditory and visual metaphorical perception in children with mild autism and normal children. The present study is a cross-sectional and causal-comparative study. The statistical sample of this study includes 30 boys aged 7 to 10 years with mild autism studying in educational centers for exceptional children in Mashhad and 30 normal children matched in terms of age who were selected by convenience sampling method. After initial language assessment, they were assessed by metaphorical perception test and U Mann-Whitney test and SPSS 23 software were used to analyze the data. The results of data analysis showed that in metaphorical perception in general there is a significant difference between autistic and normal children (P <0.001), also, in understanding visual and auditory metaphors, the two groups showed a significant difference (P <0/001). The obtained results indicate that compared to normal children, children with autism have a lower performance in terms of understanding visual and auditory metaphors, and considering this issue can be used in planning and designing educational content and rehabilitation interventions in order to improve educational performance and social benefit of these children.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
Defined as a direct, non-conventional link between sound and meaning, the linguistic phenomenon of sound symbolism has empirically been studied for nearly 100 years, and multiple studies have been conducted to reveal the various aspects of the phenomenon. However, no significant studies have done to explain exactly why the phenomenon transpires. That is partly because it has not been studied on the basis of any semantic analysis and/or theory. Nevertheless, the American linguist Edward Sapir first pinpointed the two likely factors that can both or separately be involved in the phenomenon: the acoustic factor, or the articulatory factor (or a combination of both). On the basis of the Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT) in Cognitive Semantics, the current paper attempts to explain for the first time how either of the factors or both of them can contribute to the occurrence of the phenomenon. Thus, the question why sound symbolism happens may find a satisfactory answer. Moreover, the answer may pave the way for further theoretical considerations on the potential development of "cognitive" phonology.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2015)
This study was carried out to determine the species of the subfamily Hormiinae in Hormozgan province (Southern Iran), during February 2011–July 2013. Malaise traps, sweep nets and light traps were used to obtain adult specimens from various habitats in Hormozgan province. Five species were collected and identified of which Pseudohormius turkmenus Tobias & Alexeev, 1973 is newly recorded from Iran. The subfamily Hormiinae is reviewed and a key is provided for identification of Iranian species.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (3-2017)
This article examines the changes that have occurred in Arabic loanwords after entering the Persian language. These changes are described and categorized on the phonetic and semantic levels. The results of the research show that some Arabic phonemes have become some of the closest phonemes in terms of the place of production (without second generation) in the Persian phonemic system due to their absence in Persian language or their dual articulation in Arabic.
At the level of semantic, although the loan words has entered the Persian language with the same form as in Arabic, they have meanings other than hgose in the Arabic language. On the other hand, many of these loan words in the post-Safavid period have received new meanings in new contexts in accordance with the Persian and Shiite culture, which has not been used in Arabic; so far as we have to translate these words from Persian to Arabic into different words. These semantic transformations can be categorized under several groups including: semantic changes, semantic narrowing, semantic widening, semantic elevation, and semantic pejoration.
Volume 2, Issue 2 (6-2016)
New data for the genus Aspilota Foerster, 1863 (Braconidae: Alysiinae) of the Western Asia are provided. Four species, A. flagimilis Fischer, 1966, A. insolita (Tobias, 1962), A. latitemporata Fischer, 1976 and A. nidicola Hedqvist, 1972, are recorded for the first time from Iran. Illustrated re-descriptions of Aspilota alfalfae Fischer, Lashkari Bod, Rakhshani & Talebi, 2011, A. delicata Fischer, 1973, A. flagimilis, A. insolita, A. latitemporata, and A. nidicola are presented. A key to the Western Asian species of Aspilota is provided.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2014)
Human beliefs are important because they are considered as the primary capitals of folk literature. The significance of folk literature is due to the fact that it is the foundation of refined and cultured literature. The sociopolitical novel “Souvashoun”, which placed its author Simin Daneshvar with other great Iranian novelists due to its fame, is a combination of literary scholarship, collectivism and pluralism; proof of beliefs and elements in the folk literature mentioned in this work is not a shortcoming, rather it is a piece of evidence showing eloquence and rhetoric. Contemplating this work of literature, the present article come up with the pieces of evidence showing the manifestation of beliefs and folk literature elements, as well as such folk beliefs as totem, taboo, fetishism, animism, manna, noma and superstition, which are primarily described and defined. Then several instances of such beliefs are extracted from the text. Specifications and functions of the folk literature are noted, and the narrative literature’s status as well as Souvashoun and its position are explained. It is also proved that Souvashoun, apart from its pluralism, is free from many unpleasantnesses of its contemporary prose like immeasurable vulgarity, fanaticism and senseless modernisms.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2016)
The subfamily Alysiinae (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) is one of the most peculiar and diverse endoparasitoids of the family Braconidae. A sampling survey was done in different parts of Iran, mainly in South, Central and South Eastern provinces. Fifteen species are recorded for the first time from Iran. They were belonging to tribe Alysiini (Dinotrema amparoae Peris-Felipo, 2013; D. borzhomii Tobias, 2004; D. dimorpha (Fischer, 1976); D. perlustrandum (Fischer, 1973); D. sinecarinum (Fischer, 1993); D. tauricum (Telenga, 1935); Orthostigma longicorne Konigsmann, 1969; Phaenocarpa bicolor (Foerster, 1863); P. carinthiaca Fischer, 1975 and Synaldis maxima Fischer, 1972) and Dacnusini (Chorebus melanophytobiae Griffiths, 1968; C. thusa (Nixon, 1937); Dacnusa areolaris (Nees, 1811); D. aquilegiae Marshall, 1896 and D. metula (Nixon, 1954)). List of Iranian Alysiinae including 108 species is also presented.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (6-2014)
The fauna of the braconid genera Atanycolus Foerster, Glyptomorpha Holmgren, Pseudovipio Szepligeti and Vipio Latreille belonging to the subfamily Braconinae were studied in some parts of northern (Alborz, Qazvin, Gilan and Tehran) and southern provinces of Iran (Hormozgan). Specimens were collected using Malaise traps during 2010–2012. Eightspecies were identified of which two species, namely Glyptomorpha kaspariyani Tobias, 1976 and Vipio striolatus Telenga, 1936 are new records for the fauna of Iran. An identification key for the collected genera and species is provided.
Volume 3, Issue 5 (8-2018)
The aim of the present study is practical contrastive analysis of differences and similarities between the system of imperative mood of verb in Persian and its correspondence, imperative category, in Arabic considering structure, meaning, and usage. This study is accomplished based on the moderate theory of linguistics and using a descriptive-analytic method, it predicts difficulties and errors of Persian speaking students of Arabic in learning the imperative category in Arabic which in turn leads to the improvement of learning process. The results reveal that the imperative mood of Arabic is more varied than Persian in structure, meaning, and usage. Also, the deontic modality category in Arabic imperative is evident in imperative verbal noun, infinitive substituting for imperative, and an imperative verb which has an emphatic “n ”. whereas, Persian does not have this feature and uses adverb to show the deontic modality. In Arabic imperative, unlike Persian, the scope of imperator’s request is defined. Therefore, language learner will be confused in using such imperative categories.
Volume 3, Issue 7 (12-2015)
One of the most beautiful aspects of Iranian oral literature is traditional melodies and songs that speakers of different regions and ethnic groups intone at work or in ceremonies or special occasions. These songs up to mow now have been applied by human in manifestations and ceremonies. Some of these songs have risen from Iranian ancient culture and have retained their old origins. Despite the attractiveness of words and meaning, some of the melodies for various reasons, including the inaccessibility to the city has remained largely intact. These poems are related to rejoicing customs. Poems, based on ancient traditions, have maintained their strength and power in wedding ceremonies till now. Ollāh is one of these fantastic songs which residents of southern villages of Shahrud and Damghan (Torud and Sarkavir area) from the far past use in their wedding. This ancient tradition has retained its effervescence and reliability yet. In this article we have tried to firstly introduce Ollāh and review the features and specifications of its literary aspects. Furthermore, we have analyzed some features of the popular culture of its speakers.
Volume 3, Issue 10 (Summer 2010)
Abstract Knowledege of ' VOJUH' is a branch Quranic studies which is used in Quranic searches and interpretations.
Volume 4, Issue 3 (9-2015)
Biological and demographic parameters of the mealybug ladybird, Cryptolaemus montrouzieri (Mulsant) were evaluated on citrus mealybug, Planococcus citri (Risso) and obscure mealybug, Pseudococcus viburni (Signoret) under 24 ± 2 ºC, 80 ± 5% relative humidity and a photoperiod of 16:8 (L: D) h. The mealybugs had a significant effect on developmental time and reproductive and demographic parameters of the ladybird. Life span (egg to adult death) was obtained 220.85 ± 5.78 and 119.44 ± 2.1 days when fed on Pl. citri and Ps. viburni, respectively. However, mean number of eggs per female (fecundity) and mean percent of egg hatching were significantly higher on Ps. viburni than on Pl. citri. In addition, values of intrinsic rate of increase (rm), finite rate of increase (λ) andnet reproductive rate (R0) were significantly higher on Ps. viburni than on Pl. citri.The values of intrinsic rate of increase were estimated 0.081and 0.094 day-1 on Pl. citri and Ps. viburni, respectively. Results of this study suggested that the obscure mealybug is a more suitable prey than the citrus mealybug as the ladybird displayed shorter developmental time, and higher fecundity and growth rate when fed with obscure mealybug.
Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2018)
A survey was conducted to study the fauna of the subfamily Aphidiinae (Hym., Braconidae) in Hormozgan province (Southern Iran). Specimens were collected using Malaise traps and sweep nets from various habitats during 2013–2016. A total of fiftheen species belonging to seven genera, Aphidius Nees, 1819 (7 species); Diaeretiella Starý, 1960 (1); Ephedrus Haliday, 1833 (2); Binodoxys Mackauer 1960 (1); Lysiphlebus Förster, 1862 (1); Praon Haliday, 1833 (2) and Trioxys Haliday, 1833 (1) were identified. All species are newly recorded from Hormozgan province (and its island). A key to the known species in Hormozgan province is provided.
Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2016)
The Western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis, an important greenhouse pest, has acquired rapid resistance to the chemical pesticides. Therefore, biological control is worth consideration as an alternative control method. Among the biological control agents, entomopathogenic fungi showed to be quite successful in some occasions. In this study, three Iranian isolates of Metarhizium anisopliae (‘DEMI001’, ‘DEMI002’ and ‘DEMI003’) were bioassayed for their lethal effects on the adults of the F. occidentalis, in vitro. The ‘DEMI002’ and ‘DEMI003’ had the lowest and highest LC50 at concentrations of 3.06 ´ 104 and 1.90 ´ 105 conidia/ml, respectively. Also, the isolate ‘DEMI002’ had the lowest LT50 of 4.39 ± 2.13 days at the concentration of 106 conidia/ml. The mean comparison showed that there was a significant difference between DEMI002 and DEMI003 in terms of virulence at most of the concentrations. Consequently, the ‘DEMI002’ can be considered as a promising tool in biological control programs of the F. occidentalis.
Volume 5, Issue 16 (9-2017)
Torud district located in the southern border of Semnan province, recognized as subsidiary of Shahrud city in terms of new geographical breakdown . The dialect of people in this obsolete village, having too likeness to some kinds of Khorāsāni dialects, for various reasons, including the inaccessibility to the city has remained largely intact . Hence particular study of words, expressions and interpretations of this dialect can be useful and helpful in solving some problems of classic poems and meaning of the ancient Persian texts, In addition to the benefits of its anthropological and linguists aspects. By categorizing the terminology associated with livestock in Torud district, which is collected during a field study and completed with other correlate books, this study attempts to point to Word derivation, the roots of some ancient words and any tradition joint to livestock in Torud folklore. Morever this study is a main step for ranchind dictionary collecting .
Volume 5, Issue 18 (12-2017)
In Persian language, implicature has an important role in discourse and also inference by listener is of great importance. The purpose of this study is analysis of Persian data and categorizing different forms of implicature. The problem is how Persian speakers infer the intended message conveyed by the speaker. The study is based on a descriptive-analytical approach. Data of this study are the 50-hour recorded conversations of people in 13 situations in Tehran. After finding implicatures, they were classified. They were described and analyzed based on the hypotheses. It is concluded that in Persian, implicit meaning is shown by generalized conversational implicature, scalar implicature, particularized conversational implicature and conventional implicature. Moreover, grammatical structures including conditional sentences and wh.q structures can create implicit meaning with assuming special cases and resulting in impliatures. Finally we reached to the conclusion that the context of situation and culture are crucial and influential factors in analyzing the conversations. Since meaning and interpretation could be inferred in the context of situation.
Volume 6, Issue 1 (3-2017)
Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) is a predatory mite that can control spider mites. The effect of seven strawberry cultivars (including: ‘Marak’, ‘Yalova’, ‘Aliso’, ‘Gaviota’, ‘Sequoia’, ‘Camarosa’ and ‘Chandler’) on the growth and development of N. californicus was studied in the laboratory conditions (27 ± 1 °C, 70 ± 5% RH and 16L: 8D photoperiod). There was significant difference in the number of trichomes on the leaves of strawberry cultivars. Life table parameters were analyzed based on age˗ stage, two˗sex life table. Egg incubation and protonymphal duration were significantly different when the predator was reared on different cultivars. There was no significant difference of total longevity among different cultivars. The longest preoviposition period was observed on ‘Aliso’ (1.70 days). The fecundity rate on ‘Gaviota’ and ‘Sequioa’ (6.90 and 8.91 eggs, respectively) was lower than other cultivars tested. The highest intrinsic rate of increase (0.20 day-1) and fecundity rates (13.29 eggs) were on ‘Chandler’, which might be due to the higher nutritional quality of Tetranychus urticae Koch reared on it or its low density of trichomes. Among the seven strawberry cultivars ‘Sequoia’, ‘Gaviota’ and ‘Yalova’ were recognized unsuitable for development and reproduction of N. californicus.
Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2020)
This study was based on examination of specimens of the family Braconidae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonoidea) deposited in Hayk Mirzayans Insect Museum. Totally thirteen species from eleven genera and seven subfamilies, including Braconinae (One genus – One species), Cardiochilinae (1-1), Doryctinae (1-4), Macrocernrinae (1-2) , Opiinae (2-2), Rhyssalinae (1-1), Rogadinae (1-2) were identified, of which six species including Biosteres spinaciaeformis Fischer, 1971, Heterospilus rubicola Fischer,1968, Utetes fulvicollis (Thomson, 1895), Aleiodes arcticus (Thomson, 1892), Macrocentrus turkestanicus (Telenga, 1950) and Rhyssalus longicaudis (Tobias & Belokobylskij, 1981) are new records for the Iranian braconid founa.