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Volume 0, Issue 0 (ARTICLES IN PRESS 2024)

The Ministry of Agriculture Jihad in Iran implemented contract farming (CF) for wheat in 2021 to address marketing issues. This study compares agricultural sustainability for farmers participating in and not participating in CF. Agricultural sustainability was assessed by applying a combined index approach that considers economic, social, and environmental dimensions. The required data came from 620 wheat farmers in Golestan province, sampled using the multi-stage randomization technique. The data were evaluated using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and clustering methods. The findings indicated a significant difference in the performance of economic and environmental sustainability dimensions between two groups of wheat farmers. For the participants, 14.2% were deemed unsustainable, 47.7% were considered partially sustainable, and 38.1% were classified as sustainable. For non-participants, the figures were 38.7%, 47.7%, and 13.5%, respectively. Therefore, it is suggested to provide more opportunities for participation in this program and expand it to other key crops. Additionally, authorities should provide more information about the benefits of the CF plan.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (ARTICLES IN PRESS 2024)

Trissolcus vassilievi (Mayr) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) is one of the most important egg parasitoids of the common sunn pest (CSP), Eurygaster integriceps Puton (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) in Iran. In this study, the fitness of two populations of T. vassilievi was studied on two populations of hosts in terms of life history parameters. Two populations of T. vassilievi were selected: 1/ Tabriz (as a temperate area), and 2/ Varamin (as a subtropical area), as well as for CSP. Moreover, regarding that outcrossing between populations can produce progeny with superior characteristics, the progeny of reciprocal crosses between original populations also were examined on a single host. The crosses between the two populations caused 13.9-18.5% higher net fecundity than maternal populations which suggests fecundity to be a function of maternal phenotype. The intrinsic rate of increase showed minor differences among treatments which varied between 0.291±0.003 to 0.305±0.003. The partial advantage of the Varamin wasps over the Tabriz ones and the crosses over the original populations was obvious. Such differences may be used to obtain more efficient parasitoids in augmentation programs.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2014)

Soil compaction has become a widespread problem in the world and it is considered as one of the main factors affecting land degradation in arid and semi-arid agricultural land. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of soil compaction on soil carbon and nitrogen sequestration, physical (aggregate stability, saturated soil moisture content, bulk density, and porosity) and chemical (EC, pH, organic carbon and nitrogen) features. The treatments were applied in the form of the completely randomized block design with four independent variables and three replicates. The study treatments included: control treatment (no artificial compaction), T2 (2 times passing heavy tractor), T3 (4 times passing heavy tractor) and T4 (6 times passing heavy tractor). Toward this attempt, data was analyzed by means of the SPSS 16.0. Software package. The type of mean comparison method applied is the LSD test (at significant level of 5%). The results showed that different levels of soil compaction caused a significant effect on soil physical and chemical features. Based on the results, 6 times passing heavy tractor significantly reduced soil porosity and aggregate stability (respectively from 0.45% and 5.32 mm in control treatment to 0.255% and 3.88 mm) while this treatment (4) significantly increased soil bulk density as compared to other treatments(from 1.45 g cm-3 in the control to 1.97 g cm-3). Four and six times to-and-fro passing heavy tractor caused a significant reduction in soil carbon and nitrogen sequestration respectively from 3.26 t ha-1 and 149.62 kg ha-1 (in control) to 1.70 ton ha-1 and 48.16 kg ha-1for T3 and T4 treatments, but significantly increased EC in comparison with other treatments (changed from 0.58dS m-1 in control treatment to 0.83dS m-1 in T4). Also, all soil compaction treatments significantly increased soil pH. For example pH increased from 7.93 in control to 8.09 inT4. While soil compaction treatments resulted in significant decrease in organic carbon, total nitrogen and saturated soil moisture values.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (winter 2021)

Problem statement: Bazaars are considered one of the most important spaces that can be a source of emotional arousal by stimulating the audience's senses and can be effective in the formation of the sense of belonging to a place as the identity center of the cities. In this regard, the historical Bazaar of Tehran with its unique features has great importance. It has long been a dynamic and lively center with spatial qualities and has almost met the needs and different senses of people.
Aims: This article aims to identify the features that examine the existence of identity and sense of place in the Tehran Bazaar.
Methods: This article analyzes the initial passive observations through behavioral mapping in the first step. The second step measures the dependence of variables through interviewing on a 7-point Likert scale.
Results: The visual landscape played the greatest role in the perception of the environment and along with the tactility landscape, it is almost constant during the day. On the other hand, acoustic and chemical landscapes are two effective stimuli in the sensory richness of the environment that have more changes during the day than other environmental stimuli. Also, the existence of historical buildings, despite the interest of individuals, does not per se strengthen the sense of place and paying attention to the components of spatial identity and the impact of each sense of place in the bazaar improves market quality and leads to continuity of life and permanence of this valuable architectural heritage.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2014)

In the modern highly competitive banking era, ability of collecting financial resources has become one of the main prerequisite of effective performance and survival of the banks. Hence, banks have turned to strategies such as electronic banking development to develop their capabilities. This research shows that how and to what extent of applying various electronic banking systems can develop the banks capabilities in collecting financial resources by motivating people to invest in these banks. The research method is of descriptive and solidarity type. The population consists of the customers of Ansar bank branches in Tehran province that are taken by random sampling, and 440 were selected. The results of the research indicate that all 13 studied electronic banking systems have meaningful and positive relationship with the bank capabilities in collecting financial resources, and among them 3 systems of point of sale (POS) and PAYA system (financial resources barter) and Telephone bank system have the greatest positive relation with collecting of financial bank resources. These results show that the electronic banking development is an effective factor in motivating people to invest in studied banks. On this basis, practical and theoretical recommendations are provided for managers and researchers.    

Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2014)

Herzberg theorized that job satisfaction and dissatisfaction are different and independent factors. The Herzberg finding about motivator-hygiene factors were based on Storytelling Critical-Incident methodology and several researchers criticized this methodology and mentioned that Herzberg findings biased because of attribution error. In this paper the hygiene and motivator factors were measured using Teck-Hong & Waheed questionnaire. We tested a sample of 190 workers in an Electronic components factory at Tehran (120) and Shiraz (70) cities. Instrument for factor analyzing was SPSS16 software package. Results of factor analysis showed that there are considerable differences in motivator-hygiene factors between Tehran and Shiraz. According to results we found some distinct differences between the Herzberg theory and our findings on categorizing the motivator-hygiene factors. We developed two-factor theory to four- factor theory and concluded that money and security were independent factors. Further analysis of the results indicated that the motivator-hygiene factors were dependent factors Implications, limitations, and suggestions discussed. 

Volume 4, Issue 4 (No.4 (Tome 16), (Articles in Persian) 2013)

The multidisciplinary analysis of relationship between language and law has been in the spotlight for many linguists in the last two decades. Forensic Linguistics attempts to describe and, where possible, explain the features that distinguish the language used in legal settings from the everyday language. Furthermore, discourse analysis is capable of application in a wide variety of settings and contexts. The purpose of this paper is to outline the theory and practice of forensic discourse analysis as a tool for interpretation and analysis of legal context with a particular focus on legal pragmatics in Persian legal events to enable both researchers in legal system and forensic linguists to pass the level of theory and barge into the practice of discourse analysis in Persian legal system. In this regard, we focused on the Legal Speech Acts based on the theory of Searle J. (1969). A collection of 20 files issued in legal context were analyzed and the results and applications will be discussed.      

Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2016)

Based on SPI and RDI indices, changes in droughts in the semi-arid areas of west Golestan Province was assessed in the GIS environment by incorporating data from Hashemabad synoptic station and 11 climatic stations. After evaluating the ability of LARS-WG5 in the simulation period (1984-2010), downscaling of HadCM3, IPCM, and GFC models was done as a group under scenarios of A1B, A2 and B1 to evaluate changes in meteorological values of precipitation, Tmax, Tmin, and evapotranspiration during 2011-2030.Model accuracy was studied using the coefficient of determination, index of agreement (D) and the mean error. The results showed that the highest mean values of Tmax and Tmin were related to the B1 and A2scenarios, with an increasing trend of 0.81and 0.91°​C, respectively. The highest mean evapotranspiration (1.34 mm) changes were under group model of B1 and A2. For precipitation, these were related to B1 (1.49 mm) and A1B (1.36 mm) scenarios. Based on the regional interpretation of drought, the central, northern and eastern parts, in spite of the current droughts, are predicted to be hit harder in the upcoming period and for more prolonged period. In this study, performance of group models to simulate climate data and use of drought indices were shown.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2017)

The socio-economic factors affecting land use changes in the Maraveh Tappeh region was determined from the viewpoint of beneficiaries and experts. The items of questionnaires designed as rating scale based on the five options Likert. Reliability of questionnaires was determined by Cronbach's alpha. Two sets of questionnaires were designed for beneficiaries and experts. Reliability of beneficiaries and experts questionnaires obtained 0.75 and 0.80, respectively. A total of 310 beneficiaries and 42 experts responded to the questionnaires. Mann-Whitney non-parametric test was used to compare the mean between the experts and beneficiaries. The reality amount of significant difference was obtained from the effect size. Rating average was used for each item and its priority. In ten items, significant difference at the 0.01 level between the viewpoints of beneficiaries and experts was observed. The high cost of living, low income of rural families and unemployment in rural areas were the top three priorities from the viewpoint of beneficiaries. The low income of rural household, the high cost of living and increasing the price of farmland were the most effective factors from the viewpoint of experts. Economic factors were the key priorities of land use change in viewpoint of both beneficiaries and experts, indicating that experts had the necessary experience and understanding of beneficiaries’ condition and were positive and important notes for policy making and management issues.

Volume 5, Issue 3 (Summer 2023)

Although the world's fresh water resources are limited, they are constantly facing more demands. Population growth, urbanization and the effort to industrialization have caused more requests for fresh water. Meanwhile, more than 2 billion people in the world are facing water stress. Countries, especially in dry regions, have turned their attention to common basins in order to meet their needs. Iran has different common basins. The Hirmand Basin, which is known as the Helmand Sea in Afghanistan, is one of these common basins. Despite the bilateral agreements between Iran and Afghanistan in recent decades, Hirmand has become an issue of tension between the two countries, and its governing characteristics indicate the change of its status from hydro-politics to geopolitics of water; Because, in a continuous historical effort, Afghans have constructed various dams and diversion channels on the Hirmand and have imposed the price of their agricultural development in that basin on Iran.
This article, which was done with an inductive approach and with the strategy of historical-geographical studies, is of an analytical type and was done in a library method. Due to nature of the subject of the research, which is an international issue between Iran and Afghanistan, therefore, the study has been carried out considering the sources, documents, bilateral agreements of the two countries and international sources and conventions.
The negotiations between Iran and Afghanistan on Hirmand can be analyzed in three political phases: the Qajar period, the Pahlavi period, and the Islamic Republic period. The tension over water share began with the separation of Afghanistan from Iran. During the Qajar era, negotiations were held to determine the border, but no action was taken regarding the determination of the Iran’s share from Hirmand water flow. Due to Reza Shah de-escalation policy, in June 1921 a friendship agreement was signed between the two countries. In 1938 an agreement was signed between the two countries that the Hirmand water in the Kamal Khan area would be halved between the two countries. Afghanistan refused to ratify this agreement. The intensification of tension and occurrence of water shortage caused the issue to be seriously pursued during the period of Mohammad Reza Shah. After the mediation of the United States, an agreement was signed in 1973, which was approved in Iran but not approved by Afghan parliament. During the period of the Islamic Republic, Hirmand water flow continuously decreased and it was completely cut off in some cases mainly during the rule of the Taliban.
Over several decades, ignoring Iran's water share, Afghans have built many dams and diversion dams on the Hirmand and its tributaries and have caused water flow reduced. Afghanistan's performance in this regard has been in contradiction with all international conventions and regulations.
Preventing Iran's water share flow is enough to turn Hirmand's situation into a geopolitical issue; meanwhile Afghanistan's actions have challenged international standards. Afghanistan's behavior in Hirmand case and the termination of Iran's concession is in contradiction with paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the United Nations Watercourse Convention, which emphasizes the fair and responsible use of water resources. Also, it is in contradiction with paragraph 1 of article 7 of the same convention and paragraph 1 of article 10 of the Berlin Water Treaty and against the document of the United Nations Environment Program which approved in 1978. The former mentioned document emphasizes the countries' behavior based on good neighborhood and respect for the rights and interests of others. According to the principle of historical exploitation, cutting off Hirmand water means ignoring Iran's natural right and right to the Hirmand stream.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (12-2006)

Home Uterine Activity Monitoring (HUAM) has demonstrated to be of great value for preventing preterm labor in recent years. In this research, a low cost monitoring device for non-invasive monitoring of the uterine activity in pregnant women is presented. The new device has been designed based on an inductive Colpitz oscillator and vertical displacement of a ferrite core in a coil. The resulting frequency of the oscillator is proportional to the pressure in the external surface of the abdomen. This frequency is measured by the portable monitor. A low-power static random access memory (SRAM) provides long-term data storage. The proposed sensor for detecting uterine contractions has light weight, high stability and low cost. This sensor is very simple to manufacture and use for long-term ambulatory monitoring of the uterine activity. Furthermore, this sensor can be calibrated using software. Other features of the sensor are, resolution of 0.13 mmHg, repeatability close to 96% and input range from 0 to 95.32 mmHg.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (7-2016)

Denison’s Organizational Culture Model (DOCS) was used widely by academics and practitioners today.  However we included thepapershas published in Iranian journals that was published in several Iranian universities in a systematic review and results of a meta-analysis suggested that all cultures’ traits; involvement, Consistency, adaptability, and mission have similar measures. We found some methodological errors in the Denison and Mishra (1995) paper. First of all the correlation test wasn’t suite statistical test to compare the four traits of organizational cultures. And finally the five point Likertmeasurement in not good enough to measure the traits of organizational cultures. We should be concerned about the relation between organizational effectiveness and four traits of organizational cultures based on these methodological errors.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (winter 2021)

Aim: Concerning the high prevalence of chronic pain and the remarkable role of psychological empowerment in chronic pain management, identifying factors influencing psychological empowerment in chronic pain management is of high importance. Hence, the current study aimed to explore the barriers and facilitators of using psychological empowerment in chronic pain management from health care providers and patients’ viewpoints.
Method and Materials: The grounded theory approach was applied using semi-structured interviews and observation of participants as the main methods for data collection. Fifteen members of the health care providers had a greater relationship with the psychotic dimensions of chronic pain management and 6 patients with chronic pain participated with purposive and theoretical sampling methods in Ahvaz city. Sampling was continued until data saturation and data analysis were performed concurrently with data gathering based on Corbin and Strauss’s proposed method. Data validity was confirmed via Lincoln and Guba’s approach.
Findings: Two themes of “emotional dysregulation” and “negative attitude towards pain”, were identified as barriers to psychological empowerment. Emotional dysregulation consisted of two subsets of the emotional synergy of pain and the inefficiency of symptomatic therapies. Negative
attitudes toward pain also consisted of subsets of false assumptions about pain and lack of self- efficacy. Two themes of “pain acceptance” and “finding the meaning of pain” were also identified as facilitators of psychological empowerment. In this regard, the content of pain acceptance consisted of subcategories of increasing awareness, reality acceptance, and a positive attitude toward pain. Two subcategories of values and pain love also created pain meaning themes.
Conclusion: To evaluate and properly manage chronic pain, consideration of the psychological dimensions of the pain, including barriers and facilitators of the psychological empowerment process, can be beneficial in designing a comprehensive care program to improve chronic management

Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2017)

The functional response of the egg parasitoid, Trissolcus vassilievi (Nees) (Hym., Scelionidae), on eggs of the sunn pest, Eurygaster integriceps Put. (Hem., Scutelleridae) was investigated at six constant temperatures (12, 15, 20, 25, 28 and 32 °C) for 8 hours. Using logistic regression, a type III functional response was determined for T. vassilievi at the two temperatures 15 and 32 °C. Any functional response was not detected at other temperatures. The Hassells’ type III model was used for estimating searching efficiency (a) and handling time (Th). At 32 °C the highest attack rateand the lowest handling time was recorded 0.2029 per hour and 0.1856 hour, respectively. Results show that the parasitoid can be used in the pest management programs at low and high temperatures.

Volume 6, Issue 2 (Spring 2018)

Aims: The environment surrounding human includes physical, social, and psychological factors, each of which plays an important role in health status of human. The studies have shown that several psychological factors may play role in occupational burnout among the nurses. The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between psychological capital and occupational burnout in nurses.
Instruments & Methods: The statistical population of the present descriptive correlational study comprised of employed nurses in hospitals affiliated to Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, who were totally 4,000 participants selected based on the Cochran’s formula for sample size as 351 respondents, using stratified random sampling method in 2015-2016. The research tools included Luthans et al.’s psychological capital questionnaire and Maslach burnout inventory. The data analysis was performed, using statistical SPSS 19 software by stepwise regression, Pearson’s correlation coefficients, and ANOVA test.
Findings: There was an inverse significant correlation among psychological capital (r=-0.179; p<0.05) and resiliency (r=-0.318; p<0.05) with occupational burnout, while self-efficacy, hope, positive attitude- optimism were not significantly related to occupational burnout.  Accordingly, at the first step, resiliency interprets 10.1% of variance of occupational burnout (p<0.01). Therefore, regression can be extended to statistical population. Beta coefficient reduced occupational burnout up to 0.318 units against 1 unit increase in resiliency (p=0.001).
Conclusion: There is an inverse correlation between psychological capital and occupational burnout in nurses. However, there is no correlation between self-efficacy, hope, positive attitude-optimism of psychological capital with occupational burnout.

Volume 6, Issue 3 (11-2016)

This study describes the result of relationship between DISC personality types and pay to performance system as well as the relationship between Herzberg two-factor model and pay to performance. 300 mangers’ of Bank Refahe Kargaran has selected to participate in the study through random selection. Data gathered and analyzed in this research were based on three measurements of Herzberg two-factor questionnaire, the Disc Profile questionnaire and Dowling and Richardson pay to performance questionnaire. Analyzed data clearly show that managers having Conscientiousness behaviors were significantly more satisfied with pay to performance. In addition, within this personality type, the relationship between all Herzberg two-factor items and pay to performance were positive and highly significant. This study implied that DISC types have a moderate effect on the pay to performance effectiveness and implications, limitations, and suggestions were also discussed.

Volume 6, Issue 3 (11-2016)

Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2017)

To investigate the effect of different fertilizers on yield and health related traits of pomegranate fruit, a field experiment was carried out during 2014 and 2015 seasons on six years old pomegranate trees cv. ‘Bajestani’ growing in sandy loam soil under drip irrigation system in Khalilabad city, Khorasan, Iran. Organic fertilizers including: cow manure (25 kg/tree), vermicompost (5 kg/tree), and granulate humic (2 kg/tree) were applied without or with biofertilizers (azetobarvar, phosphobarvar and potabarvar at 1 liter/tree) by placement method. Results showed that plants treated with combination of organic and biofertilizers had higher yield and lower fruit drop than plants treated with organic fertilizers individually. The lowest fruit cracking (7.5%, 2.25%) as well as fruit infestation with Ectomyelois ceratoniae (Zeller) (27.5%, 25.34%) were observed in the plants treated with both biofertilizers and humic in 2014 and 2015, respectively. The most infestation to E. ceratoniae was observed in control treatment (38.07%, 31.44%) in both years, respectively. Fruit sunburn was not affected by nutrition of any type in both years. Results of leaf analysis revealed that plants treated by a combination of biofertilizer and humic had higher levels of macro and micronutrients compared with untreated plants. Altogether, our results suggest that biofertilizer in combination with organic fertilizers, especially granular humic, could be used in pomegranate orchards management to improve pomegranate yield, as well as to prevent crop losses resulting from cracking, nutrient deficiency and E. ceratoniae infestation.

Volume 6, Issue 4 (Fall 2021)

Aim: Pain is the most common mental pressure facing humans and one of the most common  complaints among fibromyalgia patients. The present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Positive Mindfulness Therapy (PMT) and Emotion-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral  Therapy (EFCBT) in improving pain perception and sleep quality in patients with fibromy-algia.
Method and Instruments: This study is a quasi-experimental research in which 60 referees  who visiting Red Cross affiliated physiotherapy clinics in Tehran in 2020 were selected by  convenience sampling and randomly divided into two experimental groups (positive mind- fulness therapy and emotion-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy) and a control group (N=  20 individuals per each group). . The research instruments included the Pittsburgh Sleep quality Index (PSQI) and the McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ). Data were analyzed using  SPSS software version 20.
Findings: The results showed that PMT produced significant improvements in pain perception (P< 0.001) and sleep quality (P= 0.013) in the patients compared to the control group. Furthermore, EFCBT was effective in improving pain perception (P< 0.001) and sleep quality (P = 0.015) in fibromyalgia patients. The results did not imply a significant difference be-tween the two treatment interventions.
Conclusions: Using PMT and EFCBT are effective in attenuating pain perception and improv-ing sleep quality in fibromyalgia patients.

Volume 6, Issue 4 (Fall 2024)

Increasing demand on the one hand, and decreasing resources for various reasons on the other hand, have doubled the importance of providing, managing, and optimally using freshwater resources in arid countries. Iran has experienced water shortages because of geographical reasons since ancient times, and today it is facing with water shortages due to human reasons and improper management of water resources. The increasing complexity of the water shortages has led to the emergence of problems in recent years. All economic sectors of the country have been affected by the aforementioned problems, and agricultural activities are not as prosperous as they were in the past. From a social perspective, the spread of migration and dissatisfaction have been consequences of the intensification of water shortages.
Security and access to water resources has been a topic of land management and geographic spatial organizing in Iran. Access to water resources has been the first reason for geographical dispersion of the population in Iran. This research which has focused on the water shortage in Iran, tries to explain the hydropolitical nature of the country's water resources and the transformation of the challenge of water shortages into a crisis.

The research method
This research with an inductive approach using the strategy of geographical and documentary studies is descriptive-analytic and data gathering procedure is based on library findings. Also, valid indicators have been used to measure the state of resources.

Factors influencing the emergence of challenges can be divided into two groups: natural and human factors. The obvious form of climate change in Iran is the change in the pattern of precipitation. Decrease in precipitation, change in precipitation patterns, change in intensity and duration of precipitation, irregularity in precipitation, and increase in temperature are the most important outputs of climate change in the country. According to the findings, the increase in temperature and the decrease in precipitation in the coming years will lead to a decrease in available fresh water resources.
Annual total rainfall, surface and groundwater inflow and outflow to the country is 400.8 billion cubic meters. Of the total 100 percent of rainfall, 60 percent is lost through direct evaporation. Another 11 percent is lost through forests, pastures, and rainfed areas. Thus, more than 70 percent of the water received is quickly lost through evaporation and transpiration before entering the consumption cycle. The remaining water volume for the country is about 130 billion cubic meters and in fact constitutes the country's water potential.
Climate change has had a significant impact on precipitation systems, and in addition to creating temporal irregularity, it has also exacerbated spatial irregularity. Iran is among the nine countries most vulnerable to climate change. Changing precipitation patterns is one of the most obvious consequences of climate change worldwide. A prominent form of climate change in Iran is also the change in precipitation patterns. Decreased precipitation, changing precipitation patterns, changes in the intensity and duration of precipitation, irregularity in the timing of precipitation, and increased temperature are the most important outcomes of climate change in the country.
The country's resources are managed by the Ministry of Energy, but the most important water consumer is the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad. Department of Environment is responsible for monitoring and supervising water resources to ensure water purity. Multiple and separate policies have led to the failure to achieve integrated water resource management and the failure to integrate water policies has led to a diversity of water strategies.
One of the most important challenges facing the country's water resources is the excessive exploitation of these resources. This exploitation has reached such a level that the capacity for aquifer restoration has been destroyed and a negative balance has become a common feature of all aquifers. The limited availability of groundwater resources, the imbalance in the groundwater balance, the lack of permanent rivers, and the subsequent weakness of groundwater aquifer recharge have exacerbated these limitations in recent years.
Inter-basin water transfer, plain subsidence, and insecurity caused by water shortages are consequences of improper management of the country's water resources. One of the most important challenges of the country's water resources is the excessive exploitation of these resources. Water shortage has aggravated the imbalance in the underground water balance, the lack of permanent rivers and then the weakness of feeding the underground water reservoirs.
According to the surveys conducted and the statistics and information of the synoptic stations and the Ministry of Energy, in the last 15 years, the temperature of the Iran has increased by about 1 degree Celsius. Also, the country's rainfall has decreased by about 15% in this period compared to the long-term period. Over exploitation and decrease in rainfall have caused the number of prohibited plains increase from 15 plains in 1968 to 405 plains in 2017.

The findings of this research indicate that mismanagement on the one hand and climate changes from the other hand are turning the water shortage problem into a water shortage crisis in Iran. The assessment of Iran's water resources situation in the form of indicators also emphasizes that it is on the brink of a water shortage crisis.
Over exploitation has caused a deficit of 5 billion cubic meters per year, and as a result, the level of underground water has dropped. Exploitation of rivers flow has exceeded the permitted level and the rivers of the country have been prevented from their usual and natural flow. The phenomenon of water scarcity will lead to unemployment, widespread migration, protests, subsidence of plains, excessive land dryness, increased dust production, disruption of urban and rural life, loss of plant and animal ecosystems, etc. The results of the continuation of the current trend of the country's water resources are a growing linear situation with expanding dimensions.

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