Showing 42 results for Azadi
Volume 1, Issue 4 (12-2013)
There are a number of ideas to generate cloud and precipitation in the southern coasts of Caspian Sea, but none of them explain the cause of precipitation particularly heavy and super heavy precipitations precisely. This study describes main thermodynamic factors when the situation and location of synoptic patterns are effective. On the basis of daily data, monthly regimes and monthly trends of the Sea Surface Temperature (SST), difference between 2m air temperature and SST over the Caspian Sea as well as the SST gradients in different distances on latitude and its anomaly were calculated. For recognition of synoptic conditions, humidity advection, geopotential and sea level pressure maps were drawn. The results showed that there are three thermodynamic factors over the Caspian Sea to produce precipitation particularly from September to December. The first factor is arrangement and well organized of the SST gradients as it decreases from the south to the north of Caspian Sea. Also, the SST over the Sea must be enough warm to produce clouds and precipitation. The last factor is the difference between 2m air temperature and SST. When the synoptic patterns in different pressure levels are suitable for instability, the air-sea interaction process is the most important factor to produce the advection humidity, clouds and precipitation particularly heavier precipitation events in the north of Iran.
Volume 3, Issue 1 ((Articles in Persian) 2012)
Syntagmatic and paradigmatic structures, as it was already reiterated by linguists such as Roman Jakobson, constitute the fundamental structure of language. Thus it is possible that semantic components of a word are found, the relations of syntagmatic and paradigmatic words with it are studied, and finally, the functions of that word in language are determined in a wide scale. In this method, first, sytamatic and paradigmatic words, which are considered to be the semantics components of the word, are found, and then their common semantic components are analyzed.
The term “Haq”, which is repeated 290 times, is one of the most significant Quranic terms. Haq and its syntagms and substitutions (rasu:l, din, bātil, hudā, sidq, bayyināt) are the basis of its analysis. In addition to Arabic language, this term has also got a variety of applications in its Quranic veriety. For instance, God says that He and all His effects in the world such as creation, sending the Messengers, the revelation, good tidings and threats are “Haq”.
Volume 5, Issue 1 (Winter 2019)
Background: Biodegradation is the metabolic ability of some microorganisms in degrading or transforming the organic and inorganic contaminants into less harmful and non-hazardous substances, which are then integrated into the natural biogeochemical cycles. Some microorganisms, mainly the members of family Actinomycetes, were found with the capability of transforming and degrading the polluting agents. In this study, three different Nocardia species with the ability to biodegrade organic and inorganic compounds were isolated from soil in Isfahan province.
Materials & Methods: The soil samples were collected from the hospital environments. Isolation process was done according to the standard methods. The identification and characterization of the isolates were based on the conventional and molecular methods, including direct sequence analysis of almost full length of 16S rRNA gene.
Results: Almost, the complete 16S rRNA gene sequences of the strains under study revealed that the isolates coded as NR6, NR17, NR18, NR25, NR26, and NR28 were the strains of N. cyriacigeorgica; NR7, NR34, and NR50 were the strains of N. coubleae; and NR4 was the strain of N. otitidiscaviarum. The relationship between the isolates under study and standard strain of Nocardia was supported by a phylogenetic tree of 16S rRNA gene.
Conclusion: In this study, 10 Nocardia strains with the capability of biotransforming polluting agents were isolated from the hospital environments. It was the first study conducted on the isolation and characterization of Nocardia strains, with the capability of degrading polluting agents, from Iranian hospitals. This study can be considered as a pioneer to develop a new insight about the study of microbial diversity in Iran using an applied approach to deal with environmental challenges.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2016)
Public policy making process simply includes three main phase: Formulation, implementation and evaluation. Since 1970, the implementation processes have been a center to the research and theory building. The literature review reveals that there exist some barriers and issues in the process of implementation, which this study intends to elaborate on. This study in terms of goal is practical and in terms of data type is descriptive and survey based. To investigate the barriers and issues, the literature was reviewed and the main criteria were identified. Considering availability of the data, the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare was chosen for case analysis. The field study was performed and based on collected data, the questionnaire was designed and distributed within 306 respondents. The results indicate that the conceptual framework of the research conforms to the collected field data. The issues associated with could state as policy makers, implementation executives, the content of the policies, the executives or all the actions, pressure groups and the context is related to policy implementation. In other words, all the hypotheses are confirmed.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (3-2018)
Tomato leaf miner, Tuta absoluta, is the most destructive pest of tomato in Iran. Resistance levels of six tomato cultivars to the pest damage were evaluated during two tomato growing seasons (2014-2015). Samplings were done weekly. Leaf and fruit damages as well as the total yield of the cultivars were compared. Furthermore, leaf trichome density was evaluated. The highest to lowest leaf infestation rates were recorded for the Primo early, CaljN3, Petomek, Rio grande, Early urbana and Super 2270 cultivars respectively. Fruit infestation rate in Early urbana was significantly lower than the other cultivars in both growing seasons. Total yield of tomato (from the highest to the lowest) belonged to Super 2270, Early urbana, Rio grande, Petomek, Calj N3 and Primo early cultivars.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (Winter 2019)
Aims: Female employees are more prone to develop osteoporosis. Exercise is the main factor preventing osteoporosis and an efficient method to increase bone density. This study was aimed to evaluate the relationship between health belief model constructs and stages of exercise behavior change in the prevention of osteoporosis among Iranian female employees.
Instruments & Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out in Iran, in 2016. A total of 585 female employees were selected through multi-stage sampling. A three-part questionnaire, including demographic information, health belief model constructs and stages of exercise behavior change was completed by the participants through self-report. The obtained data were analyzed by SPSS 22 software.
Findings: The findings showed that 64.1% of female employees had no exercise activity. Perceived benefits and perceived self-efficacy were directly correlated with cues to action external and cues to action internal, respectively (p<0.01). The means of perceived benefits, perceived self-efficacy and cues to action external showed statistically significant differences during the stages of exercise behavior change (p<0.05). In logistic regression, the remains of the influencing factors of exercise behavior were perceived self-efficacy and cues to action external.
Conclusion: Exercise activity among the female employees was low. Interventional studies seem necessary to be conducted to promote exercise behavior in female employees.
Volume 8, Issue 3 (fall 2020)
George Gordon Lord Byron,a British poet of 19th century, was heavily influenced by Oriental and Persian literature in his works. The poet’s life coincided with beginning of the “Victorian age”, and “romanticism” style emergence and the beginning of the European literature’s impressionability presentation from Iranian literature and Persian language; hence he is known as an outstanding person and European renaissance’s symbol and among the Persian literature’s impressed ones.
In This research attempt to clarify the “Manfred” Play’s contribution among Lord Byron’s works in Persian literature’s impressionability through library and documentary tools and relying on an analytical and comparative method. The result is that the above work is influenced strikingly by the works of Persian literature and language, Oriental myths and culture in “symbols”, “concepts”, “fantasies” and even “lexical” terms, which are collected due to Byron’s studies in his subconscious. Also research data show that the two categories of “Zoroastrianism” and “mysticism”, in effectiveness of Persian literature, had the largest share which are presented under two total categories: character-making level and
space-making level.
Volume 8, Issue 3 (Summer 2022)
Backgrounds: Staphylococcus aureus is one of the major causes of nosocomial infections. Biofilm formation is an important virulence factor of S. aureus, leading to its high resistance to antibiotics and evasion from host defenses. This study aimed to assess the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance profile of biofilm-producing S. aureus strains and characterize genes involved in biofilm formation.
Materials & Methods: A total of 79 S. aureus strains were isolated from 1000 clinical samples and characterized using phenotypic, biochemical, and molecular tests. The biofilm production ability of isolates was examined using the microtiter assay. Moreover, the expression of genes involved in biofilm production (psm A and psm B) was screened using real-time PCR. Finally, antibiotic susceptibility testing was done using the Kirby-Bauer method and interpreted according to the CLSI M100 standard.
Findings: Out of 79 S. aureus isolates, 43 (54.4%) isolates were strong biofilm producers, 21 (26.6%) isolates were weak biofilm producers, and 15 (19%) isolates were non-adhesive. The results of real-time PCR showed that 55 (86%), 60 (93.7%), and 46 (58.2%) isolates were positive for psm A, psm B, and both genes, respectively. The results of antibiotic susceptibility testing showed that all the isolates were resistant to two or more antibiotics.
Conclusion: The high prevalence of biofilm-forming S. aureus strains in hospital environments could be a major health challenge with serious outcomes for hospitalized patients. Thus, it is necessary to disinfect hospital environments to reduce the risk of infection and spread of these microorganisms.
Volume 8, Issue 29 (Spring 2015)
The growing theoretical discussions around the notion of World Literature in the past two decades ensue from the limitations of Comparative Literature and efforts to redefine the principles of literary criticism. It is part of an effort to include non-Western literatures and to write a history of world literature. The translation of Pascale Casanova’s La Republique mondiale des lettres has introduced part of these discussions into Persian. In this paper, I sketch a theoretical frame for World Literature, discuss the three axes of Casanova’s model (the republic, the centrality of Paris, and the nation-state ideology), and explain why the history of Persian literature does not fit into such definitions and why accepting this model would lead to epistemological changes that write off a great deal of Persian literature from world literary history. Then, in this connection, I discuss power relations, translation, and the implicit colonialism involved in it.
Volume 9, Issue 2 (Summer 2019)
Aims: soil, plant in playgrounds on children's achievements. Achievements of the presence of the child in the natural environment include nature's ability to promote cultivating skills, enhance mental and cognitive skills, facilitate learning, and rehabilitation of the relationship between child and nature. Meanwhile, later two ones, as factors that are only achieved through the placement of a child in a green environment, is chose to be one of the child's achievements. Although the way through which the child is accessed to these two important issues is explored.
Instrument & Methods: The statistical population of the study consisted of psychologists and parents of children aged 5-12 years old in Tehran who were asked to fill in the questionnaire.
Findings: The results indicate that the green approach in the playground has a positive and significant effect on the achievements of children. Results also show that the impact of the designed playground on the achievements of children is more than the impact of the pristine playground on achievements of children.
Conclusion: Despite the presence of the game in the historical experience of mankind and its role in the growth of the child, also considering the impact of children’s attendance in the natural playground, today we can observe a decrease in the quality of playgrounds and ignorance of green approach in playgrounds. The results indicate that the designed playground with a green approach has a significant effect on children’s achievements.
Volume 10, Issue 2 (10-2020)
Two questions of “What is the main competitive advantage of success in business?” and “How an organization can gain a distinctive competitive advantage and survive?” have been critical questions raised for many years among organizations and businesses. Organizations are required to identify, recruit and foster talented individuals in order to optimize their own capacity in achieving business outcomes and build a competitive advantage in the future. Thus; priore to everything else, existence of some components is of utmost importance for designing and implementation of talent absorbing organizations, in order to absorb top talents. This study is of applied purpose and descriptive in nature. The statistical population is comprised of 26 top executives in public companies located in Shiraz. After reviewing the research literature and consulting experts, 22 important components were identified in three dimensions: "strategic", "maintenance" and "organizational". Then, the obtained components were evaluated using Importance Performance Analysis. The results indicated that the "patience" component of the strategic dimension and "personal brand improvement and promotion" and "behavioral and spiritual rewards" components from the maintenance dimension and the "mission and purpose" component of the organization dimension were in the first region of the IPA matrix, with particular attention to enhancing organizational appeal.
Volume 10, Issue 4 (Fall 2022)
Aim: This study investigated the variation in plant diversity, floristic quality indices, and the forest integrity of various broadleaf forest types.
Materials & Methods: In this study, we used 288 plots of 1m2 in the middle Zagros forest to investigate the role of three forest types including Quercus infectoria, Quercus brantii, and Pyrus glabra on forest diversity indices and floristic quality
Findings: results revealed significant differences in Shannon wiener, Margalef, and Menhinic indices, as well as some soil properties, between forest types, but no significant differences in evenness and Simpson indices. Diversity indices mean coefficient of conservatism and floristic quality index (FQI) were significantly greater in the protected forest dominated by Quercus infectoria than in other protected forests.
Conclusion: This study demonstrates that tree species and certain topographical and edaphic factors have distinct effects on the distribution of understory plants, plant diversity, and floristic quality in different forest types. The results of this research, while confirming the use of plant diversity indices, also introduce the conservatism coefficient and species fidelity as additional tools in evaluating forest integrity, because by using them, more and better information can be obtained about the conditions of the forest.
Volume 13, Issue 1 (Spring & Summer 2009)
The NCEP/NCAR monthly mean reanalysis data have been used to investigate the temporal and spatial variations of subtropical anticyclones over the Asia-Africa. The geopotential height and zonal and meridional wind components of 1000, 500, 200 and 100 hPa in a 30-year period (1971-2000) have been employed to determine the geographical characteristics, frequency and ridgeline of subtropical anticyclone in a domain of 60 -120 from April to October. The results revealed that there is an obvious difference about the location of subtropical anticyclones at lower, middle and upper levels. While Iranian anticyclone has been located in both middle and upper levels of troposphere, the Azores high, the Northwest African anticyclone, the Saudi Arabia anticyclone and the Tibetan anticyclone have just seen at lower, middle and upper levels of troposphere, respectively. The summertime geographical pattern of anticyclone center at 1000, 500, 200 and 100 hPa showed one mode (east of Atlantic Ocean), three mode (northwest Africa-Iran-Saudi Arabia), dispersed(from south china to west of Iran) and bimodal (Tibetan plateau-Iranian plateau) of distribution, respectively. In all levels, the maximum latitude of the ridgeline of subtropical anticyclone has related to august, which have been located over the northern flank of Tibetan plateau at 500 hPa, a wide region from the east to west of Asia at 200 hPa and Iran at 100 hPa. The most latitudinal jumping of ridgeline was from June to July, which has been reaching to 10 degrees along some longitudes.
Mohammad Reza Ashouri, Ali Nahvi, Shahram Azadi, Mehrshad Niknejad, Ali Sadeghi,
Volume 14, Issue 9 (12-2014)
Drowsy driving is a main cause of severe accidents. Drowsiness is responsible for 30% to 37% of fatal road accident in Iran. In this paper, driver drowsiness is detected based on features related to the steering wheel angle and the lateral position of the vehicle. Data from the vehicle and the virtual road are used to extract drowsiness features. Experimental results using a driving simulator are presented. Participants were 21 to 28 year-old males with a high tendency to sleep (Epworth Sleepiness Scale≥10). The subjects had to drive a lane keeping scenario on a long and monotonous virtual road in both drowsy and alert states. The drowsiness criteria are validated with Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS) and video rating based on KSS measurements. The results illustrate that the phase diagram of the steering wheel angle (Ellipse criterion), the standard deviation of the steering wheel angle, and the mean and the standard deviation of the lateral position of the vehicle are highly correlated with drowsiness. The accuracy of the diagnosis was 77% for the Ellipse criterion, 76% for the standard deviation of the steering wheel angle, 67% for the standard deviation of the lateral position, and 65% for the mean value of the lateral position.
Volume 15, Issue 1 (Spring 2015 2015)
Manufacture of coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel is one of the ISIC (International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, Rev.2) that produced 8.5 percent of industry value-added in Iran in 2007. Isfahan, Tehran, Khuzestan, Hormozgan, and Markazi provinces accounted for 90 percent of the value added in this sector. To determine competitive advantage in this sector, the regional input- output technique is used and AFLQ (Adjusted Flegg Location Quotient) is employed for making regional input- output tables. But this method is misleading, because it defines weak provinces as key sectors. This article presents new method (MFLQ) that provides better result than AFLQ. Isfahan (as a developed province) is not key sector in AFLQ method but it is key sector by MFLQ method.
Reza Kazemi, Shahram Azadi, Naser Esmaeili, Seyed Hamed Tabatabaei Oreh,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (4-2015)
In articulated vehicle, the importance of adjustment or confinement of the side slip angle has not yet been investigated. However, their proper dynamic behavior is of great significance. In this research, based on a planar model of articulated vehicle and adopting a proper method, the significance of this quantity is examined. In this article, after a review of the literature, the articulated vehicle model is clarified. The selected model is a validated model of articulated vehicle with 14 degrees of freedom that simulates the vehicle’s directional dynamics. In the analysis of the stability, phase plane method based on the nonlinear model of articulated vehicle with three degrees of freedom is used, which includes the major degrees of freedom in planar motion. In this section, the traction phase plane is drawn via two variables, the side slip angle and the rotational velocity of the articulated vehicle by terms of constant longitudinal velocity of the vehicle as the critical condition and then stable and unstable zones are separated. Fuzzy estimator systems have been based on the Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model and offer a stable range for the articulated vehicle’s motion according to the results from the phase plane. Finally, the application of phase plane in studying the stability would be magnified by designing two control systems based on the stable range, in order to control the articulation angle and the side slip angle. Eventually, the results are analyzed, and the method is tested based on the vehicle’s full model.
Mohammad Reza Ansari, Reza Azadi, Sahar Kiani Haghgu,
Volume 15, Issue 6 (8-2015)
In the present research, two-phase flow is studied adiabatically in vertical plexigalss tubes with inner diameters of 40 mm and 70 mm in heights of 1.73 m and 3.22 m. Flow pattern maps are presented for both tubes and effect of diameter and height on the transition curves between flow patterns is investigated. Air and water are used as working fluids. Superficial velocities of air and water for 40 mm tube are 0.054-9.654 m/s and 0.015-0.877 m/s; and for 70 mm tube are 0.038-20.44 m/s and 0.036-1.530 m/s, respectively. By changing the tube diameter from 40 mm to 70 mm, slug pattern region shrinks considerably. Inlet is designed to be "annular" for which bubbly flow in 70 mm tube is not observed in low water superficial velocities. However, this pattern is observed in higher water and lower air superficial velocities. For both tubes, the main flow regimes observed are bubbly, slug, churn and annular. The results obtained using image processing technique show that bubbly regime in 40 mm can be divided into three sub-patterns called dispersed, agitated and agglomerated bubbly. In addition, two sub-patterns are recognized in slug regime as large slug and small slug. Also semi-annular pattern is observed as an independent flow pattern in tube with inner diameter of 70 mm which has not been analyzed accurately up to now.
Mohammad Reza Ansari, Reza Azadi, Sahar Kiani Haghgu,
Volume 15, Issue 7 (9-2015)
Present research has been done with the aim of investigating hydrodynamic behavior of slug flows in a transparent acrylic tube with inner diameter of 40 mm and height of 3.33 m. The vertical experimental system constructed in Two-Phase Flow lab in Tarbiat Modares University was used to perform needed experiments. By using image processing technique, recorded movies of flow structures were analyzed and some important characteristics of slug flow such as length and velocity of Taylor bubbles and liquid slugs between them were extracted. In addition, the average path line of Taylor bubble nose was computed in a proper range of the tube length. The acquired probability density functions show that there is a direct relationship between the increasing of Taylor bubble length and liquid slug length moving after it. Also rising velocity of shorter Taylor bubbles is more than longer ones. Results show that bubble nose does not violate ± 20 % around the center line of the tube. An experimental correlation based on the Taylor bubble velocity and total superficial velocities of phases is presented which shows that the famous Nicklen correlation does not work well for this tube diameter.
Volume 16, Issue 6 (11-2014)
Salinity stress is a major limitation in wheat production. The lack of economically viable methods for screening salinity tolerance in field is an obstacle to breeders. In this study a population of 254 recombinant inbred lines (RILs), derived from a cross between Roshan × Sabalan was assessed in glasshouse during the seedling phase in order to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for salinity related traits. A genetic linkage map was constructed from 239 markers, namely, 225 Diversity Arrays Technology markers (DArTs) and 14 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) which spanned a total of 1,099.7cM. A total of 31 QTLs for salinity tolerance were identified on 13 chromosomes, contributing more than 50% of the total phenotypic variation. The frequency of Roshan and Sabalan alleles were high at loci on different homeologous groups. Most of the detected QTLs were located on chromosomes 3B, 5B among the 13 chromosomes. Two QTL related fresh weight and height of shoot were detected on 1A and 3A which explained 18% and 12.9% of the total phenotypic variation respectively. Roshan (salt tolerance) alleles were associated with an increase in all traits under both control and stress conditions. SSR markers gwm626 and gwm540 (on chromosomes 6B and 5B, respectively) were tightly linked with different QTLs under control and stress conditions, and explained 21.1% and 8.1% of the total phenotypic variance, respectively. Some of these QTL mapped to genomic regions previously associated with salt tolerance in wheat.
Hassan Ghoshchi, Mohamadreza Ansari, Reza Azadi,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (3-2017)
In the present research, hydrodynamical and aerodynamical characteristics of a high-speed planning hull is studied using computational fluid dynamics. Simulations are three-dimensional with considering a two-phase turbulent flow. To obtain sinkage and trim of the hull, two degrees of freedom is assumed for it. Rigid body dynamic equations and governing equations of the fluid are coupled using 6DOF solver and dynamic mesh technique. Based on the available experimental results, simulations of the aimed high speed hull are performed in the linear velocity range of 0.9-8.31 m/s. Comparing the present numerical results with the experimental data, shows that maximum average error for resistance, trim and sinkage in different velocities does not exceed 10%. This shows the accuracy and proficiency of the current model. Mesh independency of solutions is studied for all velocities and the results are reported based on the most suitable mesh. At the end, the effect of applying steps on reducing the drag and improving stability of the hull is investigated for several states in one and two steps. Finally, the most optimized state is introduced and relating results are given. Results show that applying steps to the mentioned high speed hull reduce the overall resistance by 11%.