Showing 13 results for Baradaran
Volume 0, Issue 0 (ARTICLES IN PRESS 2024)
Climate change is one of the challenges of today to affect the agriculture sector. Climate change in Iran in recent years has caused a decrease in rainfall and an increase in temperature and continuous droughts. Agricultural production in Iran has been affected by climate change and has faced a decrease in the production of various products. The purpose of this research was to identify social, economic and environmental consequences of climate change in Iran's agricultural sector and designing a model of Planned Management Behavior (PMB). A mixed qualitative and quantitative method was used in this research. The study sample of this research in the qualitative phase included 15 key experts who have knowledge of the consequences of climate change and in the quantitative section, there were 100 experts of the agricultural Jihad of Khuzestan province. Based on the qualitative results, the consequences of climate change were identified. In the quantitative phase, it was determined that 69.3% of attitude towards the consequences of climate changes are explained by the independent variables of concerns about social, economic and environmental consequences, feeling the need for risk management, and perceived value. Also, 71.2% of changes in planned management intention to control the consequences of climate changes are affected by the attitude towards the consequences, tendency to control behavior, personal and mental norms. Finally, 69.8% of changes in PMB for control the consequences of climate changes are caused by the use of planned management intention to control the consequences, action planning and coping planning.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2014)
Aim: It has been shown that workers who had previously been involved in a work accident had significantly lower situation awareness scores than those who had not had an accident in the workplace. In this study, we examined the role of stress, sleep loss and fatigue in predicting situation awareness among workers.
Methods: The current study was a cross-sectional study. The sample consisting of 180 employees in National Petrochemical Company in 2014 was selected according to the stratified random sampling method. They responded to questionnaires about work situation awareness, work stress, sleep loss and fatigue. The data were analyzed by correlation techniques and stepwise regression.
Findings: The results showed a significant internal correlation among work stress, sleep loss and fatigue, and work situation awareness. Also the results of stepwise regression analysis showed that sleep loss, fatigue and stress predicted, respectively, almost 25%, 23% and 21% of variances of work situation awareness among workers.
Conclusion: The variables of stress, sleep loss and fatigue could predict work situation awareness. Therefore, these variables can be important to promoting the awareness of work situation among workers
Volume 6, Issue 3 (11-2016)
Availability is an important characteristics of the repairable machines system performance and improvement of production planning and loading operation is an important part of the mine production cycle. In this paper an approach to calculate availability of open pit mine loading system based on Markov chain theory has proposed. Markov method is based on different modes of the system and the transition from a state to another. Therefor data analysis and failure and repair rate determination are significant. To illustrate the application of model, the Mishdowan iron mine data was used. Calculation of failure and repair rate indexes and availability of loading system has been determined using Markov chain model. Related statistical tests was used detecting the failure and repair behavior of system for higher degree of accuracy.
Based on the results obtained, failure and repair rate for Newholland hydraulic excavator are 0.019 and 0.064 and for Komatsu hydraulic excavator are 0.017 and 0.047, respectively. Additionally, availability of hydraulic excavators of mine loading system is evaluated to be 93.3 percent.
Volume 8, Issue 3 (2-2001)
Volume 11, Issue 4 (3-2022)
The purpose of this study is modeling of Electronic Word of Mouth Marketing with Emphasis on Customer Behavior and Business Improvement, In this regard, to identify and investigate the impact of various factors on the results of e-mouth marketing and Also examining the effects of successful implementation of this type of marketing on customer behaveor and Improving Electronic business. The research method is descriptive-survey, is of correlational type. In the conceptual model of the research, the independent variables of customer interaction, Electronic Word of Mouth marketing channel, Message quality and brand image With their components based on literature review Identification and research hypotheses have been developed. in order to Investigating the effectiveness of the identified components On the success of word of mouth marketing and the validity of the conceptual model of the research, Questionnaire tools and comments of users of internet sales sites in Iran have been used.The statistical sample to the unlimited statistical population it was estimated according to Cochran's formula 384, In order to review and present the final model from the structural equations approach with SmartPLS software was used. Statistical analysis of the collected data and research results show it customer interaction, Electronic Word of Mouth marketing channel, Message quality and brand image will have a positive and significant impact on the results of this type of marketing that will change of customer behavior and business improvement.
Volume 14, Issue 1 (2-2025)
The tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta, is a pest that greatly harms crops. Regrettably, the application of insecticides has resulted in the emergence of resistance in the tomato leafminer. Metabolic resistance is the most prevalent form of resistance, characterized by heightened esterase activity, cytochrome P450 monooxygenase, and glutathione S-transferase enzymes encoded by specific genes. This study investigated the metabolic resistance mechanisms associated with fenvalerate resistance in the tomato leafminer and explored the genes' status. Tomato leafminer populations in Iran showed varying levels of resistance to fenvalerate; the Tehran and Urmia populations were the most resistant and sensitive, respectively. The activity level of detoxifying enzymes, particularly cytochrome P450 monooxygenase, was found to be increased in the resistant populations (i.e., Tehran) compared to the susceptible one (i.e., Urmia). Gene expression analyses showed higher transcript levels of P450, esterases, and GSTs expression levels in the resistant population compared to the susceptible population. Our findings indicated that detoxification enzymes, especially cytochrome P450 monooxygenase, and differential expression of related genes contribute to fenvalerate resistance. Identifying the specific mechanisms behind resistance could assist in pest control and resistance management programs.
Navid Freidoonimehr, Asghar Baradaran Rahimi,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (5-2015)
Present article provides an analytical investigation of the fluid flow and heat and mass transfer for the steady laminar MHD three-dimensional nano-fluid flow over a bi-directional stretching sheet with convective surface boundary condition using Optimal Homotopy analysis method (OHAM). In contrast to the conventional no-slip condition at the surface, Navier's slip condition has been applied. This paper contains two-component four-equation nonhomogeneous equilibrium model that incorporates the effects of Brownian diffusion and thermophoresis simultaneously. The governing partial differential equations (PDEs) are transformed into a highly nonlinear coupled ordinary differential equations (ODEs) consist of the momentum, energy and concentration equations via appropriate similarity transformations. The current OHAM solution demonstrates very good correlation with those of the previously published studies in the especial cases. The influences of different flow physical parameters on all fluid velocity components, temperature distribution and concentration as well as the skin friction coefficients in x and y directions, local Nusselt number and local Sherwood number are tabulated graphically and discussed in details. This study specifies that nano particles in the base fluid offer a potential in increasing the convective heat transfer performance of various liquids. The results show that wall temperature gradient decreases with an increase in thermophoresis parameter or a decrease in Brownian motion parameter. Further, local Sherwood number is inversely proportional to the thermophoresis parameter and also directly proportional to the Brownian motion parameter.
Alireza Zamani Aghaie, Asghar Baradaran Rahimi, Alireza Akbarzadeh,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (6-2015)
In this paper, thermo-hydraulic behavior of a solar heater is numerically investigated and optimum geometry for the angled-rib turbulator which produces the maximum thermal enhancement factor is determined by Taguchi method. A general innovative geometry is introduced for the rib, that changing in its geometrical parameters will lead to three convenient types of turbulators, namely triangular, rectangular and trapezoidal ribs, simultaneously. َApplying Taguchi method leads to the optimum geometry parameters. A L16 (44) orthogonal Taguchi array is used. The aim of the Taguchi analysis is maximizing the thermal enhancement factor. The factors employed for the analysis are rib relative pitch, height, tip width and percentage of upstream-side perpendicularity. The analysis has been carried out for a flow of Re=10000 and a constant rib width. Due to the twofold effect of turbulators on thermo-hydraulic behavior, thermal enhancement factor concept is employed which stands for both heat transfer rate and friction factor. Results show that rib pitch and height have the most effect on thermal enhancement factor, respectively. The optimum rib geometry is found to be a triangular rib which has P/H=2, e/H=0.2 and 100% perpendicularity.
Seyyed Sajad Mousavi Nejad Souq, Gholam Hossein Baradaran,
Volume 15, Issue 8 (10-2015)
Frame structures have several applications in industries. They are used to carry all types of loadings. Usually catastrophic failure in these structures initiate from small cracks. Catastrophic failure can be prevented by detecting the cracks early and replacing or repairing the cracked members. The change in dynamics and vibration characteristics is one of the consequences of cracks in structures. In this work, detection of surface cracks in frame structures with regards as the change in natural frequencies of the system is studied. The finite element has been used to compute the natural frequencies of cracked structures. Then, according to the difference in natural frequencies of intact and cracked structures the locations and depths of cracks have been determined by the solution of an inverse problem. For the inverse problem the ant colony optimization algorithm has been employed. It is shown that; while, the changes in natural frequencies are good means for crack detection in a separate beam, it is not sufficient for crack detection in a frame structure. It seems that, other characteristic of the system such as changes in natural modes must be considered.
Volume 16, Issue 1 (2-2009)
Managers in developed countries are increasingly interested in outsourcing as a potential source of competitiveness and value creation. One of the most useful outsourcing activities in service sector is information system/technology outsourcing. This paper is trying to determine the ISP managers’ perceived risks and benefits of IT/IS outsourcing and also the rate of awareness about potential of IT/IS outsourcing. Design/methodology/approach - In order to achieve those aims, we first review the previous literature on this topic and later analyze the results of a survey carried out from 30 ISPs managers in Tehran using the structured interview method.
Findings: According to the ISPs under analysis, the main advantage of IT outsourcing is reducing/controlling the general cost while the main risk is the excessive dependence on the provider. Nevertheless, some characteristics of the ISPs (e.g. their size and outsourcing level) can determine to some extent what risks and benefits are more relevant.
Originality /value: The conclusions explains that total IT/IS outsourcing can turn out to be a very dangerous strategy, mainly due to the dependence it creates. However, it can enable the ISP managers to reduce and/or control the general cost of building a new IT/IS service. The paper investigates the advantages, risks and some dimensions of IT/IS outsourcing decisions in ISPs of Tehran which can potentially develop the services in-house. Therefore, the “make-or-buy” decision for managers of ISPs requires even more attention to these aspects of IT/IS outsourcing (advantages, risks and decision criteria) than other service companies.
Volume 18, Issue 117 (November 2021)
The aims of this study were the optimization and fabrication of a biodegradable film with suitable mechanical and physical properties and also the production of a biodegradable indicator based on curcumin to detect the fish spoilage. In order to fabrication of the biodegradable packaging, the effect of different concentrations of glycerol (30, 50 and 70%) on the physicomechanical properties of films was examined. The results showed, increasing glycerol concentration led to increase of the thickness, water absorption, solubility and elongation at beak of the films, while density and tensile strength of the films showed a decreasing trend. The result of microbial test revealed that curcumin-loaded film had a good antimicrobial effect against both gram positive and gram negative bacteria. The variation of color of the films was monitored in contacting with fish during storage time. Overall, it was observed that the developed intelligent films could effectively detect the spoilage of films.
Volume 23, Issue 6 (11-2023)
Today, the use of self-healing concretes has attracted the attention of various researchers. In this paper, the effect of Bacillus subtilis bacteria with different concentrations were used for evaluation on concrete containing zeolite.The mentioned bacteria were produced in the laboratory and added to the concrete mixing plan. In order to evaluate the effect of Bacillus subtilis bacteria on specimen with zeolite, resistance and durability tests including compressive strength, ultrasonic, water penetration test and water absorption tests were performed on the specimen at different ages. Also, using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and optical microscope, the self-healing of concrete was evaluated. The results of the compressive strength test showed that the specimen containing zeolite with a concentration of 2.8×108 cells/ml increased the compressive strength by 16.76% and the specimen without zeolite increased the compressive strength by 13.51%. Also, the presence of Bacillus subtilis bacteria in the mixing design led to a 15% decrease in water absorption of specimens without zeolite and 30% of specimens with zeolite. Based on the results of the experiments, the most suitable concentration, for the simultaneous improvement of the resistance parameters and durability among the different concentrations of Bacillus subtilis bacteria, is suggested to be 2.8 x 108.
Volume 25, Issue 4 (7-2018)
To launch an evidence source for successive judgment and decision making, program evaluation of any educational institute is an indispensable process, and language institutes are not the exceptions. In an attempt to propose a solution for a fundamental problem as the lack of a standard evaluation program for English language institutes, this study used a new method to be implemented in the context of ‘English language institutes (ELIs)’ of Iran. In this country, evaluation of nongovernmental centers, including ELIs, is carried out by the Ministry of Education (ME) using a performance evaluation framework which mainly collects the required data through a survey form (locally known as ‘Form 322’). We adopted and applied the survey form 322 into developing a specific questionnaire. Ninety ELIs administrators of Mazandaran were surveyed through an instrument that was piloted and validated through the obtained data. The extracted results from the questionnaire were sorted into the categories of “validation”, “improvement”, “redesigning”, and “researchers’ opinion”. The results showed that the original form, long used in the country, needs to be redesigned. To cross-validate the obtained data and the emerging results, fifteen volunteers from the participating institutes were interviewed for their ideas through Skype and direct interview. Consistent with the results, not only for Iran are an online platform and a standard evaluation and monitoring process recommended, but also an international integrated performance evaluation standard is strongly suggested for English language institutes.