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Showing 2 results for Eftekhari Yazdi

Morteza Alizadeh, Mohammad Taeibi Rahni, Mohammad Eftekhari Yazdi,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (6-2015)

Emulsion consists of drops of one liquid dispersed into another immiscible liquid, is a novel technique for producing monodisperse droplets. The aim of this research is using the Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) to simulate two-phase flows in micro-channels to access the emulsification process. To this approach, The Index-Function Model proposed by He, is used to simulate drop formation in emulsification process in a co-flowing micro-channel with a complex geometry and three inlets. The simulation is performed to investigate the mechanism of drop generation due to dripping and jetting modes and the mode between them. Index function model, which is a new reliable model to evaluate two-phase flows, is applied to track the motion and deformation of the interface between the two immiscible fluids. Accuracy of our results is examined by two well-known basic analytical models including Relaxation of a rectangular drop and coalescence of two static droplets. Our results indicate good agreements with analytical data. The dimensionless numbers such as Capillary and Velocity ratio were used. The Capillary number is one of the most important dimensionless numbers in determination of fluid flow characteristics in micro-channels. The simulations reproduce dripping, widening jetting and narrowing jetting simultaneously in a coflowing microchannel in agreement with the experimental ones. This indicates that index function LBM model has a good accuracy and high stability to simulate this kind of flow.

Volume 19, Issue 131 (January 2022)

The use of quinoa seeds and its derivatives in the bakery products formulation, in addition to improving the nutritional value of the final product, reduces dependence on plant sources with high water requirements such as wheat and rice, so in this study the effect of rice flour replacement by whole quinoa enzymatic malt at levels of 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10% on physicochemical and textural properties and internal structure of gluten-free bread was investigated. The results showed that by increasing the amount of quinoa malt (up to 10%) in the product formulation no significant effect on moisture content and water activity was observed. However, the firmness of the texture in 2 and 72h after baking increased by 10% of quinoa malt. Also, the specific volume and porosity of the product was reduced only at level of 10% of quinoa malt flour. On the other hand, by increasing the amount of quinoa malt flour, the enthalpy of the samples decreased (2 and 72h after baking), while the enthalpy increased with increasing product storage time. The results of crust color evaluation showed a decrease in the amount of L* value and an increase in the amount of a* and b* values by increasing the amount of malt flour in the formulation, which indicates more turbidity of the product. The results of images obtained by Scanning Electron Microscope showed the average values ​​of diameter and pore area of ​​the product decreased by addition quinoa malt. Finally, the panellists gave the highest overall acceptance score to three samples containing 0, 2.5 and 5% of quinoa malt, which indicates the improvement of quantitative and qualitative properties of the final product using enzymatic derivatives and gluten-free quinoa.

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