Showing 31 results for Elhami
Volume 1, Issue 4 (10-2016)
Background: In addition to individual problems and conditions, low back pain reduces working capacity, resulting in the waste of time and absence from the work, and increases healthcare costs and economic losses. This study aimed to determine the prevalence rate of low back pain and its relationship to demographic factors, body mass index, and education in ergonomic principles in rural men.
Methods and Materials: This study was a cross-sectional descriptive study. Study population was consisted of 215 men from the village of AqQala city. Data collection tool was Nordic questionnaire. Data were analysis using SPSS software version 19 and chi-square test and descriptive statistics.
Results: About 54.88% of the patients (67.82% workers and 40% farmers) during the last year have been experiencing discomfort in the lower back. χ2 statistics analysis showed a significant relationship between low back pain and occupation, BMI, age, and education in ergonomic principles (P˂.05). There was no relationship between low back pain and level of education (P = .085). Only 13% of the participants were trained in ergonomic principles.
Conclusions: Considering the high prevalence rate of low back pain as well as significant relationship between BMI and education in ergonomic principles with back pain, the need is felt for training of these people in how to lose weight, how to implement ergonomic principles in laboringand agricultural activities and carrying heavy objects, how to avoid bad work situations, how to maintain and care for the waist, how to perform simple exercises for strengthening and flexibility of lower back muscles.
Volume 3, Issue 7 (12-2015)
Sistani couplets are indubitably a part of the spiritual heritage and folklore of Sistan. They originate from Sistani people’s culture, civilization and interests. The residents of this territory express their feelings, emotions, enjoyments, deprivations, wishes and desires in the best possible manner with an emotional language and in the form of most tangible imagery. Having studied about400Sistani couplets, the author of the present paper has analysed and discussed the structural, literary and content characteristics of the so called couplets. The findings of the study show that the structures and forms of the couplets in question are very similar to those of Persian couplets in that they do enjoy rhythm, poetic form, rhyme and Radif, although there are some irregularities in terms of rhythm. Statistical investigations indicate that Sistani poets’ interest in using Radif is twice as much as their interest in using rhyme. In terms of rhyme, almost half of the couplets meet good rhymes, and the rest of them either have bad rhymes or lack in rhymes. These are all redolent of Sistani poets’ admirable flair and delicate taste for providing beautiful and agreeable couplets adorned with pleasant imagery.
Volume 4, Issue 1 ( winter 2021)
Development can be considered as one of the main concern of Iranian society in contemporary history. The development, especially economic development, is subjected to the numerous and intertwined factors. In this study, the relationship between the geographical aspects of political power construct and economic development has come into focus. This research is based on quantitative approach and descriptive -analytical method. Data are collected using library and filed findings. The co-occurrence analysis is used to analyze the data. Sampling was performed by snowball sampling. The sample size is 30 people and the Minitab software is used to analyze the data. Although various dimensions and components in political power construct are complex in Iran, in this study, the components and indicators of the geographical dimensions in political power construct are considered and its indicators in relation to economic development is studied, measured, and analyzed. Five components of development indicators which are related to the geographical dimension of political power construct affect Iran’s economic development. Five evaluation components of geo-economy, geopolitics political geography, the environment and human geography (culture and society) have high priority in relation to the geographical dimension of political power constrict and economic development.
Volume 4, Issue 16 (Winter 2011)
Debate is one of the literary prose types prevalent in Persian. In prose debates, two or more characters are presented in dialogue writing with each other and ultimately the authorsummarizestheir language and reaches a conclusion. The structure of these debates is mostly based on dialoguewriting. During the Constitutional era of Iran, these kinds of debates were regarded as ‘objectwriting’ or ‘theatrical writing.’ With respect to their formal structure and particularstyle of dialogue writing, it can be asked whether they can be read from a dramatic point of view. The dramatic tone and language, dialogue-based dramatic action, conflict, time and place are some of the identifiable aspects that are studied in this paper. The aim of this paper is to introduce a dialogue-based model for the study of the dramatic aspects of these debates. This model is proposed on the basis of a comparative study of dialogue in prose and drama as well as identifying commonalities between these two types of literature.
Volume 7, Issue 29 (12-2019)
The local and indigenous ceremonies in Sistan region shows the rich and old culture of this region. Following the rural culture, people of this region have used poetry and songs sufficiently for maintaining and reviving the mourning ceremonies. Ardah-mourning or reading quatrain is a deeply sad and mournful song in the mourning ceremonies of Sistan. This study employs library study as well as some interviews with the informants to investigate Ardah-mourning and its uses in the mourning ceremonies of Sistan. The history, the performants, the performance, and the time and place show that people of Sistan use their own dialect for this cultural practice. Compared with other types, this practice takes the lyrics and the music as basic aspects of the ancient ethnic groups within Iran. moreover, the study analyzes the Sistani quatrains, its tone, rhythm, form, language, content, and literary features. It is general claimed that the songs and lyrics are devices to soothe the sadness among the people in Sistan.
Volume 10, Issue 3 (Vol. 10, No. 3 (Tome 51), (Articles in Persian) 2019)
Space has always been an important issue for philosophers and thinkers. The representation of spatial concepts in language has also been a concern for linguists. With the introduction of Gestalt psychology and Cognitive linguistics, a new interest in spatial language arose. One of the key elements in spatial linguistic studies is the concept of the Frame of Reference. A spatial Frame of Reference is a coordinate system by which a speaker of any given language determines the location of a figure in respect to a ground in space.
The current article’s aim is to study the Spatial Frames of Reference in Persian. The main questions are if the speakers first describe the object on the right or the object on the left of the photo, if they first describe the man or the tree first, and what the main Spatial Frames of Reference in Persian are. It was supposed that the speakers first describe what is on the right, first describe the tree, and use the relative and intrinsic FoRs.
In order to obtain real data from the native speakers, the main 8 photos of the second set of photos from the “Man & Tree” game devised by Max Planc Institute were used. In each photo, there is a man and a tree, and their positions in the photo and in respect to each other differs. The game was done with three pair of players as instructed by the standard manual and the data were analyzed accordingly.
The utterances which where ambiguous between two FoRs were put aside. The analysis of the data showed that in a spatial scene consisting of a man and a tree, the Persian speakers tend to first describe the object on the right, which can be due to the fact that the Persian writing has a right to left system. In addition, between man and tree, the speakers tend to describe the tree first. In this scene, the tree is the ground, since it is bigger and more stable than the man. An interesting point was that in all the cases where the tree was on the right, it was described first. Furthermore, in order to describe the spatial relation between the man and the tree, the speakers use the Relative frame of reference, in which the man is the figure and the tree is the ground; yet, in describing the facing position of the man, they use the Intrinsic frame of reference, in which the man is the ground and in most cases the tree is the figure.
Volume 14, Issue 7 (Supplementary Issue - 2012)
Gundelia tournefortii L. is a well known plant in mountains of Iran and is found all over the country. It traditionally has some medicinal applications. In this research, Gundelia tournefortii L. seed was studied as a source of edible oil. Oil was extracted with immersion method using diethyl ether as a solvent. Acidity, saponification, ester, iodine, peroxide and refractive indices, average molecular weight of fatty acids, unsaponifiable matter, viscosity, color and density of extracted oil were evaluated. In addition, fatty acid composition of oil was determined using gas chromatography analysis. The results showed that seed oil content and saponification value of its oil were 22.8% and 166.05, respectively. Oleic and linoleic acid contents of oil were 27.99% and 54.59%, respectively. It was indicated that the extracted oil is an unsaturated oil and melts at ambient temperature. Beta-sitosterol and stigmasterol were the main unsaponifiable matters of the oil. Color analysis revealed that the predominant color was yellow (0.8 red, 14 yellow). The results indicated that Gundelia tournefortii L. seed can be potentially applied as an excellent oil for human consumption.
Seyed Ali Mousavi, Mohammad Reza Elhami,
Volume 15, Issue 9 (11-2015)
Variable pitch propeller (VPP) are used in advanced helicopters, in order to achieve greater efficiency, better stability and achieve higher altitudes. This study is going to assess the behavior of VPP propeller with coupled non-linear displacement in three degrees of freedom. Accordingly, the behavior of this type of propeller with Changes of elastic axis distance, Length, mass, speed, polar radius of gyration, Stiffness in three degrees of freedom, and pitch have been investigated. In this paper, Gallerkin method is used to extract natural frequencies and the results were evaluated with the results reported by other researchers. The results show convergence and accuracy of the used method. In this study, it was found that parameters of mass, length and rotational speed of the propeller have effect on the natural frequencies, and all modes of vibration. However, other parameters except for the pitch angle effect on the odd or even number of frequency modes. It was also found that the pitch angle in the static mode does not effect on natural frequencies but in the case of rotation of propeller, affect on natural frequency of vibration modes as sine or cosine form.
Volume 15, Issue 83 (12-2018)
Wheat is harvested in a short period of time, but it takes several months to be processed and consumed. So wheat flour needs to be stored in suitable condition to retain its good quality for nutrition and industrial uses. On the other hand, exposure of wheat under improper conditions may deteriorate the quality resulting in high economic losses. In this study accelerated ageing of wheat grains was carried out by increasing moisture content (16, 18 and 20%) and keeping the samples in different temperatures (30, 40 and 50°C) for different periods (2, 5 and 8 days).Samples were then milled and physicochemical properties including moisture content, protein, ash, wet gluten, pH and falling number were determined. Response surface methodology with central composite design was applied to minimize total numbers of experimental runs and to determine the significance of the factors.Results showed that increasing storage temperature and time resulted in increasing protein, falling number and ash, while wet gluten, pH and moisture content decrease. By increasing moisture content, wet gluten, protein, ash and falling number decreased while moisture content and pH increased. Optimization using response surface methodology showed that the optimum condition for accelerated ageing of wheat grain contained 16% moisture content, storage temperature of 40.74°C for 2.57 days.
Volume 17, Issue 105 (November 2020)
Food fortification for the prevention and treatment of micronutrient deficiency disorders is one of the most widely methods that because of its low cost and no need to change dietary habits was used all around the world. In grain fortification, immersion and spraying methods are usually used, and extrusion processes are used for cereal flour. In extrusion fortification method, the used extensions are into the food matrix so their output during different processing stages is less than other enrichment methods. In this study, rice reconstituted by extrusion cooking method, was enriched with vitamin D3 (100000 IU/g) at concentrations of 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10 µg/100g and Zinc (as Zinc oxide) concentrations of 5, 10, 15 and 20 mg/100g and then remaining of Vitamin D3 and Zinc were measured before and after extrusion and before and after cooking in 30 days intervals during 180 days storage period. According to the results, storage period and also the cooking process at all initial concentrations have a significant effect (p<0.5) on Vitamin D3 and Zinc stability of extruded fortified rice so that the average content of Vitamin D3 and Zinc at the end of storage period of 180 days showed a loss of 32.9 and 11.3% (before cooking), 38.9 and 24.0% (after cooking), respectively but these materials had a good stability during the extrusion process. Overall, during the different processing stages, the average content of Vitamin D3 and Zinc showed a loss of 87.1 and 39.0%, respectively.
Volume 17, Issue 109 (March 2021)
This study was tested to evaluate the influences of different maize starches (native, modified with sonication, pre–gelenized, Heat Resistant) replacement in batter coating, based on factorial experiments in a completely randomized design to determine the best formulation of breadcrumbs. Samples were sonicated with 70 kHz for 5 minutes and a fryer equipped with a temperature controller (150, 190 and 170 degrees centigrade) and time (1, 3 and 5 minutes) was used for frying. Quality parameters (texture, Crust color values, oil absorption, sensory properties) of chicken nugget were measured during frying.Obtained result indicated that addition of ultrasound pretreatment batters and temperature influenced in texture hardness reduction of nuggets. Oil content of whole nuggets was found to decrease significantly (P< 0.05) with frying time and temperature. Chicken nuggets with native maize starch compared to control ones showed better scores for organoleptic properties. Color evaluation in samples containing native and sonication pretreatment showed significant (P< 0.05) reduction in a* and b* values at 3 minute frying, whereas L* values were significantly (P< 0.05) increased compared to control treatments at 170 and 190° c. Samples hardness was decreased due to frying temperature.
Volume 18, Issue 4 (11-2018)
Nowadays, with rapid grows of population and need of space for living, work or other activities in one hand and the limitation of natural resources in the other hand, make researchers and engineers introduce high rise building as a solution to respond for human needs. High rise building become a concept for future cities. At first the structural performance of tall building was very important, but the dimension and the size of these buildings have spirit and vision effects on humans, so the facade aspect of these buildings become more important than past. In recent decades, because of rising the attention to the facade of the tall building addition of structural performance, systems with both structural performance and façade were introduced and diagrid structural system is the most recent kind of these systems. Diagrid structure system is containing of an interior core that usually carries gravity loads and has no need to have shear rigidity and exterior diagrid configuration that carries gravity and lateral loads with diagonal members. This system brings good structural performance, flexible architectural design in form and plan, decrees in material consumption, and etc. because of these benefits, diagrid structures become more useful for tall building instead of common tubular structures. In studying structures seismic performance, one of the important factors for relate linear to nonlinear analysis and show structure energy absorption ability is Response factor. In this paper, five 3d diagrid structure model that are studied, contain of one 36 story model with 50.2-degree diagrid member’s angel, one 36 story model with 67.4-degree diagrid member’s angel and one 36 story model with 74.5-degree diagrid member’s angel for comparing the member’s angle change on diagrid system Response, one 50 story with 67.4-degree diagrid member’s angel and one 60 story with 67.4-degree diagrid member’s angel, to compare with 36 model story with 67.4-degree diagrid member’s angle to see the height or number of stories effect on the diagrid system Response. 67.4-degree diagrid members was selected for the optimum angle according to the articles about this issue that introduced 65 to 75 degree for the optimum angle range. First, linear analysis and designed carried out for the models by using Iran building codes to select the member’s sections, then by using FEMA-356, nonlinear static analysis (Pushover) was done for all models. At last at the final target displacement, under critical load pattern, the pushover curve was obtained. From the pushover curve the over strength factor, ductility factor and Response factor were calculated. In addition to estimating Response factor of diagrid structures, effects of changing diagrid members angle and number of stories on Response factor of this kind of structure are also studied. From the result, the suggested over strength factor is 1.5, ductility factor is 2.15 and Response factor is 3.22 for the optimum diagrid members angle (67.4 degree) of diagrid structures up to 50 story of 180-meter height and conclude that the Response factor increases with increasing of story numbers as well as with increasing of diagrid member’s angel increases.
Volume 18, Issue 6 (11-2016)
The green peach aphid, Myzus persicae is a polyphagous herbivore, attacking apiaceae plants which are rich in defensive secondary metabolites. Thus, M. persicae owns a protective antioxidative response to overcome the host defense. The aim of the present study was to investigate the adaptive antioxidative response of M. persicae against the secondary metabolites of cumin, anise, and coriander. The dietary antioxidants, ascorbic acid and glutathione and enzymatic antioxidants, superoxide dismutase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione peroxidase within tissues of M. persicae were measured every two weeks during the infestation season. The obtained results show that Anise could be a good recommended host in the beginning of the infestation season because it confers escalading levels of ascorbic acid. Coriander and cumin could be a second choice. The variable levels of enzymatic antioxidants during the season indicate the adaptive responses of M. persicae against the plant defensive secondary metabolites.
Volume 18, Issue 120 (February 2021)
Bakery products that contain main part of food process industries usually made with wheat flour and establish a stable gluten network when mixed with water. Although presence of gluten proteins in wheat flour is a unique property, but substituting of wheat flour with other cereal grains up to a certain limit is possible. In current research three different millet varieties namely Proso, Pearl and Foxtail millet were used. Millet flour was used in proportions of 10, 30, 50 and 100% in replacing wheat flour in a cake recipe. Sensorial properties, textural attributes and color indices were evaluated. Results showed that increase in millet concentration in cake formulation decreased the efficiency properties of cooking of dough. Cake height decreased with increase in millet concentration in dough. Pearl millet showed a better cake volume in comparing with the two other millets. Cake cohesiveness decreased with increase in millet substitution and these variations was the same for all varieties. Millet composition in dough decreased adhesiveness of the product. Cakes with higher millet composition showed higher hardness. Totally, Pearl millet produced better cakes in comparison with Proso and Foxtail millets. Total acceptability of millet cakes obtained higher scores at sensory analysis. Considering all characteristics used in current study, 30% substitution level suggested as the best substitution level. The results of current research are valuable at bakery products containing millets.
Volume 19, Issue 122 (April 2022)
The demand of low-fat and reduced-fat product has greatly increased due to consumer’s awareness of the relationship between diet and health. This has led the dairy food industry to continuously work on formulating and developing “functional dairy foods” with good textural qualities. In this research, the influence of different levels of Alyssum homolocarpum seed gum (AHSG) (0-1%) and Flaxseed gum (FG) (0-1%) on the physicochemical, sensory and microbial properties of low-fat synbiotic cream cheese during 45 days of storage were evaluated. The results showed that AHSG and FG increase caused significant increment in moisture content, hardness, springiness, adhesiveness and spreadability of samples. Evaluation of the organoleptic properties showed that addition of AHSG and FG caused a double impact on the sensory properties, and sensory parameters improved up to medium concentrations of AHSG and FG. Results showed that during the storage, acidity increased while pH, hardness, springiness, adhesiveness and spreadability were decreased. Based on the probiotic count test, only optimized sample had the amount of probiotic bacteria in the standard range at the end of storage time. The findings of this study showed that incorporation of AHSG and FG into the formulation of low-fat synbiotic cream cheese could be an effective strategy to overcome the problems associated with fat reduction.
Volume 19, Issue 125 (July 2022)
In the present study, to optimize the lycopene and phenolic compounds extraction from tomato paste, pulsed electric field in different intensities including 2, 4, 6 KW. Cm-1 and different pulse numbers including 10, 30, 60 were designed and applied. Therefore the extraction efficiency of lycopene and phenolic compounds, DPPH free radical scavenging activity as well as ferric reducing activity of the extracted oil were predicted. The statistical analysis and optimization process with the use of response surface methodology were performed. The achieved results presented that with enhancements in pulsed electric field intensity, at the beginning parameters including the efficiency of lycopene extraction and phenolic compounds extraction, DPPH free radical scavenging activity and ferric reducing power increased and then showed reductions. With enhancements in pulse number, at the beginning lycopene extraction slightly decreased then showed enhancements, but the phenolic compounds extraction rate as well as DPPH free radical scavenging activity increased slightly. The achieved results of optimization process expressed that to obtain extracts with high quantities of lycopene and phenolic compounds, pulsed electric field and pulse number should be set on 3.7 KW. Cm-1 and 6 respectively to achieve the desirability value equals to 0.915. Finally the achieved results of the comparison of control sample with the treated ones expressed that, treated sample with pulsed electric field presented higher quantities for the extracted lycopene and phenolic compounds, DPPH free radical scavenging activity as well as reducing power (111.4, 45.64, 146.28 and 73.43) compared to the standard samples.
Volume 19, Issue 128 (October 2022)
The use of appropriate gluten substitutes such as gums can be useful in the production of products without this protein for people with chronic celiac disease. The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of baked bread produced based on corn flour and the addition of Balangu Shirazi (Lallemantia Royleana) gum at three levels (zero, 1 and 2 g). For this purpose, a completely randomized statistical design was used (P<0.05). Based on the obtained results, the sample containing 1% of Balangu Shirazi gum has the highest porosity (18.5%) and the lowest firmness in the period of 2 h after baking (6.5 N) at the consumption level of 1% and 72 h after baking (10.6 N) at the consumption level of 2% gum was obtained. Also, with increasing the level of gum consumption, increasing the L* colorful component and no significant change in the two colorful component a* and b* component in the crust and crumb texture of the produced bread were obtained. Observation of electron microscope images showed that by increasing the amount of Balangu Shirazi gum, it causes the formation of a network-like structure and can put more compression on the wall of the produced bread. Finally, by examining the marginal results of the sensory test, the sample containing 1% gum, compared to other samples, received a higher score from the sensory evaluators.
Volume 19, Issue 131 (January 2022)
The use of quinoa seeds and its derivatives in the bakery products formulation, in addition to improving the nutritional value of the final product, reduces dependence on plant sources with high water requirements such as wheat and rice, so in this study the effect of rice flour replacement by whole quinoa enzymatic malt at levels of 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10% on physicochemical and textural properties and internal structure of gluten-free bread was investigated. The results showed that by increasing the amount of quinoa malt (up to 10%) in the product formulation no significant effect on moisture content and water activity was observed. However, the firmness of the texture in 2 and 72h after baking increased by 10% of quinoa malt. Also, the specific volume and porosity of the product was reduced only at level of 10% of quinoa malt flour. On the other hand, by increasing the amount of quinoa malt flour, the enthalpy of the samples decreased (2 and 72h after baking), while the enthalpy increased with increasing product storage time. The results of crust color evaluation showed a decrease in the amount of L* value and an increase in the amount of a* and b* values by increasing the amount of malt flour in the formulation, which indicates more turbidity of the product. The results of images obtained by Scanning Electron Microscope showed the average values of diameter and pore area of the product decreased by addition quinoa malt. Finally, the panellists gave the highest overall acceptance score to three samples containing 0, 2.5 and 5% of quinoa malt, which indicates the improvement of quantitative and qualitative properties of the final product using enzymatic derivatives and gluten-free quinoa.
A.h. Torabi, S. Elhami, M.r. Razfar,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (January 2020)
Glass as a non-conductive material has special properties such as transparency, chemical resistance, and hardness. Traditional machining methods have noticeable limitations in their capability for shaping the glass parts. Electrochemical discharge machining (ECDM), as an advanced machining method, gives a chance to implement special processes on the glass. There are many effective parameters in the ECDM process and each of them has its special effect, but the influence of electrolyte type has been rarely evaluated in the literature. In this research, the effects of two types of NaOH and H2SO4 electrolytes on the glass have been studied. Electrolyte temperature, as another effective parameter on the chemical reactions, is also considered in these experiments. Surface quality, machining depth and overcut are considered as the machining outputs. The experimental results obtained in this research indicated that the application of H2SO4 acidic electrolyte after machining in NaOH electrolyte rather than machining solely in NaOH electrolyte has a significant effect on the walls of the holes. It is also observed that with a higher electrolyte temperature, the walls of the holes become smoother. It is also shown that, by applying two steps implementation of drilling and application of acidic electrolyte (NaOH/H2SO4), holes have a lower overcut, and the machining depth is improved up to 20.5% in the hydrodynamic regime.
Volume 20, Issue 137 (July 2023)
Frankincense is a resinous gum obtained from some species of the Boswellia genus. The use of frankincense for food and medicinal uses dates back to more than five thousand years ago, but despite its importance and application, only 27-35% of it is soluble in water. As most frankincense gum is insoluble, this research used the response surface method to study the effect of different chemical modification conditions (NaOH concentrations (X1), reaction temperatures (X2), and MCA concentrations (X3)) on increasing the solubility percentage. The results of the optimization process of the chemical modification of frankincense gum indicate that the conditions of maximum solubility are equal to 85.49, with a desirability rate of 0.97. Therefore, the concentration of NaOH and MCA equal to 0.048, 0.01 mol, and a temperature of 75 degrees Celsius chose as the best optimization conditions. In addition, the intrinsic viscosity and molecular weight of the native gum were higher than the modified gum under optimal conditions. There is a significant difference between the apparent viscosity of natural gum (18.02 ± 0.726 mPa.s) and modified (17.36 ± 0.681 mPa.s) (p>0.05). The results indicate that native and modified gum in optimal conditions show a shear thinning behavior with increasing shear rate, and their behavior is similar to pseudoplastic. The colorimetric test with image J software indicated that carboxymethylation of frankincense gum led to significant changes (P < 0.05) in the total color difference factor (ΔE) and whiteness index (WI), L*, a*, and b*factor.