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Showing 14 results for Faezi

Behrooz Farshi, Mohammad. Hossein. Faezi,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (12-2009)

Abstract There are numerous applications for gas turbine discs in the aerospace industries such as in turbojet engines. These discs normally work under high temperature while subjected to high angular velocities. Minimizing the weight of such items in aerospace applications results in benefits such as low dead weights and lower costs. Optimization of rotating discs is historically, an area of research due to their vast utilization in industry. The gas turbine disc is one of examples to name. Gas turbine discs work mostly at high temperature gradients and are subjected to high angular velocities. High speed results in large centrifugal forces in disc and simultaneous high temperatures reduces the disc material strength, thus the later increases stress in disc automatically. In order to obtain a reliable disc analysis and arrive at the corresponding correct stress distribution, solution should consider changes in material properties due to the temperature field throughout the disc. To this end, an inhomogeneous disc model with variable thickness is considered. Using the variable material properties method, stresses are obtained for the disc under rotation and a steady temperature field. In this paper this is done by modeling the rotating disc as a series of different rings with constant properties. The optimum disc profile is arrived at by sequentially proportioning the thickness of each ring to satisfy stress requirements. In this paper these are done using the simplex method. Simplex algorithm is applied in Ansys software and the results are presented.

Volume 10, Issue 5 (Supplementary Issue - 2008)

Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) was produced using moist depithed bagasse stored dry or wet. The duration of storage for either method varied between 0 to 4 months. Two steaming temperatures of 175C and 185C were also used. MDF boards were produced in the laboratory and the common mechanical and physical properties were measured and compared. Results showed that an increased steaming temperature and storage time (especially for the wet storage method) have negative effects on the mechanical properties and positive effects on the physical properties (water absorption and Thickness swell). The mechanical properties of boards produced from bagasse as received (fresh bagasse) and at a steaming temperature of 175C were superior to others. The modulus of Rupture (MOR), Modulus of Elasticity (MOE) and Internal Bond (IB) of boards from fresh ba-gasse were 29.7 MPa., 3,127 MPa., and 0.52 MPa. respectively. However, the physical properties of boards produced from bagasse after 3 months’ wet storage and a steaming temperature of 185oC were superior, and were measured at 44.3% and 63.9% for water absorption after two and 24 hours’ immersion (WA2, WA24 ), and 11.5% and 17.6% for Thickness Swelling after two and 24 hours immersion (TS2, TS24 ) respectively.

Volume 12, Issue 4 (10-2010)

Objective: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the major cause of septicemia and wound infection in burned patients. Immunotraphy is the best practical way for prevention and treatment of these infections. Flagella as one of the most important bacterial virulence factors has important role in attachment, motility, chemotaxis and TLR-5-dependent immune response so that it propounded as a vaccine candidate. Production of anti-flagellar antibodies and evaluation of its protective effects in burned induced infection of mice was the main aim of this study. Materials and Methods: In the first step, flagellar antigen prepared by ultra-centrifugation. Anti-flagellar antibodies produced in rabbit and its impurity separated by absorption technique. Specification of the obtained antibodies for flagellar antigen was investigated via agglutination test. After determination of LD50 in a known strain, different dilutions of anti-flagellar antibodies injected in burned mice for passive immunization. The rate of bacterial spread from burn site was determined by quantification assay of bacteria in skin and liver. In this study, clinical isolate and PA103 in addition to ATCC 27853 strain were used for agglutination test. Results: H-antiserum reduced mortality of burned mice challenged with ATCC 27853 strains about 80%. Counting of bacteria in the skin and liver showed that the number of bacteria in immunized mice, in contrast with control group, was significantly low. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that anti-flagellar antibodies of Pseudomonas can inhibit invasion of Pseudomonas and facilitate its opsonization, so these antibodies have protective effects in burned wound infections.

Volume 13, Issue 0 (kongore 94- 2015)

Volume 13, Issue 3 (8-2010)

Objective: Amphotericin B (AmB) is an ancient antifungal drug and proper for treatment of systemic fungal infection. Unfortunately, this antibiotic has shown some side effects such as nephrotoxicity. Therefore, recently new AmB formulated has been prepared for reduced toxicity and increased effectiveness. Materials and Methods: AmB nanocapsules prepared from polymers such as poly D, L-lactide-co-glycolide by means of a solvent displacement technique. Then, the dried nanocapsules prepared by using SiO2 and entrapment efficacy of AmB was measured by spectrophotometry technique. The MICs of these nanocapsules to Candida albicans (ATCC 90028) was also determined by using microdilution method. Then, in vitro toxicity (haemolysis) of the AmB- loaded nanocapsules determined on human red blood cells. Results: The data shows AmB entrapment efficacy for nanocapsules were 75% ± 0.13. The MICs of AmB-loaded nanocapsules against C. albicans tested were significantly reduced compared to that of free antibiotic. Also, the AmB-loaded nanocapsules found to be 5.89 times less toxic than free AmB on human red blood cells. Conclusion: The results suggest that prepared AmB-loaded nanocapsules in this research may be an appropriate delivery system for AmB to be used in the treatment of fungal infections.

Volume 14, Issue 2 (8-2014)

 In this study, a new simple method for design and implementation of rectangular waveguide leaky wave antenna with the longitudinal long slot is presented. In this method which has been done using HFSS, firstly, the waveguide attenuation is calculated based on the position of the slot in relation to the waveguide broad wall. Then the desired aperture illumination is fitted to the slot position on the broad wall of the waveguide by MATLAB. Finally, a Taylor-distributed rectangular waveguide leaky wave antenna with 30 dB SLL designed and fabricated in ku band. The good agreement between the simulation and the measurement results for radiated patterns verifies the effectiveness of the presented method.

Volume 14, Issue 6 (11-2012)

The aim of this study was to explore the minimum amount of urea formaldehyde (UF) resin content and optimum particleboard density while maintaining boards’ quality to reduce production costs. Board density at three levels (520, 620 and 720 kg m-3) and resin content (6, 7 and 8%) were variable parameters. Stepwise multivariate linear regression models were used to evaluate the influence of board density and resin content on board properties and to determine the most effective parameter. In order to obtain the optimum board density and minimum resin content, contour plots were drawn. Regression models indicated that both board density and resin content were included in Modulus of Rupture (MOR) and Modulus of Elasticity (MOE) models based on the degree of their importance. Internal Bond (IB) model only had one step and resin content positively affected it. The results obtained from contour plots revealed that manufacturing poplar particleboards with density ranging from 600 to 650 kg m-3 and 6% resin would result in boards with mechanical properties within those required by the corresponding standard. Thickness swelling (TS) values were slightly higher (poorer) than the requirements. The panels required additional treatments such as using adequate amount of water resistant materials to improve thickness swelling after 2 and 24 hours of immersion.
Hamid Yazdanpanah, Anoshirvan Farshidianfar, Ali Ahmadpour, Ali Faezian, Farid Mokhtari,
Volume 16, Issue 7 (9-2016)

Reduction of unwanted noises is an important issue in the current societies regarding their potential negative impact on the mental and physical health of the peoples. Researchers are trying to find a new method to reduce the damage of this unwanted sound. Accordingly, the use of sound absorbing materials with appropriate acoustic properties has increased in the recent years. In this article, the production of polyurethane foam explained first and sound absorption coefficient of pure PUF has been measured. In order to improve the mechanical and acoustical properties of polyurethane foam, various quantities of Nano-Alumina powder is added to the structure of the foam. The effects of this additive material on the acoustic and mechanical properties of the foam are then measured. In this work, for the first time, the mechanical, physical and acoustical properties of the polyurethane foam improved by Nano-Alumina are studied. Finally, the change of the sound absorption coefficient of the produced composite material is analyzed based on the mechanical and physical experimental results. The sound absorption coefficient of this foam is then measured using two microphone method with Impedance tubes.

Volume 19, Issue 6 (12-2019)

Recycled asphalt chips after shaving are considered to be a waste material that has an adverse environmental impact on the environment. On the other hand, the heavy cost of constructing new ways and damages caused by the destruction of existing roads will cause many problems. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of mixed bitumen with filler change on mechanical and functional properties of asphalt foam mixtures of recycled materials. Research method is field study. All experiments were carried out at the Technical and Mechanical Laboratory of the Ministry of Construction in Tehran.  In this project, aggregates consumed from asphalt tracks of the 29th straight Shahid Dastgheib International Airport in Shiraz were prepared. The bitumen used in this research was selected as bitumen from Tehran refinery in Tehran. Also, Portland cement fillers of type 425-1, lime and cement and lime mixture as active filler were used and the amount of active filler added in all designs was considered the same. Samples were made by adding cement fillers, lime with different bitumen content and under dry and saturated treatment conditions. Samples were made with filler cement (1.5%), lime (1.5%) and cement, lime (0.75% and 0.75%) and a control sample. Then, the experiments were performed on the modulus of resilience, the strength of the marshall and the indirect pull resistance. To increase the number of observations and increase the accuracy of the mathematical model, samples with cement filler with a ratio of 1 and 2 percent with bitumen 1, 2 and 3 were constructed using Marshall Hammer. Marshall Strength tests, modulus of resistivity and indirect pull resistance were carried out in dry and saturated conditions. Using the results of the modulus of resilience test, the finite element modeling was performed using ABAQUS and KenLayer software, and the effect of changing the modulus on the number of load repetitions that resulted in fatigue failure was evaluated. Finally, a mathematical model was presented. The results of this study, using SPSS and Statisca software, show that in Marshall's strength test, in all plans, increasing the bitumen from 1 to 2 percent, the Marshall Strength increases and then decreases with increasing bitumen by 2 to 3 percent. Marshall Strength ratio (obtained by dividing the Marshall strength of saturated samples to the Marshall strength of dry specimens) revealed that these types of mixtures are sensitive to moisture conditions and at best (2% bitumen and with cement lime filler) this amount reaches 0.46.  Also, results of indirect resistance test show that, with increasing bitumen from 1 to 3%, in all designs, indirect resistance is increased during drying, saturation is continuously increased.  The cement filler with lime in all treatment modes has the greatest effect on increasing the indirect pull resistance, and the effect of increasing the strength of the filler-containing specimens is more than dry in terms of saturation processing.  The results of three-dimensional modeling of Abacus showed that increasing the modulus of the base layer, the number of repetitions leads to fatigue failure greatly increases. Also, half-life parameters, expansion ratio and index of bitumen were measured and the parameters of these parameters were plotted against water percent.
M. Hosseinzadeh, S.m. Mirzababaee , H. Zamani, A. Faezian, F. Zarrinkalam,
Volume 19, Issue 7 (July 2019)

In this study, the performance of an evacuated tube solar cooker analytically investigated. For this purpose, the heat transfer mechanisms in different components of the solar cooker is evaluated. The main aim of this article is to investigate the important parameters of the evacuated tube solar cooker in different weather conditions using the validated analytical model. The studied parameters are: wind speed, ambient temperature, and input solar radiation. The experiments performed at the Research Institute of Food Science and Technology, Mashhad, Iran (Latitude: 36° and Longitude: 59°). The results reveal that the presented analytical model is an accurate model that can be used in the paramedic analysis of the evacuated tube solar cooker. Moreover, in the reference weather conditions, the lost heat contains only 12.22 W of the absorbed solar radiation (137.51 W). Therefore, about 8.89% of the absorbed solar radiation is lost. Based on the results, the temperature of outer surface of the cooker is only 3.64 °C higher than the ambient temperature due to the vacuum between the tubes. In addition, the evacuated tube solar cooker has proper performance in various weather conditions. Increasing the ambient temperature from 5 °C to 35 °C enhances the solar cooker efficiency by 0.65%.

Volume 20, Issue 2 (5-2020)

Clay soils often cause problems in construction projects. In cold regions, freezing and thawing of clay soils can cause significant changes in the geotechnical characteristics of the soil. Frozen and thawed soils have shown changes in volume, strength, compressibility, frozen moisture content, bearing capacity and microstructural changes. In road construction projects in cold regions, freezing and melting is one of the factors affecting the unstability of soil engineering behavior, including the durability and performance of pavement and pavement layers.  Therefore, the purpose of this research is to evaluate the effect of freezing and melting cycles on the parameters of the durability of calcareous stabilized clay bed based on compressive strength test results. 400 kg of soil samples were collected from the subgrade of the RAZ-PASIN rural road. In the first stage, granulation experiments, Atterberg and ... on 20 soil samples were performed. The second stage was the dry maximum dry matter and optimum moisture content of the soil-cement mixture. The third step was to determine the percentage of suitable cement for mixing, soil-cement mixed density with different percentages (6%, 8%, 10%, 12% and 14%) with limestone cement type 1 and type 2. In the fourth stage, 24 cylindrical specimens were added to the soil sample by adding (8%, 10%, 12%) of type 1 and type 2 calcareous cement and tested for compressive strength. In the fifth step, the indirect tensile strength and the stress-strain modulus of the mixed soil-cement were determined. The results indicated that the maximum dry matter density of the soil-cement mixture was obtained by adding 10% of type 1 and type 2 calcareous cement. The results also showed an increase in the compressive strength of the composite made with type 1 lime Portland cement compared to Type 2 lime Portland cement, and all specimens containing 8% calcareous cement additive exhibit more than 35 kg / cm2 after 7 days of resistance treatment. This means that samples made with Portland cement have a sufficient durability against atmospheric agents. If the use of calcareous Portland cement is used only for bed consolidation as a layer of pavement layers and the appropriate weight percentage of Portland Type II cement is selected to be 8% for the consolidation of the studied soil, the cost of the Rural Road Project will be compared. The Late Valley showed a 13% reduction in the cost of supplying calcareous Portland cement compared to Type II Portland cement (Table 10). This is due to a 15% reduction in energy costs (gas and electricity consumed) in the manufacture of calcareous Portland cement compared to Type II Portland cement. By comparing the results of compressive strength of soil-mixture of type 1 calcareous Portland cement and type 2 cement, it can be concluded that the effect of type 1 calcareous Portland cement in obtaining compressive strength is better than type 2 calcareous Portland cement due to increasing Lime is made of cement composition. This increased resistance is due to the ion exchange reaction and the agglomeration-compaction reaction between lime and soil and is achieved by lime contact with most fine-grained soils. Thus, the calcium ions in the lime are replaced by the lower-capacity positive ions in the soil. This results in the accumulation of calcium ions around the clay particles.
M. Hosseinzadeh, H. Zamani, S.m. Mirzababaee, A. Faezian, F. Zarrinkalam,
Volume 20, Issue 6 (June 2020)

In this study, a portable parabolic solar cooker is designed and fabricated, and the daily performance of the solar cooker is investigated from the energy and exergy viewpoints. One of the important challenges of the parabolic solar cookers is the reduction of their performance in the windy conditions. In order to evaluate this issue, the effect of 0.2, 2, 4 and 6m/s wind speeds on the energy and exergy efficiencies of the solar cooker is studied. Based on the results, the energy efficiency of the parabolic solar cooker is 34.52-46.19% and the exergy efficiency is 2.11-5.60% during the experiment. The experimental results indicate that water can boil in the windy conditions using the fabricated solar cooker although the time required to boil water increases by rising the wind speed. According to the results, in the wind speed of 6m/s, the time taken to boil 2 liters of water is about 40min. Furthermore, the energy and exergy efficiencies of the parabolic solar cooker in the wind speed of 6m/s are 20.08% and 1.99%, respectively, lower than those in the wind speed of 0.2m/s.

Volume 21, Issue 147 (May 2024)

Today, one of the problems of the food industry is the use of synthetic compounds as preservatives, the potential dangers of each of these compounds for human health have been proven. Currently synthetic antioxidants such as butyl hydroxyl anisole and butyl hydroxyl toluene are used in the oil industry. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of ultrasound pretreatment on the extraction of phenolic compounds from the herb flower on oxidative stability of the oil containing the resulting extract. In this research, from the extract of Artemisia annua flower with the help of ultrasound pretreatment with a fixed intensity of 24KHz and a fixed temperature of the laboratory and the application times of ultrasound waves is 10, 20 and 30 minutes and methanol solvent extraction by maceration method with a fixed time of 48 hours and it was used a stabilize soybean oil at a constant temperature in the laboratory (control). With the help of the response level method, the most appropriate ultrasonic pretreatment for 30 minutes. Then, different concentrations of 0,50, 100, 250, 500 and 1000 ppm were prepared after ultrasonic pretreatment for 30 minutes. The results showed that the pretreatment with a concentration 0f 1000 ppm  with the highest amount of phenolic compound extaction (28/15) mg/g and DPPH free radical  inhibitory power (53/30)% was the most  suitable sample that was added  to the oil and  The tests related to the stability of soybean oil including: peroxide index, acid index and thiobarbituric acid index were performed, which according to the results of the tests had an upward trend and the most stabilizing effect was at a concentration of 1000 ppm.

Razieh Abedini, Faezeh Najafi, Mohammad Passandideh-Fard, Amir Abdolah, Ali Faezian,
Volume 23, Issue 8 (August 2023)

In this article, the numerical and experimental investigation of the effect of ultrasonic waves on the heat transfer rate with an increase of the wave amplitude is discussed. Numerical modeling determines the possibility of the investigation of the ultrasonic wave’s effects on fluid flow distribution and heat transfer. For this purpose, a cylindrical tank is considered inside which a spiral heater is placed at a fixed height in the water. In addition, ultrasonic transducers are considered as circular plates under the bottom of the tank. In order to simulate, the ANSYS Fluent software is used and the modeling is accomplished in two stages before and after ultrasonic excitation. To validate the numerical results, they are compared with those of the experiments. For this purpose, an experimental setup is prepared witch consists two coaxial cylinders, a spiral heater kept at a certain height in the water, and five transducers attached to the bottom of the tank. Both experimental and numerical results show that the convection heat transfer coefficient increases with the use of ultrasonic waves with a discrepancy of nearly 4% between the results. By increasing the heat transfer coefficient, the heater surface temperature decreases. The discrepancy between the measured and calculated temperature is about 5%. The velocity and temperature distributions obtained from the numerical results show that using ultrasonic waves enhance the fluid flow mixing which in turn increases the convection heat transfer. The higher the amplitude of the ultrasonic wave, the higher the heat transfer coefficient will result.

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