Showing 63 results for Farhang
Volume 0, Issue 3 (No. 2- 2008)
In many archaeological excavations, bone has been found in tow forms. In the form of tools and
in the form of row material. Therefore, bone has been studied in several points and gives many
beneficial information to researchers. In previous excavations less attention has been paid to the
bones and other remains of human and animals, for example teeth and crown.
These findings are now collecting and recording carefully. pale biologists, anthropologists,
zoologists, and pale pathologists are surveying the information about economic, social and
cultural condition in ancient society.
In this research we will survey several applications of bone in the knowledge of antiquarian
Volume 3, Issue 3 (12-2014)
The effect of a probiotic containing five species of bacilli at four levels of 0 (control), 1×106CFU/ml (T1), 1×107 CFU/ml (T 2) and 1×108CFU/ml (T 3) per 100g of feed on the growth performances, resistance and survival of rainbow trout fry, Oncorhynchus mykiss (463±32 mg) were compared in a 60-days feeding trial. Growth parameters, such as ADG, SGR, RGR and TGC, were significantly enhanced (p<0.05) by the probiotic at all levels, and the performance in T2 was significantly better than T1. The fish under the probiotic treatments also showed higher resistance (p<0.05) to such Environmental stresses as alkaline pH, heat and ammonia (p<0.05). No significant difference in tolerance to acidic pH stress was observed between the control and treatments. In conclusion, the probiotic bacillus highly increased the growth performances, feeding efficiency, resistance and survival in rainbow trout fry.
Farhang Daneshmand, M. J. Kazemzadeh Parsr,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (9-2006)
Abstract The element free Galerkin (EFG) method, which is based on the moving least square (MLS) approximation, requires only nodal data and no element connectivity. These features make the method more flexible than the conventional FEM. Nevertheless, direct imposition of the essential boundary conditions in the EFG method is always difficult because the shape functions obtained from the MLS approximation do not have the Kronocker-delta property. A new method named "the complementary integral method" is proposed here to overcome this difficulty. The presented method is more consistent with the variational basis of the EFG method. Several numerical examples are used to illustrate the implementation and performance of the method. The numerical examples including the Poisson's equation and 2D static and dynamic elasticity problems show that the method converges fast with reasonably accurate result for both the unknown variables and its derivatives.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (No.2 (Tome 23), (Articles in Persian) 2015)
Physicians are more presumptuous than patients in verbal interaction. This study was conducted to measure the ratio of physicians’ and patients’ presumptuousness, and the role of gender in order to find an appropriate model for doctor-patient interaction. One hundred and one interviews in Mazandaran Medical Sciences hospitals were studied by using Stiles coding system. The physicians were 10.4 times more presumptuous than the patients. The most presumptuousness in the physicians was in physical examination, and in the patients, it was in conclusion. The least presumptuousness in physicians and in patients was in history taking and in physical examination, respectively. There was a meaningful difference in presumptuousness between men and women in the patients (P<0.05), while there was no meaningful difference between men and women in the physicians. Among the patients, rustics, low educated ones, and the elders were more presumptuous. When the gender of physicians and patients was different, the presumptuousness increased; however, the presumptuousness decreased when the gender was the same. We can conclude that the physicians were much more presumptuous than the patients. Their presumptuousness varied from the most in physical examination to the least in the history taking, because the physicians received information during the history taking and they listened more. In physical examination, the patients were in a special situation, sometimes unrobed. It strongly affected the presumptuousness. Presumptuousness had a direct relation with social class. Social class was the main factor when there was a gender difference, and it increased the physicians’ presumptuousness. The Results showed that in the patients, politeness in lower class decreased the presumptuousness. Knowing these factors can help physicians and patients to have an appropriate outcome
Volume 6, Issue 2 (Summer 2022)
Research subject: The combustion of fossil fuels to supply energy produces large amounts of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide emissions have led to rising global temperature and many natural disasters, including floods, hurricanes, rising sea levels, and widespread droughts, that threaten ecological systems and human life. Therefore, the uptake and removal of carbon dioxide from sources or the environment play a key role in countering the threat of global warming.
Research approach: In this study, a venturi scrubber was utilized to eliminate CO2 from the air stream on a semi-industrial scale. The effects of different parameters including inlet air flow rate to the venturi scrubber, solvent flow rate, and solvent loss during the scrubbing process were investigated on CO2 absorption by a nanofluid solvent containing iron oxide/water at the presence of tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) as a surface-active material.
Main results: The surface-active material of TMAH prevents the agglomeration of nanoparticles in the base fluid and stabilizes the fluid. The maximum efficiency of absorption and the highest molar flux of CO2 were achieved when iron oxide nanoparticles were used along with graphene nanosheets with the ratios of iron oxide nanoparticles (25%) and graphene nanosheets (75%) at the presence of TMAH surface-active material due to their nature. The reason is the better agitation (of the solution) by iron oxide nanoparticles that results in an increased displacement of graphene nanosheets. The random Brownian movements of nanoparticles create micron size eddies that increase mass transfer at the gas-liquid interface. In addition, molar flux and CO2 gas absorption efficiency decreased by increasing the concentration of nanoparticles.
Keywords: Hybrid nanofluid; Venturi scrubber; Gas absorption; Iron oxide nanoparticles; Graphene nanosheets
Volume 7, Issue 2 (Spring 2018)
Aims: The use of immune stimulants to prevent diseases and increase the resistance of aquatic animals to stress has been rising. The aim of the present study was examining the histopathology and immunology of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Fed with Levamisole.
Materials and Methods: In this experimental research, 1000 fish were divided in 5 treatments and fed on diet supplemented with levamisole at 0 (control), 100, 250, 500, and 1000mg/kg-1 diet for 45 days. Then, the fish were fed on a diet without levamisole and increased density twice for the following 15 days. Blood samples were collected from all treatments on days 15, 30, 45 and 60 to evaluate the total immunoglobulin and lysozyme activity of serum. At the end of the trial, 15 fish from each treatment (each replicate 5 fish) were randomly selected and tissue samples of gill, kidney, and liver were evaluated. The data were analyzed by SPSS 15 software, using one way ANOVA and Duncan test.
Findings: Treatment fed with 1000mg levamisole on day 30 and 60 had the highest total serum immunoglobulin and had the highest lysozyme activity in comparison to other treatments on 15, 30, and 60 days. The least amount of tissue damage was observed in gills, kidneys, and liver in 1000mg levamisole.
Conclusion: A total of 1000mg/kg-1 levamisole of rainbow trout diet causes the least amount of damage to the gill, kidneys, and liver tissues, as well as the increase of total immunoglobulin and lysozyme activity of serum.
Volume 7, Issue 25 (Spring 2014)
Semiotics is an approach that studies the signs and their hidden meanings. This article is a social semiology of Bivatan—amodern novelwritten by Reza Amirkhani. The novel struggles with fundamental issues such as identity, culture, and social traditions. Like most other postmodern novels, Bivatan is a combination of reality and imagination. Most parts of the story happen outside of Iran and show the conflict between Islamic-Persian culture and the Western culture. The conflict between humans and their surrounding is another major aspect of this novel. This article elaborates on the identity-related signs such as religion, food, costume, job, social relations, and so forth. The fundamental role of religion, drawing on Quranicverses, identity crisis, and differences in social class are among the other subjects which will be discussed in this paper.
Volume 8, Issue 1 (winter 2023)
Aim: The pain and disability caused by chronic diseases such as fibromyalgia disrupt physical, mental, and social activities and job performance. These factors, in turn, diminish mental health in such patients. The present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) in improving mental health and mitigating alexithymia in fibromyalgia patients.
Method and Materials: This quasi-experimental research adopted a pretest-posttest design with a control group and a three-month follow-up. The statistical population consisted of all females with fibromyalgia in the rheumatology clinic of Rasoul Akram Hospital in Tehran, Iran. Thirty-six of them were selected via convenience sampling based on inclusion criteria. The participants were randomly divided into a control group and two experimental groups, one receiving eight 120-min MBSR sessions and the other one receiving eight 120-min ISTDP sessions. The research instruments included the Mental Health Inventory (MHI) and the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20). The data were analyzed via repeated measures ANOVA.
Findings: It was found that MBSR and ISTDP interventions were effective in mitigating alexithymia and improving mental health in fibromyalgia patients (P<0.001). There was a significant difference between MBSR and ISTDP, which ISTDP having higher effectiveness and more extended durability in the follow-up stage (P<0.05).
Conclusions: The MBSR and ISTDP interventions effectively mitigate alexithymia and improve mental health in fibromyalgia patients. Therefore, it is suggested that clinical psychologists use such interventions to improve the Quality of Life (QoL) for patients with fibromyalgia
Volume 9, Issue 3 (9-2023)
The family Chrysolampidae Dalla Torre, 1898 and the genus Chrysomalla Foerster, 1859 (Chalcidoidea, Chrysolampidae, Chrysolampinae) are recorded for the first time from Iran where it was represented by one species, Ch. roseri Foerster, 1859. Studied specimens were collected with sweeping net in three localities: Kerman, South-Khorasan and West-Azarbaijan provinces in the east and northwest of Iran, respectively. A brief diagnosis, with illustrations of the morphological characters and geographical distribution is provided for this species.
Volume 9, Issue 4 (Number 4 - 2007)
A total of 136,250 monthly test day milk records collected from 13,625 Iranian Holstein heifers (three times a day milking) calved between 1991 and 2001 and distributed over 264 herds were used to study the effects of some environmental factors influencing lacta-tion curve parameters as well as production characteristics. Wilmink’s function (Yt = W0 + W1t + W2e-0.05t) was fitted to individual lactations. Least squares analysis of variance in-dicated that the herd, year and month of calving had a significant effect on all traits under consideration. Correlation analysis showed that the parameter W0 had a negative and significant (p<0.05) relationship with parameters W1 and W2 while it was positively sig-nificantly correlated with milk at peak time and 305-day milk yield. Simple linear regres-sion analysis of adjusted means of a 305-day milk yield, days to reach peak yield as well as peak milk yield in the first year of calving also revealed that there was a phenotypic in-crease of 137.152 Kg, 0.535 day and 0.434 Kg per year, respectively.
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2010)
Economic liberalization policy has been among the major concern of the governments during the last few decades. However, its impact on economic growth is still a controversial issue. The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of trade liberalization and financial development on economic growth in Iran using annual observations over the period 1973-2007. The current study would use ARDL technique to estimate the empirical model.
The findings of this paper indicate that there is a long run positive and significant relationship between trade liberalization and financial development and economic growth in Iran over the period of the study. The error correction coefficient is around 0.32 showing that the adjustment towards the long run equilibrium takes place within almost three years. The Granger causality test indicates that causality runs from trade liberalization and financial development to GDP.
Volume 9, Issue 20 (Supplementary Issue (Tome 42)- 2005)
Study of the relationship between two important variables, emotional intelligence and leadership style, has been the main purpose of this research.
The population under study consists of 266 marketing and sales managers from Mashhad food and automobile industries from which a sample of 73 peaple was drawn. Data was collected by means of two questionnaires, including Weisinger’s emotional intelligence questionnair and Barak’s leadership style questionnair.
Face validity and split half method were used to determine the questionnaires validity and reliability respectively. The result of split half reliability for emotional intelligence and leadership style questionnaires was known to be .083 and .079 respectively, which the results of the research revealed that there is a positive and meaningful relation between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership style, and a negative relation between emotional intelligence and transactional leadership style of the population under study.
Volume 10, Issue 3 (1-2003)
Volume 10, Issue 4 (1-2011)
This paper gives a detailed analysis of direct torque control (DTC) strategy in a five-level drive and proposes a 24-sector switching table. The overvoltage problem due to high dv/dt is reduced compared to the 12-sector DTC. Using all vectors leads to better flexibility and reduces speed oscillations. Simulation and experimental results for a 3kVA prototype confirm the proposed solutions. A TMS320F2812 is used to implement the above strategy.
Volume 10, Issue 4 (12-2021)
In this study, the effect of different amounts of rainbow trout bone micropowder (concentrations of 0.5, 1 and 2%) on the shelf life (the rate of formation of secondary fat oxidation compounds, total volatile nitrogen compounds, water holding capacity, color parameters) and the gel quality (hardness, chewing, cohesiveness and folding characteristics) of the largehead hairtail (Trichiurus lepturus) were examined during 15 days of refrigeration. Addition of bone micropowder to the gels prepared from hairtail fish, affected some of the gels properties. The results showed that with increasing the amount of bone micropowder in surimi gels, the amount of thiobarbituric acid (as the most important indicator of advanced degradation due to fat oxidation) was lower than to control group, which indicates the inhibitory effect of micropowder on lipid oxidation in the prepared surimi. In terms of color parameters, the results showed that horsetail fish gels containing bone micropowder had a darker color than the control. In the Folding Test, the horsetail gel containing bone micropowder with a concentration of 2% received the highest score. In the characteristics of texture profile (hardness, chewiness and cohesion indices), it was found that with increasing the amount of bone micropowder, the texture properties in the prepared surimi were significantly improved (p <0.05). Findings from the present study showed that bone micropowder due to its positive effect on the main indicators can be used to improve the texture properties of horsetail fish surimi gel.
Volume 11, Issue 3 (8-2022)
Biofloc technology is considered as a culture system for fish production reduced environmental impacts. In the present study investigated the impact of zeolite nanoparticle on water quality, growth performance, digestive enzymes and immune response of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) reared under biofloc conditions. Fish fingerlings (initial weight of 7.99 ± 0.36 g) were divided into four treatments and fed four levels of zeolite nanoparticles in the following 0 (control), 50, 100 and 200 mg kg−1 diet in biofloc system (NZ1, NZ2 and NZ3) for 60 days. Carbon to nitrogen ratio (15:1) was provided using sucrose. Water quality parameters such as nitrogen compounds were measured during the test period. At the end of the experiment, the highest growth indices and the lowest feed conversion ratio were obtained in 50 mg kg−1 diet (NZ1). Intestinal protease activities in NZ1 and NZ2 treatments were significantly higher than in the other treatments, and the highest lipase and amylase activity was related to the NZ1 treatment. The 50 and 100 Zeolite diets in biofloc conditions significantly enhanced fish immune system activity. The present study suggests that dietary supplementation with 50 and 100 mg Zeolite nanoparticles in biofloc system significantly increases growth performance, digestive enzyme, and immunological response in common carp in fish culture tanks.
, Farhang Honarvar, H Hk,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (11-2012)
In certain applications, it is improtant to measure the mechanical properties of steel with high accuracy. These properties are usually measured by destructive methods. However, the small changes made during heat treatment processes are not usually detectable by destructive methods. Ultrasonic non destructive testing is an alternative method that can be used for measuring the mechanical properties of steels. In this paper, the ultrasonic method has been used for measurement of meachanical properties of AISI D6 steel samples processed by various heat treatment processes. Each sample has a differnet micro stucture and hardness due to its specific heat treatment. To find the meachanical properties, the velocity of longitudinal and shear ultrasonic waves were measured for each sample. Comparison of the results obtained from ultrasonic measurements with those available in reference tables shows that the ultrasonic non destructive method can measure the elastic properties of AISI D6 samples with high accuracy.
Pejman Daryabor, Mahmoud Farzin, Farhang Honarvar,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (4-2013)
Abstract- This research develops a Lamb wave technique to determine the dispersion curves of a two layered bonded component: an aluminum sheet attached to a composite layer by means of a cohesive. A commercial finite element code (ABAQUS Explicit) is used to determine the dispersion curves of the Aluminum-cohesive-composite multilayer component. The finite element model includes three plain strain layers that the middle one is cohesive. Then a lamb wave is propagated in the model and some output signals are received. The dispersion curves are obtained by using 2D Fourier transformation of finite element model output signals. In addition, to produce various modes, experiments are carried out on a composite-aluminum assembly using two 2 MHz variable angle transducers. Comparison of modes obtained from finite element method and experiments shows that group velocities are almost identical. Hence, good agreement between finite element method results and experimental results indicates that finite element is reasonably accurate for determination of dispersion curves.
Volume 13, Issue 1 (9-2021)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the emergence of new phenomena in the field of politics and power relations in Iran. Analyzing the history of political developments in contemporary Iran, based on Ernesto Laclau's account of "politics" and "people-based politics" and through the method of discourse analysis, we came to the conclusion that despite the multiplicity of movements, riots and resistance In the cities and villages against the local rulers and the central power, it is in the "tobacco movement" that we are confronted with a new kind of political action that calls for the demands and demands of the "people".
Volume 13, Issue 2 (Fall & Winter 2009)
The Parthian and Sasanid sites of Valiran are situated in the suburbs of Damavand, a city in the east of Tehran. The discovery of burials along with the cereal and animal remains have made the situation apt for investigation of the pale diet.
This research aimed at investigating the nutritional condition of the ancient inhabitants of Valiran site in Parthian period in order to understand the ancient geographical situation in the mentioned region.
XRF method was used to analyz the archaeological skeletons.