Showing 67 results for Farshi
Volume 1, Issue 1 (Spring 2020)
This study aimed to determine the effect of selected physical activities on life skills. For this purpose, 80 male students aged 12-15 were selected as available samples. Then, the Beck Physical Activity Questionnaire and Walker Walker Lifestyle Questionnaire were divided into two groups of control and experimental based on their scores. The experimental groups performed the selected exercise protocol for 12 sessions, each for 1.5 hours. After 12 sessions for both groups, a post-test was performed. In order to compare the subscales of accountability, interpersonal relationships, growth and prosperity of the two experimental and control groups, the pre-test and post-test stages of the mixed variance analysis test are used in a 2 × (group) 2 design. A one-way covariance analysis test was used to compare subscales of appropriate nutrition, stress management and exercise and physical activity. All statistical calculations were performed in SPSS software at a significant level of 5%. Given that the role of exercise and physical activity in childhood and adolescence is undeniable in developing social skills, responsibility, happiness, vitality, etc., it is suggested that three sessions per week of out-of-school physical activity be improved. And the development of life skills.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (12-2003)
In this paper we propose and simulate a new Heterostructure MESFET, Called δ-doped LDD HMESFET. To improve carrier velocity in vicinity of the source in channel of GaAs MESFET, one can replace source with AlxGa 1-x As. By increasing Al content, discontinuity of hetero-interface could be increased. Therefore, the velocity increases in the low field. However, increasing Al mole fraction in excess of some value forces the current to reduce, due to DX centers. To avoid this reduction, we suggest taking the advantage of ?-doped the source-channel hetero-interface. This increase discontinuity of hetero-interface, which is equivalent to increasing Al content. In this paper, we simulate the proposed transistor structure and compare it with the one proposed in [1], ignoring DX centers. In this comparison, we show that the average electron velocity in both transistors is identical.
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2016)
Volume 5, Issue 0 (0-2005)
In this paper, we examine the effect of the energy difference between the L- and the -valleys in compound semiconductor materials, carrier effective mass, and the scattering processes on the electron transport characteristics in MESFETs. To do this, we use the Monte Carlo simulation to demonstrate the superiority of the InGaAs MESFET, made on a semi-insulating InP substrate, over both InP and GaAs MESFETs. Furthermore, we study the effects of device structure on the electron transport characteristics. For the first time we study electron transport characteristics in the channel of a LDD InGaAs MESFET with an InP source. This structure demonstrates to have the highest average electron velocity through out its channel among the other MESFETs
Volume 5, Issue 3 (2015 2015)
The establishment of new Isfahan by Shah Abbas was the climax of Safavid architecture. Isfahan wasn’t a new built Islamic city. Actually new capital was constructed beside the ancient city by safavid monarchs aimed to show the glory and Victory of Shiite Islam as opposed to Ottoman dynasty’s capital city. Safavid developed the city Space and added new urban areas to previous one , but new development was aimed to exhibit a great vision of Shiite capital that show both the religious belief and the power of Safavid Dynasty. The main part of new development is Naghsh e Jahan square as the greatest example of Persian Architecture in which the most important public buildings organized around the square: on one side stands the Shah›s mosque , on the other one the Shah›s oratory, called the mosque of Sheikh Lutfallah , opposite side, Ali Qapu royal pavilion that opens in behind onto a large pleasure walkway (Chahar Bagh) and the grand bazaar led to the old mosque on Fridays, the symbolic relationship of religion , government and trade as the various social Factors in public life. This urban square is the most significant and most elegant composition of Safavid world view and Isfahan School philosophical belief to combine the Mystical and religious aspects of human life with everyday life, as a representation of most important Islamic orders that reject the retreating of everyday life in order to worship god. Cooperation a large number of artists and philosophers Shaped one of the most significant periods of Iranian art and architecture in the Safavid capital and the architecture of Isfahan in Safavid era is an obvious sample that shows the close relationship between architecture and philosophy. Affected by thoughts of philosophical school of Isfahan, previous rules of architectural and urban design changed and the role of the audience in perception of space became more important than before. Probably in this period the pure Shiite architecture was represented in all levels, from urban space to architectural atmosphere and even architectural ornaments, but the most important innovation of Architectural design of this era was the enhancement of Audience role as a part of meaning making process of spaces. In other word, Isfahan Safavid Architecture participate persons with their spatial flow of Dynamic spaces to show and allow him to practice the metaphysical sense of Architectural concepts in various contexts from urban area to interior spaces. In this way, the form and space arrangement designed to fulfill the designer’s aim simultaneously. this paper focuses on the combination of form and spatial arrangement design in sheikh Lutfallah mosque how leads in to a new concept , in which not only the structure doesn’t comply with site limitation or inner architectural design necessities, but also the asymmetrical arrangement of dome and main portal contradict main Islamic design principles , in order to create a symmetrical that changes the audience usual mental / visual behavior to understand the building concept and right spatial flow of unusual interior design. Sheikh Lutfallah mosque was the first structure constructed in the new Isfahan. Around the mihrab are the names of the Twelve Shi’i Imams, and the inscription contains the names of Shaykh Lutfallah, Ostad Muahmmad Reza Isfahani (the engineer), and Baqir al- Banai (the calligrapher who wrote it). Its construction stretched over sixteen long years. Mihrab date’s show that it was completed around 1618. The plan of this mosque is rather unusual , compared with the Shah Mosque, the design of the Sheikh Lutf Allah Mosque is quite simple. There is no courtyard and there are no interior iwans. The building itself consists of a flattened dome resting on a square dome chamber. Though, in contranst to the simple structure of this mosque, the decoration of both interior and exterior is exceedingly complex, and in its construction the finest materials were used and the most talented craftsmen employed. Ali Reza Abbasi, the leading calligrapher at the court of Shah Abbas , has decorated the entrance, above the door , with majestic inscriptions with the names and titles of Shah Abbas, the Husayni and the Musavi, that is , the descendants of Imams Husayn and Musa.The inscriptions of the Mosque reflect matters that were preoccupying the shah around the time it was built ; namely the need to define Twelver Shiism. In Sheikh Lutfallah Mosque , the emphasis on the role of theaudience and his participation in process of perception of space seems that has been done by creating a dynamic equilibrium method. Placement of the dome and portico of this mosque, Is such that the audience faces from the beginning with a series of interconnected perceptions linked so makes it possible to detect the concept of interior space within the outdoor area. This study tries to show how this continual perception process designed to shape the audience perception to understand the building as continuity. Article tries to show the role of dynamic equilibrium visual perception of outdoor form of building and inner spaces to create this sense and how the asymmetrical placement of dome in relation to mosque portal creates that. Research used descriptive –analytical method and library resources , to show the reasoning process of this different architectural design as a case study that changes the lateral symmetry and static equilibrium design as a dominant rule in Persian architecture to create a special relationship between audience and building in Shah Abbas’ private mosque as an important building of Isfahan school of Safavid architecture. Results shows that environmental constraints and square master plan don’t play any role in shaping the mosque plan and the designers have a clear goal to change it to achieve their special spatial and visual structure they intend derived from views of philosophy school of Isfahan. The buildings in whole, is such that audience as subject, be faced with a set of continual dynamic equilibrium that shapes audience perceptions so he would become part of process that create the meaning of space.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (11-2015)
Production of recombinant proteins such as β-NGF using prokaryotic hosts is the topic of many recent researches. However, bacterial cell culture media are cheaper than eukaryotic cell culture media, but in industrial production scale they are not cost effective at all for biotech companies. Therefore, survey to find inexpensive cell culture medium that bacterial cells not only can grow in it but also produce recombinant proteins is very important. In this study, for the first time date syrup and yeast extract mixture was used as an inexpensive medium. In RSM (response surface methodology) studies different concentrations of date syrup and yeast extract were used as carbon and nitrogen sources respectively. The results indicate that the 20 g/lit of carbon and 5 g/lit of nitrogen are optimum for bacterial growth. Also the data show that recombinant bacteria not only can grow but also can produce recombinant proteins such as β-NGF using this synthetic medium.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (Winter 2019)
Aims: Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) implies one’s inevitable inhale of smoke within a polluted environment. The present Study aimed to investigate the extent to which Hormozgan province residents were exposed to ETS.
Materials & Methods: In the present cross-sectional study, a sample of 3962 residents of Hormozgan province (Urban-rural) was selected through a stratified clustering method and entered the study. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire developed by the researcher which was comprised of two sections. The first section contained demographic information and also enquired about subject’s exposure to ETS as well as the smoking site. Chi-squared test and binary regression were used. The collected data were analyzed via SPSS 19.0.
Findings: 984 subjects (24.8%) were exposed to ETS and women were significantly more exposed to ETS than men (p<0.001). The most probable sites of exposure to ETS were found to be respectively home (52.6%), public places (25.5%) and workplace (21.9%). The highest degree of exposure to ETS was found in Bashagard County (69.6%) while the lowest degree showed to belong to Khamir (14.1%). A statistically significant correlation was found between exposure to ETS and age (p<0.001) and education level (p<.019).
Conclusion: Awareness raising towards the hazards of ETS, warning against smoking indoors, monitoring how anti-smoking rules are applied in public places and workplace, the formation of domestic anti-smoking campaigns, informing the youth through mass media especially women and teenagers are all suggested to cut down on exposure to ETS.
Volume 7, Issue 4 (No.4 (Tome 32), (Articles in Persian) 2016)
Unlike text-based reading, discourse analysis considers all effective elements in the meaning of the text. In addition to linguistic aspects of the text, situational context, and metalanguage in general are also taken into account. In terms of critical perspective, it studies ideology and power relations as leading elements of the text. Such an approach prepares the way to a comprehensive understanding of the text to the translator. In this regard, the present paper aims to employ a reference- analysis of critical analysis discourse in translating Arabic texts into Persian. Thus, with the assumptions of the deficiency of the text-based reading, the practicality of critical discourse analysis in transferring the hidden parts of the text has been sought. By analyzing and translating some contemporary Arabic texts, the paper has tried to prove the above assumptions. In conclusion, it can be noticed that in addition to highlighting the situational aspects of the text, the presented ideology directs the text. Considering the meanings of hypertextuality, the translator has organized the target text with an appropriate style.
Volume 8, Issue 2 (2-2019)
Spectroscopy in visible and part of near infrared region was assessed as a non-destructive technique for the detection of plants infected with Potato virus Y (PVY). The aim of our research was to recognize spectral signatures that indicate PVY infected plants. In this assay, we studied spectral reflectance of potato leaves showing different PVY symptoms in cultivars Agria and Milva. Virus titer of leaves that showed different disease symptoms, were estimated using enzyme-linked immune sorbent assay. The means of spectral data obtained from different leaves in each experimental plant were used for spectral analysis. Analyses showed that spectral region in 900-1100nm was markedly sensitive to the PVY infection and could be useful for developing a good spectral signature for detection of the infection. Based on the X loading weights obtained from principal component analysis (PCA), sensitive wavelengths were screened, some wavelengths in this region have most positive or negative loading and based on linear discriminant analysis, they could discriminate infection status with high accuracy. The reflectance variation in this region is related to changes in cell structure and water activity due to viral infection. Results indicate that spectroscopy has a suitable potential to detect virus-infected plants; which could be further developed for more accurate potato field inspection aimed at controlling the spread of viral infection.
Volume 8, Issue 3 (fall 2020)
The concept of poetry and its nature has long been the attention of poets and Critics. In contemporary times, especially after the emergence of poetry, the concept of poetry faced more challenges. because this concept is tied with other concepts such as innovation, tradition, and commitment. and many poets and researchers in Iran and the Arab world studied this concept. In this regard two theorists, , Adunis and Dariush Ashuri Have valuable ideas in this field.The present study want to explain the concept of poetry from the viewpoint of these two theorists. It relies on the two books "Zaman elshear" and "poetry and thought". The resualts of this research indicate that the concept of poetry in the viewpoint of these two thinker is very close to philosophy, and the philosophical approach has led to the meaning of meaning in this field. in such a way that the semantic and aesthetic aspects of poetry are strengthened against pure realistic aspects. in this way both thoughts have emphasized the existence of a poem as a factor of its richness.
Volume 8, Issue 4 (8-2019)
The Xanthomonas citri pv. citri (Xcc) is causal agent of bacterial citrus canker which is major disease of citrus throughout the world. The pthA bacterial effector protein is presented within the infected plants and indispensable of canker. The scFv antibodies are valuable tools for diagnosis and suppression of pathogens within plants. The present article describes developing and characterization of specific recombinant monoclonal scFv antibodies against pthA effector protein. For this aim, the gene encoding pthA protein was heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli and used for screening of Tomlinson phage display antibody library to pinpoint specific single chain variable fragment (scFv). In each round of panning, the affinity of phage towards pthA was checked by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The data was indicative of about 50% of the monoclonal phages to be reactive strongly against pthA protein. Among the positive clones, 5 samples (A12, B8, C1, H8 and G8) were capable of detecting Xcc-infected plant samples and recombinant pthA protein. Restriction fragment length polymorphism showed similar banding pattern for all 5 scFvs as renamed to pthA-scFG8. HB2151 E. coli cells were infected by the phage bearing pthA-scFG8, and the expression of the peptide was induced by IPTG to produce a 30 kDa recombinant molecule. I-TASSER was used for homology modeling of both scFv and pthA and docking was carried out by Hex program. The latter demonstrated binding energy of −784 kcal/mol in scFv-pthA.
Behrooz Farshi, Mohammad. Hossein. Faezi,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (12-2009)
There are numerous applications for gas turbine discs in the aerospace industries such as in turbojet engines. These discs normally work under high temperature while subjected to high angular velocities. Minimizing the weight of such items in aerospace applications results in benefits such as low dead weights and lower costs.
Optimization of rotating discs is historically, an area of research due to their vast utilization in industry. The gas turbine disc is one of examples to name. Gas turbine discs work mostly at high temperature gradients and are subjected to high angular velocities. High speed results in large centrifugal forces in disc and simultaneous high temperatures reduces the disc material strength, thus the later increases stress in disc automatically.
In order to obtain a reliable disc analysis and arrive at the corresponding correct stress distribution, solution should consider changes in material properties due to the temperature field throughout the disc. To this end, an inhomogeneous disc model with variable thickness is considered. Using the variable material properties method, stresses are obtained for the disc under rotation and a steady temperature field. In this paper this is done by modeling the rotating disc as a series of different rings with constant properties. The optimum disc profile is arrived at by sequentially proportioning the thickness of each ring to satisfy stress requirements.
In this paper these are done using the simplex method. Simplex algorithm is applied in Ansys software and the results are presented.
Volume 10, Issue 3 (1-2021)
Adopting elements of organizational democracy improves employees' working competencies and can create value for the stakeholders of the organization. This research is aimed at identifying and prioritizing the elements of organizational democracy in the public section in order to implement democracy in the organization. An applied research in its goal, this paper uses group survey methodology. 9 elements of organizational democracy were identified based on performing an extended review of literature. The statistical population of this study was 10 experts of Kharazmi University who were selected by available methods. Utilizing five -level Likert scale we gathered their opinions to determine the importance of these elements. Initially, the elements of organizational democracy were identified as the most important element using the Fuzzy Delphi. The elements of organizational democracy were prioritized according to ANP model. Commitment and Partnership, Decentralization in decision-making, and transparency were identified as the most important Elements of Organizational Democracy.
Volume 11, Issue 1 (Vol. 11, No. 1 (Tome 55), (Articles in Persian) 2020)
The current study investigates the similarities and differences of conceptualization of SADNESS in representative corpuses of ordinary (non-poetic) and poetic language. Analysing two separate corpuses (Persian Language Data Base and Farsi Language Corpus), the writers managed to identify and extract the relevant conceptual metaphors of SADNESS in both ordinary language and contemporary poetics respectively. Then according to Conceptual Metaphor Theory of Lakoff and Johnson (1989), the most frequent generic and specific mappings of SADNESS in both ordinary and poetic language were determined. The study showed that almost all the generic metaphors of SADNESS occur in both types discourse, though some of them occur significantly in either the one or the other type. An analysis of the two sets of metaphors revealed several important differences between poetic and non-poetic conceptualization of SADNESS, including the higher degree of agentivity, positive conceptualization of SADNESS and unconventionality in poetic language compared to non-poetic genre. The finding that almost all the identified metaphors are found in poetic and non-poetic language supports Lakoff and Turner’s claim (1989) that there is nothing essentially different about poetic metaphors.
Volume 13, Issue 1 (4-2013)
This experimental study is intended to evaluate the effectiveness of a Near Surface Mounted (NSM) technique using bars made of carbon fabrics (BMCF) for shear strengthening of RC beams. To delay the onset of BMCF debonding, a new anchorage is also developed and tested. When the amount of NSM FRP in shear strengthening of RC beams is low, the shear failure is likely to be due to debonding of individual FRP rod and in this case improved bond properties as well as proper anchoring of the FRP rods are likely to delay the failure of the beam. In this project an innovative bars made of carbon fabrics is produced by wrapping an FRP sheet around a wooden rod. BMCF provide a larger perimeter to cross sectional area ratio with respect to conventional FRP rods for the same amount of FRP used, providing potentially higher bond strength. In addition, the circular shape of BMCF is not only convenient for production but also suitable for NSM shear strengthening as noted by previous researchers. Another key advantage of introducing the BMCF is that it allows the incorporation of a novel anchor system that can be used to improve the performance of NSM BMCF reinforcement for shear strengthening of RC beams in applications with low FRP percentage. A distinguished benefit of the proposed anchor system is that it only requires the access to the beam sides for installation. This means that the proposed anchorage system can be conveniently applied to RC beams whose top and/or bottom face is inaccessible. A set of six shear deficient beam specimens were designed. All specimens had the same internal reinforcement arrangements. They were 200 mm wide, 250 mm high and 1650 mm long. One half of each beam was designed to be weak in shear as the test shear span while the other half was designed as the strong shear span. Only the test shear span was strengthened in shear with NSM BMCF with or without proposed end anchorages. The amount of steel shear reinforcement in the two sides was designed to ensure that shear failure would occur in the test span. All beams were simply supported at the ends and tested under a concentrated monotonic load applied at the mid-span. Test results presented in this paper have confirmed that the use of BMCF is an effective technique for improving the shear capacity of RC beams. The increase in the shear capacity was between 25 to 30% for beams strengthened with simple BMCF, and ranged between 41% and 48% for beams strengthened with anchored BMCF, compared with the reference beam. Beams strengthened with BMCF with end anchors exhibited excessive flexural cracking at their mid spans. The use of the end anchors also significantly enhanced the maximum strain in the BMCF. The load–deflection response of beams is presented, in addition to selected strain measurements. Performance and the failure modes of the test beams are studied and discussed.
Volume 13, Issue 2 (1-2023)
Moonlight proteins are a subset of multifunctional proteins in which more than one independent or usually distinct function occurs in a single polypeptide chain. Analyzing the interactive networks of proteins in the cell makes it possible to understand how complex processes cause disease. With the help of systems biology, larger and more complex systems can be studied, and the molecular basis of several diseases can be considered. The proteins of the human organism that are moonlight are mostly involved in cancer, anemia, and neurodegeneration. In this work, we created a subnet according to the human PPI network, in which the nodes, the proteins that cause the three selected diseases, and the edges, are the connection of these proteins with each other. We measured the power of the indirect effects of non-disease mediators between the three disease groups and identified key disease-binding intermediate proteins. The results show the relationship between mediator role and centrality and between mediator role and functional properties of these proteins. We have shown that a protein that plays a key indirect mediator between two diseases is not necessarily a hub in the PPI network. Therefore, as hub proteins are considered, intermediate proteins should be considered. We have observed that the mediators between anemia and neurodegeneration diseases are functionally important in the cell. The mediator proteins suggested herein should be experimentally tested as hypothetical disease-related proteins.
Volume 13, Issue 2 (9-2023)
Islamic banking has grown significantly in recent decades and is known as one of the growing industries in the world. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify and prioritize the factors affecting the acceptance of Islamic banking by customers with a fuzzy ARAS approach. The present study is a development-applied research.The statistical population of this study was 15 experts in the field of banking and Islamic economics who were selected by available methods .in the first step with library reviews and evaluation of the findings of previous studies related to the subject, the factors affecting the acceptance or selection of Islamic Bank by customers were examined. In the next step, Shannon entropy technique was used to screen for the identified factors. In order to achieve the weight and importance of the factors, the fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique was used and finally the fuzzy Aras technique was used to prioritize the factors. Findings show that the factors of religion and religious beliefs of the society, compatibility with the values of society and customers and social responsibility of the Islamic banking system are the most important in the acceptance of Islamic banking by customers. Bank reputation and image, comparative advantage over conventional banking system and advertising in accepting Islamic banking by customers were recognized as less important factors.
Davood Akbari, Naser Soltani, Farshid Reshadi,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (7-2013)
Shearography has proved to be a highly effective nondestructive testing (NDT) method, especially when it comes to composite and polymer materials used in automotive, aerospace engineering, nuclear and oil industries. Although its application in material testing and material research already has achieved acceptance in research, its applications need a highly considerations in limitations and its parameters. In this paper the application of digital shearography in the defect detection of polymer materials is studied. In this regard, a proper set-up of shearography is presented. A polyethylene plate with several defects in different sizes and depths have been made and tested with the presented set-up. The shearograms then have been compared to evaluate the shearographic system in defect detection. The effects of shear size and system of thermal loading have also been studied.
Volume 14, Issue 4 (1-2015)
We propose a new generation of unbiased (bias-free) antenna-less CW THz photomixer emitters array made of asymmetric MSM gratings with subwavelength pitch, operating in optical near-field regime. We take advantage of the size effects in near-field optics and electrostatics to demonstrate the possibility of enhancing the THz power by four orders of magnitude, as compared with a similar array of the same size that operates in the far-field regime. We show that with an appropriate choice of grating parameters in such THz sources the first plasmonic resonant cavity mode in nano-slit between two adjacent MSM can enhance the optical near-field absorption and hence the photo carriers’ generation under the slit in the active medium. These photo carriers, on the other hand, are accelerated by the large built-in electric field sustained under the nano-slits by two dissimilar Schottky barriers to create the desired large THz power that is mainly radiated downward. A hybrid numerical simulation method is used to model and analyze these phenomena.
Anooshirvan Farshidianfar, Amin Saghafi, Ali Akbar Akbari,
Volume 14, Issue 6 (9-2014)
Gears are one of the important sources of vibrations and noise in industrial rotating machinery and power transmission systems. In order to design and develop an optimal and quiet geared power transmission system, this paper presents the design of an active vibration control for gear-bearing system. A dynamic model of the geared system is presented, where some undesired parameters in the design such as manufacturing errors, teeth deformations, mounting errors as well as external excitations resulting from distributions of applied torque are included. An active control system is presents in order to control and attenuate the disturbance impress on the system vibrations. The idea behind the design of this control system is to reduce vibration transmissibility by the introduction of the excitation forces in the bearing. The controller is investigated and designed by using feedback control and based on the H-infinity control approach. It can be presented as an optimization problem. To solve this optimization problem, Particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is used, which is one of the optimization methods available among artificial intelligence. The simulation results are performed to investigate performance of the control system.