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Showing 45 results for Ghajar

Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

The intricate connection between teacher support, academic burnout, grit, and psychological wellbeing is a compelling area of research that has recently garnered second language (L2) education researchers' attention. This study aims to investigate such complex relationships with undergraduate English-major students in Iran. To this end, a sample of 318 undergraduate English-major students from various universities in Iran was selected through convenience sampling. The data were analyzed using IBM SPSS version 26 for descriptive statistics and correlation analysis, while LISREL software was employed for Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to validate the measurement models. The findings revealed that teacher support showed a positive and significant correlation with students' L2 grit and L2 psychological wellbeing while demonstrating a negative and significant correlation with students' L2 academic burnout. Furthermore, the simple linear regression analysis indicated that teacher support significantly predicted a 13% increase in students' grit and psychological wellbeing and a 0.03% in academic burnout. This suggests that measures to reduce the academic burnout of students in higher education should be prioritized in second language education through positive teacher support and positive psychology. The study provides valuable insights and recommendations for English language teachers, students, and policymakers and outlines future research directions.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

Pre-service teacher education programs play a pivotal role in the formation and evolution of teachers' identities, wherein both formal and hidden curriculums exert significant influences (Beauchamp and Thomas, 2009). This qualitative study delves into the development of Language Teacher Identities (LTIs) among student teachers at Farhangian University, with a particular focus on the reformed curriculum.A qualitative research method was used. A total of 27 female student teachers shared their experiences through individual and focus group interviews. Thematic analysis was used for analyzing the interviews. The findings revealed mismatches between the student teachers’ envisioned identities and the curriculum’s expected identity, leading to feelings of cognitive unpreparedness. The study also highlighted the significant roles of both formal and hidden curriculums in shaping teacher identity, with both positive and negative changes observed in cognitive, social, and emotional aspects. The implications drawn from the study’s findings provide insights into curriculum design and teacher education programs, offering guidance on how to effectively support the construction of teacher identity and raise student teachers’ awareness of this transformative process.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (6-2013)

The melon aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is one of the most important pests of agricultural products in Iran. In this study, susceptibility of melon aphid that collected from seven regions (Yazd, Varamin, Mohammadshahr, Esfehan, Karaj, Hashtgerd and Ramsar) was compared to pirimicarb and malathion after 24 hours in 2009. Bioassay experiments on adults were carried out by using leaf dipping method on squash (Cucurbita pepo) leaf in different concentrations of insecticides in laboratory conditions (25 ± 0.2 ºC, 60 ± 5%, 16: 8 [L: D] h). Control treatment was dipped in distilled water. Each test was replicated three times. The results showed that LC50 values of malathion for Ramsar, Karaj, Mohammadshahr, Hashtgerd, Varamin, Esfehan, and Yazd populations were 162.99, 159.19, 117.94, 79.96, 38.81, 36.32, and 20.25 ppm, respectively. Also, LC50 values of pirimicarb for Yazd, Mohammadshahr, Kararj, Hashtgerd, Ramsar, Esfehan, and Varamin populations were 1414.16, 1359.34, 1057.62, 970.33, 881.87, 806.14, and 601.98 ppm, respectively. According to results, aphids of Varamin and Yazd populations had the most susceptibility to pirimicarb and malathion, respectively. Also, aphids of Yazd and Ramsar populations had the least susceptibility to pirimicarb and malathion, respectively. Regarding the fact that Yazd and Ramsar populations had the least susceptibility to pirimicarb and malathion, respectively, there is a possibility that melon aphids in these regions are susceptible to other organophosphate and carbamate (similar mode of action) pesticides. Therefore, in the pest management program, careful chemical control measures for melon aphid in these regions is recommended.  

Volume 4, Issue 3 (9-2016)

Directional felling of trees plays a key role in reducing of damages to forest residual trees and can also facilitate skidding. The aim of this study was presents a practical linear model for estimation of tree falling direction error in an uneven-aged mixed stand in northern forests of Iran. To conduct the study a number of 95 trees of four species Fagus Orientalis Lipsky, Carpinus Betulus L., Alnus Subcordata C.A. May and Acer Platanoides were randomly selected,and assumed felling direction were  marked on the trunk of these trees. The trees felled by experienced chainsaw operators, and the differences between the assumed and actual direction were measured as the felling error. The results showed that among the 12 effective factors, the elements of foot slope, diameter at the breast height (DBH), horizontal and vertical angles and area of the backcut surface (HABS, VABS, BA),vertical angle and area of undercut surface (VAUS, UA) significantly correlated with the felling error, and the determination coefficient (R2) of presented linear model was 52.0 % (P < 0.01). Among the model factors, DBH, VABS, and HABS had the three most pronounce impact on felling error.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2016)

Pomegranate fruit moth (PFM), Apomyelois ceratoniae Zeller is a major pest of pomegranate in Iran. In this study, the effect of four diets including pistachio, pomegranate, semi-artificial and artificial diets were studied on biological parameters of PFM in a growth chamber under controlled conditions at 30 ± 2 °C, 65 ± 5% RH and 16:8 (L: D) h. The results demonstrated that the longest incubation period, larval developmental time and preimaginal development time was observed on artificial diet and the shortest was on the pomegranate. The highest and lowest body length of fifth instar larvae were observed on pistachio and artificial diet, respectively. The heaviest weight of third day pupae was recorded for the larvae that were reared on pistachio (0.0275 ± 0.0004 g) while the lightest was on artificial diet (0.0216 ± 0.0004 g). In the next experiment, the effect of four diets was considered to assess the efficiency of pheromone traps in a twenty year old pomegranate orchard cultivated with Malasse Yazdi cultivars. The effect of food on catch of traps showed a significant difference. The virgin PFM that were fed with pomegranate attracted more males. Also the traps caught the males mostly from 11:00 pm until 4:00 am, with the peak time between 23:00 and midnight. No significant difference was seen between diet and time of catch, indicating that starting or ending time and the maximum time of catch was not affected by the diets.  

Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2014)

Dispute over the succession of the Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) is prelude to scatter that reached a peak with the murder of Uthman and the civil war in Imam Ali’ period. Accordingly, the research issue consists of identifying the sects of political thought throughout the history of Islam, which have theorized about the governing. Questions: 1 - In terms of textual, which sects were in cluded in the thought of Muslims about the caliphate, were? 2- Considering the political - social conditions (external fields), what periods has passed the political thought in the Muslim world? Hypothesis: using the historical - analytical approach and by adopting Skinner's methodology, the Muslims political thought can be divided into two periods: traditional and modern. In terms of textual, three main groups were distinguished in the traditional period: A- Kharijites, B- Shiite and C- Sunni. From the perspective of context, four stages can be identified: A) the stage of theological disputes, B) the stage of the genesis of jurisprudence-theological schools, C) the stage of the consolidation of jurisprudence-theological schools, D) the stage of post-Abbasid. This research attempts to identify the extesionaliy of Imam or Caliph befor each sect, and tasks of the Imam, as well as the concepts associated with that.    

Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-2015)

Set in the realm of politics and religion in the Safavid period’s approaches, The Sadat have a significant presence in this era. This presence can be followed in specific and non-specific this context, Kalantar in the Safavid research was included as non-specific postions. Studies show that the presence of Sadat in this post ion is more comprehensive than in other non-specific jobs. This phenomenon has been observed even when inheritance was considered. This study is an attempt to provide statistical analysis and causal explanations to check the significant presence of Sadat in Kalantar position, so, extraction of the names of all Kalantar Sadat has been taken into account.  The results show that Kalantar position with intermediate overlay (government-people) had a direct relationship with Siadat that contained social status and state function. So both Safavids and the then society in the equal opportunity used to choose Sadat for this job. This study further reveals in this phenomenon, inheritance is considerd. 

Volume 7, Issue 3 (10-2016)

Since the beginning of emergence of Pakistan as an independent country, the conflict about Islamic state had begun between the secular and religious groups. “What is the role of Islam in the government?” was the question that Pakistan was facing in the last decades of 20th century. In response to the question, Muslim scholars proposed two answers: the first group suppose that Islam is equal to government and second group believe that the government in Islam has only one dimension and other dimensions of Islam are much more important than political dimension. .Ghamidi with passing from the first approach, that was evident in the opinions of Maududi and he was the chief spokesperson, placed his interpretation of Islam, Qur'an and Sunnah based on the second approach. From view of Ghamidi, politically Islamic society establishment is precedence over the Islamic government. This society is possible through an Islamic Revolution and Revolution will pave the way for an Islamic state. The Islamic state is combination of three groups: Muslims, Mu`ahids and Zimmis. Such a state based on pluralism in religion and politics.  

Volume 8, Issue 3 (Summer 2020)

Aims: Spirituality can be an important source of coping with the disease, reduce feelings of suffering and improving the quality of life in patients with chronic diseases. The purpose of the current study was to determine the relationship of spirituality with the perception of suffering and quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Instruments & Methods: This was a descriptive-correlation study. Participants were 145 patients with type 2 diabetes of rural health clinics and the valley hospital in Khorramshahr city which were selected via stratified random and available sampling methods. Data collection tools were version of 29-item of the spiritual questionnaire (Parsian and Dunning), experience and perception of suffering questionnaire (Schulz) and version of 26-item of the quality of life questionnaire (WHO). Data were analyzed using SPSS 16.0 software and Pearson's correlation, T-test, ANOVA, Post Hoc, and stepwise regression analytical statistics.
Findings: The spirituality average scores were 79.41±15.82, perception of suffering average scores, 54.89±2.14, and quality of life 74.44±1.65. There was a significant negative relationship between spirituality and feelings of suffering (p<0.05) and a significant positive relationship between spirituality and quality of life (p<0.0001).
Conclusion: A strong correlation between spirituality with quality of life and suffering in patients with type II diabetes demonstrates the roles and responsibilities of healthcare providers, including physicians and nurses and the patient's family in meeting the varied spiritual and religious needs of patients along with therapeutic actions. Paying attention to improve spiritual health is also important in education programs for these patients.

Volume 9, Issue 1 (12-2017)

Though the sixty-year duration of the domination of the Afsharid and the Zand dynasties is of great importance for the Iranian Armenian politicization it has mainly been ignored. Focusing on daily developments to understanding the switch in political trends of this people from Iran toward Russia which was subjected to enormous ups and downs wouldn’t be helpful so much. Any survey here should obligate itself to take simultaneously into account features of the institution of policy of the society and the characteristics of its concomitant world time. Accordingly, the present study would elucidate impacts of a rising early capitalism and a flourishing system of absolutist states on the transmutation of the Iranian Armenian politicization.

Volume 10, Issue 1 (3-2024)

The present study reports new records of the Collembola (Arthropoda: Hexapoda) from the Bula Hyrcanian forest located in Mazandaran province, north of Iran. The results show two genera Spatulosminthurus Betsch & Betsch-Pinot, 1984 (Sminthuridae) and Wankeliella Rusek, 1975 (Tullbergiidae) and five species including Anurophorus alpinus Potapov & Stebaeva, 1990 (Isotomidae), Pseudosinella cf. decipiens Denis, 1924 and P. immaculata (Lie Pettersen, 1896) (Entomobryidae), Superodontella tyverica Kaprus, 2009 (Odontellidae), and Wankeliella bescidica Smolis & Skarżyński, 2004 (Tullbergiidae) are new records for Collembola fauna of Iran.

Volume 10, Issue 4 (12-2021)

 This study was conducted to investigate the possible effects of cages culture Asian sea bass fish (Lates calcarifer) on the population structure of macrobenthos in the Rigo area of Qeshm Island in Hormozgan province during a breeding period in 1397 were investigated. The average abundance of macrobenthos at the location of the cages culture and the refrences site in this study was equal to (52765 ± 19154 in m2) and (50642 ± 21002 in m2), respectively.The results showed that at the time of the study among the identified the genus of Ammonia sp. With a relative abundance of 73.41 percent at the location of the cages compared to the control station and Archasterope sp., Spirolochulina sp. and Nephtys sp. with a relative abundance of 63.9%, 49.1% and 12.6%, respectively, were more dominant in the control station compared to the location of the cages.The loading rate of organic matter in the bed of the cages was significantly affected by fish farming activities and in some times showed a significant difference with the control station (P<0.05). In general, at the time of the study, activities related to fish farming in cages had no effect on the population structure of macrobenthos in the study area.

Volume 10, Issue 5 (Vol. 10, No. 5 (Tome 53), (Articles in Persian) 2019)

The significant role played by women struggling during the Pahlavi era-in shaping and accelerating the movements let to the 1979 revolution- has given them a special historical status. Awareness of this prominent position has undoubtedly been effective in getting some of them to record their life experiences in the form of autobiographies. By accepting autobiography as a way to represent self-identity and self-narration - which is based on gender – the research seeks to examine-using interpretive hermeneutic approach within the conceptual framework of Paul Ricoeur's narrative identity-on one hand the place of language and time at the level of narrative and, on the other hand, how to reflect feminine identity in narrative formats redefined in the aforesaid theory, relying on the memories of Pahlavi-era women in political arena. By recognizing the instability of identity, the study has assumed it a linguistic and temporal matter constructed by the narrators that has represented in the form of narrative, and we have made use of the most relevant theory to understand how this identity constructs. In other words, based on the conceptual framework of Paul Ricoeur's narrative identity to interpret the text of political women's memoirs, we seek to answer the following questions:
1. What place do language and time occupy at the narrative level?
2. How has feminine identity been redefined in narrative formats?
The presence of 9 women in the Left discourse and 3 women in a subgroup of Islamic ideology and the reflection of gender identity and concerns in the context of organizational identity, appropriately illustrates the dominance of the campaign discourse and organizational ideology over the female gender identity of these autobiographers, that should be considered as the data and obvious hypotheses of the study.
Of course, we are seeing that leftist militants are more explicit to represent their gender identity than Muslim militants. Narrative coherence, nonlinearity of the narrative, and the existence of a "synchronous" and "simultaneous" relationship between the time of life and the time of narration are other research results that should be noted. The continuity of story chains and the detailed description, including details of the characters involved in shaping the narrator's identity, are among other things related to the analysis of the aforementioned works. Also, the language used in the narrative is influenced by the time of the narration of the work, as in the narratives in the context of the event we see the use of slogan, emotional, and idealistic vocabulary, while in the narratives made with a temporal distance from the event, there is no place for these sentiments.

Volume 11, Issue 4 (Fall 2023)

Aims: Obesity in adolescent is associated with several negative outcomes. This study aimed to determine factors associated with obesity among female students during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Instrument & Methods: In this descriptive correlational study, a convenience sample of female adolescent students of high schools in Tabriz, Iran (322 students who were classified as obese or overweight) was selected between January and May 2021. An online self-administered questionnaire was distributed through the Shad platform. The survey package included socio-demographic questions, health literacy measures for adolescents, an inventory of determinants of obesity-related behaviors in adolescents, and mother's nutritional literacy. Multiple regression analysis examined associated factors with obesity using SPSS 133. The study adhered to the STROBE guidelines for reporting.
Findings: The mean score of obesity-related behaviors was moderate (124.18±22.35). Participants' mean scores in the domains of lack of support, unhealthy nutrition, physical inactivity, and perceived inability were more than average. Adolescents' health literacy mean score was moderate (167.43±20.06). Mother’s occupation (β=15.73; 95% CI: 7.54 to 23.92; p<0.001) and mother's nutritional literacy (β=-0.88; 95% CI: -1.50 to -0.27; p=0.005) were statistically significant predictors of the obesity-related behavior.
Conclusion: Mothers' nutritional literacy plays a pivotal role in shaping adolescents' behaviors related to obesity; thus, empowering mothers with appropriate knowledge and skills in the field of healthier lifestyles and improving the overall well-being of adolescents is essential.

Volume 12, Issue 2 (2-2021)

Prison is one of the oldest forms of punishment and the most prominent place of exclusion in the history of human societies that its external organization and internal mechanism have changed from a society to another society and from a period to another. The various forms of prison, its prominent position in the physical structure of Iranian-Islamic cities and also the frequent use of imprisonment for convicts in the history of Iran in the fifth and sixth centuries AH raises the question that where the position of prison in the legal-judicial system was located and how its internal mechanism was worked. The present paper attempts to investigate the prison and imprisonment system with a descriptive-analytical approach inspired by the studies of Michel Foucault. In the end, it was concluded that the prison as a place of exclusion lied at the heart of an accurate partitioning of urban and territorial space that through accomodating the prisoners, represented in the best way the binary division and discriminatory branding of (dangerous/harmless; guilty/guiltless) prisoners; and coercive assignment and differential distribution. The Prisoners of judicial-legal tribunals depending on their crime, the type and the rate of conviction, sexuality, age, organizational status and so on, were allowed to return to the society only by serving their sentences or using other tools provided by Islamic jurisprudence. Nevertheless, the political-security prisoners that were imprisoned by the will of political power, if they wouldn’t remain in the prison until their death, they could be released only through forgiveness or the death of the ruler and sultan.

Volume 12, Issue 3 (9-2023)

The present study was conducted in order to obtain the necessary information on the diversity, abundance and distribution of macroinvertebrates, as well as to investigate the grazing status of batoid fishes (stingrays) from benthic macroinvertebrtes in coastal waters of Hormozgan province. For this purpose, sampling was done in the years 2017 and 2018 and once every year in the autumn season. At the end of the identification process, a number of 125 genus and 104 species belonging to 85 families, 31 classes, 9 orders, and 7 phyla were successfully identified. Results revealed that Malacostraca was the frequent order in the studied area. In order to investigate the possible relationship between composition and abundance of benthic macroinvertebrte and stingrays, CCA analysis was employed. Results of stomach content of stingrays revealed that in the diet of M. randall, crustacean (93.25 %IRI) has the highest amount. This pattern was the same for M. gerrardi and H. walga. However, in M. gerrardi, bivalvia were in the first place of importance (31.33 %IRI). Also, trophic level analysis was done for three species which shows all species are Mesopredators that place in the same level of food web. According to the mentioned cases, some benthic macroinvertebrates identified in this research have a significant  relationship with the benthic fishes, which requires more studies to investigate their relationship.

Volume 12, Issue 4 (12-2023)

  Trichiurus lepturus is one of the most important and commericial species in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea.In order to come up with the responsible fishing pattern,there was a need to identify  reproduction characteristics. Data were collected randomly from April 2019 to February 2020 from six major artisanal fish-landing sites in Hormuzgan Province (Bandar Parsian, Bandar Kong, Qeshm Island, Bandar Abbas, Bandar Sirik and Bandar Jask). In the detection of sexual stages, the 5-stage key of sexual maturity was used at the macroscopic level. In determining the spawning season, the gonado-somatic index(GSI) was used and its comparison in different months. The lowest GSI of female fish was in September (1.2). The highest GSI of male fish was determined in December with a value of 3.1 and after that in May 2.6. Examination of the GSI and reproductive stages showed two main spawning periods in the middle of spring and late autumn. Different sexual stages were seen in all months of the year, which indicated the batch spawning strategy in T. lepturus. During different months, significant differences in the sex ratio were observed, but during the investigation and in total, no significant difference was observed between the female: male sex ratio in the expected ratio of 1:1.The length at first maturity obtained 78.7 cm total length. It is necessary to ban fishing during the spawning season in order to protect the stocks of this species.

Volume 13, Issue 1 (9-2021)

Following the improvement of social status and human rights of women in the context of paradigm shift and discourse of European culture in recent centuries and the transfer of its intellectual achievements to the Islamic world, the problem of women became one of the important sociological problems in the Islamic world. In the Islamic world, due to the complexity of issues and the hegemony of religious discourse, an essential part of women’s issues belongs to the field of religion. Nevertheless, with women becoming a problem and other native challenges for Muslim thinkers; Scholars have shifted to interdisciplinary and specialized studies in women affairs. As one of the neo-Mu'tazilite thinkers, Hamed Abu Zayd deals with the problem of women by using sciences like sociology, linguistics and, adoption approaches such as humanism and methods like hermeneutics and a new look at the interpretation of the Quran. This research is searching for the components of Abu Zayd interpretation and his solution to the women's problem. He believes the contemporary challenges of Muslim women are not rooted in the Quran but are rooted in masculine traditions, the dominance of the patriarchal atmosphere. By stating "the problem of women is essentially a social problem" he separates it from religious affairs and intends to follow the Quranic view of women, pay attention to the historicity of the scripture and ultimately resort to secularism in legislation to solve it. This research has used a descriptive-analytical method based on content analysis to receive the opinion of Abu Zayd.

Volume 13, Issue 2 (3-2022)

At the end of the Shah Tahmaseb‘s reign, Tabriz, the first capital city of the Safavids, witnessed the movement of the Guilds against the central government. The event triggered the movement was a small scale one, originally arising from a physical conflict between a butcher and a gunman, but swiftly transformed into a mass movement, spread throughout the city. This was a well-organized and multilayered movement in which the Guild constituted the body of the movement and the athletes, the top leadership. To mobilize the movement, they, both, organized their supporters and political advocates around the goals, determined for the movement. Although, the existing resources, from that period, concerning the movement, seems either to maintain the movement in a total obscurity or at least in poor attention and deliberation, some evidences, otherwise, verify, in a convincible manner, that the activists involved in the movement, reached a remarkable achievement by expelling the government authorities from Tabriz, and replacing them in controlling and running the city for the period of two years. Based on a descriptive-analytic approach, along with a theoretical framework constructed from the theoretical perspectives of thinkers such as Tilly, Zald, merged within the class-based approach of Erik Olin Wright, the present article, is an attempt to provide a typology of the movement, and also to proceed further to inquire on the reasons and mechanisms through which this movement came into existence. This research discusses that the Guilds movement instantiates a low class civil movement which should be explained first and foremost as a protest against the oppressive taxation policy, implemented by the current government accompanied by a long term deprivation of the majority of the population from the economical benefits of the Silk Road. The collective nature of this movement, according to the suggested theoretical framework, can be categorized as reactionary actions with a slight orientation toward competitive ones.

Volume 13, Issue 54 (8-2015)

Earlier toxicological studies demonstrated that acrylamide is carcinogenic and most acrylamide in food is formed when asparagine amino acid reacts with certain naturally occurring sugars such as glucose.Inhibition, even reduction, of acrylamide formation during processing of foods, can help to produce more healthy food and, consequently, promote food safety. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of the autolysed yeast of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, vitamins niacin (B3) and pyridoxine (B6) on acrylamide formation in chemical model. In this study the effects of different concentrations (0.025, 0.25 and 0.5 mmol) of autolysed yeast of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, vitamins B3 and B6 on acrylamide formation were evaluated in a chemical model. The acrylamide level was determined by Gas chromatography- mass spectrometry (GC/MS).  According to the results vitamins B3, B6 and autolysed yeast of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, could reduce effectively acrylamide formation and vitamin  B3 at concentration of 0.5 mmol was the most effective (p<0.05). This study indicated that these three additives could significantly reduce the acrylamide formation.

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