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Showing 8 results for Ghayour

Volume 1, Issue 4 (12-2013)

There are a number of ideas to generate cloud and precipitation in the southern coasts of Caspian Sea, but none of them explain the cause of precipitation particularly heavy and super heavy precipitations precisely. This study describes main thermodynamic factors when the situation and location of synoptic patterns are effective. On the basis of daily data, monthly regimes and monthly trends of the Sea Surface Temperature (SST), difference between 2m air temperature and SST over the Caspian Sea as well as the SST gradients in different distances on latitude and its anomaly were calculated. For recognition of synoptic conditions, humidity advection, geopotential and sea level pressure maps were drawn. The results showed that there are three thermodynamic factors over the Caspian Sea to produce precipitation particularly from September to December. The first factor is arrangement and well organized of the SST gradients as it decreases from the south to the north of Caspian Sea. Also, the SST over the Sea must be enough warm to produce clouds and precipitation. The last factor is the difference between 2m air temperature and SST. When the synoptic patterns in different pressure levels are suitable for instability, the air-sea interaction process is the most important factor to produce the advection humidity, clouds and precipitation particularly heavier precipitation events in the north of Iran.
Javad Fakhraee, Heshmatallah Mohammad Khanlo, Mostafa Ghayour,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (3-2015)

In this paper, the effect of passengers on the chaotic vibrations of the full vehicle model is investigated. The vehicle system is modeled as a full nonlinear seven-degrees of freedom with an aditional one -degree of freedom for each passenger. Four passengers are added sequentially to the vehicle that produces eight, nine, ten and eleven degrees of freedom models, respectively. The effect of passengers on the chaotic vibrations of vehicle is studied for the above mentioned cases. The nonlinearities of the system is due to the nonlinear springs and dampers that are used in the suspension and tires. Roughness of the road surface is considered as sinusoidal waveforms with time delay for tires. The governing differential equations are extracted by Newton-Euler laws and are solved numerically via forth-order Runge-Kutta method. The analysis is conducted first by detecting the unstable regions of the system and then followed by a specific excitation frequency, where there is possibility of chaos. The dynamic behavior of the system is investigated by special nonlinear techniques such as bifurcation diagram, power spectrum, pioncare section and maximum lyapunov exponents. The obtained results represents different types of nonlinear dynamic absorbers in the vehicle with and without passengers. Consideration the passengers and increasing the mass of the system can resultes in a significant changes in the dynamic behavior where improves the chaotic vibration of the vehicle.
Saeed Qaedi, Mostafa Ghayour, Reza Tikani,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (3-2016)

The chaotic behavior of a flexible rotor supported by active magnetic bearings is numerically investigated in this work. A statically unbalanced disk is mounted on the the shaft. The rotor is modeled by three lumped mass and 8 D.O.F. The rotor-AMB systems include many non-linear factors, such as nonlinear function of the coil current and the air gap between the rotor and the stator, nonlinearity due to geometric coupling of magnetic actuator, eddy current effect and hysteresis losses of the magnetic core material. In this work, the influence of weight parameter on nonlinear response of the system is investigated. Numerical results showed considering of weight parameter have important effect on the response of the rotor and exhibit a rich variety of nonlinear dynamical behavior including synchronous, sub-synchronous, quasi-periodic and chaotic vibrations. Bifurcation diagrams, phase planes, power spectra ,Poincar’e map and maximum lyapanov exponents are used to analyze the response of the system under different operational conditions. Chaotic vibrations should be avoided as they induce fluctuating stresses that may lead to premature failure of the machinery’s main component. It will be beneficial to the design of AMB system.
Saeed Saberi, Mostafa Ghayour, Hamidreza Mirdamadi,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (3-2017)

Bistable and multistable plates are types of smart composite structures that have two or more static equilibrium. In this paper, a bistable hybrid composite plate with an external metal layer is studied. The difference between these plates and conventional bistable composite plates and bistable hybrid composite plate with an inner layer of metal is the deformation of them. In other words, unlike the conventional bistable composite plates, in both stable state, transverse curvatures that they have the same size and sign and but twisted curvature is the considerable. The analytical method for studying the behavior of the plate is Rayleigh- Ritz method and minimization of potential energy and finite element used. In order to increase the accuracy of the Rayleigh – Ritz method, out of the plane displacement using is guessed Legendre polynomial. At the frist, states of equilibrium and stable states are determined. To understand better the difference between a bistable hybrid plate with an external metal layer and a CFRP bistable composite plate, a comparison between deform at room temperature, curvature and out of plane displacement are done. In the next part, the moment required to snap through between stable states is achieved. Also, the effect of metal layer thickness on out of plane displacement and stability boundary is investigated. Comparing the results of the proposed shape function and Hyer shape function compared to experimental results and the results of finite element analysis show that the results of the proposed shape function is more accurate.
Reza Ghayour, ,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (4-2018)

In surface acoustic wave sensors, target cells are trapped by sacrificial layer, containing antigens and antibodies. In this new idea, sacrificial layer is replaced by diectrophoresis electrodes. Fast response and not being disposable and usability for various types of cells are its advantages. In order to design and fabricate the sensor, the optimized values of effective parameters have been investigated. The behavior Love wave - which is used in this sensor - is simulated with lithium Niobate as substrate and ZnO layer as guiding layer. Two types of focus and unfocus interdigital transducer electrodes for sensor are investigated. The results of the sensitivity analysis and its relationship with the sensor displacement are presented. In graphs, results indicate that the focused circular structure is more sensitive, when the number of target cells in the fluid channel is more. The sensor was tested in 142 MHz for healthy and cancerous brain and intestinal cells. The suggested sensor has good results for measurement of cells aggregation. Wave power loss in transmission from sender to receiver ports and frequency shift are two special properties for detecting healthy and cancerous cells. Results show 80 and 90 KHz decrease in frequency and 4.99 and 6.69 dB loss decrease in cancerous cells comparing to healthy cells in brain and intestinal cells respectively. In this sensor, trapping, detecting and measurement of aggregation, happens in 5-10 second, which is an outstanding result compare to 10 – 15 minutes in conventional methods.
A. Mohammadi , E. Abbasi , M. Ghayour , M. Danesh,
Volume 19, Issue 4 (April 2019)

In this research, the objective is using 4 quadrotors in a group to carry out a certain weighted load. The load is connected by cables to each quadrotor. The equations of motion of the quadrotors are considered completely and without simplification. Unlike other researches, to express the relationship between the load and the quadrotors, the ropes are considered as springs, so they are pulled out and retracted during the mission. Formation control design and path tracking by the group is done by using feedback linearization control. Control protocol design is presented in two structure, centralized, and decentralized. Unlike other papers, in decentralized structure, there is no information communication between the agents to reduce the communication costs. The mission of the group is defined as the quadrotors first pick off the load from the ground and, then, track the desired path to reach the target point. When the load reaches the target point, the quadrotors should put the load on the ground and, then, land themselves. Cutting the cable of one of the quadrotors is applied to the system as a fault and in addition to providing a method to detect its occurrence, the performance of the centralized controller is checked in this situation.

M. Molavian Jazi, M. Ghayour , S. Ziaei-Rad , E. Maani,
Volume 19, Issue 4 (April 2019)

The atomic force microscope (AFM) determines the topography of surfaces in nano scale based on the changes in the exited micro-cantilever’s dynamic characteristics. Therefore, it is essential to simulate and predict more accurately the dynamic behavior of cantilever beams for use in design and fabrication of AFM. Based on the experimental observations, in contrast to the classic theory, the normalized stiffness of structures is not constant with the reduction of dimensions in micro and nano scales. This change, which can be either softness or stiffness, results in size-dependent behavior, non-classic continuum theories. This paper studies the effect of size on the dynamic behavior of AFM based on modified couple stress theory, and compares the results with those obtained from classic theory.  The nonlinear partial differential governing equation of the system is derived, considering intermolecular and hydrodynamic forces, based on the modified couple stress theory. By applying Galerkin projection method, partial differential equations are transformed into ordinary equations and the discrete system is extracted. It is shown that considering size effect leads to enlargement of expected working domain of AFM, and also predicted amplitude and frequency of oscillations decreases and increases, respectively. Moreover, two theories predict different start point of bi-stability region. Solution approach is verified by comparing the results with two degrees-of-freedom model and analogue equations method. Furthermore, effect of hydrodynamic forces of fluid on dynamic behaviour of AFM is investigated.

A. Firouzian-Nejad, M. Ghayour, S. Ziaei-Rad,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (March 2020)

This study introduces a new lay-ups of bi-stable hybrid composite laminate (BHCL) which consists of 90° unidirectional composite laminas in the upper and lower layers and metallic strips distributed along with the middle layer of 0° unidirectional composite laminas in the middle layer. The static characteristics of the laminates were investigated using the finite element (FE) method and were experimentally validated. The two stable configurations of laminate have identical curvatures with opposite signs. The curvature direction of the proposed BHCLs does not change during snap-through between stable states. This feature will give the engineers more freedom to design morphing structures with desired specifications. The effect of the width, thickness, and material properties of the strips and laminate side length on the static characteristics of the laminate were numerically investigated using the finite element method through Abaqus software. Several BHCLs with different materials, lay-up and dimension were fabricated for verification of the results. The curvatures, out of plane displacement, and the static snap-through load of the laminates were determined experimentally and compared with the results of the finite element method. A good qualitative and quantitative agreement was observed between the FE and the experimental results. The results show that it is possible to adjust residual curvature and load-carrying capability by changing the width, thickness, and material of the strips and laminate geometry.

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