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Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

Explaining the nature of metaphor and its role in language has always been a controversial topic in the fields of linguistics, philosophy of language, rhetoric, and so forth. In metaphor analysis, these fields often converge in an inseparable manner. Donald Davidson, a 20th-century philosopher, is one of the influential theorists in the Philosophy of Language and the Theory of Meaning. His views on the essence and role of metaphor in language bear significant similarities to the ideas of  al-Jurjani, a prominent 5th-century Hijri literary scholar. This research aims, through a descriptive-analytical method and a comparative approach, to examine the intersection points of Davidson’s and al-Jurjani’s theories, with one addressing metaphor from a philosophical and linguistic perspective and the other from a rhetorical standpoint. For this purpose, Davidson’s essay "What Metaphors Mean?" is used as the basis for reviewing his theories on metaphor. Al-Jurjani’s views are analyzed with a focus on "Dala'il al-I'jaz." This study yields results in three areas. The first, identifies similar aspects in the two theories, indicating that both theorists reject the idea of metaphor being merely a shortened simile. They also critique the notion of "metaphorical meaning," emphasizing that the meaning of a metaphor cannot be reproduced in any form other than the metaphorical one itself. The second area involves finding complementary aspects in the two theories, considering Davidson's philosophical stance and al-Jurjani's rhetorical position. The third area elaborates on the connection between al-Jurjani's direct views on metaphor and the ideas indirectly inferred from theory of Construction.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted for Publication 2024)

Aim and Introduction
There are many models and tools to communicate with the international economy and use its capacity to exploit for the benefit of the domestic economy. One of these famous models is the establishment of free zones and attracting international capital through these areas. According to the definition in the Kyoto Convention, a free economic zone is a part of the mainland where the exchange of goods is considered beyond the existing restrictions in the mainland and is not bound by the customs and tax laws of the mainland. Free zones have different economic regulations from other parts of the mainland. The differences can provide the basis for attracting capital, commercial prosperity, and economic growth. To grow and develop these areas, countries use various incentives such as legal, tax, customs, and financial incentives.
The term general equilibrium in this method means that all the markets included in this structure must be in balance. In other words, the market settlement condition must be established. This means that in the general equilibrium model, all variables are assumed to be endogenous and non-constant, and this is contrary to the partial equilibrium structure, where the variables of other markets are assumed to be constant. This research analyzes the impact of customs exemption on imported goods in free zones in the form of the DSGE method with a neoclassical pproach. All the relationships necessary to explain the effectiveness of this incentive according to the theoretical foundations, the selected goals of the establishment of regions in Iran and their performance have been stated, and other relationships in other economic sectors have been considered to complete the model. The parameters of the model are also estimated according to the calibration method and using calculation software and econometric estimation. The performance of the model is evaluated by comparing the widths obtained from the simulation of the model and the torques of the real data. Finally, the simulation of the model can be seen by applying impulses.
In this study, the simulation of customs duty exemption impulses in free zones shows that applying impulses to increase import exemptions to free zones, leads to an increase in foreign direct investment, an increase in capital accumulation, an increase in exports of free zones, and finally, an increase in employment. As the export in free zones increases, the export of products from the mainland decreases.
Discussion and Conclusion
The results of applying the impulse effect of reducing import tariffs in free zones indicate that the intensity of the increase in the exemption of import tariffs for goods to free zones leads to an increase in foreign direct investment, an increase in the amount of investment, an increase in capital accumulation, an increase in the export of free zones and finally, the increased employment rate. In terms of export and domestic production, with the application of tariff reduction, imports in free zones will increase and exports from the mainland will decrease, and due to the weight of exports from the mainland compared to free zones, the total exports of the country will decrease

Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted for Publication 2024)

Aim and Introduction:
Vulnerable employment, a segment of the informal economy, includes home-based businesses that emerge due to a lack of opportunities for formal employment. These businesses often operate without essential benefits such as medical insurance, social security, bonuses, and pensions, which exposes workers to economic instability. Consequently, many individuals engaged in vulnerable employment seek loans and financial assistance to expand their business activities and transition to the formal sector. Banks, as the primary providers of such loans, request collateral from borrowers – typically in the form of property documents – to ensure repayment and mitigate financial risk. Strengthening legal rights related to loan collateral enhances banks’ confidence in issuing loans, thereby increasing access to credit for vulnerable workers.
Due to the oil-dependent nature of OPEC economies and their reliance on oil revenues, many of these countries often lack robust production infrastructures capable of generating sufficient formal employment opportunities. This study aims to analyze the effect of strengthening loan-related legal rights on vulnerable employment in OPEC member countries, including Iran, Iraq, Algeria, Angola, Congo, Gabon, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, Guinea, Libya, and Nigeria, during the period from 2013 to 2021.
Following the approach of Herkenhoff et al. (2021), this study employs a model in which the independent variables include the strength of legal rights related to loans, oil revenues, secondary school enrollment rates, and the urbanization ratio. Given the study’s objective of analyzing the threshold effects of legal loan rights on vulnerable employment, the Panel Smooth Transition Regression (PSTRmouseout="msoCommentHide('_com_1')" onmouseover="msoCommentShow('_anchor_1','_com_1')">[A1] ) method is used to estimate the model.
Results and Discussion:
The analysis identifies a 6.22% threshold in the legal rights index, distinguishing two distinct regimes. In the first regime, the strength of legal loan rights does not significantly impact vulnerable employment. However, in the second regime, a higher index value reduces vulnerable employment, suggesting that more substantial legal loan rights facilitate the transition of workers from the vulnerable to the formal sector. Additionally, oil revenues and secondary school enrollment rates exhibit a negative effect on vulnerable employment, while the urbanization ratio has a positive effect.
The findings of this study indicate that strengthening legal loan rights has contributed to a reduction in vulnerable employment, which is a subset of informal employment. This shift has contributed to growth in formal sector employment.  Banking regulations and enhanced requirements for obtaining collateral have increased banks’ confidence in lending, as they are better able to mitigate the risk of non-repayment. However, this system primarily benefits individuals who can pledge valid collateral, such as real estate and housing documents. Given the high value of such collateralized assets, borrowers are more likely to invest their loans in business development, transitioning their employment from the informal to the formal sector. In addition to securing stable employment, they also gain access to social benefits such as insurance and social security. This financial stability enables them to make timely loan repayments, preventing defaults and preserving their financial credibility.
Based on these findings, it is recommended that governments and banking authorities in the investigated countries implement strict laws and regulations to guarantee loan security and identify factors contributing to bank insolvency. Such measures would help prevent financial resource mismanagement in the banking sector and reduce the probability of bank failures. Strengthening financial regulations and risk management strategies would facilitate lending, ultimately promoting employment growth in the formal sector and reducing the prevalence of vulnerable employment.
Furthermore, the study reveals that oil revenues negatively impact vulnerable employment, which may be attributed to increased government spending on productive investments and formal job creation. This suggests that redirecting oil revenues toward investment, production, and employment generation—rather than short-term expenditures—can facilitate the transition of workers from the informal to the formal sector. Thus, policymakers are encouraged to prioritize long-term economic strategies that allocate oil revenues to sectors that foster sustainable employment opportunities.
The findings also highlight the positive effect of education on labor force transition. Higher levels of education and training result in a more skilled workforce, increasing their acceptance and employability in formal job markets. Therefore, governments should allocate additional resources to public education, provide free schooling, and expand access to higher education for economically disadvantaged groups. Promoting scientific education and fostering a culture that values learning can further enhance workforce skills and economic mobility.
Finally, the study finds that urbanization has had a positive effect on vulnerable employment, indicating that increasing urbanization has not been accompanied by industrial advancements or skill development, thereby failing to support the expansion of the formal sector. Instead, urbanization in the studied countries has often been driven by unfavorable business environments, weak regulatory frameworks, and a lack of political transparency, contributing to the growth of the informal economy. To address these challenges, policymakers should focus on improving governance, strengthening legal and economic structures, and fostering a business-friendly environment that supports formal employment

mouseout="msoCommentHide('_com_1')" onmouseover="msoCommentShow('_anchor_1','_com_1')" style="text-align: justify;">
mouseout="msoCommentHide('_com_1')" onmouseover="msoCommentShow('_anchor_1','_com_1')" style="text-align: justify;">
mouseout="msoCommentHide('_com_1')" onmouseover="msoCommentShow('_anchor_1','_com_1')" style="text-align: justify;"> [A1]The written abbreviation is for “the Panel Smooth Transition Regression”

Volume 2, Issue 2 (Summer 2014)

An important subject in the field of linguistics is the impact of one thought system on the community of lingual symbols. The relationship between mind and language conventions has long been of interest to linguists. The importance of this relationship becomes more prominent in comparative approaches where, through comparative study and analysis of the main schemas of the ideas of several thinkers or artists, the researcher traces the consistent and common use of linguistic symbols. In the hermeneutic analysis of the works of Mowlana Jalal ad-Din Mohammad Rumi, the interpretation of symbols, analogy and codes governing his mind and language is a major research interest. One of the most important branches among these researches concerns the kinship of Mowlana’s language codes with other thinkers and artists. On the other hand, Nietzsche, as a transcendental thinker, tries to use a symbolic language in explaining his thinking system. Due to his familiarity with the culture and literature of the East and the essential sameness of some of his principles with Mowlana’s transcendental approaches about the existence, morality, art , etc., Nietzsche achieves a set of symbols common with Rumi, which forms a shared language between the two thinkers.  

Volume 2, Issue 6 (Summer 2009)

Discourse analysis has emanated from ideas os scholars od Linguistics, semiotics, hermeneutics and the theories of Michel Foucault (1926-1992), but in contrast to the aforementioned methods, it cover the two aspects of the text: form and meaning and so it is a comprehensive approach for text analysis. Scholars like Fairclough, Wodak, Van Dijk, Fowler and Kress played an important role in introducing and promoting critical discourse analysis as a new approach to text analysis. In this research we have used Norman Fairclough’s approach. In the present study, it was tried to analyze Sovashoon of Simin Daneshvar. In so doing, we discussed the views of the author, and using an innovative approach, we discovered various semantic and thematic layers of meanings closer to this novel. It was concluded that Daneshvar,with her special approach to the political and social changes of her time ,has connected the politico-social factors to mythological ones. This approach is specific to her, different with others' and so we can consider it as her own unique ideology. From a critical discourses analytic perspective, Simin Daneshvar, in her writings, made use of specific terms, epical and mythical dimensions and its connection with religion while generalizing these elements and connecting it to our era, has sought to create an independent Iranian identity. She managed to create an anti-imperialistic hero from the working class and naturally promoted women’s role in the contemporary novels from a housewife to a reformer and activist in the socio-political areas.

Volume 2, Issue 7 (Fall 2009)

Among the various critical approaches to literary works, psychoanalytical criticism is of special eminence. Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, was able to introduce a new reading of literary and mythical texts as well as art works to his readers, based on his new and innovatory perception of human mind and his discoveries of new aspects of human existence. His tendency to analyze the author's psyche through his/her work(s) is his greatest achievement in this field. After him, psychoanalytical criticism was subject to many developments. Jung, Adler, Ernest Jones, and Erik Erikson were amongst those whose activities have had magnificent effects on the development and evolution of this critical method. As a result of these developments, the practice of analyzing the characters of a literary work from a psychoanalytic perspective was pursued by Freud's pupils, and in particular by Ernest Jones and this critical approach became one of the most remarkable methods of literary work analysis.Due to its dynamic and structured nature, the method still remains a pre-eminent and well-known trend in modern psychoanalytical criticism. Thus in this study we have tried to analyze and scrutinize the character of "Zal" in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh from a psychoanalytical viewpoint in order to shed light on his psychic features. We have chosen Alfred Adler's psychoanalytic speculations on the inferiority complex, superiority, and compensation as our methodological guideline.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (, (Articles in Persian) 2012)

Intertextuality of two text: Comparative analysis between king Lear and Feridoon Comparative study which has opened to investigation the text could illuminate the relationship between cultures and shows the originality and richness of one literature alongside with range of its stubbornness of our or other culture. Comparative analysis between Feridoon’s tragedy and King Lear shows the interlocking relationship and arrangement between two texts in different and completely dissimilar culture and different historical context with two kind of language. Although mapping out the conscious or unconscious trace and impact of this texts over each other is completely impossible but the high level of intersexuality between the two texts is obvious so that this relationship could not be ignored. “similarity of plot”, “being tragically”, “impulses”, “familiarity of two text”, “dividing of kingdom”, “presence of destiny”, “parallel of characters”, “conflict”, “prediction”, “chorus” could be accepted as issues which are convinced common points between the two text. The analysis and survey toward understanding the equivalent between the two texts by helping of comparative literature is the fundamental question which has been followed by this paper.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (No.2 (Tome 6)- 2015)

One goal of comparative studies of literature is to search for the human “truth” that has appeared as archetypes in the literature of all nations and all times. In this paper, the author draws an archetypal comparison of romantic love in the French story of "Tristan and Iseult" and the Iranian epic romance "Samak-e-‘Ayyar". It starts with explaining the Jungian concepts of mother and father archetypes, anima and animus, conscious and unconscious, as well as collective conscious and unconscious. Since individuation process in the Jungian psychology has to do with the connection between the conscious and unconscious, the tale romantic love could be seen as individuation process in which each lover seeks to connect to his/her anima (feminine unconscious) and animus (masculine unconscious), based on his/her gender. After providing a synopsis of each story, the author explains the archetypal roles and symbolic meanings of kings, queens, heroes, witches, and princesses in each story using Marie-Louise Von Franz’s methodology for the interpretations of fairy tales. It then compares romantic love in each story by analyzing its characters, functions, and events, and explaining its similarities and differences. Since archetypal literary analysis reveals the attitude, outlook, and behaviors of the people that the myths are originated among them, this comparative study aims to answer to a rather broad question: How is it that in the French story of the 12th century, romantic love ends with death and tragedy; however, in the pre-Islamic Iranian tale, it ends with the :union: of lovers?  

Volume 3, Issue 2 (No.2 (Tome 6)- 2015)

Music and Sama are amongst the most discussed elements in the history of Islamic mysticism and sufism. Rumi’s standing on this subject was close to the intoxicated sufis. He favoured it, promoted it and believed it to be one of the main pillars of the mystic path and journey to Allah. In the cultural sphere of the 19th-century Europe, Nietzsche, influenced by the East, and having a unique way of looking at the concept of excellence and human movement towards evolution, in order to save the alienated human kind who due to the weakness of the church has forgotten the God, brings in music as a principle in human evolution and salvation, which is very close to the Rumi’s idea of music. The two thinkers share paradigms of thought in a) familiarity, identification and the origins of thought, b) the relation of music to the eternal song of the universe, c) music as a way to catharsis and soul purification, d) the relation between music and language, and e) the relation of music to passion and ecstasy and the Nietzschean idea of affirmation. All these lead us to the conclusion that the two thinkers had very close, and sometimes, matching ideas about the origin, existence, function, and effects of music, yielding to a substantive connection.  

Volume 3, Issue 2 (summer 2022)

Aims: The purpose of this article is to address the issue of Qazvin Space Organization in the Safavid period with the approach of cultural studies.
Methods: The present study has been carried out with the approach of cultural studies and exploratory-documentary method, with the aim of describing and interpreting the historical data of Qazvin city in the Safavid period and its analysis. In this regard, first-hand sources, documents were collected, studied and analyzed. In parallel with the library studies, field surveys were conducted and the signs were surveyed and studied.
Findings: In the present study, three views result from the approach of cultural studies, namely: 1- Regulation of the city- 2- Homogeneity and heterogeneity of neighborhoods and 3- Use of urban spaces and their rational concepts in the analysis of Qazvin spatial organization used during the Safavid capital it placed. The result of the research indicates that the structural changes of Qazvin city in the Safavid period in accordance with the newly created culture and is closely related to a set of several factors, including the "space" dimension which is a subset. It regulates the city, it plays a more prominent role, and because it is expressed through the body and by the designers, it is more tangible, and the other dimensions are related to it.
Conclusion: The "space" originated from the power of the government at that time in the city of Qazvin and the royal complex was not just an urban design but a tool to achieve political, economic and religious goals and the city's culture is based on the same structure. Has appeared.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (winter 2022)

Aims: How to design spaces in cities can have different effects on citizens. The objectives of this study can be to examine the impact of biophilic urban space on the stress of people.
Methods: The research method is quasi-experimental. The statistical population of the study consists of 20 bachelor and master students in the field of architecture and urban planning at Tabriz University of Islamic Arts in the academic year 1400. First, students' health was identified using a call announcement and a demographic questionnaire, and these individuals were quantified for stress with the help of a smart wristband while viewing images of biophilic and non-biophilic urban spaces with the help of virtual reality glasses.
Findings: Analysis of the results shows that the average change in stress of individuals while viewing non-biophilic images was approximately 5/2 units higher than biophilic ones in the second minute. p-Value is significant between individuals with education in biophilic state and rest in 1 minute and non-biophilic in 2 minutes. The difference between stress number in non-biophilic state and biophilic in 2 minutes is significant (p-value = 023/0) and shows the positive effect of biophilic approach on reducing stress that this efficiency can be considered in the design of future urban spaces.
Conclusion: Special attention of urban designers on the structure of spaces and the use of extraction measures from the biophilic model in different scales cause the design or organization of spaces that significantly reduce the stress of people living in cities

Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2017)

Background: Extreme temperature events can impose serious impacts on environment and societies. Since the outbreak of cold and frost are one of the important factors of climate in many parts of Iran, utilization of a new model for predicting the continuity of these factors is necessary.
Materials and Methods: This paper uses high-order categorical non-stationary Markov chains to study the occurrence of extreme cold temperature events by transition and probabilities matrixes in Zabol, southeast of Iran. The occurrence of frost days, homogeneity, continuity and spatial duration were analyzed for 30 years (April 1982- April 2012). The multivariate regression was used to modeling and mapping the statistical characteristics of frost and Kriging interpolation method in Arc/GIS was applied for its relationship.
Results: The occurrence of frost days in Zabol was in conformity with Markov model characteristic that showed the continuation of frost days depended on the weather of preceding days.
Discussion and Conclusions: Heavy frost in Zabol is expected to occur in Jan and Feb. Thus, frost-free day cycle duration was more than frost cycle and occurrences of frost in short term were more than long term in the studied period.

Volume 5, Issue 7 (9-2020)

Boasting poem is one of the special features of epic literature that includes the vaunt of the heroes and the expression of their works and honors, and is most commonly used during the war, but in other situations we also find it. None of the heroic stories of Shahnameh of this kind of discourse is empty. In this research, which done based on the documentary-analytical method and with a library study has been completed, We are going to explore the aspects of the content and language of the two poets in the area of boasting poem by studying the epic rebellion in the Shahnameh (Story of Rostam and Esfandiar) and the epic poem of Amr-ibn Kolthum Taqlabli. The central question of the research is whether the two poets are approaching each other in the direction in which they are located; whether the element or elements in the two branches are present and how effective the canvas and the climate have in their quality. After review we found that the language of the two poets, especially Ferdowsi, in the report of Rostam’s Rajaz, has a markedly diminished literary significance, and there is little rhetorical in his language, From the rhetorical point of view, "allusion" is the central axis of two poets, but indigenous and climatic elements have been effective in their regressive quality, as the vast landscape and geography of the inherent features of the epic does not appear in Amr-ibn Kolthum's poetry. Alongside the horse, which is a pivotal epic, the Arab poet has mentioned camels, which are the main capital and native Arabic animal. Esfandiar's Rajaz is accompanied by Rostam's reproach and humiliation. The rhetoric expressed in this story in the early years of the story is longer than the final stages of the tragedy of Esfandiar's death; that is, the more we get closer to the story and death of Esfandiar, the shorter and more violent ones are. Of the ten cases of Rajazi's intentions, two poets shared in seven categories, the expression of power, and the description of abusive acts, rape and race, the concern of disgrace and name, weakening of morale, threats, intimidation and in three cases Humiliation and expression of rival, admonition and uncompromising and oppression are different.

Volume 6, Issue 2 (No.2 (Tome 23), (Articles in Persian) 2015)

Based on Mikhail Bakhtin’s point of view, the Dialogism, novel, more than anything else, is a linguistic phenomenon, which has a fair correlation between its genuine and its feature of heteroglossia. Language expresses the different social and ideological approaches of the utterances within a translinguistics framework. So the novel compiles all of these diverse social and ideological discourses and utterances. Different Character zones and discourses of the narrator, and embedded genres create a world of different voices and ideologies. From a feminist critique perspective (Gyno criticism), the novel Cheraghha ra Man Khamush Mikonam (I turn off the lights), applies social and cultural differences in different discourses to indicate the writer’s womanly standpoint through various social languages and utterences, and therefore, makes grounds for the promotion of the womanly voice in a multi-linguistic system. Here, through a descriptive-analytical method, we are going to study the “Heteroglossia” feature in the novel Cheraghha ra Man Khamush Mikonam written by Zoya Pirzad in the light of Bakhtin’s dialogism, and also from the Gyno criticism point of view, to analyze the diversity of discourses in this womanly novel. In this novel, the womanly awareness is indicated by the writer, the double-voiced discourse consists of the writer’s double-voice discourse and that of the narrator, embedded genres and the Character’s zones display the different social and cultural levels available, which also result in the appearance of a womanly world in the novel.

Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2016)

The present study was conducted the effect of internal marketing on critical thinking according to mediator management styles. The research is implemented by descriptive - survey method and its statistic society is consisted of staff and general managers of hotels of Isfahan which between them using random - stratified sampling, 172 questionnaires were received and evaluated. To gather information from the questionnaires in this research internal marketing questionnaire constructed by author and critical thinking questionnaire of Vitli have been used that Its validity is verifiable and has been evaluated by professors and Cronbach's alpha was used to assess reliability. Obtained alpha for internal marketing is 0.87 and for critical thinking is 0.88 and for management styles is 0.90.To data analysis statistical methods of Amos correlation coefficient and SPSS software of data by Spearman software and regression analysis and structural equations were used. The results confirmed the presented conceptual model and show that there is a relationship between internal marketing and critical thinking of employees and also show that internal marketing have significant and positive effect on critical thinking with regard to management style.

Volume 7, Issue 3 (fall 2019)

In this article, we introduce the epic of "Sundiata or the Epic of Manding" and compare its epic aspects with the battle of Rostam and Esfandiar in the book of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh. These two stories have similarities and differences that can be distinguished from the inability of the defeat of the rival in the initial battle and the mystery of the invincibility, the betrayal of the common cause of the death of the two valleys, the attachment to the power and the throne and the crown of the anti-heroes, The prediction of Death's death, the choice of children to meet rivals and the death with a stick of wood.  Comparison of the history of Rostam and Esfandiar and the history of the battle of Sundiata with Sumauru, despite the cultural differences and the geographical distance they have, what are the similarities and differences of the epic aspect? The research method in this paper is documentary and of a descriptive-analytical type.

Volume 8, Issue 2 (summer 2020)

Death" is the inevitable event of all humans. Some put it into oblivion, and some epistemologically accept it as reality and certainty. Investigating and analyzing the narratives of the two tyrannical, powerful and bloodthirsty characters in stories of Ferdowsi and Albert Camus and how they deal with their own and others' deaths is the main issue of this study. Caligula and Zahhak, who saw themselves as the absolute commander of the life and property of human, believed that they could also control death, trying to rid themselves of the fear of death by killing others, but nature faced with the phenomenon of death. How Ferdowsi (representing Islamic scholars) and Albert Camus (representing Existentialism) deal with the events of the story illuminates the philosophy of life and death from the standpoint of two thinkers in the East and the West. Both officials, after gaining power, commence unprecedented oppression and killing. Like all people in the world, they are scared to death and want to seize the power of nature to kill humans by killing them. Killing is the only way to combat the fear of death. The fate of both characters is similar, and eventually they are ousted from power due to murder and bloodshed against both rebels

Volume 9, Issue 3 (Summer 2018)

Aims: The increasing development of microalgae applications has led to the concentration of new multidisciplinary studies to facilitate commercial cultivation of these organisms due to cost reduction and productivity enhancement. The aim of this study was the growth and quality optimization of Spirulina biomass by changing the dilution of medium and using the aeration cycle.
Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, the effect of concentration of Zarrouk medium (0 to 100% dilution) and aeration cycle on specific growth rate and dry weight, as well as the content of chlorophyll and carotenoids of Spirulina were investigated, using response surface method, central design. A total duration of 16 hours was aerated in any 24-hour period; the interval time between these aerated periods varied between 1 to 8 hours. The data were analyzed by SPSS 16 software, using multiple regression test.
Findings: The highest biomass (0.659mg/ml) was obtained at 80% concentration of culture media and aeration cycle of 2.75 hours and the highest specific growth rate (0.230 daily) was obtained at 60% concentration and aeration cycle of 4.5 hours. The highest aeration cycle (8 hours) resulted in a significant and simultaneous increase in the content of chlorophyll and carotenoids (11.65 and 2.67 mg/g, respectively).
Conclusion: The growth and quality optimization of Spirulina biomass can be accomplished by changing the dilution of the medium and using the aeration cycle.

Volume 9, Issue 3 (Summer 2018)

Aims: Invertase is an enzyme that is widely used in industries. The main source of industrial production of invertase is yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae). Increasing thermal stability makes an important contribution to improving productivity in related production. The aim of this study was increasing thermal stability of Saccharomyces cerevisiae recombinant protein invertase by site-directed mutagenesis.
Materials and Methods: In the present experimental study, using invertase enzyme from thermophilic bacteria, Thermotoga maritima as template, it was decided to replace the threonine 345 and asparagine 349 amino acid with alanine, using site-directed mutagenesis and in Pichia pastoris, cloning was performed with the SOEing polymerase chain reaction. The activity of natural and mutant recombinant invertase enzymes at different temperatures, different pHs, stability duration, and thermal-performance stability, and Michaelis–Menten kinetics were drawn.
Findings: The thermal-structural stability of the natural and mutant invertease enzymes at 55°C showed that the mutant enzyme had a higher thermal stability at 55°C compared with the natural enzyme. Both natural and mutant enzymes exhibited a similar trend in functional stability. Reduction of Km and increase of Vmax in sucrose substrate and 5-fold increase in Kcat/Km ratio of mutant enzyme was observed.
Conclusion: Site-directed mutagenesis has no negative effect on the amount of production as well as the secretion of recombinant protein invertase and increases enzyme activity. The mutant enzyme has a higher structural stability than the natural enzyme without altering its functional stability.

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