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Showing 4 results for Golzari

Volume 11, Issue 1 (Number 1 - 2009)

The tadpole shrimp of genus Triops is a well-known living fossil whose fundamental morphology has been unchanged for 220 million years. We collected specimens of Triops cancriformis in temporary water bodies near the southern part of Urmia Lake (in the Fall of 2005). Some biological characteristics of this Triops were investigated. The feeding re-gime of T. cancriformis was found to be related to the fauna and flora of the temporary pools. Invertebrates and animal detritus were found to constitute major part of the feed-ing regime. The existence of Triops cysts and particles in the gut also showed certain de-gree of cannibalism. Morphological and histological investigations showed that the popu-lation of T. cancriformis was female and there was only one male among 400 samples col-lected. Observation of sperm among follicle ducts of a few samples indicated some degree of hermaphrodity, but the animal seemed to reproduce mainly through parthenogenesis. Fecundity, varying from 100 to 2500 cysts, was with a few exceptions related to the body size. The average cyst diameter was 40085 m.

Volume 13, Issue 56 (10-2015)

In this research drying kinetics, moisture diffusivity and determination of most appropriate mathematical modeling and activation energy of Mazafati dates species were studied under a cabinet solar dryer.Drying experiments were carried out at three air temperatures of 50, 65, and 80ºC and three air velocities of 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 m/s. Effect of temperature and air velocity evaluated on drying time and shrinkage by using a completely randomized statistical design. Results showed that the effects of temperature and air velocity are significant on drying time. The average increase of temperature from 50ºC to 80ºC caused the drying time to decrease by 70.77%. For determination of most appropriate model, the highest value of R2 and the lowest values of c2 and RMSE were used. For mathematical modeling, eight empirical models were fitted on experimental data and the best model was selected. The result of regression analysis showed that Page model has the best fitting with data. Moreover, the lowest and highest value of moisture diffusivity were obtained as 4.309×10-10 and 0.0188×10-9  m2/s at temperatures of 80°C and 50°C, respectively. Also the values of activation energy in the drying of Mazafati dates species were found between 31.22 to 42.27 kJ/mol.  
Ali Asghar Jafari, Masoud Golzari, Mohammad Saeid Jafari,
Volume 17, Issue 10 (1-2018)

In the present study, the available methods of predicting the sound transmission loss through infinitely long double-walled cylindrical shells with porous layer are developed to analytically compute the sound transmission loss in triple-walled sandwich cylindrical shells in the presence of an external fluid flow. Loves’ shell theory and Lee’s method based on Biot’s theory are used to describe the motions of thin isotropic triple-walled cylindrical shell and wave propagation in the porous media, respectively. The vibro-acoustic problem for the most complicated configuration of the triple-walled sandwich cylindrical shell is formulated and solved by the transfer matrix method with appropriate boundary conditions. The total transmission loss in a diffuse field is calculated and validated by considering the effect of total internal reflection. Then the transmission loss of triple-walled cylindrical shell is compared with its double-walled counterpart of the same weight. The results generally show a superior performance in sound insulation for the case of triple-walled shell, considerably at mid-high and high frequency regions. Moreover, ten typical configurations, which involve different coupling methods between the walls and porous layers, are considered to completely study the effect of various configurations on the sound transmission properties. As will be shown, a configuration with the largest number of air gaps in its structure provides better performance in sound transmission reduction almost at the entire frequency range. The effects of external fluid flow and azimuthal angle are also studied on the sound transmission loss.
Sina Akhbari, Morteza Farhid, Masoud Dehnad, Reza Golzarian,
Volume 22, Issue 9 (September 2022)

In recent years, linear electromagnetic actuators have gained special attention in small robot actuation and calibration of milli newton thruster stands. In this paper, a linear electromagnetic actuator with a force range of milli newtons is designed and manufactured. In this regard, first the analytical relationships of the magnetic field and Lorentz force were derived and then, based on the desired design criteria meaning high force sensitivity, low heat loss and minimum geometric dimensions and weight, the appropriate design parameters of the electromagnetic actuator is obtained. According to the results, the  obtained force constant is approximately 1 mN/A while the maximum power loss is 1 mW at available stroke of 10 mm. Finally, a prototype of the linear electromagnetic actuator is manufactured and experiments are performed to validate the electromagnetic actuator. For this purpose, a precision scale with an accuracy of 0.01 gr and a power supply with a resolution of 1 mA is utilized. The results showed that the maximum difference between the calculated and measured force was 2.5%. Therefore, there is a good correlation between the experimental data and the corresponding analytical values.

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