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Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

Urban landscape, as a narrative text, seeks to link social history to the arena of the city in urban open spaces. The interventions made in the environments over many years, which are manifested in the form of urban landscapes, etc., are actually new textual layers, that are the result of a relationships chain of companionship and succession in the primary text's narration. In all, there are traces of various signs related to different epochs related to the memories of the site, as well as, reception and understanding the narrative language of any urban landscape. The main question of this research is to discover the relationship between collective and individual memories with the reception of the urban landscape layers as a narrative text; and how to use these relationships in renovating the landscape in the historical urban sites.

This paper pursues the achievement of process in the reconstruction and reception of landscape in the historical sites based on the preservation of collective memories, and the Intertextuality theory as the main goal.

This qualitative research used the method of field study and semi-structured interviews with 32 citizens in the age range of 30 to 70 years of Isfahan city, and the results were analyzed with interpretative content analysis.

This study shows that in order to protect and strengthen the possibility of reception and understanding the narrative urbabn landscape as a text and the continuity of collective memories in historical sites, conserving and renovating strategies based on intertextual relations should be considered together.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

The current study identified EFL teachers' emotional experiences in technology-equipped classes from an appraisal theoretical framework (Frenzel, 2014). It further explored the underlying antecedents of the recognized emotions and sought instructors' suggestions for improving the current unpleasant feelings experienced. To this end, 10 EFL teachers took part in the study. Necessary data were collected through journalkeeping and semi-structured interviews. The obtained data were analyzed using Merriam's (2009) inductive approach. Research findings revealed that teachers enjoyed the class as a result of students' achievement, positive interactions among learners, and pupils' active involvement. Moreover, they felt proud if they received positive feedback from students, observed progress in students' learning, and felt capable of instructing the learners. Furthermore, shame was experienced because of feeling unable to work with technical tools, strong filtration on educational websites, and not having internet-connected systems in class. Anger was also reported to be felt if they had to work with obsolete or impaired devices. Finally, teachers' pity was aroused as they perceived the lack of professional technical tools as detrimental to students' learning. They also mentioned that they felt compassion for learners as they cannot take part in CBTs and have limitations accessing e-sources online. Teachers also argued that unpleasant emotions could be minimized through investing in equipping classes, holding training courses, and establishing a criterion for teaching evaluation. In the end, the implications and limitations of the study are discussed.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

The use of statistical methods based on corpora in humanities and literature researches is expanding. These methods can be used in studies of stylistics, literary criticism and comparative literature. Finding the pattern of language changes in different language varieties and investigating the existence of similarities and differences of language in different linguistic contexts is very important from the point of view of linguistic knowledge. Our main problem in this research is that what are the lexical and syntactic differences between the four registers of the  contemporary Persian language and how can they be analyzed and explained. For this purpose, four corpora of literary, news, scientific and legal languages ​​were created and labeled. Counting and statistics were done with the help of software programs and quantitative results were obtained. finally, these results were examined and analyzed based on situational context. The findings of this research showed that some linguistic features have significant differences in different registers. For example, the frequency of occurrence of verbs, pronouns and adverbs in the literary register and the frequency of occurrence of adjectives in the scientific register are clearly higher than other registers. Putting these characteristic features together can be a criterion for differentiating linguistic varieties.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2014)

Background:Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a sight-threatening microvascular complication of diabetes in which the vascular endothelium is damaged due to oxidative stress and inflammation, and vitreous VEGF concentration becomes elevated. The aim of the present study was to assess the association of DR with genetic variations of the MnSOD, a major antioxidant enzyme, and VEGF, an important mediator of neovascularisation, in northern Iran. Methods: 70 patients with DR and 70 healthy control subjects matched for age and sex was recruited for this study. PCR-based RFLP assay was used to determine the genotypes of MnSODA16V and VEGF+405 C/G polymorphisms. Results and Conclusions:A higher frequency of the AV genotype (71.43%) of the MnSODA16V polymorphism was found in the patients compared with controls which had a 8.33-fold increase in risk of DR (OR= 8.33, 95% CI= 2.56-27.13, P= 0.0004). The frequency of GG, GC, and CC genotypes of VEGF +405 C/G polymorphism in controls were 42.86%, 45.71% and 11.43%, respectively, while in DR patients were 18.57%, 48.57%, and 32.86%, respectively.The +405C allele was considered as a high risk factor of DR (OR= 2.55, 95% CI= 1.57-4.14, P= 0.0001). In conclusion, It is suggested that the MnSODA16V and the VEGF+405 C/G polymorphisms may be associated with the risk of DR in northern Iran.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (Issue 1 (Tome 2)- 2012)

Garden city idea as an important idea had emerged on 19 century. Creating sustainable complexes and having more relationship with natural environment were the main goals which had been defined for this idea. This idea was established in urbanism literature by Howards' research about creating a balance between city and village living; whereas in east, Garden City as a pure idea has had a metaphysic meaning which is used to create earthy paradise since 16th century. Respect and reverence for water and trees is institutionalized in ancient civilizations of Iran. Iranian people respect trees and water, both separately and in composite forms as gardens, which have been a well-known cultural value both before and after Islam. The oldest Persian garden that have been discovered dates back to the Achaemenid Empire and the quadripartite gardens (charbagh) of Pasargadae. By studying about existent historic gardens, Persian Gardens are divided into different types. The way people use special physical and functional features could also be used as a scale of this division. In Persian Garden category, Garden City has been defined as a well-known model for designing particular gardens in city scale. According to this model, gardens have used sacred and soft spaces as a combination of hard and heavenly, for defining body structure and the development of the city textures. In advanced (pre- designed) samples, the entire city has been formed as a big garden; composed of a set of small gardens with many symbolic features, such as pavilions and water ponds, as seen in the Persian Charbagh Garden. During Safavid dynasty, Isfahan, as the largest Persian garden city, had been supported by a green major axis; which is the so called Charbagh that has been remained as a green heritage so far. Gardens and trees were the most important natural and architectural elements in Isfahan's cityscape at that period. These elements usually have been considered as the traditional identity of the garden city; hence their sustainability had a key role in preserving the structures. Therefore, Designers manufactured particular urban infrastructures to provide useful irrigation system. They had to construct the channels that branched off from the central river of Isfahan (Zayandehrood) and made the water accessible all around the city. First section of this paper is about Safavid Garden City origin. This subject was studied from the politics and governance points of views. In the following, Howard's Garden City origin has been studied. It has formed according to the special Utopias, which had relationships with that time's believes. In addition, some principles of Safavid Garden City have been compared to Howard's. The special study has been done about Intellectual origins which have influenced these Garden Cities creation. In conclusion, the comparison of Howard and Safavid Garden Cities shows that these ideas had been developed based on the worldview and vision of creative Iranians during Safavid dynasty and in 19th century. Moreover, the special methods of plantation, the quality of social relationships and economic similarities were the main differences between these two Garden Cities.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (6-2017)

Background: Studies indicate that Muscularskeletal Disorders (MSD) are among the first ranks in terms of economic and healthcare cost of which back pain is in the first place.
Methods and Materials: This study was a cross-sectional study. The study participants were 100 students who were studying at the Tarbiat Modares University in the year of 2016. Data on back pain was collected via the standardized Quebec questionnaire. Quebec questionnaire contains 20 questions with 6 options by which pain intensity is ranked between 0 and 100. Collected data was analyzed using SPSS software version 16. In order to determine the status of musculoskeletal disorders and associated factors, descriptive statistics and chi-square test were used.
Results: Totally 100 students who living in Tarbiat Modares University with mean age of 26.1 ± 3.1 were participated in the study. According to the results, 84% of the students (N = 84) were single, 15% (N = 15) were married, and 1% of the students (N = 1) was divorced. Eighty seven percent of the students (N = 87) were studying in Master degree and 10% of the students (N = 10) were studying in PhD degree. The majority of the students (60%, N = 60) did not report any musculoskeletal pain. However, forty students (40%) suffering from MSD.
Conclusion: This study was designed to investigate the musculoskeletal disorders among the students. As this study revealed a high percentage of the students were suffering from a kind of MSD, designing more researches to confirm these findings and also to design proper preventive intervention are strongly recommended.

Volume 2, Issue 3 (9-2014)

Understanding the development of gully volumes requires the empirical relations between gully volume (V) and length (L) to be established in the field. So far, such V–L relations have been proposed for a limited number of gullies/environments and were especially developed for ephemeral gullies.In this study, V–L relations were established for ephemeral gullies in southern Ilam. In order to take the regional variability in environmental characteristics into account, controlling factors of gully cross-sectional morphology were studied for 90 cross-sections. The results indicated that the soil properties were the most important controls of gully cross-sectional shape and size. Cross-sectional size could be fairly well predicted by their drainage area. The V–L relationship for the complete dataset was V=15.45 L 0.12 (n = 90, R2=0.06). In addition, gully volume was also related to its catchments area (A) and catchment slope gradient (Sc). This study demonstrated that the V–L and V–A×Sc relations were not suitable to assess ephemeral gully volume.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (winter 2021)

Aims: This research deals with the delicacies and complexities of recreating the historical cemeteries of cities. In this regard, it tries to know the obvious, hidden dimensions, layers and components in the deep levels of perception by reviewing lived experiences.
Methods: This research is qualitative and has a phenomenological approach. In this way, in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted in Kusenbach's innovative method and in five axes, and also supplementary questionnaires were distributed to record, receive and analyze the meanings of the lived experiences of the landscape visitors.
Findings: The lived experiences of historical landscape cemeteries were studied in five axes: "Reference, ideal image, activity, improvement and mental dimensions" and showed that historical cemeteries have multidimensional qualities and a great variety, multiplicity and complexity in the perceptual layers.
Conclusion: If the role of the cemetery is reduced to the necessary urban infrastructure and becomes only a place for burying the bodies, then the connection between the world of the living and the dead is cut off, and turning it into a landfill for urban waste outside the city. Because of having valuable structures and elements, originality and hidden values that show the interaction of culture and nature over time, and these values preserve the identity and collective memories and historical memory of society, the protection of the historical landscape is very sensitive. Therefore, it is impossible to re-read these features in the re-creation of the cemetery without analyzing the deep perceptual layers hidden in the soul of this place.

Volume 2, Issue 5 (Spring 2009)

Since arts normally have human sources, they are originally alike and have different forms. Therefore methods of representation in one media, with a little formal change, could be used for the other one. In this research after defining pun as a rhetoric device, its visual equivalents have been dealt with in the world of pictures and particularly in animation. Pun has been defined as: two words are same in form or pronunciation, and different in meaning. Pun is normally used in rhetoric for decoration and make the speech humorous. But in modern semiotic theories, it has been considered as: two similar signifiers with different signified. In this case one can consider two homogeneous visual signs which indicate two different meanings as a visual pun. For instance a picture of a man’s face and a picture of the moon both of which are round. By replacing word and picture we can define visual forms in animation field. In this paper we will offer methodized analysis from visual plays, which might be found heuristically in the artists works.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2013)

The Success of organizations and corporations depends heavily on the innovation and management of personnel's ideas and suggestions. The usability as a key indicator in assessing human resources and organizational systems can help managers to ensure higher level of performance. This paper offers a framework for assessing idea and suggestion management systems based on usability in 4 proposed systems. This descriptive and analytical study was carried out during 2012-2013 in Lorestan Gas Company. Data gathering was done using a researcher-made questionnaire and the validity of questionnaire was confirmed by academicians and practitioners and its reliability was verified through conducting a pre-test in 20 participants with a Correlation Coefficient of 0.92. Results indicate that the most usable suggestion systems has the highest participation rate and the least usable ones attracted the least suggestions from personnel.      

Volume 3, Issue 1 (12-2003)

In this research using the theory of Induction Motor (UM), a UM with liquid as secondary part is planned and manufactured. The main objective for planning of this motor is to investigate the possibility of chemical liquids pumping such as liquid poison and acids. Results of many laboratory tests are shown to conclude that pumping force in the manufactured pump is dependent on many factors such as the magnetic characteristics of material of primary side and the electrical conductivity of liquid. In high magnetic permeability and high electrical conductivity, pumping force is fortified. Thus using the proposed method, pumps without mechanical moving parts can be manufactured.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (Winter 2018)

Aims: In developing countries such as our country, most of the activities such as carpentry is performed manually and make workers exposure to inappropriate postures, which will increase the prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs). One way to reduce these disorders is educational ergonomics interventions. The present study aimed at determining the effect of education on reducing ergonomic risk in traditional carpet weavers working in workshops in Golestan province, Iran.
Materials & Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted on 100 employees in 54 traditional workshops in Golestan province of Iran in 2016. The studied population consisted of horsewomen carpet weavers who had at least one-year work experience and were selected based on simple random sampling method. The QEC method was used to assess the risk of musculoskeletal disorders and Nordic standard questionnaire was used to determine the frequency of symptoms of these disorders. The data were analyzed by SPSS 19, using paired sample t-test and Wilcoxon.
Findings: In the pre-interventional stage, the greatest risk was related to the neck (71.0%) at high-risk level. This intervention was significantly reduced from interventional, and only 5.0% of subjects were at this level (p<0.001). The waist circumference was 97.0% of the subjects before the training at the level of intermediate exposure. After intervention, this amount decreased and most of the subjects (64%) were exposed to low levels of exposure.
Conclusion: Education can reduce ergonomic risk in traditional carpet weavers working in workshops.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (spring 2022)

 Statement of Problem: Rural landscapes, as continuing cultural landscapes, represent the natural personality of their community over time, landscapes that change under the influence of cultural and natural currents in their context. Human interaction with nature and the continuity of these landscapes have created several outstanding values in rural landscapes that express tangible and intangible values or in other words, its semantic importance. International documents emphasize the need to develop a conceptual framework and identify these values as a key component in the process of conservation of these landscapes, so that any effort to protect and regenerate rural landscapes, in principle, helps to preserve culture and sustainability of a land.
Aims: To identify and categorize the values of rural landscapes in order to regenerate and sustainably protect such environments and transfer their collective knowledge and cultural meanings to future generations.
Methods: This research first defines the concept of cultural landscape and formulates the conceptual framework and position of rural landscape by reviewing international documents and conventions and examining the views of experts. Then, according to the studies, the values in rural landscapes are classified and explained and finally, a model for regenerating and preserving rural landscapes is presented.
Findings: In this study, the values of rural landscapes divided into two groups: natural and tangible values ​​and cultural and intangible values. Natural and tangible values ​​including environmental, physical, economic and educational values, ​​and cultural and intangibles values include cultural, spiritual, social, and recreational ones. Although in some cases, values ​​are a combination of both, so they are very difficult to refine.
Results: Considering the existing values, a model for recreating and protecting rural landscapes has been presented, which in order to coordinate with the change in the prioritization of these values, it is necessary to pay more attention to their dynamic and multifunctional aspects.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (5-2017)

Background: Integrons are considered as to play a significant role in the evolution and spread of antimicrobial resistance genes.
Materials and Methods: A total of 120 clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (collected from Zanjan hospitals between March 2015 and February 2016) were investigated for molecular characterization of MBLs and Class I and II integrons. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was also performed based on the CLSI guidelines. The frequency of MBL producing isolates and the susceptibility to various antimicrobial agents were investigated.
Results: Based on the obtained results, BlaIMP was the most frequently detected metallo-β-lactamase. The frequency of blaVIM, blaSPM, and blaSIM, in MBL producing isolates was 17.1, 57.1, and 14.1%, respectively. No blaGIM harboring isolate was detected in our study. We detected two (5.7%) multidrug resistant P. aeruginosa strains isolated from the urine and sputum samples, which harbored blaNDM-1. These isolates also contained blaIMP and blaSPM. Class I integron was detected in 94.3% of the MBL positive isolates while 8.5% of the isolates contained Class II integrons. Of five different gene cassettes identified in Class I and II integrons, cassette encoding resistance to trimethoprim (dfr) was found to be predominant.
Conclusion: These results indicate that Class I integrons are widespread among the MBL producing P. aeruginosa isolates. Therefore, appropriate surveillance and control measures are essential to prevent the further spread of MBL and integron producing P. aeruginosa in hospitals.­­

Volume 3, Issue 2 (summer 2022)

Objectives: In recent years, the study of the concepts of resilience in different urban areas at different scales has attracted special attention, although the level and number of these studies are very small. Especially in the city of Tehran, which has entered the modern period from traditionl period ,the issue can be considered.
Methods: in the current research , first through library studies in the filed, items related to physical , environmental and social resilience in residential complexes were extracted.then, in these complexes, there are many modes of this type of resilience , which can be achieved by studying and classifying them to the degree of desirability of these complexes. the case study ,studied in this research is kOI No bonyad residential complex, because it is very popular despite the fact that it was built a long time ago .this research is done with interpretive method and in the form of qualitative and quantitative analysis. questionnaire, which was distributed among the residents of this complex to measure the level of physical -environmental and social resilience.
finding: from the findings of this research , it can be seen tha ASP foundation complex(ASP towers)has high level of resilience despite its high construction year.
conclusion: with the investigation done, the patterns used in the complex, which caused its durability , popularity and high resilience , can be used in the design of modern residential complexes so that we can have lasting buildings.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2014)

The silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Hem.: Aleyrodidae), is a key pest of greenhouse crops. Nymphs and adults feed on plant sap and excrete honeydew, resulting in reduction of yield and quality. This pest has a high potential for developing resistant biotypes against different insecticides. Therefore, it is necessary to study the efficacy of different categories of insecticides against B. tabaci. In this research, efficacy of imidacloprid (0.5 l/ha), thiacloprid + deltamethrin (0.75 l/ha), pyrethrum (4 l/ha) andthiamethoxam + lambda-cyhalothrin (0.3 and 0.4 l/ha) with four replications were studied in a completely randomized block design in Yazd and Bushehr provinces of Iran. Mean (± SE) efficacy of imidacloprid, thiacloprid + deltamethrin, pyrethrum andthiamethoxam + lambda-cyhalothrin (0.3 and 0.4 l/ha) were 73.42 ± 3.41, 89.57 ± 2.86, 90.29 ± 2.79, 68.13 ± 3.37 and 75.62 ± 3.76% against B. tabaci nymphs 7 days after treatment in Yazd, respectively; while in Bushehr, they were 57.30 ± 3.37, 68.45 ± 4.65, 64.17 ± 2.87, 30.0 ± 4.56 and 53.0 ± 3.35%, respectively. Thiacloprid + deltamethrin, pyrethrum and thiamethoxam + lambda-cyhalothrin (at 0.4 l/ha) can be suitable candidates in IPM programs of B. tabaci.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2015)

There are many reports of serious problems of dust storm events in the western parts of Iran. Based on many researches, Iraq is one of the main sources of dust storms in western parts of Iran. The Radial Basis Function Network (RBFN) model has been used to assess wind erosion hazard in Iraq as a main source area of dust storms over several western cities of Iran. The percentage of vegetation is the only changeable factor of RBFN model. The wind erosion hazard map in two time periods (2003 and 2012) verified the vegetation changes over time. The results showed that the vegetation percentage index in all land use types of 2003 was higher than those of 2013. In addition to drought as a natural parameter, overgrazing, dam construction on Tigris and Euphrates Rivers (in Turkey) and high amount of water for crop production are human and policy factors causing loss of vegetation cover in source area and wind erosion exacerbation.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (4-2014)

Targeting followed by pattern making and planning to reach to goals is a necessity in all societies. Urban planning, as a subject expressing interactions between mankind, culture, living style and environment, plays an important role in reaching to the Islamic society goals along with keeping the original identity and promoting the culture and ethics, and consequently is very important in preparing a local model based on the Islamic teachings appropriate to the Islamic-Iranian context. Islam has paid special attention to social issues; just do not discuss individual aspects only. Way to achieve prosperity has been the establishment of an Islamic community and Change and growth, resulting in a society where people of all decisions and activities have been. In the Quran, Allah does not change the destiny of any nation unless they themselves. Issues such as community participation, social justice and components - such as these are placed on the social dimension of the Quran and hadiths emphasize. On the other hand Iran has long ago been important social issues and it has Construction of public buildings in the city and had a significant role. In this paper, after reviewing the literature about the social aspects of urban planning, we explained the social components of Islamic-Iranian urban planning pattern of progress. Accordingly, factors like security, social justice, health, neighborhood etc. were introduced as the important elements in social considerations of Islamic-Iranian urban planning pattern, based on Islamic teachings and Islamic-Iranian urban planning history and background .Each of the components of the urban social Iran - Islamic has a different degree of importance,some components may all components in its place and Or even creator them to be. The components and their corresponding degree of importance based on Islamic perspectives are examined. The social concepts such as privacy, health, social justice, security, peace and tranquility and also emphasized the teachings of Islam and the Islamic Republic of Iran has been in the planning And can serve as guides and tips for Islamic and Iranian urban spaces, enhanced quality of life, increased social interaction, participation of residents in the neighborhood, social justice and economic prosperity can be used. Create a semantic framework that is based on the principles expressed in the social body based on the ideas of God and to lead. Therefore, the physical space of architecture and urbanism in shaping the framework and components manufacturer must identify and examine their relationships and to build on the structure of the physical space of cities. Urban planning, urban design, architecture and industrial design matters and social climate will affect the Iranian Islamic cities. These components are not only social prosperity,social equity,increase physical qualities, enhancing the sense of belonging to the environment, but also contribute to the increased value of land, recreating the old quarters of cities and economic issues influence is remarkable.Urban pattern recognition component of Islamic and Iranian decision-makers and decision-makers, the public,and what to get rid of the confusion of spiritual and material life of man,it is important to define it.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (Spring 2018)

Aims: Food safety has emerged as an important global issue with international trade and public health implications. Staphylococcus aureus is recognized as an important cause of food poisoning related to the consumption of raw, undercooked or mishandled foods worldwide. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence and the frequency of enterotoxin producing S. aureus and SE genes in meat samples collected from meat retail outlets and restaurants in Zanjan, Iran.
Materials and Methods: In this cross sectional study, from March to June 2015, a total of 90 individual meat samples were collected from meat retail outlets and restaurants in Zanjan, Iran and investigated the frequency of enterotoxin producing S. aureus and SE genes. The meat samples were immediately homogenized and cultured on Baird parker agar and subjected for confirmatory biochemical tests and molecular detection of femA, sea, seb, sec, sed and see genes.
Findings: A total of 31 (34.4%) meat samples were positive for the presence of S. aureus. The frequency of S. aureus in raw meat (23.3%) was higher than cooked meat samples (11.1%). Enterotoxin-producing capacity was determined in 18 (20.0%) out of 90 homogenized meat samples using ELISA technique. The most prevalent SE gene was sea (38.7%), followed by see (22.6%), sec (16.1%) and seb (12.9%). SE genes were not found in strains isolated from cooked meat samples.
Conclusion: Detection of enterotoxigenic S. aureus in raw meat samples shows a probable risk for public health.

Volume 4, Issue 4 (Winter 2021)

Research subject: In recent years, due to limited water resources and the extraordinary increase in nitrates in the environment, efforts to remove and control in order to benefit from the natural adsorbents have been made. Although according to the negatively charged surface of bentonite particles, absorbent needs improvement.
Research approach: In the current study, the adsorption of nitrate columns by the modified calcium montmorillonite adsorbent was investigated. Furthermore, In order to change the surface load and increase the adsorption efficiency, three-step acid leaching, oxidation layering, and loading of the cationic surfactant hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide on the adsorbent were performed. Molecular interaction and crystallography of pure montmorillonite and synthetic nano-adsorbent (ACZ) were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray analysis. Moreover, the morphology of ACZ nano adsorbents was evaluated using Transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.
Main results: Nanoparticle compaction and less access to pores and cavities in the fixed bed column reduced the adsorbent capacity inside the column compared to the discontinuous system.
The results showed that an increase in inlet concentration from 80 to 150 mg/L increased the adsorption capacity from 67.39 to 88.25 mg/g. Reducing the inlet flow rate increased the penetration time, interaction, and greater access to the binding sites for nitrate ions and finally improved the column performance and increased the inlet flow rate reduced the adsorption capacity and breakthrough time. Therefore, the adsorption of nitrate ions by the stage of internal mass transfer is controlled and depends on the duration of interaction and the possibility of penetration into the active sites. With increasing the bed height from 4.2 to 9 cm, there was a significant increase in adsorption capacity from 60.608 to 77.167 mg/g. The effect of detergents and recovery showed an absorption column; After 3 leaching steps, acid leaching played an important role in increasing column recovery. Experimental data with correlation coefficients of R2>0.95 corresponded to Thomas and Yoon-Nelson kinetic models.
In this study, the ACZ nano adsorbent column for rapid removal of nitrate ions from aqueous solutions was introduced and for use in reusable systems was proposed.


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