Showing 17 results for Honarvar
Volume 3, Issue 9 (Spring 2022)
The role of sports sociology is to explain and better understand the phenomenon of sports and its function. There are many researches in the field of sports sociology in Iran. But, a general look at these researches' status, findings, and approaches is needed. This study was conducted with the aim of a systematic review of sports sociology research in Iran. The research method was qualitative and developmental. This research, as a secondary study, has been done with a systematic review approach. The research sample consisted of 19 articles published in domestic scientific research journals between 1390 and 1400, which were extracted from "Noormags," "Magiran," "SID," and "Ensani" databases. The research results showed that the conducted studies can be categorized in the two general categories of social function of sports in 28 subcategories and social participation of sports in 119 subcategories. The subcategories such as social order, social cohesion, aggression, abnormal behavior, moral behavior, social policy, social trust, and hooliganism can be classified under a more general category called the social function of sports. Also, subcategories such as culturing sports for all, sports participation of women based on gender norms, sports participation of the disabled, participation in sports activities of women and men, social consequences of participation in sports, sports participation of the elderlies are categorized in the concept of "social participation in sports." The most important research gap observed in the studies of the sociology of sports is related to the field of cultural behaviors, including the cultural behaviors of spectators, such as slogans and activities of spectators in sports venues.
Volume 8, Issue 2 (Spring 2023)
Aim: In the hospital, diabetic foot ulcer is the most common cause of hospitalization of diabetic patients and the most common cause of non-traumatic lower limb amputation, which leads to increased health costs. The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the relationship between self-efficacy beliefs in foot care and physical self concept in people with diabetes.
Method and Materials: This study was descriptive-cross-sectional. Participants who were suffering from diabetes and referring to specialized Ahmadieh clinic of Torbat Hehdarieh of Khorasan province in Iran were assessed. They were selected through systematic random sampling method. Participants completed a self-report foot Care Self-efficacy (FCS) questionnaire. Data were analyses using SPSS 24.
Findings: There was a positive and relatively strong relationship between foot care self-efficacy and physical self-concept in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with and without diabetic foot ulcers (P<0.001) respectively. There was no relationship between foot care self-efficacy, body self-concept, except the duration of the disease and age, which had a negative and weak relationship with other variables (p>0.05).
Conclusions: This study showed the non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patients who have better physical self-concept had higher foot care self-efficacy.
Volume 8, Issue 3 (Summer 2023)
Aim: Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) is the most common reason for non-traumatic lower limb amputation, which is most costly. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between body self-concept and foot care self-efficacy with diabetic foot ulcer.
Method and Materials: In this cross-sectional study 450 diabetic patients including 225 patients with foot ulcer and 225 patients without foot ulcer were selected randomly and assessed. Participants were asked to complete demographic questionnaire as well as two self – report questionnaires of Foot Care Self-efficacy (FCSE) and Body Self-Concept (BSC) questionnaires. Data were analyzed through descriptive/analytical tests by SPSS version 24.
Findings: Totally, 450 diabetic patients with and without foot ulcer (225 participants in each group) were assessed. The mean scores of FCSE of patients with and without foot ulcer were 29.24±6.65 and 47.52±11.01 respectively which was significantly different (P<0.001). Moreover, these scores of body self-concept of patients with and without foot ulcer were 60.24±8.60 and 84.36±11.41respectively which was different significantly (P<0.001).
Conclusions: This study verified diabetic patients who suffering from foot ulcer had lower beliefs regarding foot care self- efficacy and body self-concept. Therefore, practicing with these patients to improve their self-efficacy and self –concept is strongly recommended.
, Farhang Honarvar, H Hk,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (11-2012)
In certain applications, it is improtant to measure the mechanical properties of steel with high accuracy. These properties are usually measured by destructive methods. However, the small changes made during heat treatment processes are not usually detectable by destructive methods. Ultrasonic non destructive testing is an alternative method that can be used for measuring the mechanical properties of steels. In this paper, the ultrasonic method has been used for measurement of meachanical properties of AISI D6 steel samples processed by various heat treatment processes. Each sample has a differnet micro stucture and hardness due to its specific heat treatment. To find the meachanical properties, the velocity of longitudinal and shear ultrasonic waves were measured for each sample. Comparison of the results obtained from ultrasonic measurements with those available in reference tables shows that the ultrasonic non destructive method can measure the elastic properties of AISI D6 samples with high accuracy.
Pejman Daryabor, Mahmoud Farzin, Farhang Honarvar,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (4-2013)
Abstract- This research develops a Lamb wave technique to determine the dispersion curves of a two layered bonded component: an aluminum sheet attached to a composite layer by means of a cohesive. A commercial finite element code (ABAQUS Explicit) is used to determine the dispersion curves of the Aluminum-cohesive-composite multilayer component. The finite element model includes three plain strain layers that the middle one is cohesive. Then a lamb wave is propagated in the model and some output signals are received. The dispersion curves are obtained by using 2D Fourier transformation of finite element model output signals. In addition, to produce various modes, experiments are carried out on a composite-aluminum assembly using two 2 MHz variable angle transducers. Comparison of modes obtained from finite element method and experiments shows that group velocities are almost identical. Hence, good agreement between finite element method results and experimental results indicates that finite element is reasonably accurate for determination of dispersion curves.
Volume 13, Issue 55 (9-2015)
Raw cane sugar is the one of the most important products in sugar industry. Quality characteristics of raw sugar are the main influence factor in type and quality of refined sugars. The purpose of this research was to find agrrement between the CIE color coordinates and certain quality parameters of various imported raw cane sugar samples. The spectral reflectance of such raw sugar samples were determined with the aid of a spectrophotoradiometer in the range 380 to 780 nm and were then converted to their corresponding CIE color coordinates. The correlation between such color coordinate values and certain quality parameters of samples such as; ash content, sucrose, invert sugar, color solution, pH, starch, dextran content, moisture and refractive index were determined. Results show good to very good correlations between some quality parameters such as starch content, ash content and color solution and various CIE color coordinates values such as L* , a*, b*, C*, h, X, Y, Z, x, y and Y.I.
Farhang Honarvar, Seyed Abbas Arham Namazi,
Volume 14, Issue 15 (Third Special Issue 2015)
Measurement of wave velocity in materials is very important.It has applications in ultrasonic thickness gauging as well as estimating the elastic constants of materials. In this paper, it is intended to improve the accuracy of wave velocity measurements by signal processing techniques. For this purpose, the SAGE algorithm, which is a model-based estimation technique, is implemented. Using SAGE, the overlapping echoes are separated and consequently the time-delay between these echoes is estimated more accurately. The signal processing scheme reduces the adverse effects of noise too. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique, an AISI 4140 steel block with four steps of thicknesses 10, 15, 20, and 25 mm was tested by the immersion ultrasonic testing technique. The time-delaybetween echoes obtained from each step was measured fifty times and by averaging these measurements, the actual time-delay and its uncertainty were estimated. The thickness of the block at each step was also measured by a micrometer. Using the time-delay and thickness data, the wave velocity and its uncertainty were estimated for each of the four thicknesses. The results shows that this technique can reduce the uncertainty of wave velocity measurements significantly.
Farhang Honarvar, Ali Taheri,
Volume 14, Issue 15 (Third Special Issue 2015)
In this paper, the multiple scattering of obliquely incident elastic waves from fibers encased in a solid viscoelastic medium is studied. This problem has applications in ultrasonic nondestructive testing of composite materials. The fibers could be either isotropic or transversely isotropic. Based on the existing theory of elastic wave scattering from a single fiber, a mathematical model for multiple scattering of elastic waves from a number of parallel fibers embedded in a viscoelastic matrix is derived. This model incorporates all three kinds of longitudinal, horizontally polarized shear, and vertically polarized shear waves. The incident wave angle is arbitrarily chosen and the receiver can be considered to be at any desired location in space. The model is capable of handling any order of scattering from any number of cylinders. To validate the numerical results, a number of experiments were conducted on steel cylinders embedded in a polymeric block. With the aid of an ultrasonic probe, the scattered field was measured and analyzed. Comparing the analytical and experimental results, good agreement was observed between resonance frequencies observed in experiments and mathematical model
Ali Gholami, Farhang Honarvar, Hamid Abrishami Moghadam,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (3-2015)
The echoes obtained from ultrasonic testing of materials contain valuable information about the geometry and grain structure of the test specimen. These echoes can be modeled by Gaussian pulses in a model-based estimation process. For precise modeling of an echo, the parameters of the Gaussian pulse should be estimated as accurately as possible. There are a number of algorithms that can be used for this purpose. In this study, three different algorithms are used: Gauss-Newton (GN), particle swarm optimization (PSO), and genetic algorithm (GA). The pros and cons of each of these three algorithms are reviewed and by combining them, the benefits of each algorithm are used while its shortcomings are avoided. For signals containing multiple echoes, the minimum description length (MDL) principle is used to estimate the numbers of required Gaussian echoes followed by space alternating generalized expectation maximization (SAGE) technique to translate it to separate echoes and to estimate the parameters of each echo. The performance of the proposed algorithms for simulated and experimental signals with overlapping and non-overlapping echoes is evaluated and shows to be quite effective.
Hamidreza Ziaiefar, Milad Amiryan, Mojtaba Ghodsi, Farhang Honarvar, Yousef Hojjat,
Volume 15, Issue 5 (7-2015)
In this paper, we proposed a practical method for classifying damages in pipes and plates using ultrasonic guided waves. The A-scan Pulse-Echo lamb wave ultrasonic tests used in this study. Tests accomplished on isotropic 1050 Aluminum with 0.4 mm thickness. Damages studied here were corrosion and crack which is common in pipe lines and steel structures like vehicles body or aerospace structures. This investigation is done in three steps. First step, experimental testing (making standard sample, lamb wave tests), second step, signal processing (window function, normalizing, wavelet function), third step, using the proper algorithm for classification. In first step, 206 ultrasonic lamb wave tests are measured on standard damaged samples (on pipe and plate) and the signals digitalized. After that, these signal processed and classified by classification algorithm. In this the classification algorithm is the support vector machine (SVM). In machine learning, support vector machines are supervised learning models with associated learning algorithms that analyze data and recognize patterns, used for classification and regression analysis. The results show that the corrosion damage can be distinguished from crack damages with 99% accuracy by proposed algorithm.
Mohsen Ayani, Farhang Honarvar, Ramin Shabani,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (4-2016)
Ultrasonic nondestructive testing is a powerful tool for detection of defects as well as characterization of various properties of materials. In ultrasonic testing, it is very important to know the exact wave velocity in the material because most measurements somehow depend on wave velocity. Many other characteristics of materials such as elastic constants also depend on wave velocity. While variations of wave velocity in ambient temperatures is very small, these variations could be noticeable at high temperatures. In this paper, a simple and innovative experimental method is proposed for measurement of ultrasonic wave velocities at high temperatures. To keep the ultrasonic probe far from the hot sample, a special waveguide is designed. The wave velocity measurements are performed by pulse-echo ultrasonic testing technique and variations of ultrasonic wave velocities at temperatures ranging from 40oC to 160oC are investigated. It is observed that the velocity of ultrasonic waves decrease with increase in temperature. Experimental results are compared with theory and measurement uncertainties are calculated. These uncertainties are ±0.01 m/s and ±0.003 m/s for longitudinal and transverse wave velocities, respectively. The theoretical and experimental results agree very well.
Ramin Shabani, Farhang Honarvar,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (5-2016)
Ultrasound test is a widely used non-destructive method for determining the mechanical and metallurgical properties of materials. In this method, ultrasonic wave velocity or attenuation coefficient is measured and measurement accuracy is very important. In this paper, variations of longitudinal wave velocity are studied in the presence of a thermal gradient both theoretically and numerically using a 2D model. A linear temperature distribution is assumed and the length of the work piece and the temperature of the hot side are considered as varying parameters. A new 2D theoretical model is developed for this problem. The test piece is made of st37 steel. To evaluate the proposed equation, we assume constant temperatures and the length of the work piece are varied in the range of 0.05-0.1 m. Then, we study the effect of the temperature of the hot side from 398 -998 K. By ANSYS software, a novel two-dimensional finite element model (FEM) is developed in axisymmetric state for this problem. The results of the theoretical model are compared with those obtained from the numerical model and a very good agreement is observed.
Farhang Honarvar, Adel Sedaghati, Anthony N. Sinclair,
Volume 16, Issue 12 (2-2017)
Lamb waves are certain type of ultrasonic waves that can propagate in thin plates. Lamb waves are particularly useful in testing large plate-shaped structures. Moreover, due to extensive flexibility in modeling sophisticated structures, finite element modeling (FEM) has been used in numerous Lamb wave studies. Due to the complexity of the scattering problem, interpretation of results is not easy. FEM helps us to better understand the complex issues that are associated with the scattering phenomenon. In this paper, we first consider a number of different finite-element modeling approaches that can be used for modeling Lamb waves and among them, we choose the best model that can provide both good accuracy and high computational speed. We then use this approach for modelling the scattering of Lamb waves from a through-thickness cylindrical hole in a large plate. This study has applications in structural health monitoring and defect sizing in plates. It is found that a 2D planar finite element model has the lowest computational cost and an accuracy of better that 95%. To verify the FEM results, experimental measurements are also conducted on an aluminum plate in which a through-thickness cylindrical hole is machined. The FEM results agree very well with those obtained from the experiments. It is concluded that by using this model, the position and properties of defects could be easily determined in plate structures.
Ali Habibpour-Ledari, Farhang Honarvar,
Volume 18, Issue 5 (9-2018)
The 2D position of a defect as well as its through-thickness length can be measured by ultrasonic time-of-flight diffraction technique (TOFD). By considering the methods used for detecting and positioning a target in radar, acoustic and sonar systems, an algorithm was developed for 3D positioning of defects in TOFD measurements. In this algorithm, the unknown parameter to be determined is the time difference of arrival (TDOA). While the developed algorithm is sufficiently fast, it suffers from various errors affecting the TDOA. The sensitivity of TDOA to errors is more noticeable when the distance between the receivers and the midplane (a plane with a minimum distance from the receivers) is small. This problem cannot be easily resolved when the receivers are coplanar. In this paper, using a closed form solution, a new algorithm is proposed for solving this problem. In this algorithm, by considering hypothetical locations for receivers, both the target (defect) and the positions of receivers are simultaneously verified. These hypothetical positions are obtained in such a way that their distances from the midplane is within acceptable limits. To validate the algorithm, it is used for determining the position of an artificial defect in a carbon steel block. The results prove that the algorithm is accurate and can be used in case of 3D TOFD measurements in which the receivers are usually coplanar.
Volume 18, Issue 118 (December 2021)
One of the major changes that occurs during the processing, distribution and final preparation of food is the oxidation of fats and oils, and due to the production of undesirable compounds in the oil, it has adverse effects on the health of consumers, so prevent or delay in oxidation process under thermal and storage conditions is necessary. In this study, ultrasound was used to extract the antioxidant extract of beet leaves and the best extract in terms of antioxidant power was used to increase the oxidative stability of soybean oil. In this study, 4 ultrasonic time levels (0, 20, 40 and 60 minutes) were used and the best extract in different concentrations (200, 600 and 1000 ppm) was soybean oil which was accelerated for 15 days under oxidation conditions (temperature 63 ° C). was maintained, added, and tests such as peroxide, thiobarbituric acid index and conjugated dien value were performed on the oils. The results showed that with increasing ultrasound time, the extraction efficiency of antioxidant extract, total phenol, percentage of free radical scavenging DPPH and iron reducing power increased and finally the sample obtained from 60 minutes of ultrasound was selected as the best sample. On the other hand, the results of tests performed on soybean oil showed that by increasing the concentration of antioxidants to 600 ppm, the amount of peroxide, thiobarbituric acid index and conjugated dien value decreased and with increasing the concentration of antioxidants and storage time in soybean oil These features increased. Finally, it can be stated that the use of 600 ppm of antioxidants obtained from sugar beet leaves extracted by ultrasound can compete with the synthetic antioxidant BHT and can be used to stabilize soybean oil.
Volume 18, Issue 120 (February 2021)
Determining the mechanical properties of various agricultural products is necessary to analyze their behavior during transport, processing and precision design of machines to minimize waste. Therefore, in this study, the effect of mass at the levels of m> 500 and m≤ 500 g as well as the loading speed at the levels of 4.5, 7.5 and 10.5 mm/min on some mechanical properties of sugar beet such as rupture force, deformation at rupture point and rupture energy were examined. Then, for data analysis, factorial experiment based on a completely randomized design was used and the comparison of means was performed by Duncanchr('39')s multiple range test at α=1%. According to the results, the effect of loading speed on all mechanical properties was significant, but except for the rupture force, different mass levels did not have a significant effect on the deformation at rupture point and rupture energy. In this regard, the highest rupture force (72.3 N) in samples with mass of m>500 g and in the loading speed of 4.5 mm/min, but the lowest amount (42.4 N) in samples with mass of m≤500 g and in the loading speed of 10.5 mm/min was measured. In this regard, the highest deformation at the rupture point (25.28 mm) in samples with mass of m > 500 g and in loading speed 4.5 mm/min and the lowest amount (16.4 mm) in samples with mass m≤500 g and in speed Load 10.5 mm/ min was obtained. Also, the highest (82.1 mJ) and lowest (26.48 mJ) values of rupture energy were determined in samples with mass of m > 500 g and loading speeds of 4.5 and 10.5 mm/min, respectively.
Volume 19, Issue 126 (August 2022)
Cocoa milk is a popular milk-based drink, which its development can play a pivotal role in approaching the per capita dairy consumption in Iran. To sustain the product different stabilizers are used in the industry. The most common of which are carrageenan. Stabilizers are imported; therefore, they affect the finished product price.
The main objective of this study was to investigate the effect of stability of acetyl starch with Kapa and Utah carrageenan on pasteurized cacao milk in terms of the characteristics of milk cacao and rheology.
Initial experiments concentrating on physicochemical properties of samples which have different levels of starch, kappa, and carrageenan have been done. Initial tests of cacao milk including PH, acidity, and fatty dry matter measurements as well as sensory evaluation on all samples have been carried out. A preliminary analysis of stability and sedimentation was performed using centrifuge.
According to the results, 4 samples were selected with better sensory and physicochemical properties among 28 treatments and Rheological tests were performed on these specimens.
To better examining the results Hustler-Balkillian, ostwald and Bingham models were used. Herschel-Ballykleychr('39')s model has better adjustment with the results.
Finally, according to the results of rheology, a sample with a higher starch content was selected which contains 50% of starch in its stabilizing composition