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Volume 0, Issue 0 (in press 2024)

So far, the performance of masonry walls against in-plane lateral loads such as earthquake loads has been extensively studied, but less attention has been paid to out-of-plane loads such as explosions. Due to their large surface area, walls endure significant forces during explosions, leading to extensive damage and potentially causing severe financial losses and casualties. Given the increase in terrorist and sabotage attacks, reinforcing these structures seems necessary. In recent years, fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP) have been widely and effectively used in the reinforcement and performance improvement of these structures. Their light weight, high stiffness and high strength, and corrosion resistance are among the properties that have attracted researchers to use these materials. Finite element modeling not only provides a basis for better understanding the behavior of masonry walls but also is very useful in predicting the behavior of these members after reinforcement, especially in the absence of experimental results. In this study, using numerical modeling in ABAQUS software, the behavior of masonry walls reinforced with FRP strips against a blast with an explosive charge equivalent to 150 kg of TNT (the weight of explosive likely to be carried in a sabotage attempt via a vehicle) at a distance of 5 meters was investigated. Lagrangian equations were used to model the mechanical behavior of the structure, and the solver used in this research is an explicit solver to account for the time factor in the software’s integration process. The total time considered for the entire explosion process is 1 second, and the explosive load was applied to the studied structure using the Conwep method. The type of fibers, width, thickness, area, and angle of the FRP strips were important and influential parameters that were examined for the efficiency of this reinforcement method. The modeling results indicate that this reinforcement technique is highly effective in strengthening masonry walls against explosions, as it has reduced the deflection of the wall by at least 70% and its energy by up to 90%. It can also be inferred that an arrangement for reinforcing masonry walls with FRP strips is suitable if it covers the areas prone to damage, which in masonry walls are the mortar joints between the bricks. Therefore, the horizontal arrangement shows better performance compared to the vertical and diagonal arrangements. Similarly, reinforcing 100% of the wall area performs much better than reinforcing 50% and 25% of the wall area, but it is not economically acceptable. In general, similar to structural elements, non-structural elements can also exhibit plastic behavior in critical situations, preventing the collapse of these elements due to the absorbed energy. Therefore, walls with higher plastic energy show better behavior against explosive loads. Additionally, based on the hysterical displacement and kinetic energy diagrams of the wall, it can be seen that the behavior of reinforced walls is oscillatory, while the behavior of unreinforced walls is noticeably pulsating. Finally, the optimal arrangement of FRP strips proposed for reinforcing masonry walls against explosions in this study is the use of CFRP strips horizontally, with a thickness of 1 mm, a width of 24 cm, and covering 50% of the surface area; This configuration successfully decreased the deflection of the wall from 63.1 cm to 7.7 cm and damped approximately 13% of the blast wave energy.
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Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2013)

Formalin is a common disinfectant and therapeutic agent in fisheries-related activities. Considering large variation in susceptibility of different species to formalin toxicity, it is necessary to determine its toxicity and safety margins in different species, separately. Therefore, to investigate formalin acute toxicity and safety margins on Caspian roach, an experiment was conducted in 1g Caspian roachs Rutilus rutilus caspicus. Fish were exposed to 0, 30, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 70, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 and 400 ppm formalin and mortality was recorded after 0.5, 1, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96h. 0.5-96 h LC50 values were 49-246 ppm. The lowest observed effect concentrations (LOEC) were found to be 40-150 ppm at different periods. No observed effect concentrations (NOEC) were 30-100 ppm at different periods. According to regression model for NOEC versus time, concentrations of 88.4, 80.3, 51.2 and 40.1 ppm are suggested as the maximum concentrations for 0.5, 1, 12 and 24 h bath treatment, respectively. Results showed the recommendations for formalin safety in the literatures are not applicable and valid for Caspian roach. Such differences could be due to species or experimental differences which should be taken into account before treating.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (3-2017)

The Protest literature is one of the genres of resistanc literature. The main theme of his protest against injustice, discrimination, oppression and tyranny. Among the contemporary Arab poet, Ahmad Matar terms with the source of many poems written protest is accentuated. among Iranin poets also Qazveh  is one of the main leaders of  protest poetry in the poetry of revolution. Political and social protest poems primarily in two directions-is Ahmad Matar poetic protest against the Arab rulers, mostly political protest, but protest his social aspect is more Qzvh Protest against poverty and injustice, forgetting the Palestinian cause, neglect and ignorance of society, government oppression, arrogance, forgetting national religious values and themes shared between the two Sharast protes

Volume 1, Issue 3 (9-2013)

Acute toxicity (96h-LC50) of potassium permanganate (PM) was determined for Caspian kutum Rutilus frisii kutum at two size classes (1 and 3 g). Static renewal method was used. Fish were exposed to different concentrations of PM and mortality was recorded thereafter, until 96 h. Exposed fish showed behavioral stress indicators. 96h-LC50 was calculated to be 3.204 (3.147-3.260) mg/L for small fish and 3.460 (3.393-3.528) mg/L for large fish. Safe concentration for small and large fish was calculated to be 0.003-0.320 and 0.003-0.342 mg/L, respectively. No Observed Effect Concentration (NOEC) and Lowest Observed Effect Concentration (LOEC) were 2.6 and 2.8 mg/L for small and 2.8 and 3.0 mg/L for large fish. Results indicated that Caspian kutum is susceptible to PM toxicity; although less than many tested species. Likewise, toxicity of PM significantly decreases with increase in fish weight. Higher tolerance in large fish compared to small fish might be as a result of increased stress resistance and higher quality of these fish.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (6-2013)

The effects of various levels of the commercial dietary supplement, Hoplite containing glucan, on growth performance, body composition and intestinal microbiota in white fish, Rutilus frisii kutum fry were investigated. 25 white fish fry (mean weight=1 ± 0.15 g) were stocked in each experimental tank (100 L). The fry were fed experimental diets supplemented with 0, 0.5, 1 and 2% Hoplite to apparent satiation, 3 times a day for 60 days. Biometry was performed every two weeks. Mean dissolved oxygen concentration, pH and water temperature recorded during the experiment were 5.0±0.1 mg/l, 7.8±0.2 and 24.4±0.11 ºC, respectively. At the end of the trial period, growth parameters, body composition and intestinal microbiota were studied. Results indicate that fry fed 0.5 and 1% glucan exhibited highest weight gain (WG), specific growth rate (SGR) and final body weight (FBW) which were significantly different (P

Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2013)

This research is conducted on the basis of the relational view of competitive advantage. In this view, competitive advantages are created by not only corporate-level resources but by inimitable capacities and mixed into dynamic relations. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze and quantify the impact of external social capital dimensions on organizational competitive advantage. For this purpose, after an extensive study of literature, the initial conceptual model was designed. The questionnaires were distributed among senior executives and board members of Color and Resin Company and 64 questionnaires were returned and the data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, inferential analysis and Structural Equation Modeling. Results show that the size of a firm impacts innovation and external social capital significantly affects the organizational competitive advantage. Also, structural dimension of external social capital is the most effective among the dimensions of competitive advantage, and strategic flexibility dimension is the most impressible dimension of external social capita. Additionally, the cognitive dimension of external social capital has the minimal impact on competitive advantage. It seems that the warm personal relationships, business relationships and working closely with many diverse groups and work teams in complex industrial organization are the most important tools for achieving the desired organizational results.    

Volume 3, Issue 5 (Supplementary Issue - 2014)

Specimens of the subfamily Milesiinae (Diptera: Syrphidae) were collected using sweeping net from Saqqez region, Kordestan province located in the northwestern Iran during 2012-2013. In total 25 species in 12 genera were identified. Of which Eumerus transcaspicus (Stackelberg, 1952) is reported for first time from Iran. Diagnostic characters besides supplementary photos of the new record are provided.

Volume 4, Issue 5 (Supplementary Issue - 2015)

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of bio-fertilizers on growth and development of plants in pots containing (V) vermicompost and (M) cow manure: (soil amendments) and (S) garden soil separately and in combination. In the first experiment, treatments included S (control), SM (soil + 15%M + 0%V), SMV10 (soil + 15%M + 10%V), and SMV20 (soil + 15%M + 20%V) by dry weight (w/w). In the second experiment, mycorrhizae (Glomus mosseae and Piriformospora indica) were also added to the treatments. Plants and soils were evaluated 90 days after inoculation with fungi. At maturity, plant height and stem diameter, leaf area index (LAI), chlorophylls (a + b) content, root length, fresh and dry weights (aerial parts and root), and mineral nutrient content in plant leaves were measured. The obtained results indicated significant differences between treatments. Among all the treatments, interaction of soil amendments and fungus was significant for all traits. Almost the maximum amount of morphological traits was found in the combined applications of soil amendments and fungi. In particular, the highest weights were obtained in the SMV20 treatment inoculated with G. mosseae. Nutrient analysis of leaves, revealed maximum amounts of N, P and K in SMV10 and SMV20 treatments, and the highest amount of Ca and Mg was obtained in plants treated with SM and inoculated with P. indica in comparison to control plants. Also, the highest amount of phosphorous in the soil was obtained when SMV20 treatment was inoculated with P. indica. It seems that the combination of biofertilizers is the best result for the stevia plant growth..  

Volume 4, Issue 9 (7-2016)

Bruno Bettelheim (1903/1990), Austrian psychoanalyst and psychologist, explored fairy tales in his famous work, The Uses of Enchantment. Considering Freud’s approach, in this work he analyzed fairy tales and emphasized on the important role of tales in child’s mental developments. Bettelheim’s approach in analyzing fairy tales was based on optimism, pleasure versus reality, vicarious satisfaction versus conscious recognition, externalization, transformations, unifying dual nature, bringing order into chaos, achieving integration, and achieving autonomy. There are a few works on Iranian fairy tales according to comparative-historic, anthropological, and mythic approaches while Freud or Bettelheim’s psychoanalytic approaches has almost no evident part among them. Knowing that there is a wide similarity in fairy tales’ structures, contents, elements, and characters in all over the world, give us the authority to analyze Iranian fairy tales, taking Bettelheim’s point of view and using his doctrines of psychoanalytic analysis. The major task of this research is psychoanalytic analysis of some Iranian fairy tales according to Bruno Bettelheim’s analytical approach in which analysis of characters, symbols and functions displays paradigms of Bettelheim’s approach. Psychoanalytic approach to the study of Iranian fairy tales help us to investigate each single step of child’s development, and provides several fields to study the comparative literature.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2016)

Pepper plant Capsicum annuum L. has great nutritional value and many pharmaceutical properties but its sensitivity to pests such as Aphis gossypii Glover, especially in drought stress conditions, has limited its production. To evaluate the effect of drought stress on the population and damage rate of this pest in greenhouse condition, four moisture treatments including; full irrigation, 15, 30 and 45 percent of water deficit, and four treatments with different amounts of super absorbent polymer (SAP) containing 2, 4, 6 and 8 g per pot were separately performed in completely randomized design. Four weeks after applying drought stress, the pots were moved near the aphid sources. Density of aphids was examined after one month of infestation, and the plant growth characteristics after two months. It was found that the increase in severe drought stress (45% DI45) significantly raised the population of this pest and remarkably decreased plant growth rate and yield. However, the low stress of drought (15% DI15) not only caused relative reduction of insect’s population, but also saved water consumption and increased crop yield. However, the insect population was elevated as a result of increase in the amount of irrigation. Although the excessive use of SAP (8 g) increased the aphid population, the current experiment showed the use of 4 and 6 g of super absorbents could minimize the irrigation stress, decrease the pest population and improve yield of the plants by retaining the moisture in drought conditions.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (Spring 2025)

By presenting two types of classification of sciences, Ibn Sina has put forward different views on the nature and purpose of sciences. One of these classifications is based on the Aristotelian method and the other is his special classification based on the logic of the Orientalists. In this article, relying on Ibn Sina's works, these two classifications are examined in detail and the position of the legislative profession in practical wisdom is analyzed. Ibn Sina has highlighted the harmony between reason and religion by combining wisdom and law. He introduces law as the main tool for the emergence of tradition to achieve justice and regulate individual (worship) and social (transaction) life. On the one hand, tradition is regulated by the Sunnah (prophetic law) to govern society and the survival of the human race, and on the other hand, it is related to the divine tradition, according to which God's providence is included in the provision of good to the creatures of the world of creation and corruption. His view emphasizes the necessity of the existence of the Sunnah (law) and the Caliph for the survival and stability of tradition. This article analyzes Avicenna's attitude towards the Shariah industries and its relationship with revelation, active reason, tradition, Sharia, and human happiness.

Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2017)

The narrator is a fundamental concept in analyse of the narrative texts and Focalization as an interstitial element, from one side connecte to the story and the characters and from other sid connecte to the narrator's speech. Pari Saberis leili o majnoon in dramatic persian Literature and Ahmed Shoghis majnoon leili in Dramatic Arabic Literature Dramatic as other dramatic text consists of dialogue and scene descriptions. Saberi and Shoghi in the dialogue, hide themselves behind his personality that creates and contrast in a scene description directly speak to their readers and give them different information to better understand the interaction and to better visualize . Thus we can say that found both the External and Internal focalization in leili o majnoon and majnoon leili. in the description of the scene, the author does external focalization and in dialogue by the plays characters Internal focalization is done. However, the considerable differences in the model of internal focalization and focalized phrase of these two works connect to the modern and classic plays and playwriters ideology and gender.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (No.1 (Tome 22), (Articles in Persian) 2015)

One of the important aspects in learning foreign languages is considering differences between languages and their effects on the learning process. Number of objects is one general phenomenon, which is shown in different ways in different languages. There are many different ways to represent the number of objects in Russian and Persian languages, especially in morph-syntactic level. So learning and using numeral phrases (number + noun, number + adjective + noun) correctly in the nominative and objective cases in Russian is one of the difficult problems for Iranian students. In Russian language, this structure changes according to such criteria as grammatical case, number, animacy and inanimacy, and all of these structures are in contrast with similar structures in Persian. The purpose of this paper is to compare these structures between Russian and Persian languages. We further study and analysis the mistakes of Iranian students in learning and using numeral phrases in nominative and objective forms, and resolve them.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (Winter 2020)

Background: The current narrative review aims to describe microbial agents causing pneumonia briefly. In addition, the ongoing review tries to introduce the diagnostic methods from biochemical to molecular tests used routinely and the promising molecular methods which will be used in near future.
Methods: PubMed was searched for all review and original articles related to the lung infection. Studies providing insights into clinical symptoms, microbiology, risk factors, and diagnosis were included.
Rasult & Conclusion: Untreated respiratory infections are one of the most common health care problems worldwide. We tried to provide a collective view of new aspects of bacteriology and diagnosis methodology of lung infection detection.

Volume 6, Issue 3 (11-2016)

Availability is an important characteristics of the repairable machines system performance and improvement of production planning and loading operation is an important part of the mine production cycle. In this paper an approach to calculate availability of open pit mine loading system based on Markov chain theory has proposed. Markov method is based on different modes of the system and the transition from a state to another. Therefor data analysis and failure and repair rate determination are significant. To illustrate the application of model, the Mishdowan iron mine data was used. Calculation of failure and repair rate indexes and availability of loading system has been determined using Markov chain model. Related statistical tests was used detecting the failure and repair behavior of system for higher degree of accuracy. Based on the results obtained, failure and repair rate for Newholland hydraulic excavator are 0.019 and 0.064 and for Komatsu hydraulic excavator are 0.017 and 0.047, respectively. Additionally, availability of hydraulic excavators of mine loading system is evaluated to be 93.3 percent.

Volume 6, Issue 3 (11-2016)

Over the centuries, cities have always employed human societies to achieve their goals; to be more precise, they are part of the infrastructure and tools that are made by human to deal with nature threats and of life management within communities. Of course, it should be considered that cities, as opposed to tools and machines that formed based on the presiced design, are the means which their emergence are not based on detailed planning and a lot of their features simply and arbitrarily have manifested.
The increasing growth of technologies are as emerging phenomenon in cities that follow a future of uncertainty in societies. Political, economic and social factors that are shaping urban applications will be beyond the grasp and control, and will be associated with a set of unknowns and the uncertainties. So the planning and management of cities in its current form, can not respond to this complexity. Integrated management of this uncertainty, requires planning to make smart cities and communities and configuration of these cities should be based on the creation of environments aimed at improving cognitive skills and learning abilities and innovation. This necessitates the creation of digital, physical and organizational spaces that are organized via innovation and creativity through a combination of individual cognitive skills and information systems.
Smart cities are emerging around the world, but still deep differences can be seen with amazing smart environments that open minds and transmit skills and the abilities from the base. Integrated studies in this area can be somewhat overcome the raised shortcomings.
Therefore, this article seeks to explore various aspects of urban intelligence and key components of smart city based on an integrated conceptual model. Method of this research is descriptive and based on gathering documents related to this field. In the first step smart city and its related concepts are presented, in the next step, key factors of smart city based on summing up the views of experts in the field are revealed; catagorized in the framwork of basic smart city factors and componenets (public, institutional factors and infrastructure). Three important factors (intelligence, integrity and innovation) considered as essential requirements for the creation of smart communities that the combination of these factors and preconditions depicted in the form of a model. Ultimately in the final stage of research, how to smart cities explained based on the dimensions and components of the considered model.
One hundred years ago, only about one out of every seven people lived in the city. Today, half of the population live in cities and the percentage of that is growing steadily each year. Because more people migrate to the big cities, town’s credit, technology, trade, formation of governments, resource consumption, quality of life, and many other things considerably grows.
Personal talent or professional opportunities of people, creativity, economic exploitation and accumulation of large numbers of people can have a positive impact on society. Of course, the big urban communities are always big risks for Earth in the form of overcrowding, excessive carbon emissions and waste and high levels of non-renewable energy consumption, so cities - municipal governments, along with businesses and city dwellers that launch the economic growth have a major responsibility for the effective monitoring of people and the environment.
The need to manage resources in terms of sustainability associated with a more important purpose: to create an attractive social and economic environment in which citizens, companies and governments can work and live interactively. In fact, The Cities compete more for their citizens and investments than the merchants for their customers.
The issue that is subsequently increased its importance; the overall attractiveness of a particular city, is the experience that the city provide to its citizens and businesses and it becomes manifested in a wide rangeof important features: Value and sustainability of the city government, the economy and employment opportunities, its schools, the quality of the physical environments, culture and artistic resources, higher educational institutions and other educational opportunities for adults, housing, security, social participation, freedom and its variations.
Smart cities and towns have been created via the connection of innovation and digital cities and with the aim of promoting knowledge and innovation. This connection is based on two objective criteria: (1) innovation and digital cities are both community-based processes, and (2) innovation and digital cities are both knowledge-based processes. «Connection» is on the basis of shared knowledge networks and online provision of knowledge and innovation processes. Intelligent Community Indicators depict a global framework for understanding the different communities and regions that can create a competitive
advantage in today›s economy. Indicators show that an intelligent city has a more life span than a traditional form:
•Significant deployment of broadband communications and government facilities; government that has a role of catalyst via provision of regulations and incentives
•Education; training and workforce development to create a workforce, capable of implementing knowledge effectively.
•Government programs and private sectors that promote digital democracy, benefit from all sectors of society, including the expansion of citizen participation in government and their decision-making.
•Innovation in the public and private sectors, including e-government initiatives and efforts to create economic and business development to finance new job opportunities; Effective marketing as a lever for economic development, attract workforce and other community assets to new employers.
•Smart cities, lifeless spaces, complex structures, physical infrastructures, and electronics applicable programs are not digital, In contrast, they are such living communities that use from skills of individuals and institutions for collective learning and innovation, and use from physical and digital infrastructure to communicate and online collaboration.
This research is based on descriptive approaches, for which our goals were to collect data on surviving geometrical patterns and classify them on the basis of time scale and regionalism. Such approaches provide dialectic answers to a wide range of philosophical and architectural questions, such as when or where a particular pattern was extensively used. Smart City, due to the outstanding characteristics of sustainability and attraction, is divided from other cities. Environmental projects are flowed with more than a moral obligation. Sustainability is important for its positive Social consequences and the main factor is creation of habitable environment by the health and welfare of citizens and their businesses. Today, there is no smart city. However, one of the most common ways to get started is creation of a starting point that is based on the geographic, political, economic of the city, then, that city can determine different states based on the costs and effects of different projects and their anticipated transactions, and begin to design various forms of technology, strategy, processes, training, supervision and management of a developed program.
With regard to the impact of the cities on the health of the planet, the agenda of smart city, regardless of where they live, is important for all citizens. If cities are focused on affordable measures to embed intelligence in their services, they have to carry out fundamental right activities, Open and intelligent architecture that is enabled of delivering smart services now and in the future due to the growing needs of a city.

Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2017)

The tomato leaf miner, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) is an imported pest and serious threat to tomato production in farms and greenhouses of Iran. Use of genetically engineered plants expressingcarbohydrase inhibitors is one of the non-chemical methods for controlling insect pests, and knowledge about enzymatic properties of carbohydrases will help us to achieve this goal. Therefore, in present study we characterized biochemical properties of digestive carbohydrases in the midgut of last larval instar of T. absoluta fed on different tomato cultivars (Kingston, Riogrande, Super Luna, Super Chief, Super strain B and Calj). While the highest amylolytic activity was on Super strain B, the lowest was on Super Chief. The optimal pH and temperature for α-amylase were found to be at pH 9.0 and 45 °C, respectively. As calculated from Lineweaver-Burk plots, the highest Km and Vmax values for α-amylase obtained in Super Chief and Super Luna cultivars were 0.565 ± 0.11mM and 2.287 ± 0.4mM/min, respectively. The effects of different compounds on amylolytic activity indicated that CaCl2, MgCl2, NaCl and KCl increased amylase activity, whereas EDTA, ZnCl2 and BaCl2 decreased the enzyme activity in Super Luna cultivar. The highest activity of α-/ß-glucosidases was observed at pH 6.0 and 7.0, respectively, whereas the optimal pH for α/ß-galactosidases was at 5.0. The highest specific activity of α-/ß-glucosidases was determined in Riogrande-fed larvae, whereas the highest α/ß-galactosidases activity was in the larvae fed on Riogrande and Calj cultivars, respectively. By the native- PAGE, two bands were clearly detected for α-amylase. Since the larvae reared on Kingston showed lowest carbohydrase activities, this cultivar could possibly be suggested as the least suitable host for feeding of T. absoluta.

Volume 6, Issue 7 (No.7 (Tome 28), (Articles in Persian) 2015)

The purpose of this paper is to outline the theory and practice of discourse analysis as a tool of interpretation in translation of dramatic works. By translation of dramatic works, the discourses of target language has been influenced and undergone some significant differences that has been making different interpretations. Translations of Bertolt Brecht’s plays because of their historical implications of the social status in two decades 50 to 60 and 80 in Iran, prepare the best data to measure this point. This descriptive study by incorporation of direct observation of original work and Library based method analysed primary data that have been collected and  followed by focusing on the framework of  Norman Fairclough approach to discourse analysis. This research aims to show how in the Persian translation of Brecht’s works, conscious or unconscious, some changes have been created. To find the answer of this question, the translation of the forty Brecht’ plays, Herr Puntila und sein KnechtMatti,Baal, Im Dickicht der Stadte, and Die Geschichte der Simone Machard has been chosen. These samples were selected based on varieties of translations belonging to different ages in order to find more significant differences .The findings indicate that most of Brecht's plays in accordance with the political context, social influence or dominant discourses of  every period - at least at the level of lexical and conceptual context- are subjected to cultural distortions.

Volume 6, Issue 12 (Fall & Winter 2020)


Translating the words in the Holy Quran into Persian has always occupied the minds of the scholars of this divine book, and it seems that one of these challenging words is the word “al-Tafavot”, which is incompatible with its general notion that it is the difference between objects. The present article, with descriptive-analytic method, attempts to analyze the lexical meaning of “al-Faoot” and its derivatives, especially the “al-Tafavot”, and finally evaluates the Quranic translations based on the research findings. One of the results of the study has been that the word “al-Faoot” in the translations often has been translated to “deliverance” and “salvation” which correctly means “opportunity for deliverance”. Also, most translators have translated the word “al-Tafavot” into concepts such as “difference”, “discord”, disorder, “dissimilarity”, “disharmony”, “problem”, “fault” and “defect” which due to the verse and the literal meaning of this word, the translations are not properly evaluated and the correct translation can be termed “disconnection or disparity” and “nothingness”, which are perfectly compatible with the purpose of creation.

Volume 7, Issue 4 (No.4 (Tome 32), (Articles in Persian) 2016)

In the framework of stylistic discourse analysis, literature is a container to express ideas and concepts which are not only relevant to their creator, but also they are in connection with the context in which the text is produced. Yet, literature is the product of discourse where it is developed and all factors like environment, context, cultural issues and dominant ideology of the period in which the specific text is generated affect the growth and visibility of it. In Persian literature, Khorasani style is the product of discourse that its dominant face is full of philosophical thoughts and particularly rationality. This period is influenced by rational thoughts and intellectuality and NaserKhosro's poems, as one of well- known and effective poets and one of the most noticeable representatives of 5th century literature, is regarded as a dominant sample of this conceptual indicators. Notable point in his poems is the influence of philosophical and religious thoughts, so that a large part of his odes court was devoted to this subject matter. In stylistic layered analysis of this poet's odes, dominant and cultural discourse of Khorasani period in which frequency of philosophical and logical subjects are notable shows specific style of the poet. In this study, based on stylistic layer analysis, in order to specify appearance of dominant- intellectual and cultural discourse of the period in the light of lexical and syntactic style, two layers of vocabulary and syntax of a number of his odes' court are analyzed.

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