Showing 318 results for Jafari
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The present study aims to investigate the aggregate analysis of linguistic variables of South Ruedbar language varieties in Kerman province by using the dialectometry and mapping software package with a quantitative and holistic approach. Data collection has been done from 22 sites from the south seven cities of Kerman province. For this purpose, a questionnaire containing 208 words and 10 basic sentences based on ‘National Language Atlas Project Questionnaire of Iran’ and ‘Morris Swadesh basic list words’ are used. The validity of mentioned questionnaire was 0.98 based on Cronbach’s alpha test. The results of aggregate analysis showed that 6 major dialect clusters are distinct and these dialect clusters are divided into subclusters. Each of these dialect clusters has distinct phonetical, phonological, morphological, or syntactical features that set it apart from other clusters. Based on statistical analysis, the ‘A’ dialect cluster due to the use of the continuous prefix /mi-/ and plural suffix /-hɑ/ in comparison to other clusters has the highest similarity and the ‘B’ cluster in cases such as the use of the infinitive suffix /-eng/ and continuous suffix /-æ/ has the highest difference in terms of morphology and syntacticity with the standard Persian. The ‘J’, ‘D’, ‘H’ and ‘V’ dialect clusters despite their distinction from the standard Persian, as the use of the continuous prefix /-ʔæ/ and plural suffix /-on/, are most similar to Aeach other and in terms of phonetic process and the presence of South Ruedbar variety special phones are similar to ‘B’cluster.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
Despite all the efforts of professors and students, learning the four language skills of French in academic institutions has always been accompqnied by challenges. One of these skills is written production, in which students make numerous mistakes. We believe that identifying and analyzing areas of error can be effective in improving their writing skills. In the present study, using an analytical-descriptive method, the written productions of a group of students on a B1 level topic were examined. The data collection tool is the DELF B1 evaluation grid with ten criteria for writing correction. The participants in this study show that 42 percent of students had very good and good averages, and 58 percent had average and weak scores. The target population of this study performed acceptably in only three skills-coherence and logical structure, the ability to present events, and adherence to the topic-out of the ten criteria in the evaluation grid. However, they have not yet achieved the necessary skills in the other seven criteria. The areas of errors revealed in this research could serve as topics for further studies to extract and analyze errors in each domain.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (NO. 1- 2011)
Remarkable progresses of science and extensive development of modern technologies have led academic ability to become one of the tools of power. Accordingly, governments are trying to promote their higher education system in such a way that their position would improve on the basis of its performance. One of the most effective ways is to develop a comprehensive and integrated model for evaluation and ranking of universities and higher education institutions. Reaching such a model needs identifying factors and criteria that are related to evaluating the universities performance, choosing compatible factors with Iran’s higher education system, classification of the criteria and finally, representing them in a model. In this research, according to the literature review and expert’s point of view, eight factors were presented as the basic parts of the model as follows: educational, research, cultural, student, management and human resource, information technology, quality assurance and educational and research space factors. By using factor analysis, the extracted criteria were classified according to these eight factors and the final model was presented. The use of this model will cause integrating the system of performance evaluation of universities and higher education institutions. It will further help them to pursue their competition in such a way that consequently help the country to reach the desired scientific capability.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (2-2016)
Background: Although Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP) rarely threatens the humans’ lives, those individuals suffering from such pain experience a variety of health-related problems and difficulties such as physical disability. This study aimed to determine the relationship between low back pain and physical disability among nurses working in Pastor Hospital of Bam, Kerman, Iran.
Material and Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted among nurses and paramedics who suffering from chronic low back pain and working in Pastor Hospital in Agu, 2015. Through randomly sampling, 120 eligible individuals were recruited of which 104 individuals were satisfied to enter to the study. The standard tools of Owsestry Disability Index (ODI) and Visual Analog Scale (Vas) as well as demographic questionnaire were used to collect data. The SPSS software, version 18 was used to analyze the data.
Results: In all, 104 participants with mean age of 34.7 ± 8.9 were assessed. The majority of the participants (N = 90, 86.5%) were female. There were significant association between functional disability and low back pain intensity (P < 0.001). Furthermore, Pearson correlation showed that there were significant positive relationship between duration of back pain and disability (P < 0.001).
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the chronic low back pains among nurses were related to their disability. Therefore, it seems to improving low back pain among this target group can be an effective step to improve their physical function in their workplaces.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (Winter 2023)
Nowadays, application of enhanced oil recovery methods has increased; therefore it’s necessary to determine their impacts on environment and human life. So, this research investigates the environmental impacts of conventional enhanced oil recovery methods and new methods such as using electromagnetic waves, ultrasound waves, and nanoparticles. The investigations show that electromagnetic waves and ultrasound can effectively remove many environmental pollutants. Characteristics of the wave and the type of formation determine that these waves have different effects on the formation, and efforts should be made to understand these effects to prevent damage to the formation. Nanoparticles can also reduce the quantity of pollutants in the environment. According to the mechanisms of entrapment of nanoparticles in the porous medium, they may remain in the reservoir and find their way to the underground water over time, so their environmental effects should be considered in the long term. A better knowledge of new methods of increasing oil extraction will lead to the identification and use of more suitable methods with less environmental effects (compared to conventional methods).
Volume 1, Issue 2 (winter 2018)
Presence of filler in the polymeric materials changes the mechanical, dynamic-mechanical, rheological properties and even the swelling behavior of rubber composite due to mechanisms such as hydrodynamics, polymer-filler and filler-filler interactions. Swelling in rubber composites directly affects the polymer chains, also can affect indirectly other structures in composites such as the filler network and reduce mechanical properties suddenly. In this study, the nitrile rubber-nanosilica composite containing different concentrations of modified nanosilica was prepared and the composite structure was studied through rheological, mechanical, dynamic-mechanical tests. Also it was found that the filler network containing over percolation threshold 13phr of filler concentration has a significant contribution to the mechanical properties of composites. To determine the swelling effect on the prepared composite structure, with different degrees of solubility were used. The mechanical properties of the samples were measured in equilibrium swelling state for each of the solvents The decrement of the mechanical properties between the dry samples and swelled ones containing 14.4, 20 and phr 6.25 silica in solvent with 15% toluene is significant. These intensive changes in mechanical properties that happen at the low degree of swelling are attributed to the removal of the filler network. Therefore, controlling the swelling of rubber parts in adjacent to the solvent, plays the fundamental role in their performance.
Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2002)
A time-domain approach is presented to calculate electromagnetic fields inside a large Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) simulator. This type of EMP simulator is used for studying the effect of electromagnetic pulses on electrical apparatus in various structures such as vehicles, a reoplanes, etc. The simulator consists of three planar transmission lines. To solve the problem, we first model the metallic structure of the simulator as a grid of conducting wires. The numerical solution of the governing electric field integral equation is then obtained using the method of moments in time domain. To demonstrate the accuracy of the model, we consider a typical EMP simulator. The comparison of our results with those obtained experimentally in the literature validates the model introduced in this paper.
Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2014)
To compare the seed characteristics in accessions of Atriplex canescens under exclosure and non-exclosure conditions, two even-aged sites were selected with an area of 400 ha as the exclosure and 1000 ha as non-exclosure area. To conduct the study, 30 species were randomly selected in autumn 2009 in reference area of the sites and seeds were collected. Some important seed characteristics were studied in the laboratory. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS 17 software and mean comparisons were performed by Duncan's Multiple Range Tests. Results showed that the winged seeds did not germinate under all studied treatments in both sites. Moreover, maximum seed germination was recorded for the seeds soaked in cold water for 24 hours and placed in the shade for 48 hours. According to the results of the independent t-test, no significant differences were observed for germination percentage, germination rate, and vigor index in both sites at both 1 and 5% probability levels. In other words, the seeds collected from the exclosure and non-exclosure areas were similar in terms of the mentioned characteristics. However, seed yield, 1000-seed weight and seed moisture content showed significant differences at 1% probability level with higher amount in exclosure area.
Volume 2, Issue 2 (Spring 2022)
Heidegger believes that among the Greeks, Aletheia means "Unhiddeness," which is an essential attribute for beings. However, by referring to the world of ideals, Plato considers Truth as conformity and transfers it to human reason. In this approach, the truth lost its intrinsic character and became the correspondence of cognition with its objective reference. This epistemological transformation led to the emergence of prevalent dualities in philosophy. Although Mulla Sadra has fundamental similarities with Heidegger, he considers truth to have multiple meanings by gradation. In the third phase of his philosophical thought, by reaching divine manifestation -with his special interpretation of Platonic philosophy- he abandons his earlier conventional dichotomies in philosophy. At this stage, Mulla Sadra reaches Real Unity and accepts Plato's truth as something with existential gradation. In this paper, we are trying to examine the views of Heidegger and Mulla Sadra while briefly analyzing the truth of Plato. Finally, we will extract Sadra's criticisms of Heidegger's thoughts about truth.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (9-2014)
Since the change of land use accrued in the Iran, especially in northern Iran, this research aims tocompare the spatial variability of soil properties in three adjacent land uses including cultivated by wheat lands, grazing lands and forest Lands covered by juniperus sp, fagus orientalis, quercus castanifolia, and acer velotinum species in kiasar region, Mazandaran Province, northern Iran. Some of soil features, i.e. pH, CaCO3, total nitrogen (TN), soil organic carbon (SOC), electric conductivity (EC), percentage of silt, clay and sand contents and saturation moisture content(SM) were measured at a grid with 20 m sampling distance on the top soil (0 – 30 cm depth). Accordingly, total of 147samples were taken from 49 soil sites. The normality of data was examined by the tests of normality. Then, data were analyzed by using of geostatistics approach. The results showed that spatial distribution of many soil properties could be well described by spherical model in the forest and exponential model in the cultivated and grazing lands. Spatial dependences were the highest for SOC, EC and the lowest for silt, (SOC and silt) in the forest method and grazing lands, respectively. Deforestation and conversion to cultivated and grazing lands decreased spatial dependence of soil properties.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (9-2014)
Soil and Water Assessment Tool model, SWAT, uses different layers of watershed data which out of soil layer is the important one. Soil layer data should be extracted from detailed soil maps. In most developing countries including Iran, these detailed maps are not available except for irrigation districts and rarely for dry land farming areas and also for some strategic places of development purposes. For larger plains, the available soil maps information are reduced to semi-detailed scale which adds uncertainty in data required for catchments and hydrologic modeling. This research studied the relations between land use (LU) maps, land suitability for agricultural activities (LS) and physiographic soil unit (PU) on one hand and detailed soil maps and their embedded data on the other hand. The research has focused on the replacement of data derived from the detailed soil maps (from large scale soil map information) with those of readily available LS, PU and LU maps. Using these two sets of data for modeling of hydrologic system with SWAT on a 5793 Km2-watershed in west of Iran showed no significant difference between the simulated discharges at the watershed outlet. So the available LS map for the whole country may be used for both plains and catchments in SWAT simulation.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (Issue 3 - 2014)
Aim: Anxiety is a bad and frustrating feeling that causes disturbance in professional, social and educational performance of students, especially those who are living in dormitories. Yoga as an anti-anxiety activity has been practiced in anxiety reduction. To assess the efficacy of yoga in reducing anxiety in students, who live in dormitory.
Methods: Totally, 120 students who lived in dormitory were selected. Students were randomly assigned to two groups and students in case group received ten 60- min yoga sessions. In this descriptive-analytic study, Ketel anxiety questionnaire was used. The data were analyzed via X2, Fisher, and Variance analysis using spss.16. Findings: According to the results of this study, yoga had significant effect on reducing students’ anxiety. Before intervention, there was no significant difference between students' anxiety level in control and experimental groups (p-value: 0.139). However, after intervention, there was a significant difference between students' anxiety level in control and experimental groups (p-value <0.01).
Conclusion: Considering the significant efficiency of yoga in reducing students' anxiety, representatives and those who are responsible should pay attention to yoga more than before.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (12-2003)
In this research using the theory of Induction Motor (UM), a UM with liquid as secondary part is planned and manufactured. The main objective for planning of this motor is to investigate the possibility of chemical liquids pumping such as liquid poison and acids.
Results of many laboratory tests are shown to conclude that pumping force in the manufactured pump is dependent on many factors such as the magnetic characteristics of material of primary side and the electrical conductivity of liquid. In high magnetic permeability and high electrical conductivity, pumping force is fortified. Thus using the proposed method, pumps without mechanical moving parts can be manufactured.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (Spring 98 2019)
Research Subject: Nowadays, application of biosurfactants in microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR) have aroused much attention and several investigations have been conducted on this field. But their performance in comparison to synthetic surfactants in enhanced oil recovery has little been studied. Most of these researches are limited to comparison of one produced biosurfactant with only a chemical surfactant. To fill this gap, in this research, the potential use of a rhamnolipid type biosurfactant in MEOR was compared to several conventional synthesized surfactants: SDS, SDBS, CTAB and DTAB.
Research Approach: Since the main goal of this research is the comparison between produced biosurfactant and conventional chemical surfactants in oil recovery, several flooding tests were conducted and involved mechanisms were investigated. All of tests were conducted in an oil wet glass micromodel saturated with heavy oil at ambient condition. Injected solutions were prepared at critical micelle concentration of surfactants. During the flooding tests, high quality pictures were taken with a camera connected to the computer to monitor the motion of injected solution in the micromodel.
Main Results: 40% oil recovery was achieved after biosurfactant flooding while SDBS, SDS, CTAB and DTAB resulted 36%, 34%, 32% and 29% oil recovery, respectively. For mechanistic study, the surface tension (ST) and viscosity measurements were performed and contact angle was determined. The surface tension reduction, wettability alteration towards more water-wet condition and increasing the ratio of injected fluid viscosity to oil viscosity were dominant mechanisms. The rhamnolipid was more effective than other surfactants in reduction of surface tension and altering the wettability towards favorable water-wet conditions. It decreased the surface tension of water from 72 to 28 mN/m, which was the least comparing to other surfactants and increased the capillary number about 19.4 times greater than in water flooding. Additionally, it changed the contact angle from 106 to 6, 94.3%, the widest change among applied surfactants.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (4-2012)
Entering any new technology to communities, puts a significant impact on the lives of people. Although technology is not inherently good or bad, but there is some damage that happens just by entering the technology. One damage in connection with internet is the excessive use of the internet or “internet addiction” thatis to be addressed in this paper. Excessive and obsessed use of internet causes psychological, social, academic and occupational problems to gather with physical problems such as eye pain, back pain, changes in sleeping and eating patterns,all of which are defined as “internet addiction”.
The sample for this study includes all users in the cafenets of ShahinShahr, Esfahan (Iran), in the winter 2009 that have used Internet. The data needed for research questions were collected interview with 170 of users. For gathering the basic information of research, the Young Questionnaire IAS was used.
The results showed that 4 persons (2.3%) got scores above 80 (sever addiction), 46 persons (27.5 %), had average addiction and 120 persons (70.58%) had scores lower than 50 and (normal users). There was a relationship between the excessive use of the Internet and satisfying the needs. Now the subject of “Internet addiction” in society is normal but it is expected that the second group (the average addiction) moves to serious addiction.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (, (Articles in Persian) 2012)
Both intertextuality and intermediality are discursive phenomena that impact the semiotics by defamiliarization or interaction of the media and the text. Intertextuality function since its appearance could be seen only in the literature and its contrast was only with multi-media novel. In various arts, especially in the cinema, theatre and cyberspace, it seems that they could not achieve to prove the transdiscursive technical and media situation – particularly in the criticism area – until intermediality is discussed. The intermediality shows interaction of various characteristics between different mass media next to each other keeping all characteristics of its signs. It has then a transposition by which the primitive characteristics are suspended and differentiated. The most important aspect of this media conflux is to establish a material and a form of expression next to another material and form. The purpose of this research – besides studying intermediality discourse – is to consider its function in the semiotics and arts as well. That is why having the intertextuality reread, the borders between text and media and, finally, the effects produced by interaction of the media are regarded to gain a proper theory about intermediality.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (12-2014)
The effect of a probiotic containing five species of bacilli at four levels of 0 (control), 1×106CFU/ml (T1), 1×107 CFU/ml (T 2) and 1×108CFU/ml (T 3) per 100g of feed on the growth performances, resistance and survival of rainbow trout fry, Oncorhynchus mykiss (463±32 mg) were compared in a 60-days feeding trial. Growth parameters, such as ADG, SGR, RGR and TGC, were significantly enhanced (p<0.05) by the probiotic at all levels, and the performance in T2 was significantly better than T1. The fish under the probiotic treatments also showed higher resistance (p<0.05) to such Environmental stresses as alkaline pH, heat and ammonia (p<0.05). No significant difference in tolerance to acidic pH stress was observed between the control and treatments. In conclusion, the probiotic bacillus highly increased the growth performances, feeding efficiency, resistance and survival in rainbow trout fry.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (Fall 2019)
The enhancement of energy consumption and increasing demand for oil have led to using improve oil recovery methods. Chemical enhanced oil recovery methods are among the most widly used techniques. Generally, the effect of these methods has been less than the predicted amounts by the studies. One of the leading causes, could be due to the loss of chemicals by adsorption or precipitation of the surfactants on the rock surface. The mineralogy of the reservoir rocks is effective in determination of the interaction between the bulk of the fluid phase and rock surface. This effect will change in the surface charge of the adsorbent and wettability alteration of the rocks.
Research subject: In this study, the adsorption of AOT surfactant on the surface of a hydrophilic adsorbent of carbonate reservoir was investigated. For this purpose, after the preparation of rock and fluid samples, the adsorption of surfactant was investigated in concentrations below and above the CMC.
Research approach: Batch adsorption experiments were conducted to measure the amount of surfactant adsorption on the surface of carbonate rock. First different concenteration of AOT solutions and carbonate rock as adsorbent were combined. After 48h, the equilibrium concentrations were determined by using the calibration curve and. The amount of surfactant adsorption can be calculated by knowing the maqnitudes of equilibrium and initial concentration of the surfactant.
Volume 3, Issue 10 (Summer 2022)
This article aimed to develop a model of the effect of dimensions of organizational justice and innovative behavior among physical education teachers: investigating the mediating role of knowledge sharing and organizational trust. The current research method is descriptive correlation based on the purpose of applied studies. The sampling method was also non-probability, voluntary, and accessible, consisting of physical education teachers in Tehran city, and the estimation of the sample size was done using Sample Power software based on research variables (359). People were considered to answer the questionnaires on organizational justice dimensions, trust, and innovative behavior. In order to analyze the data, the structural equation model with the ordinary least squares approach was used. The findings showed that distributive and interactional justice affected knowledge sharing and organizational trust. Such procedural justice affected knowledge sharing but did not significantly affect organizational trust. Such knowledge sharing and organizational trust were predictors of innovative behavior. Therefore, if physical education teachers witness fair and justice-oriented behavior in their organization, their motivation and desire to share knowledge and innovation will also increase. Thus, motivating and innovative behavior should be properly identified and managed in the educational environment, and appropriate actions should be taken with justice-oriented and equal behavior in line with its development and promotion.
Volume 3, Issue 11 (Autumn 2022)
The present study aimed to investigate the use of social marketing in promoting the tendency of teachers toward Sport for all. The statistical population was made up of all the Administrations of Education departments of the provinces. Through the multi-stage sampling method, in the first stage, ten provinces out of the 31 provinces of the country were selected as a random cluster. Furthermore, using Morgan's table, 400 questionnaires were distributed in proportion to the population of educators in each province. Finally, 344 usable questionnaires were collected. The data collection instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire whose validity and reliability were confirmed by experts and statistical tests. Questionnaires were distributed through email, Social media, and face-to-face. The results showed that personal investment had the highest impact factor concerning social marketing (0.94). Furthermore, among the components of social marketing, participation cost had the highest impact factor (0.94). Social marketing communications (0.929) and accessibility (0.869) were in the next ranks. A high correlation was observed between social marketing and participation culture (0.775). Also, there was a significant relationship between social marketing and participation in sports (0.413, p<0.01). This shows the importance of the culture of participation. Finally, the path coefficient of social marketing on teachers' participation in sport for all was 0.572, which reports a positive and significant relationship.