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Showing 20 results for Jahangiri

Volume 1, Issue 1 (11-2009)

The aim of this paper is to investigate the influence of social factors on generalized social confidence among Urmia residents. The population of this study included all members of families who lived in city of Urmia in Iran and, at the time of investigation, were more than 18 years old. Among this population a sample of 300 people were selected and were asked to complete a questionnaire constructed for this investigation. Using Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis, the results indicate that the independent variables of articulated interactions, expansion of relations, social obligations, and social acceptance influence the dependent variable of generalized confidence. It has been concluded that, the theory of social confidence that considers human being as both rational and emotional and investigates social confidence on this suggestion has been experimentally supported. Finally, it is of our findings that level of generalized social confidence among Urmia residents was shown to be low.

Volume 6, Issue 12 (Fall & Winter 2020)

 Discussion and research in different rhetorical and semantic aspects of the Quran, and especially the syntactic and rhetorical aspects, have astonished the Quranic researchers of every age. Among these rhetorical issues is the discussion of the Tanwin and its hidden intentions and purposes. This unique phenomenon of the Arabic language, which is widely used in the Holy Quran, has other secondary meanings that are sporadically mentioned in the syntactic books, in addition to its original meaning (indicating indefinite noun). By carefully reflecting on the Quranic verses, it appears that the Tanwin has other implications such as, amongst other things, magnification, reduction, proliferation, diversification, humiliation, generalization. A field survey of the Farsi translations of the Quran shows that most translators have not paid much attention to the Tanwin and its other semantic implications, and have largely meant it to indicate indefinite nouns. In this study, it has been attempted to criticize and analyze the semantic aspects of the Tanwin and its different implications in some of the Quranic verses translation by Abdurrahman Pirani et al. The results show that paying attention to the semantic and implicating dimensions of the Tanwin can be an effective step towards enhancing the semantic levels of Quranic expressions and discovering the rhetorical-semantic layers of this divine book. But this translation, along with many of its more prominent features, does not pay much attention to the secondary meanings of the Tanwin, and this has led to some divergence from some of the sublime meanings and concepts in the Quranic vocabulary.

Volume 12, Issue 3 (1-2005)

This research is designed to produce detailed descriptions of the morphological ergativity in three South Asian languages. The chosen sample includes Hindi/Urdu, Pashto and Balochi, as morphologically enough to achieve the goals and generalizations of the research. The study presents the range of variation in case and agreement marking in these South Asian descendants of the common Indo-Iranian language, in which the distinct systems of ergative case marking and agreement is to be compared, both within the nominal and verbal domain. While these individual languages are common examples of morphological ergativity, the range of variation among these languages has not been examined comparatively. The goals of this research are twofold. After a comprehensive overview, we present a detailed typology of ergative marking and agreement in the predetermined languages, demonstrating their common split ergative behavior. This process is manifested in two distinct strategies of markedness: Differential Case Marking (DCM) [including Differential Subject Marking (DSM), as well as Differential Object Marking (DOM); Aissen 1999] in the nominal domain, and marked agreement in the verbal domain; which is considered within a comparative account. It will be seen that the ergative marking and agreement patterns are not uniform across these languages. The overt morphological expression of case marking occurs of varying degrees in their nominal paradigms, while in the verbal paradigm the ways in which agreement morphology cross references arguments illustrates the common default agreement with the nominative argument in all three systems. The study proceeds as follows. First the range of variation in case and subject (St) marking in the sample will be presented, together with an overview of morphological ergativity. Following this, the typological splits, indicating the strategies of markedness and the variation in case marking splits (DCM), including both differential subject marking (DSM) and differential object marking (DOM), will be examined through the study. The effect of differential object marking (DOM) on verb agreement is considered next; and finally, a summary of the typology of variation in the domain of the study will be presented. Noteworthy is that the acheived comparative patterns can be considered as representatives of languages in the Indo-Iranian family.

Volume 12, Issue 47 (7-2015)

 Reduce the quality of traditional breads in recent years related to the type of flour and bread production process is not hidden from anyone. Traditional Iranian breads are prepared from flour with high extraction rate, which contains high amount of minerals, vitamins and fibers, but the presence of high levels of phytic acid prevent absorbing precious minerals in the body and are irreparable harm to the consumers. The purpose of this study was to assess the level of phytic acid in the flour marketed in Ahwaz to bake traditional flat breads, Lavash, Taftoon, Sangak and Barbari, and effect of processing on the content of the primary phytic acid. The results showed that phytic acid of flours was high (91.464 mg/100 gr. flour) and prepared dough and baking bread conditions had not a significant reduction in phytic acid so that the maximum reduction was observed in Barbari bread (33.4 %) and the lowest decrease in Lavash bread (15.79 %), respectively. On the other hand, the mean level of zinc was 592 mg in hundred grams of flour and average of phytic acid mole ratio to zinc was shown 63.67, so bioavailability of zinc was deteriorating. The results indicated that the present baking procedures had not an appreciable effect on reduction of the amount of phytic acid in breads. Due to the high level phytic acid in flours is recommended to considering the amount and type of fertilization in field conditions, baking conditions of bread to be reformed in Ahwaz.  
Mousa Rezaee, Reza Jahangiri,
Volume 14, Issue 13 (First Special Issue 2015)

In this study, static/dynamic instability and nonlinear vibrations of FG plates resting on elastic foundation under parametric forcing excitation, are investigated. Based on CPT, applying the von-Karman nonlinear strain–displacement relation and the Hamilton’s principle, the governing nonlinear coupled partial differential equations are derived. By considering six vibration modes, the Galerkin’s procedure is used to reduce the equations of motion to nonlinear Mathieu equations. In the absence of elastic foundation, the validity of the formulation for analyzing the static buckling, dynamic instability and nonlinear deflection is accomplished by comparing the results with those of the literature. Then in the presence of the foundation and by deriving the regions of dynamic instability, it is shown that as the parameters of the foundation increases, the natural frequency and the critical buckling load increase and the dynamic instability occurs at higher excitation frequencies. The frequency response equations in the steady-state condition are derived by applying the multiple scales method, and the parametric resonance is analyzed. Then the conditions of existence and stability of nontrivial solutions are discussed. Moreover, the effects of the system parameters, including excitation frequency, amplitude of excitation, foundation parameters and damping, on the nonlinear dynamics of the FG plate are investigated. Also it is shown that the presence of the foundation has a considerable influence on the resonance characteristic curves.
Mousa Rezaee, Reza Jahangiri,
Volume 14, Issue 15 (Third Special Issue 2015)

In this study, the nonlinear vibration of a sandwich FG plate resting on a nonlinear Pasternak foundation which is simultaneously subjected to transverse harmonic forcing excitation and in-plane static force is investigated. Based on the Modified First-Order Shear Deformation Theory (FSDT), applying the von-Karman nonlinear strain–displacement relation and the Hamilton’s principle, the governing nonlinear coupled partial differential equations are derived. Then, the Galerkin’s procedure is used to reduce the equations of motion to nonlinear ordinary differential equations. In the absence of foundation, the validity of the formulation for analyzing the modified shear correction factors for shear stresses is accomplished by comparing the results with those reported in the literature. By applying the multiple scales method and considering the second order nonlinear approximation of solution, the primary resonance of the system under the transverse forcing excitation is analyzed. Under the steady-state condition, the frequency-response, the force-response and the damping-response equations are derived. Then the conditions of existence and stability of multiple coexisting non-trivial solutions for amplitude of the responses are discussed and the saddle node bifurcation points of the characteristic curves are derived. It is shown that, the variation of the system parameters in the resonance boundary may cause the jump phenomenon. Moreover, the effects of the system parameters including, excitation frequency, foundation parameters, damping, and amplitude of the harmonic and in-plane forces on the system nonlinear dynamics are investigated. Also it is shown that the presence of the foundation has a considerable influence on the resonance characteristic curves.

Volume 16, Issue 2 (6-2016)

Investigation of the correlation between engineering demand parameter (EDP) and intensity measures (IMs) has received substantial attention in performance-based earthquake engineering for prediction of seismic demand of structures.In this study the seismic demands of buried steel pipelines are investigated in a performance-based context. Several nonlinear dynamic analyses of two buried steel pipe models with different D/t, H/D ratios and different soil properties and different pressures, performed under a suite of far-field earthquake ground motion records were scaled to several intensity levels to investigate the behavior of buried pipeline from elastic response to failure. Several scalar ground motion intensity measures (IMs) are used to investigate their correlation with engineering demand parameter (EDP) which is measured in terms of peak axial compressive strain in critical section. Using the regression analysis the efficiency and sufficiency of candidates IMs is investigated. To investigate the effects of different material and geometrical properties, two buried pipeline of API 5L Grade X65 models with different pipe and soil properties are considered. To simulate soil effects on pipe in axial, transverse and vertical directions bilinear force displacement curves (elastic-perfectly plastic) representation of soil are employed based on suggestions of the American Lifeline Alliance. The FEM was used in the analyses. The buried pipeline and the surrounding soil are modeled using shell, spring and damper elements. Each node of the model was connected to three spring-dashpots. Before deciding which ground motion IMs correlate well with seismic demand on buried pipes the first question to be answered is: how is the seismic demand measured? Usual failure modes of continuous buried pipelines are tensile ruptures or buckling because of compressive strains. Compressive straines that result in bukcling are smaller than strains induce tensile failure. Therefore, the peak axial compression strain at the critical section would seem the obvious candidate to use for EDP of buried pipe. It is necessary to examine a wide range of potential IMs for determining the best IM for evaluating the buried pipe response. Therefore a total of 16 different IMs are considered. Using an efficient IM results in smaller variability in the structural response for any given IM. Chosing an efficient IM causes the number of analyses and earthquake records needed to evaluate the probability of exceedance of each value of EDP given the value of IM to be reduced. In this paper, a one-parameter log-log linear regression of peak axial compressive strain on IM is utilized in evaluating the efficiency of each alternative IM. A sufficient IM results in EDP conditionally independent, for a given IM, of earthquake magnitude M and the source to site distance R. Using a sufficient IM, yields ignoring the effects of magnitude and distance in accurately predicting of EDP. Quantifying the sufficiency of IM is done by using the one-parameter regression of peak axial compressive strain on M or R for a given IM. Among the models investigated in this study it was seen that RMSd is the optimal IM for buried steel pipelines based on efficincy and sufficiency conceptions.
Mahmoud Shariati, Kamal Kolasangiani, Behzad Jahangiri, Amin Saber,
Volume 16, Issue 4 (6-2016)

In this research, softening and ratcheting behavior of SS304L thin-walled shells under cyclic pure bending load were investigated. Experimental tests were carried out by a servo-hydraulic INSTRON 8802 machine under force-control and displacement-control conditions and the effect of different parameters such as mean force, force amplitude, length of the shells existence and position of cutout were examined. Under displacement-control loading, softening behavior was observed and under force-control loading with non-zero mean force, accumulation of plastic deformation or ratcheting phenomena was occurred. Based on experimental results, linear relation was observed between plastic energy and rate of plastic deformation, which shows the rigidity of fixtures used in the experimental tests. It was observed that increase of the force amplitude accompanied with an increase in maximum force and plastic deformation, finally. Also, analyzing the existence of cutout, ratcheting displacement of cylindrical shells with cutout in the middle of shell is higher than that of the shell without cutout and crack propagation occurred in this area. Under displacement-control loading, reaction of thin-walled shells under cyclic pure bending load is divided into four areas, incubation, transition, steady-state and crack propagation.

Volume 16, Issue 4 (2-2014)

Objective: Acinetobacter baumannii (A. baumannii) is a major hospital pathogen with a high capacity to resist most common anti-microbial agents. A. baumannii is the etiologic agent for various illnesses including pneumonia, meningitis, and bloodstream infections. Biofilm associated proteins (Bap) are specific cell surface proteins essential for the formation of biofilm and play a main role in its pathogenicity. Previously, we have studied various regions of this protein. Considering different criteria, some regions were introduced as conserved and immunogenic. The immunogenicity of one of those regions pertaining to amino acids 706-1076 previously examined has shown that its expression triggers high antibody levels when injected to mice thereby protecting the animals against the bacterium. The present study examines region 4 of the Bap protein in order to validate the previous bioinformatics studies and its immunogenicity. Methods: In order to obtain immunity against this pathogen, a 1620 bp gene from Bap was amplified and cloned in pET32a. This region from Bap was cloned, expressed and verified by monoclonal antibodies. BALB/c mice were immunized by subcutaneous injection of the pure recombinant protein. Mice immune response was determined by ELISA. Results: High titer of raised antibodies implied that the recombinant protein was a strong antigen and immunogen. Conclusion: The results indicate that this protein can be a suitable choice for developing a new recombinant vaccine against A. baumannii.
Hassan Ali Jahangiry, Ali Jahangiri,
Volume 16, Issue 12 (2-2017)

Topology optimization of the heat transfer quality in two-dimensional heat conduction problem at enclosure as one of the typical thermo-physical problems has always been quite important. In this paper a level set-based topological optimization procedure of two-dimensional heat conduction problem include point and speared thermal on computational domain load using finite elements method is developed. In level-set method, all structural boundaries are parameterized by a level of dynamic implicit scalar function of higher order. Changes of this function can easily model the detachment and attachment of dynamic boundaries in topology procedures. The same shape functions of finite elements analysis are employed to approximate the unknown temperatures and geometry modeling of the design domain. The objective function is to minimize thermal power capacity and sensitivity analysis on some heat conduction problems is investigated to deal with the topology optimization using level-set method with the finite elements scheme. Finally, topology optimization results of 3 heat conduction problems under both include point and spread thermal load cases are presented to demonstrate the validity of the proposed method. The proposed method lead to a significant reduction of the computational cost and time and it can be applied to a wide range of topology optimization problems arising from the heat transfer.

Volume 17, Issue 1 (4-2014)

Objectives: Acinetobacter baumannii is a Gram-negative, non-motile aerobic bacterium known as a nosocomial pathogen resisting often to broad range of antibiotics. The pathogen is a serious agent of mortality and morbidity in hospital particularly among immunocompromise patients. Treatment and control of its infections is complicated owing to its high antibiotic resistance, survival in various environmental conditions and utilization of wide range of nutrient sources. Early detection of the pathogen in established infections is pivotal for controlling the infections. Culture and biochemical test are current methods for detection of the bacterium taking 2-5 days time. Hence, a new rapid specific affordable diagnostic test is needed. Development of such test depends on a suitable biomarker without any cross reactivity with other bacteria. Methods: Accordingly, aim of the study is to unveil of a 34.4 KDa outer membrane protein (OMP) introduced by Islam et al. in A. baumannii ATCC19606. In the current study, we harnessed various bioinformatic servers to screen whole proteome of the bacterium. Properties critical to the screening include: molecular weight, localization, topology, homology, antigenicity and allergenicity of proteins. Results: Three proteins were found as suitable candidate molecular weight as well as localization points of view. BLAST searches, antigen probability predictions and other analyses led to selection of one protein as the best specific antigen of A. baumannii. Conclusion: The in silico analyses unveiled the best candidate protein vide accession number ZP_05827218.1.
A. Jahangiri, S. Majidi, Kh. Roshandel, D. Borzuei, S.f. Moosavian, M. Naji Ranjbar,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (January 2020)

Investigating the history of production and dynamics of growing or collapsing bubbles under various environmental conditions plays an important role in the correct understanding of the process of boiling, evaporation, cavitation, and condensation. In this paper, the rising shape regime the air bubble injected into the water column was studied and simulated using numerical and experimental methods. For this purpose, a column filled with water was used in the laboratory as a host fluid and using the high-speed image recording method, the most important hydrodynamic properties of the bubbles, such as velocity, size, pathway, and other bubble properties were measured. Then, using the computational fluid dynamics and the volume of fluid two-phase flow model, ascent and deformation of the single-bubble injected into a stationary reservoir were investigated and compared with previous and current experimental and numerical results. The result of this validation with a good approximation was in accordance with the reference results and it proved the correctness of the solver's and its settings. Finally, the bubble shape regime was calculated by the non-dimensional numbers of Eötvös and Morton and compared with the numerical simulation and empirical test. The regime obtained from the Clift diagram is a spherical cap regime, which at the same conditions, is in accordance with the bubble shaped regime simulated by numerical and experimental methods and this confirms the validity of the numerical solution.

A.a. Shami, S.e. Moussavi Torshizi , A. Jahangiri,
Volume 20, Issue 2 (February 2020)

Superheater tubes are the most critical components of the power plant’s boiler. These tubes are subject to degradation such as creep and overheating, due to the hard operating conditions (exposure to high temperature and pressure for a long period). Therefore, it is important to diagnose and prevent these failures. The failure report in a 320-megawatt power plant indicates that most tube ruptures are concentrated in a particular region of the platen superheater (radiative superheater). The investigation of broken tubes shows that the temperature of the tubes in this area is higher than the other platen superheater’s regions. Three methods of metallography, oxide layer thickness measurement and thermal analysis using computational fluid dynamics were used to prove the existence of higher temperatures at the point of breakdown. All three methods provide the same results. The results of surveys confirm this significant temperature difference and show that the increase in the local temperature in the damaged tubes is due to the longer length of these tubes, which results in lower vapor mass flow rate, and absorb more heat due to the higher thermal surfaces of them.

R. Jahangiri, A. Allahverdizadeh , B. Dadashzadeh, H. Azimzadegh,
Volume 20, Issue 2 (February 2020)

In this research, nonlinear transverse vibrations of a fluid conveying microtube under parametric magnetic axial resonance condition is studied. For this purpose, nonlinear governing equations of transverse motion of beam-like microtube are derived using Reddy’s first-order shear deformation theory with considering the effect of fluid viscosity and fluid centripetal acceleration. In this model, nonlinear terms of Hetenyi foundation and nonlinear geometric terms of the Von-Karman theory under magnetic excitations in the presence of fluid flow beyond the flutter instability is considered. In the following, the effects of foundation parameters on the linear flutter specifications of fluid conveying magnetizable microtubes are studied. Then, the nonlinear system behavior for fluid flow velocities more than critical velocity corresponding to the coupling of the first and second vibration modes is studied using multiple scales method. Nonlinear response curves in velocities above critical velocity are obtained and effects of variations of various system parameters including flow velocity, amplitude, and frequency of the magnetic field, Hetenyi foundation stiffness constants, viscosity, and dimensions ratio on the nonlinear response of the system are investigated. Some results indicate that increasing the values of shear stiffness parameter of the Hetenyi foundation has an unstable effect so that with its increasing, the flutter instability occurs at lower frequencies.

Volume 21, Issue 3 (Autumn 2021 2021)

The purpose of this research is to study the effects of democracy and corruption on attracting foreign direct investment in West and East Asia. To do this, a dynamic panel model and generalized method of moments are employed over the period 2009-2018. The results of the estimates for the 13 countries of the West Asia Group indicate a positive and significant relationship between the democracy and foreign direct investment and the existence of a significant negative correlation between corruption and the consumer price index with the foreign direct investment. Also, in this group of countries, the effects of the degree of trade openness, democracy and real exchange rate on foreign direct investment were positive and significant and the effects of corruption and consumer price index were negative and significant. Besides, according to the results of this method for 15 East Asian countries, the corruption and consumer price index had negative and significant effects, and the democracy, corruption, trade openness, economic growth and real exchange rate had positive and significant impacts on foreign direct investment. Therefore, regarding the effect of democracy on attracting foreign direct investment, Jensen's theory was approved in both groups of countries, but regarding the effect of corruption on FDI, in East Asia the theory of helping hand of corruption and in West Asia the theory of destructive hand or the corruption was confirmed. According to the results, the impact of these variables on foreign direct investment in the East Asian group was greater than the West Asian group.
Hesel Gharehbaei, Ali Jahangiri, Mohammad Ameri,
Volume 21, Issue 7 (July 2021)

The Heller towers are the most common types Power plants cooling towers، where its efficiency is  is very sensitive to wind. according to the general approach of  designer of cooling systems، Direct dry cooling (ACC) systems are more popular today in power plants located in arid areas. In Heller towers due to the empty space inside them, in this study, instead of proposing the replacement of ACC towers, the hybrid model is proposed، where steam is Directly gonig into the ACC radiators without fan installed inside the Heller Tower، and condenses with a natural suction mechanism. The flow around the proposed model are investigated in three dimensions in two cases of no wind and no wind at 8 different  wind speeds with the assumption of incompressibility flow by the continuity, momentum, energy and turbulence equations. The hybrid tower  performance has been compared with Fars power plant cooling system and it has been shown that the proposed cooling tower has performed 25% better than the Fars cooling system in no wind condition. It has also performed better in wind conditions in different speeds except speeds above 12.5 m / s at a horizontal
array of ACCs..A vertical array of ACCs performance has been better than the horizontal array.Therefore, the hybrid model with vertical array of ACCs can be efficient to replace the cooling system of Fars power plant.

Volume 24, Issue 2 (summer 2024)

In recent years, cryptocurrency analysis has become increasingly popular both in academic research and in the financial system as a whole. Cryptocurrencies are a globally spreading phenomenon that is frequently and also prominently addressed by media, venture capitalists, financial institutions, and governments alike (Glasser et al., 2014). Knowing the relationship between cryptocurrency market, stock market or commodity market will be very useful for managing investors’ portfolios and how much of their investment will be allocated to cryptocurrencies for their assets to be secure.
The possible interdependence of stock markets and cryptocurrencies is a crucial concern in the financial market literature due to its paramount importance for investors and portfolio managers. Although cryptocurrencies are a recent phenomenon, with the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, appearing in January 2016, they quickly become a worldwide phenomenon that is broadly discussed in the finance literature (Glaser et al., 2014).
Many scholars in recent times explored the correlation between cryptocurrencies and stock market. Several studies (see Conrad et al., 2018; Jiang et al., 2021; Tiwari et al., 2019; Corbet et al., 2018; Salisu et al., 2019) considered advanced economies to explore the impact of cryptocurrency and stock market, provided important insightful stories. Few others (see Lahiani and Jlassi, 2021; Dasman, 2021; Vardar and Aydogan et al., 2019; Sami and Abdallah, 2020) explored the association in emerging economies. Additionally, the association between cryptocurrency and stock market also received considerable attention among the scholars in the time of COVID-19 (see Mariana et al., 2021; Grobys, 2021; Nguyen, 2021; Kumah, 2021). The issue discussed in these studies is mainly based on the fact that cryptocurrencies are gradually establishing themselves as a new class of assets with unique characteristics, although skepticism and lack of understanding of their nature still exist. These new financial assets (tokens) can offer new opportunities for portfolio diversification and risk hedging. The common consensus regarding weak correlations between cryptocurrencies and stock markets has recently been challenged by their synchronous downturn during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Any financial instrument such as stocks and cryptocurrencies traded in the markets may be subject to price fluctuations based on several factors. Factors such as positive and negative news, financial status of stock companies traded in stock markets, political events, global changes and environmental conditions including market risks. With the globalization of the use of cryptocurrencies, the popularity and use of cryptocurrencies has been steadily increasing in Iran over the past few years. In this new situation, investors are looking to reduce their investment risk and achieve optimal portfolio diversification with the participation of new financial assets. Considering the direct and indirect influence of Iran's economy on global financial markets and the expansion of activities related to cryptocurrencies in the context of international sanctions, the question is raised whether there is a relationship between stock returns and cryptocurrencies returns? This study combines the Variational Mode Decomposition (VMD) method and symmetric and asymmetric copula functions to examine the dependence structure between cryptocurrency and stock markets under different investment horizons. 
The fundamental aim of this study is to investigate the structural dependence between the cryptocurrency market and the Iran Stock Market Index using daily data (common trading days) during the period from 8 August 2015 to 21 February 2023. This study combines VMD method and various symmetric and asymmetric copula functions to examine the short-term and long-term dependence structure between the cryptocurrency markets and the Iranian stock market under different investment horizons. In this study, the Normal copula, the student-t copula and the Archimedean copula family functions such as the Frank copula, the Gumbel copula and the Clayton copula have been used. Also, the dependence structure between markets is investigated with one subroutines of the Vine copula functions, namely C-Vine.
Discussion and Results
The results show that there is no structural dependence between the return Bitcoin and Iran stock market using the Archimedean copula function, either in the short term or in the long term. In other words, the changes domain in return of Bitcoin during the low and high ranges on the return of the mentioned index are insignificant. The results indicate that the cryptocurrencies researced are strongly correlated. However, the associations between cryptocurrencies and conventional financial assets are negligible. These results are consistent with the findings of Gil-Alana et al. (2020); Tiwari et al. (2019) and Corbet et al. (2018) which reveal that there is no correlation between the cryptocurrency and stock markets.
The results indicate that the cryptocurrency market is separated from the main class of financial and economic assets and hence offers various benefits to investors. Structural dependence using Vine copula functions is better than Archimedean copula in identifying the structural dependence between cryptocurrency and the Iranian Stock Market Index during the period under study.  Based on the research findings, the Clayton copula has been chosen as the suitable model to explain the correlation between the return of Bitcoin and the stock market index on the condition of the growth price Ethereum. This point indicates asymmetric effects the dependence on the negative tail is more than the positive one. The findings in this paper indicate the significant role of cryptocurrencies in investor portfolios since they serve as a diversification option for investors, confirming that cryptocurrency is a new investment asset class.

Mohammad Ali Jahangiri, Reza Attarnejad, Nima Noei,
Volume 24, Issue 8 (August 2024)

 This research focuses on topology optimization of fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problems using the level set method. To couple the fluid and structure equations, the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) description is employed within a monolithic formulation. The use of ALE in FSI problems, while eliminating numerical instabilities caused by the convective term, enhances the speed and accuracy of finite element solutions in fluid-structure interaction. Additionally, considering the fluid in the unsteady state allows for the interpretation of optimal topology at any given moment of the analysis. The objective function of the optimal topology design problem is to minimize the structural compliance in the dry state, subject to a fixed volume of the design domain. To determine the normal velocity in the reaction-diffusion equation (RDE), adjoint sensitivity analysis based on pointwise gradients is used. The results obtained from this approach, compared to other topology optimization methods in the literature, demonstrate higher accuracy and clearer definition of structural boundaries.

Volume 26, Issue 4 (Fall 2023)

Introduction: Breast cancer represents a major public health issue worldwide, highlighting the critical role of early detection in facilitating effective treatment. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) serves as a minimally invasive method for obtaining cellular material from breast masses for subsequent analysis. Nonetheless, pathologists' assessment of FNA samples may be characterized by subjectivity and protracted evaluation times, leading to variability in diagnostic results. Integrating machine learning algorithms, including classification tree models, can potentially improve the consistency and precision of breast tumor classification. Using computational capabilities and sophisticated machine learning methodologies, these models can proficiently categorize digitized images of FNA samples as malignant or benign.
Methods: We used classification tree algorithms such as CART, Ctree, Evtree, QUEST, CRUISE, and GUIDE to distinguish between malignant and benign tumors in the Wisconsin Breast Cancer Dataset (WBCD). The models' performance was evaluated using accuracy metrics, such as sensitivity, specificity, false positive and negative rates, positive and negative predictive values, Youden's Index, accuracy, positive and negative likelihood ratios, diagnostic odds ratios, and AUC (area under the ROC curve).
Results: The results showed that the CRUISE algorithm showed excellent diagnostic performance in distinguishing between malignant and benign tumors.
Conclusion: The results emphasize the critical role of integrating machine learning models into clinical practice to assist pathologists, improve diagnostic outcomes, and reduce subjectivity in cancer classification.

Volume 27, Issue 1 (12-2025)

 The date palm dust mite Oligonychus afrasiaticus (McGregor) is one of the most important pests of the date palms Phoenix dactylifera L. around the world. This pest causes reduction in the economic value of the product, and sometimes its damage reaches up to 100% in the southern provinces of Iran. The population fluctuations and spatial distribution of this pest on two more common varieties (Sayer and Barhi) were investigated in Ramshir City, Khuzestan Province, southwestern Iran. For this purpose, two date palm plantations of 2 ha that had those two varieties of date palm trees were selected, and 10 trees of each variety in each orchard were selected randomly. Sampling was done from North, South, East, and West of each date palm every four days from mid-May to early November, during 2020 and 2021. The results showed that the spider mite appeared on the clusters of two varieties from the beginning of June, and the peak population of mites on both varieties was recorded in September, in both years. Significant difference was observed between different sampling times during those two years and the two varieties: Sayer (F1.916, 9.580= 183. 695, P< 0.0001) and (F2.344, 11.720= 58. 104, P< 0.0001) and Barhi (F1.541, 4.622= 89.010, P< 0.0001) and (F1.688, 5.065= 31. 137, P

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