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Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

The purpose of this research was to investigate the active vocabulary in written texts of non-Iranian Persian Language learners based on Lexical Diversity (LD). Using one of the formulaic measures of LD called Guiraud's Index (GI) LD of the written texts of the subjects of the present study was calculated and its relationship with variables such as nationality, gender, age, first language and university education was determined. First, according to the principles and rules of corpus transcribing, and using the LancsBox software, Types and Tokens of the texts of 251 learners from four nationalities, who participated in the final exams of the Persian Language Education Center of IKIU,  were extracted and counted. After that, using GI, LD of each subject's text was calculated and the research hypotheses were evaluated. Results showed a significant difference between different nationalities in terms of LD. Also, from the perspective of first language and gender, texts of Arab subjects indicated significantly more LD than Chinese, and the texts produced by women indicated more LD than the texts of men. On the other hand, the two hypotheses related to the LD and age and university education were not confirmed, because these relationships were non-significant. The results and findings of this research can help teachers and examiners in the field of teaching Persian as a second/foreign language obtain a suitable tool for evaluating the lexical richness of written texts and gain insights on how to use lexical richness criteria in the evaluation of learners' texts.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

Transfer of learning from English course to other contexts is one of the most fundamental objectives of EAP instruction. Providing opportunities to transfer the acquired knowledge from the ESAP writing course to writing tasks of specialized disciplines as well as analyzing students’ perceptions of transfer catalysts and barriers might suggest a foundation for future educational planning. This study examines how engineering graduates learning ESAP assessed the four constructs of learning transfer inventory that might facilitate or inhibit the transfer of learning in discipline-specific academic writing programs. 60 engineering graduate students participated in this study. During the ESAP course, collaboratively designed discipline-specific writing tasks were presented and practiced through multimodal input. The catalysts and the barriers to the learning transfer act were identified by administering the Learning Transfer System Inventory (LTSI). Results indicated that the students could obtain significant levels of academic writing skills and finally transfer their acquired instruction to authentic discipline practices. Furthermore, data analysis demonstrated that transfer of writing outcomes will be increased if more consideration of work-related factors is considered in higher education. All participants reported personal capacity as the main impediment induced by the work-related construct. Students’ positive attitudes toward three ability factors and all motivational factors suggested that an auspicious foundation for future educational planning exists if disciplinary and institutional considerations are embraced.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

The present research study aimed to investigate the pragmatic awareness, attitudes, and practices of nine upper secondary English teachers in EFL (English as a Foreign Language) classrooms, with a focus on the intercultural aspects of the subject. Using a phenomenological methodology, the study conducted nine semi-structured interviews with English teachers of upper secondary students. Teachers demonstrated a high level of awareness of pragmatics, particularly when presented with pragmatic input based on syllabi formulations. The awareness suggested a recognition of the importance of pragmatic competence in language learning. Teachers incorporated pragmatics into their teaching methods. Pragmatics was used as a tool for fostering metacognitive conversations about language, helping students understand the appropriateness of certain phrases or words. Teachers aimed to make students aware of why people communicate in certain ways. The understanding of the reasons behind communication choices was deemed important for both teachers and students. Teachers perceived the intercultural dimensions of the English subject as crucial. Issues such as monocultural teaching groups, filter bubbles, and the rise of difficult conversations were highlighted. Teachers found using students' first languages to be an important tool for understanding and scaffolding their learning of English. The incorporation of pragmatics in the EFL classroom not only benefits language development but also serves as a facilitator in developing an understanding of other people. The study suggested a link between pragmatic awareness and intercultural competence in language teaching.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2013)

Uncoated fish burgers were produced in order to expand the variety of products from Silver carp, Hypophthalmichthies molitrix ,and increase the consumption of this fish species. On the other hand in order to compare the effect of ascorbic acid and vacuum packaging on rancidity inhibition and microbial quality, 3 different treatments of fish burger were produced: 1. Burger with common packaging (Control group), 2. Burger with vacuum packaging 3. Burger with 500 ppm ascorbic acid in common packaging. All the treatments were stored in -18 ºC for 6 months after freezing by a spiral freezer in -35 ºC. Chemical, microbiological and sensory evaluations were determined from time 0 and after that monthly until the 6th month. The TVB-N value increased during the storage period but it never passed out of the standard range. The TBA value increased in all treatments but in ascorbic acid treatment it was significantly lower than the other two groups. The pH amounts during storage period decreased in all treatments homogeneously. Microbial counts in all treatments and especially in vacuum packed burgers decreased during the storage period. Organoleptic test demonstrated the preference of burgers treated by ascorbic acid. The shelf life of control group and burgers with vacuum packaging was determined 3 months at least. The shelf life of treated burgers with ascorbic acid was determined about 6 months specially based on the TBA index and sensory evaluation. Vacuum packaging was more effective to protect burgers of chemical and microbial changes compared to common packaging.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2014)

Aims: Drug abuse among college students continues as a major public-health concern. Theory-driven research is necessary to address and find causes. The current research investigates the utility of Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) in designing and implementing a drug abuse educational prevention program among medical college students. Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted among 120 college students in two groups: experimental and control, who were randomly enrolled at the baseline survey. We used a questionnaire, which included three sections of background data (11 questions), knowledge about the side effects of drug abuse questionnaire (16 questions), and TPB-based questionnaire (20 questions). Educational planning was based on active learning with using group discussion, printed leaflet, and audio-visual CD. The participants were followed up after 2-month intervention. Data were analyzed by the SPSS software version 16 using appropriate statistical tests such as stepwise multiple logistic regressions and t-test. Findings: Almost 6.7% of the participants had a history of drug abuse. The three predictors of 1) attitude, 2) subjective norms, and 3) perceived behavioral control accounted for 48 % of the variation in the outcome measure of the intention to drug abuse. There was a significant improvement in average response for knowledge about the side effects of drug abuse and TPB variables among the students who were under intervention (P < 0.05). Conclusions: Designing intervention to reduce positive attitude and subjective norms toward drug abuse among college students could be useful to substance abuse prevention.

Volume 2, Issue 3 ((Articles in Persian) 2011)

Comparative literature pays attention to the study of literature confluence literature in various languages and its complex relationship in the past and present as well as its historical relationships in term of effectiveness in the field of arts, literary schools, intellectual current issues and people. From this respect, comparing eastern oriented works with western ones as two opposite poles enjoys a particular importance. The present paper proposes the hypothesis that the play King Lear, a work of Shakespeare, is rooted in Iranian legends. After showing the possible relationship of King Lear with East, We has tried to compare the story of King Lear with several Iranian stories and myths such as Fereydoun myth, Indian GOl Bekavoli, devine story of Zatol Sour cast, story of tried, drunk Mirza and the story of king and his three daughters. By decreasing the King Lear to nine fundamental stories and comparing with them western samples, it was made clear that more than ninety percent of the King Lear stories are similar to the Iranian ones. Researches like this in the field of literature studies in modern Iran are not unprecedented. So as far as the authors know, no independent research on Shakespeare’s King Lear based on the above - mentioned hypothesis has so far been carried out.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2014)

Aim: Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in Iranian women. Clinical nurses and midwives are supposed to be at high risk of the disease. The present study aimed at comparing the knowledge and health beliefs of Iranian nurses and midwives about breast cancer screening using Health Belief Model (HBM). Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 100 nurses and 60 midwives working in teaching hospitals affiliated to Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences (Yazd, Iran) were selected via convenience sampling. Three questionnaires were used to collect data including a demographic questionnaire, the Breast Cancer Knowledge Test, and Champion’s Revised Health Belief Model Scale. Data were analyzed using SPSS-11.0 for Windows. Findings: According to the independent t-test results, the mean knowledge scores of the two groups were significantly different (p<0.05). There was no significant difference in mean health belief scores between the two groups (p>0.05). Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient revealed a significant direct correlation between knowledge and health beliefs in both nurses and midwives (P=0.018; r=0.18). The same test suggested knowledge to have significant direct correlation with benefits of mammography (P=0.01; r=0.2), benefits of breast self-awareness (P<0.001; r=0.4), cues to action (P=0.001; r=0.2), and self-efficacy (P<0.001; r=0.3). Conclusion: There are some risk factors including unhealthy life-style behaviours, exposure to night light, and consequently, disruption in circadian rhythm, and that job stress can threaten the health of nurses and midwives. Thus, it is important to determine their perceived barriers of screening behaviours based on HBM.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (12-2003)

Logic analysis and attack construction methods are two major approaches in verification of cryptographic protocols. However, it is almost preferable to use both of them for a complete analysis. In this paper, a generic framework for the integration of the two verification approaches is presented. Using the framework we can propose analysis methods in which security properties and breach scenarios of the properties in a protocol can be verified in a unified manner. The focus on this paper is on a computational model of the protocols as the major component of the framework. The operational interpretation of the computational model with a term rewriting system (TRS) is presented too. To specify an intended protocol, we can represent it as a set of individual steps, and then using a transformation algorithm, a terminated and confluent TRS is generated automatically. This TRS is used to construct a special representation of the protocol named the protocol execution path, which can be used as the base of various verification schemes. Specification and verification of a sample protocol is presented too.

Volume 3, Issue 3 (12-2013)

    Developments, changes and increased competition in the field of industry in recent years, has forced organizations to focus on gaining competitive advantage. In general, many experts believe that organizational performance improvement will increase profitability, and therefore the organization's competitive position relative to other competitors will be dramatically enhanced. It can be accomplished through environmental conditions, resources and practices required. As results, organization can enhance its ability to value creation and achieve profitability. In this study, regarding to resources in achieving high level performance, the key sources of influence on organization performance is derived by reviewing the results of previous researches and according to experts’ points of view. Using the experimental design method, appropriate framework of factors presented. The results show that contribution percentage of following factors: total number of employees, inventory levels, the value of capital assets, the ratio of manufacturing employment to total employment and the cost of advertising on firm performance.    

Volume 4, Issue 1 (3-2016)

Wetlands as a situ for the growth of native plants, as a habitat for certain species of fish and aquatic birds, and because of their potential economic, cultural and recreational services, are valuable heritage so their protection and conservation is very essential. Mostly due to the absence of wetlands services’ valuation, lack of special regulations, and lack of guarantee for these properties, resources and services of wetlands are not utilized appropriately, and destructed and evacuated in a free and unrestricted fashion, leading to inefficiency in use. The purpose of this study is the economic valuation of Gavkhony wetland ecosystem attributes, estimation of implicit price for attributes, impact assessment of socio-economic variables such as age, marriage, indigenous, family size and education on willingness to pay (WTP), and analyzing welfare and compensation variation due to variation of hypothetical policy. The approach being used is choice experiment that is a subset of choice modeling procedure and stated preference method. Data were collected from six different choice experiments provided in the questionnaires, which were filled out by 500 randomly selected households in Isfahan and Varzaneh cities in the spring and summer of 2013. Each questionnaire contained 72 hypothetical policies, 36 choice sets, 2442 observations and 7327 rows of data. Nested Logitech models and Hausman-MacFadden test were used in order to estimate the visitors’ WTP for improving attribute levels for Gavkhony wetland. This procedure was used on the basis of multinomial discrete choice analysis of preferences, Lancaster’s theory of value and the theory of random utility function. The Hausman-MacFadden test results showed that cross-elasticity between the first and third options was the same. Thus, these two options were placed in the second nest. The results further showed that the visitors had WTP for preserving forest diversity and vegetation of wetlands and its surrounding; preserve of natural habitats and organisms life of wetland (bird, fish and animals); wetland hygiene (preventing industrial and domestic effluent, and water salinity); and increasing the water surface (increasing wetland water inlet). The values estimated for these four aspects correspondingly were 8636, 12584, 11553 and 4740 Rials. Some socio-economic variables such as gender, marriage, age, family expenditure, education and being native had a positive impact on the visitors’ WTP. The surplus welfareresults showed that in 72 hypothetical policies, option 1 had the most positive welfare, and option 5 had the most negative welfare for the users of Govkhony wetland. The surplus welfare results based on WTP estimation provide important tools for policy making.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2013)

One of the most promising strategies in cancer therapy is to induce apoptotic pathway. For this purpose, several constructed agonists of Death Receptor 5 (DR5) are in clinical development. Extrinsic and intrinsic apoptosis pathways of various cancer cells are primarily induced through the activation of the proapoptotic DR5. The extracellular domain of DR5 is comprised of several functional domains, among them the cysteine-rich domains (CRDs) play a critical role in TRAIL-DR5-mediated apoptosis. It has recently been shown that the binding of agonistic monoclonal antibody to another N-terminal domain of DR5 could mediate its activation and apoptosis induction. Variable domains derived from heavy chain antibodies (hcAb) called VHHs or nanobodies are robust, efficient and smallest antigen binding fragments. These unique features of VHHs make them potential therapeutic and diagnostic candidates. In the present study, using phage display technology, a library containing VHH genes was generated of an immunized camel with hapten-peptide 1ITQQDLAPQQRA12 and used to isolate the binders of this peptide. Through screening the phage library, three binders with high binding ability to desired epitope in the NTR region were obtained. Considering to the key role of this epitope in apoptosis inducing, these selected binders could be potential candidates to trigger apoptosis in various cancer cells.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (summer 2023)

Aims: Urban space is one of the main places for people's social interactions, which includes squares, streets, accesses, etc. these spaces require a comprehensive design that means comfortable and easy to use for all people with physical and mobility limitations. A significant part of the citizens are people with disabilities, so special attention should be paid to addressing their needs and problems in the city. People with disabilities include Persons with physical, mental, sensory, and internal disabilities, pregnant women, children, and the elderlyIn this regard, the purpose of this article is to identify the physical problems of people with disabilities in the study area and evaluate them for the presence of people with disabilities.
Methods: after recognizing the current situation by studying library resources, by conducting a field survey, it has been analyzed by SWOT method and Wizard scenario. After prioritizing the developed strategies, executive solutions have been designed. 
Finding and Conclusion: The results obtained from this study show that one of the most aim problems in the target axis is the lack of adaptation of furniture for the use of people with disabilities, lack of proper flooring, lack of adaptation of transportation stations. Appeared. Also, performing solutions such as adapting service uses, adapting transportation stations, standard flooring for all types of low-power groups, locating suitable urban furniture, designing urban furniture for the use of all citizens, and creating sensory and audio panels to adapt spaces. A city helps for the presence of people with disabilities.

Volume 4, Issue 3 (Fall 2020)

Research Subject: Poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) is a silicone polymer that nowadays despite unique characteristics and high application potential of its microparticles, their preparation via bulk emulsification methods is a main challenge due to the limitations in mixing process, high viscosity and low surface energy of PDMS that make impossible accurate  control of final obtained particles. In the present work, size-controlled PDMS microparticles were prepared from a high-viscosity material.
Research Approach: PDMS microparticles were obtained by using glass capillary co-flow microfluidic device. The designed microfluidic device is facile, inexpensive and reusable and facilitated preparation of the high-viscosity PDMS microdroplets. Stabilizing the oil-in-water emulsion was obtained by optimizing the bath components and curing process that resulted in monodisperse and spherical PDMS microparicles. Effect of the some important adjustable parameters such as microchannel diameter and flow rate on the flow regimes and microparticles polydispersity were investigated by means of optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.
Main Results: Results showed a dripping regime for producing monodisperse microparticles at low flow rates of the continuous phase and monodisperse microparticles from it. On the contrary, microparticles obtained from jetting regime are more polydisperse and smaller in comparison with dripping regime. By reducing the diameter of inner microchannel, microparticles with a diameter of 1.83 µm were obtained. Using the designed technology, uniform nanocomposite PDMS/ZnO microparticles 318 µm in diameter containing 15% ZnO were obtained from an oil phase viscosity of 7550 mPa.s. Therefore by an optimized and facile method, size-controllable uniform microparticles can be prepared that are proposed for various applications including drug delivery, bioengineering and electronic industry.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (11-2014)

Regarding the importance of inhibiting VEGF and unique features of VHHs as a new generation of antibody-based therapeutics, the present study aimed to generate VHHs against the receptor binding domain of VEGF, thereby blocking of VEGF binding to its receptor. After preparing the gene repertoire of VHH fragments from an immunized camel, a VHH phage display library was constructed. We adopted a stringent successive biopanning to isolate the phages displaying VHH with high affinity to VEGF-RBD.A significant enrichment of phages that specifically bound to the target protein was obtained after six rounds of panning. Of the specific clones with high binding affinity screened by monoclonal phage ELISA, 52% shared the same VHH sequence, showing its high enrichment. Using molecular simulation of antigen-antibody interaction based on the crystallographic information of VEGF/VEGFR2, molecular dynamics simulations and MM/PBSA free energy calculations, we provide a reliable picture of the binding site of antibody on antigen. The key residues in the VEvhh1-VEGF interface were dissected and the energetics was analyzed by MM/PBSA. The results of studies revealed that VEvhh1 binds to the receptor binding site of VEGF with high binding energy and showed the highest affinity to the residues of VEGF which are responsible for VEGF binding to VEGFR2. Also the antibody potently covers these key functional residues of VEGF, thereby inhibiting VEGF binding to its receptor and probably abrogating its biological activity. This study may represent VEvhh1 as an anti-VEGF and anti-angiogenic candidate.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (8-2015)

Increasing complexity and turbulence of environment, are requiring quick response and proper reaction of organizations. These conditions have increased the need of organizations to think and act beyond just solving their current issues. In today's competitive and changing environment, being and acting smart are the best guarantee for any business to success. Present study seeks to answer the question of what the processes are and what factors are necessary for smart organization. This paper is based on descriptive- survey methods, and of purpose is fundamental - applicable research. The statistical population is consist of 3531 people from manufacturing firms in a company and 347 of them were chosen as a sample. Data was gathered using a questionnaire and Delphi technique was used. To analyze the data, partial least squares method used by Smart PLS software. Test results showed that all variables had a significant and positive impact on the smart organization, except group work, and the effect of all variable together is significant. Also found out that flexible communications has greatest impact on the smart organization.

Volume 5, Issue 4 (winter 2024)

Problem:One of the most important elements of urban spaces is urban furniture, which has special importance for citizens.Urban furniture,in addition to providing services to citizens,makes them feel comfortable in urban spaces, and by strengthening the level of satisfaction,it can lead to more interaction with other citizens.Aims:Considering the importance of observing standards in the design of urban furniture and the lack of attention to this issue in Iran, the main goal is to investigate the considerations and criteria for designing urban furniture in urban spaces.Methodology:After conducting documentary studies, first,different definitions of urban furniture were examined,then its classification in the world and Iran and its criteria were studied.Findings:The results of this research show that urban furniture design can be examined in three dimensions:1-Grammatical dimensions: this dimension examines the system and structure of signs,2-Functional dimensions:it analyzes the relationship between a sign and its user and 3-Semantic dimensions:it deals with the study of meaning, change of meaning, and principles governing the relationships between sentences and words and their meaning.Also,It can be said that in terms of how to pay attention to design considerations and criteria, there can be two modes;1-Standard-oriented and uniform design, in which all considerations and criteria are taken into account in the design process and 2-The design of a case that is based on special conditions and based on the location and platform of the furniture and by observing the appropriate considerations and criteria,the subject of creativity,styles,and artistic theories can find more expression and strength in this category of furniture.

Volume 5, Issue 9 (Spring & Summer 2018)

Simile and metaphor are two stylistic devices whose translations are always difficult, for their relationship basis is like the relationship between two entities.

Since the cultural themes in simile and metaphor and the relationship between them in the target language are not necessarily the same as in the source language, somehow, this relationship needs to be reflected in the translation. In this study, first, the translations of simile and metaphor were studied, then, by looking at the two French translations of the Quran from Muhammad Hamidullah and Albert Kasimirski, the manner of translatability of the "similes" and "metaphors" existent in the selected verses was studied in a comparative way. The purpose of this research is to study different ways of these arrays translations in the Holy Qur'an. In the context of this article, from among the verses, 10 verses were given as examples and the results of the research outcome showed that two translators, from among different translation methods, to maintain the great meaning of the Qur'an, made more use of literal translation in transferring the two arrays to maintain the form in addition to the meaning, but in the face of the verses having elements with a cultural burden, also made use of explanations.

S.a.m. MirJalili, A.a Karimi, S. Hadi,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (9-2006)

In this research behavior of bubble due to under water explosion and it’s effects on ship structure have been studied. For determination of these effects field equations must be derived and solved them by mathematical simulation. Mathematical model is com in follow, it show physical rules on impression of bubble oscillation on body ship. This model is solved by combination of Euler method, 5 step Adams-Beshforse method and 4 step Adams-Moltone method for explaining the response of ship structure due to oscillation bubble. In order to agreement of solution way, stress-strain curves that obtained in this paper, is compared with experimental results. Also this results compared with FEMA results. Ship structure is modeled in ANSYS software in free beam form with variable mass and stiffness elements. Internal ship’s equipments and buoyancy are modeled by local mass and spring. The effect of explosion depth and explosive mass on stress in ship structure is studied. These result show when explosion depth is increased, stress is decreased and when explosive mass is increased, stress is increased.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (12-2006)

To be sure, that a program behaves correctly at runtime; the behavior of the program should be verified. Where the program source code is available, it is possible to extract the operational logic (i.e., behavior) of the program. But in this paper, programs are considered as black boxes, so no information is available about the operational logic of programs. However, some efforts are spent to learn inductively the operational logic of programs by executing them successfully (i.e., correctly) for many (i.e., > 1000) times and logging their system calls implicitly. Therefore, in the first phase, few mechanisms are developed to discover inductively the loops and branching points of a program using its log system calls. Then, the operational logic of the program is constructed in system call level abstraction by applying a novel method. In the second phase, any deviation of the program execution (in system call level abstraction) from its operational logic (in system call level abstraction) is detected, just like white box approaches. Two major applications for the proposed approach are suggested: (1) to make critical programs somehow, detect their misuses (i.e., buffer overflow attack) by themselves, and (2) to protect programs against their runtime faults. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated by some experiments.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (Winter 2018)

Aims: This study was carried out to determine the effects of urban gaseous pollutants (sulfur dioxide [SO2], nitrogen dioxide [NO2], and ozone [O3]) and climatic factors (temperature and precipitation) on the morphological and anatomical reaction of Platanus orientalis L. in Tehran.
Materials & Methods: Seven districts of this city with a wide spectrum of climatic conditions and diversity of elevation were selected, and gas concentration of SO2, NO2, and O3 was determined. Then, morphological and anatomical parameters of this plant including leaf area, specific leaf area (SLA), wet and dry weight, leaf toughness and thickness, water content, lamina, and main vein were measured and the analysis of their correlations with environmental (climatic and pollutant) factors along with their t-tests were evaluated.
Findings: The results showed that the climatic factors made significant (P < 0.05) changes on SLA, water content, wet and dry weight of green leaves of this plant. In addition, different levels of pollutant gases had significant (P < 0.05) effects on natural toughness, thickness, wet weight, number of spongy parenchyma layers, and the ratio of lamina mesophyll to subvein of leaves.
Conclusion: The results explain that anatomical and morphological characteristics of P. orientalis leaves have been influenced by environmental stresses and changes in these factors show the resistance of the plant to the environmental conditions.

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