Showing 8 results for Kadkhodaei
Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)
Pear is one of the most important pome fruits in the world fruit market with a high nutritional value. This study was performed to determine the phenolic compounds and some chemical properties of the flesh and peel of 12 Asian and European pears. Chlorogenic acid and rutin were found the important phenolic compounds in the peel which were measured using HPLC. Fruit titratable acidity (TA), total soluble solids (TSS), firmness, color, nutrient elements, and total phenol contents were measured across the various cultivars. Potassium was the most abundant nutrient, followed by nitrogen and calcium, respectively. As the total phenol increased, so did the amount of rutin. Principal components analysis (PCA) of all data showed that European and Asian pear cultivars were categorized and placed into two distinct groups. In general, the different European and Asian pear studied cultivars were different in terms of most of the studied biochemical traits, and significant relationships were observed between some traits.
Volume 11, Issue 2 (Spring 2020)
In stevia (Stevia rebaudiana), breeding programs are mainly aimed at developing plants with high Rebaudioside-A (RA) content. To this end, in order to screen stevia plants and selection of varieties with the highest amount of desired sweeteners (RA) using molecular markers, the present study was conducted on RNA-seq data of varieties having different amounts of RA. We took advantage of CLC to make de novo transcriptome assembly for each variety with k-mer and contig length values of 20 and 200bp, respectively. The assembly was annotated using the latest Arabidopsis proteome release. To identify signatures of candidate polymorphic SSRs among the stevia varieties, the assembled sequences were used as an input for CandiSSR, followed by designing primer pairs for identified polymorphic SSRs. We identified 368 potential polymorphic SSRs based on the stevia transcriptome analysis, among which 360 were qualified for primer design. Almost 89% of the contig sequences possessing polymorphic SSRs had the best blast hit against Arabidopsis proteome. We found contigs similar to the UDP-Glycosyltransferase protein family and Deoxyxylulose-5-phosphate synthase which are involved in biosynthesis pathway of steviol glycosides. Also, gene set enrichment analysis using PlantGSE through Hypergeometric test (FDR<0.05) identified enriched metabolic pathways in the sequences contained polymorphic SSRs; It is therefore most likely that such connections exist between the SSRs and biosynthesis of steviol glycosides. Hence, it could conceivably be hypothesized that the SSR markers developed in this study would be reliable in molecular breeding of stevia toward selection of varieties with high RA content.
Volume 13, Issue 3 (1-2023)
In this study, the genetic diversity of 10 different accessions of Andrographis paniculata was investigated using protein and SRAP markers. In the vegetative stage, protein and DNA were extracted from the leaves. The results of protein profile indicated a total of 20 bands with 64.15% polymorphism. To evaluate genetic diversity at the DNA level, 6 SRAP primers were used and a total of 583 scalable bands were observed. A total of 549 bands had polymorphism with an average of 91.5 for the studied primers. The highest polymorphism (99.12%) and the lowest polymorphism (84.21%) were observed in E1/M1 E2/M2 primers, respectively. Cluster analysis produced four main clusters. Genetic diversity indices were calculated for all gene loci, including the average genetic diversity of Nei’s (0.27) and the mean of Shannon’s index with a value of 0.41. High level of population differentiation (Gst = 0.79) and good level of gene flow (Nm = 1.3) were estimated between the grouped populations. Molecular analysis of variance showed that intra-population variance (58%) was higher than inter-population variance (42%). Overall, the results of study showed a high genetic diversity in both protein electrophoresis pattern and in polymorphic bands separated using SRAP markers with emphasis on the greater efficiency of SRAP markers than protein markers, which can be selected in parents with genetic distance. It is widely used to produce dispersing and mapping populations in hybridization programs and to breed or improve desirable traits, as well as to protect and manage the germplasm of this plant.
Moharam Habibnejad Korayem, Ali Mohammad Shafei, Mahsa Doosthoseini, Behzad Kadkhodaei,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (4-2014)
This paper presents a research into the progress of modeling of N-viscoelastic robotic manipulators. The governing equations of the system is obtained by using Gibbs-Appell (G-A) formulation and Assumed Mode Method (AMM). When the beam is short in length direction, shear deformation is a factor that may have substantial effects on the dynamics of the system. So, in modeling the assumption of Timoshenko Beam Theory (TBT) and its associated mode shapes has been considered. Although considering the effects of damping in continuous systems makes the formulations more complex, two important damping mechanisms, namely, Kelvin-Voigt damping as internal damping and the viscous air damping as external damping have been considered. Finally, to validate the proposed formulation a comparative assessment between the results achieved from experiment and simulation is presented in time domain.
Saman Naghieh, Mohammad Reza Karamooz Ravari, Mohsen Badrossamay, Ehsan Foroozmehr, Mahmoud Kadkhodaei,
Volume 15, Issue 13 (Special Issue 2016)
Mahmoud Barati, Mahmoud Kadkhodaei, Shabnam Arbab Chirani,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (5-2018)
With the advent of shape memory alloys (SMAs), several commercial and industrial applications were proposed due to their superior mechanical and biological properties. Among these materials, Nickel-Titanium (NiTi) alloys are widely applied and well-researched since they are characterized not only by good thermal and mechanical properties but also by excellent biocompatibility compared to other SMAs. In most of the applications, the structural components and devices made of NiTi SMAs work under cyclic thermomechanical loading and one of the major limitations facing the industrial use of this alloy is the degradation of the material when subjected to cyclic loadings (i.e., training). In this study, pseudoelastic training procedure in NiTi shape memory alloy and the resultant two-way shape memory effect are studied using in-situ electric resistivity measurement. At first, variations in the residual strain and in the electric resistivity during pseudoelastic training method are revealed. Then, by measuring the electric resistivity after training procedure (upon specified thermal cycling at stress-free condition) as well as the induced two-way shape memory strain, the effects of residual martensite and dislocation (plastic deformation) on the residual strain are investigated. The obtained results show that about 33% of the residual strain accumulated in 100 pseudoelastic cycles can be ascribed to the residual martensite and about 67% of the residual stain is attributed to the dislocations (plasticity).
Volume 20, Issue 134 (April 2023)
Wheat germ is a high-nutrient byproduct of wheat milling, however it has a short shelf life and extremely restricted ideal intake due to the intensive activities of lipase and lipoxygenase. In order to increase the storage life of probiotic wheat germ containing Bacillus badius, the freeze drying method was used in this study, and the effect of using xanthan gum: maltoxtrin in different ratios of 0.3:1, 0.1:1, and 0.03:1 as the capsule wall on antioxidant properties and physicochemical characteristics of probiotic wheat germ during 360 days of storage was investigated. Three control treatments were also produced without probiotic bacteria and had the same quantities of gums as the treatments. A pure wheat germ sample was also analyzed on the first day, 180 and 360, along with the encapsulated samples, for better comparisons and the influence of applied treatments. The experiments used a completely random design, and the treatments were analyzed using SPSS software and comparing the averages using Duncan's multi-range test at the 99% confidence level. The use of xanthan gum and maltodextrin as wall materials increased the antioxidant qualities in encapsulated wheat germ, according to the findings of this study. The introduction of Bacillus badius bacteria as a probiotic resulted in a substantial decrease in oxidation indices in wheat germ (P<0.01). In general, it can be stated that Bacillus badius bacteria, as a powerful probiotic, can extend the storage time of encapsulated wheat germ. Furthermore, xanthan gum is proposed as a good material for wheat germ encapsulation to enhance shelf life.
Volume 21, Issue 4 (Winter 2017)
Through the development of rules in natural law and positive law we cannot see an organized way or specific formula for making rules. So that it’s difficult to each of theme for satisfy their fans that their rules is reasonable. And of course both of theme fails in satisfy other school’s fans. We know that the evolution of rules of law follow up by any nations in different way and we review their experience in this article. After this، we try to introduce a new approach that is partially derived from the Islamic legal system. In new approach that we named it as Problem-Judgment system، every anomaly or abnormal phenomena in the society considered as a problem that we must response it by judgment. This method is very similar to problem solving system in the science. In problem-judgment system، judgment is not merely an abstract or pure will. Judgment is eligible for solving the problem, when has certain mandatory specifics to be considered a sufficient answer to their problem.