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Showing 29 results for Karimian

Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2015)

Aim: Sexual function is influenced by different individual and environmental factors. Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) can lead to serious conditions for women and their family. The present study aimed to identify the prevalence and risk factors for FSD, in Kashan, Iran.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, a convenience sample of 200 women refering to educational gynecology clinics and meeting the inclusion criteria was selected in Kashan, Iran, 2014. Three anonymous self-administered questionnaires were completed by the participants: Demographic, the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21). Chi-square, T-test, Mann Whitney's and Pearson's correlation coefficients were performed for the determination of factors associated with FSD. A score less than 28 out of a possible score of 36 suggests the presence of FSD based on FSFI.
Findings: Of total participants, 119 (59.5%) had FSD. Thirty-nine percent reported desire disorders, 37% arousal disorders, 28.5% lubricant disorders, 24%5 orgasmic disorders, 19.5% pain disorders, and 22.5% satisfaction disorders. Sexual dysfunction was more common in depressed, anxious and stressed and low educated women with older age and longer duration of marriage.
Conclusion: Sexual dysfunction is common among women and some demographic and emotional problems likely contribute to the experience of sexual dysfunction. This finding may have implications on the clinical evaluation of sexual function and identifying the effect of demographic and psychological factors on FSD in women.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (4-2012)

Zoroastrians, Christians and Jews as "people of the Book" have lived in the Islamic lands and the Muslims, This coexistence has been subject to accept the conditions of the contract, namely “Ahlozummah” In the contract, provisions to create urban spaces and architecture by the minorities have been specified. How and to what exlent contract provisions and obligations are reflected in the form of Iranian architecture and city spaces are, is the questions of this study. For this purpose, two historic Jewish neighborhood (Joyubareh) and the predominantly Christian (Julfa) were systematically studied. Selection of these neighborhoods was because they have been used continuously since the Safavid period and the architectural spaces have remained almost intact. Data analysis showed that the strength of jurists during the Safavidera, Iranian minorities living in the cities had no opportunity to implement the conditions stipulated in "Agreement of obligation".    

Volume 6, Issue 2 (Spring 2018)

Aims: The psychological capital is one of the important indicators of positive psychology and it has positive outcomes for students. The present research aimed at studying the status of psychological capital of students in Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences and its related factors.
Instruments and Methods: The present descriptive-analytical cross sectional research was conducted among 384 students in Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences in 2016. The samples were selected by simple random sampling method.  Luthans et al.’s psychological capital questionnaire was employed for the data collection and data analysis was performed, using SPSS 22 software by descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis test).
Findings: A total of 150 participants (39.2%) were male and 233 (60.8%) were female; 351 participants (91.6%) were single and 32 (8.4%) were married. The mean score of the psychological capital of students was 89.09±9.98. Minimum and maximum means were measured for Optimism and Self-efficacy. There was a significant relationship between sex, field of study, academic degree, and faculty place with psychological capital (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Factors such as sex, field of study, academic degree, and faculty place are effective in the psychological capital of students.

Volume 6, Issue 3 (No.3- 2014)

“Globalisation” is one of the most influential philosophical thoughts with direct effects on the economic, political and cultural entities of countries in the modern era. Most scholars relate the emergence of this phenomenon to the period after Renascence. However, with little contemplation, one could trace the roots and origins of philosophical thoughts and mythical concepts – of course not in their present form – to ancient civilisations. Doubtless, Sasanian empire (224-651 CE),  with 427 years of glory in the world,s  political arena, can be considered as one of the greatest and most powerful cultural foregrounds of ancient era that was managed by the direct instructions of Zoroastrian philosophers. The founder of this empire (ArdašīrPāpakān: 224-241 CE), in response to the question that why have you risen against your reigning king (Ardavan V Ashkani), clamed: “To make a world with a single-God”. Now, the question is. Can “Ardašīr’s efforts in establishment of a world under governance of a single God” be counted as the first efforts toward unification of the world and the initial steps in globalisation? – efforts that were accompanied by practices and widespread endeavours. The principal hypothesis is that the thoughts of globalisation were nurtured in the thoughts of Zoroastrians’ eminent Mōbads and practiced by the founder of Sasanians Empire. The main aim of the present research is to investigate the first veinsofglobalisation notions and the associated practical measures of Sasanian kings. In doing so, all of the Sasanian historical and archaeological evidences that certify the research hypothesis are envisaged and discussed in the context of globalisation and cosmopolitanism thoughts. The cosmopolitanism idea, with roots in the ancient world, is also used to associate the today’s globalisation concepts with the ancient ones. These concepts together with archaeological and historical evidences are clear indications that globalisation and cosmopolitanism thoughts have been introduced 1800 years ago in Iran; and indeed practiced on the relevant scale by Sasanians.  

Volume 6, Issue 3 (Summer 2018)

Aims: Today, scholars and researchers, while collecting and applying traditional methods, are an attempt to consolidate the indigenous and scientific approaches into a superior body. This study was performed to apply a consolidated approach for the assessment of harvesting medicinal plant Ferula assa-foetida in Tangsorkh Rangelands, Boyer-Ahmad county, Iran.
Materials and Methods: In the descriptive study, a number of interviews were held with the local stakeholders along with a literature review to solicit information on the possible set of indicators determining different aspects of harvesting F. assa-foetida. The main method applied was the exploitation of indigenous knowledge based on a participatory-exploratory research method. For this purpose, the researcher traveled to the area during the harvesting season in the spring and summer 2015, to accompany the beneficiaries of­ F. assa-foetida in the Tangsorkh rangelands. During the interviews and direct observations, questions were asked to explore the factors affecting the utilization of F. assa-foetida and the results were qualitatively analyzed.
Findings: Indigenous and scientific knowledge shared similarities in terms of cutting intervals, plant viability and cutting age, yet differing in cutting method and frequency. The consolidated approach of Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge suggested that conventional method, one and two-sided cutting­s, four-day intervals, 20 cuttings per year and a plant age of 5-10 years as the suitable harvesting principles.
Conclusion: There are evident differences between the indigenous and scientific knowledge of harvesting F. assa-foetida, with Dominated convergence. It appears that scientific knowledge has been considerably concerned with plant viability to achieve a sustainable level of production.

Volume 7, Issue 4 (Fall 2019)

Aims: This study was carried out to determine the prevalence rate of academic burnout and its related factors among the students of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences in 2017.
Materials & Methods: The method of the present study was a descriptive survey method. The statistical community of this study included all students of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences among whom 382 students. Maslach questionnaire of academic burnout (1999) was employed for data collection and data analysis was performed using SPSS 16 software, descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Mann Whitney U, Kruskal-Wallis).
Findings: The average age of the students under study was 21.51±2.08. Two hundred and sixteen participants (56.5%) were male and 166 (43.5%) were female. 22 participants (5.8%) had associate's degrees, 315 participants (82.5%) were undergraduate and 45 participants (11.8%) were studying in Master and higher levels. 357 students (93.5%) were single and 25 (6.5%) were married. Mean score of the academic burnout of students who participated in the study was 60.88±9.98. The results of data analysis showed that there has been a significant relationship between gender and place of university in one hand and academic burn out in another hand (p≤0.01) as well as between major of study and academic burnout (p≤0.05).
Conclusion: A significant percentage of students are suffering from academic burnout. Also, students with different majors of study may experience a different academic burnouts.

Volume 8, Issue 2 (Number 2 - 2006)

Use of saline water for irrigation has shown considerable promise. However, its effect on the solubility and bioavailability of native soil nutrients is not well understood. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of salinity on the behavior of zinc(Zn) in calcareous soils. The soil samples with different physiochemical properties were collected from four locations in Khorasan province (Iran). The factorial experiment was carried out as a completely randomized design on soils with four levels of water salinity (0, 37.5, 75 and 150 mole m-3 prepared with the same equivalents of NaCl and CaCl2) and four reaction times (0, 10, 20, and 30 days) with three replications. DTPA-extractable Zn was measured in the incubated soil samples after the given reaction times. Different chemical forms of Zn were characterized after 30 days using the sequential extraction procedure. DTPA-extractable Zn increased by 1 to 6.3% with the increasing levels of salinity, and decreased from 8.7 to 3.9% by increasing the reaction time significantly (P<0.05). The determination of Zn compounds by the sequential extraction procedure revealed significantly different forms of Zn with the average amounts in the following order: (KNO3+H2O)-Zn(soluble+exchangeable forms) < NaOH-Zn(organic form) < EDTA-Zn (carbonate form) << HNO3 -Zn (residual). Salinity affected various forms of Zn i.e. soluble + exchangeable, organic and residual. Increasing soil salinity level increased the KNO3+H2O extractable Zn by 20 to 80% and the NaOH extractable form by 8.6 to 43%. DTPA-Zn was significantly correlated with the NaOH extractable form (r=0.98 P<0.05) and with the (KNO3+H2O)-Zn, (r=0.94 P<0.05). It was concluded that increasing salinity redistributed HNO3-extracted Zn (residual) to the KNO3+H2O extractable (soluble + exchangeable) and NaOH extractable (organic) forms of Zn.

Volume 9, Issue 1 (Winter 2020)

Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of replacement of copper sulfate with nano oxidase in diet on growth and survival, enzymatic activity and pathology of liver tissue of goldfish in 2018. Material and Methods: Experimental treatments consisted of 5 control treatments, 3 mg / kg copper sulfate; 3 mg / kg nano-oxide, 5 mg / kg nano-oxide and 10 mg / kg nano-oxide, and fish were given 4% by weight twice a day for 60 days. The body was fed manually. At the end of the trial period, growth and survival indices , liver enzymes activity (alkaline phosphatase, aspartate transaminase, alanine, Aminotransferase) as well as liver tissue pathology were evaluated. Finding: Based on the results, using copper nanoparticles at different levels of 3, 5 and 10 mg / kg diet instead of copper sulfate in the diet can improve the growth performance and survival of goldfish. Copper sulfate also has more negative effects on liver tissue than nanoparticles, as well as alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase enzymes; therefore, the replacement of copper sulfate with copper nanoparticles in the diet seems to reduce the effects of water. On the other hand, histopathological results of liver tissue treatment with 5 and 10 mg Cu / kg diet showed that Cu nanoparticles cause tissue lesions and deleterious effects (albeit less than copper sulfate). Conclusion: Copper sulfate with copper nanoparticles at levels of 3 mg / kg diet To be carried out.

Volume 9, Issue 1 (Winter 2021)

Aims: Germination is one of the important stages of plant lifecycles that may be affected by different natural stress such as allelopathic. This study was performed to investigate the effects of priming with gibberellic and salicylic acid on germination improvement and resistance of Hibiscus sabdariffa under stress with allelopathic compounds of Eucalyptus camaldulensis.
Materials & Methods: The experiment was conducted as a factorial experiment in a completely randomized design with four replications in laboratory conditions. The first factor consists of pre-treatment of seeds with gibberellic acid (125, 250, and 500mg/kg) and salicylic acid (100, 200, and 300mg/l), and the second factor was five concentrations (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100mg /l) of allelopathic compounds of eucalyptus. Studied characteristics have consisted of germination percent, germination speed, root length, shoot length, seedling length, and vigor index.
Findings: Results showed that Eucalyptus allelopathic extract has an inhibitory effect on seed germination of H. sabdariffa. When the extract concentration increased, the germination and seedling growth decreased significantly. In contrast, seed priming with gibberellic and salicylic acid increased the measured characteristics at all levels compared to non-primed seeds. A comparison of means showed that seed priming with gibberellic acid 250mg/kg increased germination 25% compared to an unprimed seed.
Conclusions: The response of this species to seed pre-treatment with gibberellic acid has the most effect. The seed pre-treatment technique with the mentioned treatment could increase germination and establish seedling by improving germination percentage and speed under allelopathic stress before planting.

Volume 9, Issue 4 (12-2023)

Caddisfly sampling conducted during August 2021 from the Gurgur River in the Sabalan Mountains, Ardabil province, Iran, revealed the first record of Glossosoma unguiculatum Martynov, 1925 for Iran. Previously, this species had only been known from few localities in Turkey, the Caucasus and Kazakhstan. The morphology of male genitalia in the collected specimens generally corresponds to the described species, with the exception of a less incised ventral margin of the abdominal segment IX in ventral view, which may be attributed to geographical variability. This discovery marks the second species of the genus Glossosoma Curtis, 1834 found in Iran.

Volume 10, Issue 4 (Fall 2019)

Aims: Curcumin is a natural molecule that due to its various curative effects including antibacterial properties, it can be used as a medicine, albeit after reducing its disadvantages. The aim of the present study is to develop a method for preparation of nanoparticles of curcumin using PAA, PVA, and PEI polymers with a view to improve its stability, increasing bioavailability and aqueous solubility as well as study its effectiveness against methicillin-resistant to Staphylococcus aureus.
Materials & Methods: In order to synthesize polymeric nanoparticles including curcumin with the nano-precipitation method, optimizing the effective concentration of polymer, curcumin, and water were determined by using the Response Surface Method (RSM). Synthesized nanoparticles were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) and zeta potential measurement methods. Furthermore, minimal concentration inhibitory of synthesized nanoparticles against the Staphylococcus aureus resistant to methicillin was measured.
Findings: The created nanoparticles were round, discrete and smooth in surface morphology and the average particle size for PAA, PVA, and PEI were 149±7nm, 175±8nm, and 184±9nm respectively. The minimum inhibitory concentration for PAA, PVA and PEI nanoparticles against the Staphylococcus aureus were 0.480±0.024, 0.390±0.019 and 0.340±0.017mg/ml. The concentration of solvent, polymer, and curcumin was important to obtain small size particles.
Conclusion: The results indicated that the water solubility of curcumin significantly improved by particle size reduction up to the nano range. The inhibitory property of curcumin nanoparticles has greatly increased due to the smaller particle size and their increased penetration into the bacteria and nanoparticles loaded with curcumin could be a promising drug carrier for the treatment of cancer, infections and other diseases.

Volume 11, Issue 2 (5-2022)

The DINEOF algorithm is a parameter free technique based on iterative EOF analysis that is used to calculate the missing data in a given satellite data set (without requiring any prior information). In this study, the DINEOF technique has been used to fill the gaps in chlorophyll-a data series in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. Level 3 data (4 km spatial resolution) of chlorophyll-a concentration obtained from MODIS sensor (2003- 2020) for the study area were used. In some of the images several gaps were found in different months of the year. Images with gap in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea were reconstructed by rtsa.gapfill R-package and DINEOF algorithm in R software. The linear regression analysis was performed between the missing and reconstructed data, and also parameters such as RMSE, MSE, MAD and SNR were calculated to evaluate the validity and performance of the DINEOF algorithm. The maximum number of the gaps in data series were found in July. Hence, the images of July have been examined and reconstructed as the case study. The original maps of chlorophyll-a concentration showed that the maximum number of the gaps were in July 2009 and 2015. Evaluation of the results showed a high accuracy of DINEOF-reconstruction method (e.g. in July 2014, R2 = 0.83, RSME = 0.34, MAD = 0.14, MSE = 0.10). The results showed that the implementation of the DINEOF algorithm (in R) to reconstruct the gaps in chlorophyll-a concentration images could serve as a rapid and efficient technique.

Volume 11, Issue 3 (8-2022)

Chl a is the main pigment of phytoplankton, which is an indicator of phytoplankton biomass and reflects the primary production in the marine environment. In this study, level 3 (4 km) data of Chl a concentration of Persian Gulf and Oman Sea for the period of 2003- 2018 were used. The data was converted to raster format in ArcGIS10.5 environment and then the numerical values of each pixel were extracted in R (version 4.0.2). Missing data were observed in Chl a data, to solve this problem, DINEOF algorithm was applied and non-parametric Mann-Kendall and Sen’s Stimulator tests were used to analyze Chl a concentration trends. The results showed that the maximum concentration of Chl a is in September (0.09 to 18.75 mg / m3) and October (0.23 to 18.03 mg / m3) and the minimum concentration of Chl a in May (0.22 to 5.74 mg / m3) and June (0.20 to 5.12 mg / m3). The trend of Chl a concentration variability over the study period was negative in most areas and not significant. These analyses provide an overall description of Chl a concentration variability in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea based on satellite observations; however, further investigations based on in situ observations are needed to achieve better understanding of the patterns of of Chl a concentration alterations.

Volume 11, Issue 3 (Summer 2023)

Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate nutritional and phytochemical changes of A. jesdianum leaves on different planting dates.
Materials and methods: The same wild bulbs were cultivated in the October/January 2017 and harvested  on 25 April, 2018. Essential oils were analyzed by Gas Chromatography (GC)and Gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Also, total protein, vitamin C, non-structural sugars, antioxidant activity and nutritional elements of the shoots were measured. Findings: The main compounds of the leaf essential oil in October, November, December and January were Dimethyl trisulfide (12.11%, 15.1%, 12.4% and 10.2%). The results showed that the morphological traits of A. jesdianum in different planting dates have a significant difference(P > 0.05). The highest germination (68.33%), shoot height (31.33 cm), root leagth (16.33 cm), aerial dry weight (3.50 g), bulb diameter (3.76 cm), bulb fresh weight (12.66 g), bulb dry weight (6.40 g), leaf length (24.4 cm) and leaf width (1.43 cm) were recorded in November plants. As well as bulbs cultivated in November had the highest , amount of potassium (13.7 mg.g-1 DW), iron (2.5 μg.g-1 DW), copper (0.43 μg.g-1 DW), zinc (2.1 μg.g-1 DW) and manganese (2 μg.g-1 DW) compared to other planting dates. The highest amount of vitamin C (86.33 mg.100g-1 FW), antioxidant potency (IC50=37.00 μg.mL-1 , phenolic (77.00 mg galic acid.100 mg-1 DW), flavonol (66.66 mg rutin.100 mg-1 DW), and flavonoid (136.33 mg rutin.100 mg-1 DW) were obtained in the planted samples in November.

Volume 13, Issue 2 (Number 2 - 2011)

The kinetics of Zn sorption by ten calcareous soils of Iran were measured and fitted to several equations (zero-, first-, second-, third-order, parabolic diffusion, simple Elovich, and exponential equations). Two initial concentrations of zinc i.e. 20 and 80 mg Zn l-1 were used and observations were carried out for 100 hours. The time required to reach the near equilibrium state was about 24 hours, by which time most of the Zn in solution had been sorbed. Zero-order, first-, second-, and third-order equations did not adequately describe zinc sorption kinetics. Both simple Elovich and exponential equations did adequately describe the data. Regression analysis indicated that the total CaCO3, active CaCO3, clay content, and specific surface area were closely related to the coefficients of these two equations. The magnitude coefficients of the equations were positively related to these soil properties. Thus, Zn sorption kinetics can be predicted from data collected during routine soil evaluation.

Volume 13, Issue 5 (Number 5 - 2011)

Consumption of whole-wheat breads prepared from high extraction flours is recommended because of their high content of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Despite the beneficial effects of these breads, they contain high amounts of undesirable compounds like Phytic Acid (PA) which is believed to negatively interfere with the absorption of some such nutrients as zinc (Zn). Wheat genotypes are different in their PA and Zn concentrations; therefore, cereal-based foods may be prepared using grains of low PA and high Zn. Fars Province is ranked first in Iran in terms of wheat production. It is, therefore, important to evaluate the PA and Zn status of the wheat cultivars common in the province. Seventeen wheat cultivars obtained from Genotype Improvement Department of Fars Agricultural Research Center, Zarghan, Iran were employed in the study. These cultivars that are commonly used by local farmers were grown in test plots under identical conditions. A wheat grain sample from Parvardeh Wheat Milling Factory and 7 bread flour samples from Shiraz city's bakeries were also included in the study. The PA content and phytase activity of the grains either with or without bran as well as those of the flour samples were determined. Results showed that the method of grain debranning significantly affectted the concentration of PA and phytase activity. The least phytic acid was found in Pavarus and Niknejad cultivars. The PA to Zn molar ratios were highest in Falat, Niknejad and Shiraz cultivars. The highest concentration of Zn was observed in Estar, Falat, and Niknejad, while maximum phytase activity was found in cultivars Estar, S-78-11, S-79-10, and Niknejad.

Volume 14, Issue 4 (September & October 2023)

During the second half of the 20th century, looking to the language as the basic raw material of the literature, leads to overlapping some of the achievements of Discourse Analysis and Sociocriticism. In fact, getting an internal approach to the literary text in order to degage its sociality, and focusing on the discourse in the context of social involved situation, these are the common bases of the two analytic methods. Therefore, Pierre V. Zima introduces his approach as the “sociology of the text” and believes that the social questions could appear through the languages, sociolects and discourses, as well as the lexicon, semantics and syntax could have a social function. In the present article, we aim to analyze the social function of the semantics and the syntax inside the novel Ace Heart by Moniru Ravanipur to find out the interdiscursive relation between the text and the surrounding society.

From the second half of the 20th century, attention to the social nature of language as the building material of literature led to the overlapping of some of the achievements in the field of discourse analysis and sociological criticism. Linguistics experts paid attention to the discourse and context and the situation of speaking together with society and social institutions. In this regard, sociological criticism as an internal approach to the literary text to investigate and analyze the social mechanism of the word, meaning, and narrative syntax approached the critical analysis of discourse and social semiotics more than other methods. Pierre Zima, one of the most famous figures of sociological criticism, believes that all kinds of literary, theoretical, ideological, and some other texts have a discourse-oriented structure due to their linguistic nature. In his criticism method, which is called the "sociology" of the text, he has used some semiotic concepts that have sociological dimensions. Zima considers society to be a set of collective dialects and corresponding discourses that engage in conflict over social issues and their collective interests. Pierre Zima put forward two hypotheses: First, linguistic units (words, meaning, and syntax) can lead to social, political, and ideological differences due to their social nature. Second, the literary discourse can react to the social and historical issues and problems of its time at its linguistic levels (words, meaning, and syntax). These two propositions are presented as the main hypotheses of the current research. Our main goal in analyzing the literary discourse of the novel Del Foulad written by Monirou Ravanipour is to answer the question of how the meaning and narrative syntax find a social mechanism in this work and how the literary discourse of this novel reacts to the social situation at the time of the creation of the work? In this research, relying on Zima's point of view, first, the high-frequency words of the novel text have been collected. At the level of meaning, these words can carry positive and negative connotations according to the social situation of their time. In the next step, since the narrator and the characters of the story adopt a special discourse in the face of the surrounding reality to promote their desired meaning, these discourses, which themselves create different or opposite semantic groupings, are analyzed. And in the last stage, these semantic categories will decide the syntactic arrangement and action pattern and the narrative path of the literary discourse. These three stages helps us determine the degree of connection between the literary discourse of the work and the social discourses of its time. Examining these categories, it is concluded that traditionalism plays a role not only as an ideological problem but also as a linguistic problem in the two levels of meaning and narrative syntax in this novel. The gender diversity of language was studied in many examples because language as a social phenomenon is closely related to social and contractual perceptions. Analytical quotes also mention the language of social class or power division which leads to lexical and conceptual diversity and although imitation or rebellion. Narrative discourse analysis and the method of sociological criticism from Zima's point of view in confirming the main hypothesis of this research that there is a critical relationship between the literary discourse of the novel and the social discourse that dominates the outer space of the work, finally accepting or rejecting the interdiscourse relationship between the text and ideology and discovering the social mechanism of the word. Narrative meaning and syntax resulted that the elements of the literary text, apart from their story-like function, also perform specific social functions. Because the ruling social discourse is trying to induce semantic bipolarity and subsequently its narrative style in the literary discourse, the literary discourse of Del Foulad's novel has led to the creation of the opposite of the ruling social discourse at the time of its production.

Saeed Karimian, Abbas Ebrahimi,
Volume 14, Issue 9 (12-2014)

A new complete system model of a flapping wing has been derived which consists of all effective parameters. Flapping mechanism can deliver maneuverability as well as low speed flight capability in MAVs. Here a validated aeroelastic model is being developed based on the wing torsional deformation assumption. Based on the proposed model complete parameter study could be performed and consequently the optimization requirements can be extracted. Experimental results of a static test stand have been used for validation. Performance indices, composed of force generated, power consumption and efficiency are depicted in terms of stiffness and kinematic properties. The average behavior is being referred. It is revealed that by changing frequency and speed, the optimum values for stiffness and amplitude are independent. Therefore using suitable kinematics one can utilize specified constant stiffness to optimize the flapping robot flight.
Hamed Karimian Aliabadi, Ahmad Ahmadi, Alireza Keramat,
Volume 16, Issue 11 (1-2017)

In this research the transient flow analysis in viscoelastic pipes considering Fluid Structure Interaction have been performed utilizing a newly developed formulation of Transfer Matrix Method in frequency domain. To obtain this extended form of TMM, mathematical processes was accomplished. Time domain governing equations have been transformed to frequency domain and then a suitable matrix form of them is used to study transient flow due to sudden valve closure. Obtaining a set of algebraic equations instead of integral equations and the ability to analyze this phenomenon without need to solve complex convolution integral, are some of the benefits of the frequency domain tools, which have been applied in this research. To verify the model, initially two cases of rigid and elastic pipe wall have been analyzed. Results showed good conformity comparing to experimental data and analytical solution available. Then having a set of reliable experimental data of transient flow in VE pipe, MatLab code was adopted to the model and fortunately here also results were in good compatibility with the experimental results. Also it has been showed that this model will be a suitable tool for parametric analysis and for determining the critical situations of the system. The results obtained from this research prove that using frequency domain tools will lead to an effective and precise model for simulating the transient flow characteristics in VE and also normal transmitting pipelines.

Volume 17, Issue 4 (11-2017)

Smoothed finite element method (SFEM) was introduced by application of the strain smoothing technic in the conventional finite element method (FEM). The strain smoothing technic was previously used in mesh-free methods to overcome the numerical instabilities due to nodal integration. SFEM has three main types: 1-Cell-based SFEM (CSFEM), 2-Node-based SFEM (NSFEM) and 3-Edge-based SFEM (ESFEM). In these methods, problem domain is first discretized into a mesh of elements, similar to the FEM, and then based on these elements, domains are created to perform the strain smoothing operation on them. These domains are called “Smoothing Domains”. The difference between SFEM types is in the method of creating these smoothing domains. Different smoothing domains, can give results with different qualities. Among them, the edge-based method can give results that are ultra-accurate and super-convergent. Due to their interesting features, SFEMs have been used to solve different problems. Problems such as, mechanics of solids and piezoelectrics, fracture mechanics and crack propagation, heat transfer, structural acoustics, nonlinear and contact problems, adaptive analysis, phase change problem and many more. In this paper, first idea and formulation of SFEM is reviewed, with special consideration on the edge-based method. Detailed instructions are given for creation of edge-based smoothing domains, and strain and stiffness matrices for this method are derived. After that, the algorithm for creation of a SFEM code is introduced. Based on these formulations and algorithm, an edge-based smoothed finite element code is created, that is used for analysis of some numerical examples. Two problems, based on two different practical geotechnical engineering applications, are solved using the ESFEM and also FEM with 3-node and 6-node triangular elements. Using same mesh for all three methods, makes comparison possible, and performance of the ESFEM will be investigated. First problem, is a steady state seepage problem, where seepage below a sheet pile barrier is modeled, with the assumption of plane strain condition. Since there is no analytical solution for this problem, FEM results using 6-node triangular elements are considered as the more accurate results for comparison. Investigating the results reveals that implementation of the strain smoothing technic in FEM using 3-node triangular elements, can make the results closer to those of the FEM using 6-node triangular elements, while the degrees of freedom remain constant. Edge-based smoothed finite element method can give results for steady state seepage problem, that have errors less than half of the conventional FEM results errors, with the same mesh and number of degrees of freedom. The other problem, is calculating the elastic settlement of a circular foundation, to investigate the performance of the ESFEM in axisymmetric problems, compared with the FEM. Again, the problem is solved using three methods: ESFEM, FEM with 3-node triangular elements, and FEM with 6-node triangular element, with the latter as the most accurate. Surface deformation of the problem domain, after imposition of the foundation load is studied. It is seen that ESFEM results match the FEM results. A closer look reveals that the ESFEM results for settlement of the foundation, is closer to the FEM results using 6-node triangular elements, than the FEM using 3-node elements and are more accurate.

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