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Volume 3, Issue 2 (No.2 (Tome 6)- 2015)

One goal of comparative studies of literature is to search for the human “truth” that has appeared as archetypes in the literature of all nations and all times. In this paper, the author draws an archetypal comparison of romantic love in the French story of "Tristan and Iseult" and the Iranian epic romance "Samak-e-‘Ayyar". It starts with explaining the Jungian concepts of mother and father archetypes, anima and animus, conscious and unconscious, as well as collective conscious and unconscious. Since individuation process in the Jungian psychology has to do with the connection between the conscious and unconscious, the tale romantic love could be seen as individuation process in which each lover seeks to connect to his/her anima (feminine unconscious) and animus (masculine unconscious), based on his/her gender. After providing a synopsis of each story, the author explains the archetypal roles and symbolic meanings of kings, queens, heroes, witches, and princesses in each story using Marie-Louise Von Franz’s methodology for the interpretations of fairy tales. It then compares romantic love in each story by analyzing its characters, functions, and events, and explaining its similarities and differences. Since archetypal literary analysis reveals the attitude, outlook, and behaviors of the people that the myths are originated among them, this comparative study aims to answer to a rather broad question: How is it that in the French story of the 12th century, romantic love ends with death and tragedy; however, in the pre-Islamic Iranian tale, it ends with the :union: of lovers?  

Volume 5, Issue 2 (6-2016)

Morphological observations are made on several populations of Hoplolaimus indicus and Hoplolaimus seinhorsti, recovered from rhizosphere of mango, tamarind, sour orange and sugarcane from the southern regions of Iran. Detailed studies on the two species Hoplolaimus dubius and H. indicus being separated from each other based on some morphological characters, revealed each of them having intra-specific and overlapping variations in morphology and morphometric ranges, enough for not separating two closely related aforementioned species and as a result, H. dubius is considered as a junior synonym of H. indicus. Observations on H. seinhorsti also supported the Siddiqi’s decision on the synonymy of Hoplolaimus sheri with H. seinhorsti. The results of the phylogenetic analyses using D2-D3 expansion segments of 28S rRNA gene were in agreement with the results of previous works, i.e. the classic scheme for assigning species of the genus into two "ancestral" and/or "derived" groups was supported. In phylogenetic trees inferred, using different analysis methods, the Iranian populations of H. indicus were located in the same clade with H. seinhorsti and H. columbus, belonging to "derived" group of species of the genus characterized by having six nuclei in pharyngeal glands, less than four incisures at each lateral field and anteriorly situated position of excretory pore to hemizonid.

Volume 9, Issue 1 (Winter 2018)

Aims: Microorganisms are present not only in common environment, but also in extreme environments. Salt lakes with near or at saturating salinity are spread all over the world. Urmia Salt Lake is one of these hypersaline environments. The present study aimed at evaluating prokaryotic diversity in hypersaline environment by culture-independent method.
Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, different regions of Urmia Lake were sampled and the genomic material extracted from the water sample was used as a pattern for the amplification of 16S rDNA and a fragment of the bop gene via polymerase chain reaction. By cloning, each of the amplified fragments belonging to a single strain was amplified by T/A cloning vector. To further investigate the biodiversity of Haloarchaea, the biodiversity of bop gene was studied in addition to studying 16S rDNA.
Findings: By cloning and sequencing, 6 bacteria genera, including Acaryochloris, Adhaeribacter, Brachybacterium, Gloeocapsopsis, Cesiribacter, and Bacillus were identified. Archaeal library belonged to 5 genera, including Halonotius, Halolamina, Haloquadratum, Halomicroarcula, and Halorhabdus. The clone libraries of bacterial belonged to 4 phyla, including Bacteroidetes, Cyanobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Firmicutes. . The clone libraries of bop gene (as a molecular marker) belonged to genera, including Halorubrum, Natrialba, Haloquadratum, and Natrinema. The bop phylogeny was closely related to the 16S rDNA phylogeny.
Conclusion: By cloning and sequencing, 6 bacteria genera, including Acaryochloris, Adhaeribacter, Brachybacterium, Gloeocapsopsis, Cesiribacter, and Bacillus were identified. The bop phylogeny is closely related to the 16S rDNA phylogeny.

Volume 9, Issue 3 (Fall 2005)

The discussion is about whether the Article No. 265 of Civil Code just has the meaning of non-voluntarily, or the presumption of owing of the one who gives the property is deduced from it. There are two opinions in this regard, and the supporters of either of these have their own reasons to prove their opinion. Upon the propounding, analyzing and surveying these proofs, first the paragraph 1 of the Article 1235 of French Civil Code should be compared with the Article of 265 of our Civil Code to know in which of these articles owing of the one who gives the property is presupposition of legislator. Upon reviewing the record of Islamic jurisprudence of the property which is given to other directly or paying the debt by virtue of assignment, as well as difference of them with each other and through mentioning number of High Court of Cassation decisions, we will enter into explaining the position of judicial precedent about the contents of these Articles to understand which of these views is in conformity with presumption of the courts. Finally separating the various presumptions of the issue from each other, we’ll find out that payment through assignment from the view point of tenet and injunction is different from rendering the property directly, and we must accepet that the only existing presumption in this Article is the presumption of being non-gratuitous and there exists no other presumption. In other words, if the legislator has not sought the creation of the presumption of owing of the property giver, it is for the sake of non-existing of such appearance in the custom.

Volume 10, Issue 1 (Winter 2019)

Aims: The dyes are high usage chemical compounds in textile industry. Discharge of colored effluent to the water sources, effect on the unpleasant appearance and the solubility of gases. The dyes reduce light penetration to the lower layers of water and photosynthetic activity. They caused cancers and variety of mutations. In this research, the decolorization ability of Reactive Red 152 dye by isolated strains from textile wastewater was measured, also environmental conditions were optimized.
Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, the bacterial strains were isolated from samples collected from different parts of textile wastewater. The dye decolorizing bacteria were screened. The decolorization ability of the strains was evaluated under different conditions such as incubation time from 0 to 72 hours, pH 6 to 9, different dye concentrations from 50 to 400mg/l and different carbon sources.
Findings: Ten strains were isolated from Kashan textile wastewater that 4 strains showed high ability in decolorization. The highest decolorization was observed after 48 hours, pH=9, 50mg/l concentration of dye and glucose as carbon source.
Conclusion: Textile wastewater contains bacterial strains which have high decolorization ability. Therefore, we can use these bacteria for decolorization of wastewater dyes.

Volume 10, Issue 2 (Summer 2020)

Background: Human comfort involves their physical, psychological and mental comfort. There are several factors that may affect human physical comfort; among them luminous, acoustic and thermal comfort can be mentioned. Usually in researches done in the field of human physical comfort, researchers tried to predetermine human perceived comfort by measuring some physical factors, whilst there are also other ones that can affect human comfort and are necessary to be considered.
Aims: The aim of this paper is to determine the non-physical factors that affect human physical comfort. Another aim is to achieve the model of human physical comfort affected by non-physical factors.
Methods: In this paper by conducting a library research, researches done in the field of non-physical factors that affect human physical comfort were investigated and analyzed; in this way that physical comfort evaluation methods for users of a space, factors affecting it, places in which those researches were done and those researches results were classified and analyzed. In this paper, among factors that can affect human physical comfort, luminous comfort, acoustic comfort and thermal comfort were studied. Analysis method was statistical and by modeling charts and defining oriented trend process in previous researches.
Findings and Conclusion: Findings of this paper indicated that human physical comfort in a space can not be predicted only by relying on physical factors that were usually used in comfort-related indicators.

Volume 11, Issue 1 (Winter 2020)

The waste produced by households, industry and factories to use as wash water and cooling systems and equipment, is caused environmental complications. Waste created a suitable environment for the growth of odor and pathogenic bacteria. This study aimed to isolate microorganisms in the wastewater and use them for the reduction of BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) and COD (chemical oxygen demand).The samples were collected aseptically from different parts of wastewater of herbal distillation industry. The bacterial strains were isolated from the samples in LB media. The isolates were distinguished based on the morphology and biochemical characteristics. Among the total 69 isolates, four isolates were selected to measure the ability to reduce BOD and COD and added to the waste water. Reduction of BOD was measured using BOD meter. Also, COD was determined by titration method. The isolates were identified by biochemical tests. The amount of BOD and COD reduction after adding selected strains to wastewater was 47.43 - 71.82% and 44.79 - 56.5% respectively. Also, the consortium of bacterial strains showed better ability to reduce BOD and COD (38.32-57.29%and 76.6-83.21% respectively). The results determined that wastewater contains bacterial strains which have shown significant reduction in BOD and COD and organic matter decomposition in wastewater and reuse it in agricultural and industrial sectors. Therefore, we can use these bacteria for wastewater treatment.

Volume 11, Issue 1 (3-2022)

Because of the importance of osmoregulation in success of the juvenile Caspian Roach (Rutilus caspicus) release, maintenance and their restoration, this study was performed with the aim of the evaluation of these fish (average weight of 1.4 g± 0.018 g) to the salinity tolerance of the Caspian Sea by abrupt and gradual transfer methods on two different occasions of short-term (24 hours) and long-term (21 days). For this reason, 360 juvenile roaches were distributed to 9 different experimental treatments (each of them with 3 replicates) with 1) increased abrupt salinity (direct transfer to the Caspian Sea water), 2) increased gradual salinity (3 ppt for every 24 hrs) and 3) the Control group (freshwater). In order to evaluate the ion regulation, osmolality, Na+, K+ and Cl- were measured in fish. Some immune responses related to the increased salinity (immunoglobulin and lysozyme) and stress indices (cortisol and glucose) were also measured. Based on the obtained results, the fish in both treatments of increased salinity showed high percentage of survival. All parameters related to ion regulation were decreased after a primary increase. Furthermore, the trend of cortisol and immunoglobulin changes were negatively correlated showing decreased stress response and increased immune system for both salinity transfer methods. Thus, the roach juveniles (1-2 g) are able to be transferred into the Caspian Sea directly.

Volume 11, Issue 2 (Spring 2007)

Abstract Concerning the multinational companies activities in different countries, the main problem about their bankruptcy is the conflict of laws in countries that companies are domiciled in them or they have properties. As necessity of inspection of company bankruptcy claim is the determination of competence out, thus, it is supposed to set up county or competence conflicts before solving the conflict of laws within the legal framework. Therefore, the unity (or universality) and plurality (or territoriality) theories and reasons of experts on this issue were analyzed, then efforts have been done for applying the unity or universality of bankruptcy were investigated. At the end, the legal competence of Iranian court for inspection of companies bankruptcy claims and issues of executive judgment were discussed. The obtained results, however, showed that since the nature of bankruptcy necessitates the same judgment of the conflict of domestic laws of countries with unity and universality of bankruptcy, the way of solution must be searched in the conventional laws. Nevertheless, the bilateral or multilateral conventions are not enough for this purpose, there fore, it is necessary to regulate a universal convention by encouraging of more countries to join this convention.
S.m.h. SeyedKashi, , , , Young Hoon Moon,
Volume 12, Issue 5 (1-2013)

Due to the strict emission standards and fuel consumption restrictions, automotive industry is greatly interested in warm tube hydroforming of aluminum and magnesium alloys. The main shortcoming of these alloys is their inferior formability at room temperature, which can be improved by forming at temperatures below the crystallization temperature. Because of the complex nature of forming at high temperatures, the proper determination and control of forming parameters are very important in fulfillment of the process. In this paper, the effects of tube geometry, bulge height, corner fillets and strain rate are investigated on optimal internal pressure and axial feeding loading paths, which are required for successful hydroforming of annealed AA6061 tubes at 300 °C. A new method based on simulated annealing algorithm is developed for optimization of pressure and feed loading paths. Numerical results are discussed, verified and validated by experiments. A good agreement is observed between numerical and experimental results.

Volume 13, Issue 1 (Number 1 - 2011)

Effects of sodium salt solutions on physicochemical and sensory characteristics of refrigerated Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) fillets during 12 days of storage were investigated. Fillets were dipped in solutions (2.5% w/v) of sodium acetate (SA), sodium lactate (SL), sodium citrate (SC) and distilled water (as control) for 10 minutes and then packaged. An assessment of TBARS, FFA, pH, heme iron and sensory attributes (flavor, color and odor) was carried out on 0,3,6,9 and 12 days past the storage time. Results indicated that TBARS values of each sample increased with the storage time (P< 0.05). Control showed the highest values of TBARS while sodium acetate sample had the significantly (P< 0.05) lowest figures among the treatments (1.04 for SA versus 2.34 for control). Lipid hydrolysis assessment revealed that the sodium salt treated samples, especially sodium acetate, acquired the lower FFA amounts (P< 0.05) as compared with control. No significant differences (P> 0.05) were observed among the pH values of the treatments. Heme iron assessment showed that the samples treated with sodium acetate contained more heme iron as compared with control. Sensory assessment revealed more desirable scores for the sodium acetate treated group as compared with others samples. The order for the sodium salt treated effects was: SA> SC> SL. As a consequence, sodium salts, in particular sodium acetate, might be considered as effective tools in preventing the quality degradation of the fillets, resulting in an extension of their shelf life.

Volume 13, Issue 4 (winter 2013 2014)

The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of market structure on innovation and R&D in Iran’s manufacturing sector. To do this, first, statistical data for Iran’s manufacturing sector has been gathered in International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) format, then mutual effects of concentration, innovation and R&D, advertising and profitability in different industrial activities have been analyzed using simultaneous equations system and Error Component Tow Stage Least Squares (EC2SLS) during 1996-2007. The results show that industrial concentration has a significant and inverted U-shaped relationship with innovation and R&D. In addition, R&D expenditure declines with increases in profitability. The investigation of the factors affecting manufacturing structure indicates that although innovation and R&D has no effect on manufacturing structure, but profitability and performance of top firms affect their concentration. Our findings exhibit the ineffectiveness of concentration and innovational behavior on industries performance; whereas increasing market concentration results in advertising expenses and innovational behavior of firms raises advertising expenses. Similarly, the lagged and accumulated effects of R&D confirm the existence of an inverted U-shaped relationship between concentration and R&D

Volume 13, Issue 4 (1-2023)

This study aimed to isolate and identify bacteria from soils contaminated with copper and have access to a capable bacterial strain for producing copper nanoparticles (CuNPs). The present study showed the extracellular production of copper nanoparticles using strain Ta-31. The effect of various factors such as substrate, supernatant volume, enzyme inducer, and electron donor was investigated on the production process. The properties of synthesized nanoparticles were identified by using UV-Vis, FTIR, XRD, SEM, and EDS analysis.
Moreover, the growth curve of strain Ta-31 was plotted in the presence and absence of an enzyme inducer (concentration of 0.1 mM copper sulfate). After the phylogenetic analysis, 16S rDNA gene sequences were determined, and their phylogenetic tree of the selected strain was plotted. The results showed that the best conditions for producing CuNPs, glucose 1% as an electron donor, 2 mM copper sulfate, and 20 ml supernatant had the best production. Strain Ta-31 arrived at the end of the log phase and the beginning of the stationary phase after 15 h. CuNPs were spherical and irregular, and the size of CuNPs was more in the range of 30-40 nm. According to the results, strain Ta-31 belonged to Staphylococcus pasteuri sp. with 99.88% similarity. 

Volume 13, Issue 6 (Number 6 - 2011)

This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of red onion (Allium cepa L.) juice and green tea (Camellia sinenses) extract on lipid oxidation and sensory characteristics of refrigerated (4ºC) sturgeon fillets (Acipenser persicus). Fresh fillets were tumbled in 1%, 2.5%, and 5% (v/v) aqueous solutions of onion Juice (OJ) and tea extract (TE), and then stored for up to 8 days at 4°C in a refrigerator. Chemical indices of lipid oxidation as assayed by heme iron, thiobarbituric acid and free fatty acid contents indicated much more reduction in 2.5%TE, 5%TE and 5%OJ-treated samples relative to the other samples (P<0.05). Significant (P<0.05) differences in pH values of treatments and the control were observed during the first 2 days of storage time. For 5%OJ treatment, the pH remained constant during refrigerated storage (P>0.05) whereas gradual changes were detected in pH values of the others. Generally, the order of effectiveness for inhibiting oxidation in sturgeon fillets was found to be: 5% TE or OJ = 2.5% TE > 2.5 % OJ>1% TE = 1% OJ. Based on sensory scores, higher amounts of onion juice (>1%) were more effective to improve attributive characteristics of the fillets.

Volume 13, Issue 50 (5-2016)

Mohammad Hoseinpour, Seyed Mohammad Hossein SeyedKashi, Narjes Valyan,
Volume 14, Issue 5 (8-2014)

One of the most important parameters in prediction of sheet metal forming process is the influence of yield criteria on prediction of forming limit strains. In this paper, the effects of normal anisotropy coefficient on the Hill’s (1948) quadratic, Hosford’s (1979) higher-order, Hill’s (1979) non-quadratic anisotropic yield criteria, with attention to plane strain location is studied. Also the effects of these yield criteria and normal anisotropy coefficient, strain rate sensitivity factor, strain hardening exponent and yield criterion exponent on the forming limit diagram based on the M-K model have been discussed. The different effects of normal anisotropy coefficient on the limit strains of three above criteria have a good agreement with the effect of normal anisotropy coefficient on the yield different surfaces. The comparison has been made between yield criterion exponent and normal anisotropy coefficient effect on the Hill’s non-quadratic yield criterion. The results show that the proper selection of yield criterion have a significant influence on the forming limit diagram.

Volume 15, Issue 1 (1-2013)

The aim of the present study was to compare three reducing sugars (D-glucose, D-arabinose, D-mannose) with respect to the antioxidative activity characteristics of their Caramelisation Products (CPs) prepared by monitoring UV-absorbance, browning intensity, ferric ion reducing capacity, Fe2+ ion chelating activity as well as DPPH radical scavenging activity. Moreover, the effect of CPs from D-glucose on prevention of lipid oxidation and improvement of sensory characteristics were examined in Indian shrimp flesh (Penaeus indicus) during its frozen storage for a duration of 6 months. The reducing sugars were heated at 100°C at pH 10 for 100 minutes to generate CPs. Results revealed greater antioxidant activity of the hexoses, D-glucose and D-mannose, than that of the pentose sugar, D-arabinose, as evidenced by the higher UV-absorbance, browning development, reducing power, chelating as well as DPPH radical scavenging activity. Results of the chemical analysis including TBARs and FFA proved that the addition of CPs from glucose (G-CPs) could retard the formation of compounds produced over lipid oxidation in G-CPs-added shrimps (P< 0.05). More desirability in sensory attributes of the shrimps treated with G-CPs was expressed than in the untreated samples during the 6 months of storage. These results reflect that G-CPs can be utilized as additives in seafood with appropriate antioxidative and techno-functional properties.
Mohammad Hossein Pour, S.m. Hossein SeyedKashi, Sepideh Shahi,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (3-2015)

In this paper, effect of advanced yield criteria including BBC2003, Yld2004 and BBC2008 are studied using Swift hardening law on determination of limit strains based on Marciniak–Kuczynski (M-K), Swift’s diffuse necking and Hill’s localized necking models. These models are used to assess the formability prediction of orthotropic AA2090-T3 and AA6111-T4 sheets. The Portevin-Le Chatelier effect on formability of AA5182-O sheet is also studied. The sensitivity of Marciniak–Kuczynski model to the initial imperfection factor is investigated and the effect of this parameter on prediction of forming limit diagram has been shown. Study of the effect of yield criteria exponent on formability shows the higher exponents which are recommended for FCC metals have higher forming limits in comparison with lower exponents adopted to BCC metals. The effects of strain hardening coefficient and anisotropy are studied too. The results show that the increase of strain hardening exponent improves the formability, while the PLC effect and increase of anisotropy coefficient reduce it. Experimental results show better conformity with M-K model at the right side of FLD and with Hill’s localized necking model at its left side.

Volume 15, Issue 3 (Autumn 2015 2015)

This paper aims to investigate the interaction effects among market concentration, profitability, research and development (R&D), and advertising in Iran’s manufacturing sector. For this purpose, the quarterly data on Iran’s manufacturing sector was gathered in ISIC (International Standard Industrial Classification) codes, then the interaction effects of structure, conduct and performance was analyzed for industrial groups by Vector Error Correction Models (VECM) over the period 1996-2007. The results show that innovation and R&D are related to concentration, profitability and advertising within industries in the long-run. On the other hand, concentration and profitability explain 50% of variations in innovation and R&D; however, profitability, as a performance indicator, has the most effect on R&D activities in long run. Therefore, our finding is in line with Chicago-U.C.L.A theory. 

Volume 15, Issue 3 (6-2024)

The aim of present research is development of a simple green approach to produce Ag/AgCl nanocomposites using bacterial strains Bacillus haynesii and Bacillus halotorans, nominated at PN14F and B3, respectively, via an extracellular process. The bacterial strains PN14F and B3 were isolated from the soil and wastewater samples, using dilution and direct cultivation method. The Ag/AgCl nanocomposites were synthesized from the reaction of silver(I) nitrate solution and supernatant under completely sterile conditions in the presence of light. Moreover, a series of controlled experiments were provided to optimize some reaction conditions such as substrate concentration, PH, substrate volume, bacterial volume, the presence of glucose as an electron donor and silver(I) nitrate as inducer. The products were characterized using various techniques such as UV-Vis, XRD, FT-IR, FE-SEM and EDX. The resulting bionanocomposites (Ag1 and Ag2), with an average particle size of 30 and 22.3 nm, were efficient heterogeneous catalysts for reducing para-nitrophenol to para-aminophenl. Further, it was demonstrated their activity as the antibacterial properties against gram positive and negative bacteria. The results showed that the Ag2 sample with reducing time of 15 min is a more efficient catalyst than the Ag1 nanocomposite, which can be attributed to the smaller size of the Ag2 nanoparticles.

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