Showing 6 results for Kazazi
Volume 3, Issue 1 (8-2011)
Education and Training were of great importance in Iran since ancient times. It was further developed along with Islam uprising. Education centers were also flourished at the same time. The process of the religious sciences schools initiated in Saljuqid era formally when the Nezamies were established. They continued their survival more or less until Qajar era, So that we find most of mosque-schools in Tehran as the time capital of the country that is why we believe that the study of such buildings from the view points of the architecture and the related decorations is a must. The greatest and the most important mosque-schools of the Qajar era in Tehran is the old Sepahsalar.
It has experienced the least changes in more recent times; so it is an original sample of the mosque-schools. In this paper we attempt to study and consider the architecture and decorations characteristics of this building. Therefore, we evaluate its history, general map, spatial and functional elements and decorative methods applied in this mosque-school through a descriptive-analytical approach.
Volume 12, Issue 3 (12-2024)
Tragedy is a type of dramatic literature that originated from ancient Greece and is performed on the stage in the form of a play. The great Greek philosopher Aristotle was one of the first to fully discuss and explain tragedy in his book The Poetics. He has introduced elements and components for composing a tragedy that plays an important role in the quality, attractiveness, and superiority of the tragedy.
In Persian literature, some works are a reflection of ancient Greek tragedies and Aristotle's view on this matter; Among the most prominent of these works is Ferdowsi's Shahnameh with stories that are very similar to ancient Greek tragedies. The present research aims to show the similarity and influence of Persian literature with Greek literature in the field of tragedy and with a descriptive-analytical method to compare the story of Siavash from the Shahnameh and the tragedy of Hippolytus by Euripides as a case study and has shown this alignment and effectiveness.
Kamal Amory, Shahab Kazemi, Mahdi Kazazi,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (3-2016)
In this study, particulate nanocomposites with A356 aluminum alloy as a matrix reinforced with 1 and 1.5 wt.% SiCnanoparticles with 50 nm average grain size were fabricated by stir casting method and then the obtained composites were subjected to T6 heat treatment. The mechanical properties such as Hardness Test and Tensile Test of composites Samples were investigated. Microstructures of the samples were also investigated by using optical microscope (OM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results show that T6 heat treated nanocomposites have significantly higher Hardness and tensile Strength compared to the nanocomposites without heat treatment. The enhancement in the mechanical propertiecanis due to the formation of Mg2Si phase and globular silicon particles.Also, increasing in the concentration of SiC nanoparticles led to improve the hardness and tensile strength, So that the highest tensile strength and hardness was obtained for the 1.5 wt.%SiCnanocomposite. Tensile strength and hardness of 1.5 wt% SiCnanocompositesbefore and afterT6 heat treatmentachieved 177MPa and 236MPa and 80 HBN and 123 HBN, respectively.Fracture surfaces were studied using SEM show that failureof all samples is brittle fracture.
Kamal Amory, Jamal Amory, Saeed Ahmadifard, Mahdi Kazazi, Shahab Kazemi,
Volume 16, Issue 10 (1-2017)
In this study, A356 aluminum alloy matrixcomposites reinforced with different weight percentages of SiC nano- and microparticles respectively with 50 nm and 5 µm average particle sizes were fabricated by stir casting method. Due to the effect of T6 heat treatment on the strength and hardness of A356alloy, the obtained composites were subjected to the T6 heat treatment. The mechanical properties such as hardness and compressive properties of the composites were investigated. Microstructures of the samples were also investigated by an optical microscope (OM), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM). Microstructural investigation indicated that T6 heat treatment led to thechange of eutectic silicon morphology and formation of theMg2Si precipitates during age hardening stage, leading to increase the hardness and compressive strength. The results showed that an increase in wt.% of nanoparticles led to an increase in hardness and compressive strength. The results of microstructural investigationshowedthe relatively uniform distribution of reinforcement particles. Also, the strength and hardness of the composites reinforced with nanoparticleswere greater than those of the composite reinforced with microparticles, even with higher weight percent of reinforcement particles. Hardness and compressive strength at 35% strain for the composite reinforced with 1.5 wt.% nanoparticles were respectively obtained 62 HBN and 252MPa, which are improved compared to the base alloy.
Volume 18, Issue 74 (12-2021)
"Dream and dream interpretation" is a common theme between literature and psychology, the most important similarity between the two is their symbolic language. In many literary works we see the narration of dreams that have been interpreted by dream interpreters and have come true. Shahnameh isn’t an exception and dream interpretation is one of the most frequent cases in this book. In this paper, the interpretation of Goodarz's dream in Shahnameh was examined from two perspectives of traditional dream interpretation and Jung's unconscious and was compared with the interpretation of a narrative. The research method of this article is comparative analysis. In the traditional dream interpretation section, dream symbols are reported based on Iranian and Islamic dream interpretation; but in the psychological analysis section, the symbols of Goodarz's dream are analyzed regarding the events of dreaming time, life events, and his personality. In the final section, the structural similarities of this dream with myths and archetypes are examined. Finally, from the perspective of traditional interpretation of the dream, the dream symbols were in accordance with their interpretation in the Shahnameh narrative, and in examining individual unconscious, it was concluded that Goodarz's unrest and concern to end Siavash's revenge battles damaged his psyche that led to such a dream. This dream can be explained from several perspectives of collective unconscious, archetypes, and alignment with ancient myths. These approaches include the hero archetype, the abandoned child, the fertility myth, and the creation myth.
Volume 24, Issue 3 (Fall 2020)
World population growth increases the importance of 3D city models because these models make some essential spatial analysis (such as visualization, navigation, emergency responses, disaster management and urban planning) possible or at least easier. 3D city models which were created based on common standards like CityGML are almost general comprehensive. However, quality, capability and precision of 3D city models depend on their input data. Traditional and commercial 3D data capturing methods that meet quality criteria are expensive and time-consuming. Technologic developments and new internet-based tools have provided a platform to capture spatial data by participate participation of public and volunteers. These participations are known as Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI). VGI is strongly welcomed by researchers and developers, as today's multiple projects such as OpenStreetMap not only work with two-dimensional data, but also capture 3D data produced by the volunteers.
In this research the goal is using VGI to collect the required data for 3D city modeling based on the well-known CityGML standard. Thus, a mobile application connected to a server was developed. We used image processing algorithms such as SIFT, Canny and RANAC for image matching, edge detection and vanishing point recognition respectively. Images were transformed to ground coordinate system. Finally, acquired textures via VGI are were assigned to 3D model.
Results and discussion
In order to evaluate the proposed method, 3D model of a building in Shahid Rajaee University (as the most important part of a 3D city model by VGI) was created. The building height was calculated 53.34 meters. For elevation accuracy control, the building height was measured by ground-based operations. The building height based on this method was 34.44 meters. According to the defined the level of details on the CityGML standard, the required precision to create a 3D model in the fourth level of details is 20 cm. So, details can be obtained through volunteered information and images into the 3D model of building with the fourth level of details.
Based on the results obtained by the proposed method, the calculated building height is only 9 cm different with the exact height of the building obtained through the surveying operation. This difference is less than 20 centimeters, that is the required accuracy for fourth level of detail in 3D modeling. This suggests that through the proposed method, the 3D model of the building could be achieved through VGI at the fourth level of details. In addition to being an affordable method for creating a 3D city model, using VGI is a fast way to collect various information. In further studies, it is proposed to use machine learning and deep learning techniques to automate the process of creating a 3D model from volunteered geographic information in order to complete and develop this approach.