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Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

The present study aims to investigate the distribution of meaning in the narrative space of Abu Torab Khosravi's novel "Rood Ravi" drawing on the views of Yuri Lotman (1922-1993), a prominent semiotician and founder of the Tartu-Moscow School of Semiotics. Lotman posits that active sign systems within specific social and geographical contexts derive their significative power from their interaction with a large body of signs present in the collective memory of the people of that context. In his book “Universe of the Mind” (Lotman, 1990), he refers to this conglomeration of signs as the "semiosphere," which he characterizes by features such as boundary, heterogeneity, and centrality. According to Lotman, significative density within the semiosphere is not uniform, and the density of meaning increases as one moves from peripheral regions to the center with cultural meta-structures charging more elements with meanings in the central regions. The study adopts a descriptive-analytical approach to investigate how temporal-spatial elements and character actions acquire meaning in the narrative space as the story progresses towards the center of Dar al-Miftah. The findings suggest that cultural meta-structures load more elements with signification in the central regions, resulting in a higher concentration of meanings in these areas.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (Spring and Summer 2024)

The foreign policy of Saudi Arabia in the international system is, above all, the result of this country's competitive view of the Islamic Republic of Iran and security equations in the West Asian region. The present study, through documentary research and reflective analysis technique aims to explain how Saudi Arabia, in order to shape strategic depth, controls international waters, influences the political structure of African countries, and creates a stream of Salafi groups in Africa, and how it seeks to reduce Iran's power, pose a threat to Iran, and increase its offensive capacity. Saudi Arabia believes that Iran has a high offensive capability in the region and can easily become a country with aggressive and war-initiating power. By shaping the policy of expanding geopolitical and strategic depth, interventionism and dominating the cultural discourse of Saudi Arabia in Africa, it is trying to turn the security equations into acute security threats for the Islamic Republic with trans-regional balancing.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (8-2012)

Abstract  Trust leads to the development and improvement of group morale, through creation of cooperation and connection among group members. It directly and indirectly affects the group output, and eventually on organizational performance. Knowledge sharing in organizations leads to faster individual and organizational learning; increases creativity, and causes improvement in individual and organizational performance. Therefore, organizations nurture knowledge sharing and encourage their employees to act upon it. Trust building in organization and recognizing its relationship with knowledge sharing is especially important for the creation of competitive advantage. This research is carried out, aiming the “identification of the relationship between interpersonal trust and knowledge sharing in the Iranian National Gas Company headquarter”. The data related to trust and knowledge sharing are collected and analyzed by correlation analysis. Research findings confirm the positive and significant relationship between interpersonal trust and knowledge sharing and their factors.

Volume 2, Issue 3 (9-2017)

Background: Low Back Pain (LBP) is one of the most common Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs). Teachers are among those who are at risk for the MSDs due to their occupation. Education. The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of two education methods in reducing pain and functional disability in two groups of teachers.
Methods and Materials: In this experimental study two questionnaires of VAS, to measure the pain severity, and the Oswestry Disability (ODI) questionnaire for measuring functional disability were distributed among the 175 teachers with LBP as pre-test. Participants were randomly divided into three groups: one control group with 35 participants and two experimental groups with 70 participants. One of the experimental groups received education by face-to-face lecturing and the other one with a tutorial CD. Eventually, 6 weeks after the intervention, post-test was conducted.
Results: The mean value for of pain and functional disability was not significantly reduced in the control group. But in both intervention groups, there was a significant decrease in pain and functional disability. The pain intensity in face-to-face education group decreased from 5.13 ± 1.54 to 3.79 ± 1.76 and in CD education group from 5.11 ± 1.57 to 2.63 ± 1.56, indicating that the most pain reduction was in the CD e education group. The mean of functional disability was reduced in face-to-face education groups (from 29.60 ± 10.97 to 20.74 ± 10.16 and in CD education group from 33.06 ± 13.04 to 19.43 ± 12.47.
Conclusion: CD education method was more effective than face to face education in reducing back pain. Education. Therefore, considering the low cost but high effectiveness of CD education methods, it is recommended that this method be used more for teachers' education.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2018)

This article seeks to use the descriptive-analytical method and relying on the definitions of social modernism to address the issue of social innovation in the poetry of the two poets and what are the similarities and differences in each of the topics? The analysis of Baroudi's poetry suggests that he is taking advantage of the sophisticated taste as well as following the critics of the West to the affairs of the people and to correct the defects in society. Like Farrokhi Yazdi, he addresses issues such as central justice, homeland, despondency, attention to poverty, opposition to oppression and oppression, and invitation to studying science as one of the most important subjects of his poetry. The most important aspect of Baroudi's and Farrokhi's poetry's differences is that Farrokhi, as a responsible critic, deals more with the community and related issues, but in Baroudi's poetry, he makes imitation of modernization. However, with the advent of the Arab movement and the issue of exile, it is twisted within it and pursues a sharp eye and a sharp sensitivity to the social problems of its country.

Volume 3, Issue 3 (2-1992)


Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2016)

Blue mold disease caused by Penicillium expansum is a major post-harvest disease of apples. In this research, the biochemical basis of apple resistance to this pathogen was studied in two relatively resistant and susceptible cultivars, Granny smith and Mashhad, respectively. The activities of catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POX), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) enzymes and polyphenol content were compared at different time intervals of 0 to 7 days. Based on the results, fruit polyphenol content of Granny smith was higher than that of Mashhad PPO, SOD and CAT activity was higher in Granny smith than Mashhad but CAT activity decreased three days post-treatment. No detectable difference was found in POX activities in the two cultivars. It is concluded that polyphenols contribute in apple resistance to blue mold. Activation of PPO and SOD, lack of POX activity and decrease of CAT activity, all together, could lead to a toxic environment around the blue mold fungus.

Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2017)

One of the components of research in comparative literature is to study intertextual relations. According to intertextuality approach, no text is self-sufficient. We've been tried to examine the novel entitled ‘kill all of them’, written by Salim Bashi , with Michael Riffaterre ’s intertextual approach , and with the aim of finding a hidden meaning of the text and Riffaterre’s binary oppositions forms. Thus, Attar’s ‘Conference of the Birds’ was used in reading this novel. In fact, the study is about the application of a story narrated in the novel of Salim Bashi which is based on Attar's ‘Conference’ of the Birds. In this study, we analyze the text and the words interpretants for reading and finding the significance or the subtext meaning of the novel defining the transition from meaning to significance. The findings of the study confirmed the hypothesis that the presence of interpretants invokes intertext. The significance of the novel by Bashi is discovered with a contrast look to intertext. It seems that we can observe the significance Attar reversely. The entire novel is the contrast between the concepts of self-consciousness and faceless human.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (3-1999)


Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2014)

This paper examines the characteristics and vulnerabilities of the second Pahlavi and its role in the revolutionary mobilization. The main question of the paper is that: what are the characteristics and vulnerabilities of the Shah's government that led to the revolutionary mobilization? To answer this question, document analysis has been used that is a kind of qualitative research. By this method, documents including books, articles and dissertations have been investigated. Therefore, in this paper, the combination of state–centric theories including the theories of independence of state, capabilities of state, political opportunities of state, and construction of state were used to develop a model to explain the status of the Pahlavi state and also its vulnerabilities, and also its relation to revolutionary mobilization. The findings showed that the most important vulnerabilities of Pahlavi state include independence of the Pahlavi rentire state from the social classes, discapabilities of the state in policy making, bureaucratic weakness of the state institutions, state monopolies, and vulnerabilities resulting from modernization, and roforms, which in combination with each other led to the revolutionary mobilization.

Volume 6, Issue 3 (Fall 2022)

  Research subject: Investigation of the effect of temperature on the polymer flooding performance at the pore scale, leads to an understanding of the behavior of the polymer solution in porous media with varying permeability.
Research approach: In this study, the effect of temperature on flooding of polyacrylamide polymer on enhanced oil recovery in two homogeneous micromodels at 25 and 70 °C was investigated. The polymer solution and DW were injected at the injection rate of 1 μl/min up to 1 PV into the micromodel and the amount of produced oil and the movement of the injected fluid in the porous medium were analyzed. In addition, polymer rheology and injected fluid viscosity were measured for better analysis of results. Then the results were compared with flooding of distilled water as the control test.
Main results: Examining the flood results, it was found that on the one hand, the temperature factor helped to increase oil recovery by reducing the viscosity of the oil. On the other hand, it has reduced the role of injected fluid viscosity in oil extraction by reducing the viscosity of the polymer. The results showed that the phenomenon of fingering decreases in the case of polymer injection, and the rate of improvement of oil recovery during polymer and water flooding in both micromodels increases with increasing temperature. Also, the rate of improvement of oil recovery during polymer flooding in the A micromodel increased from about 43% at ambient temperature to more than 51% and in the B micromodel from about 51% to more than 60% at 70 °C. In fact, it can be said that the flow pattern and stability of the polymer solution front and consequently the ultimate oil recovery are significantly affected by the morphology of the pores, the shape and the throats pores.

Volume 7, Issue 1 (2-2000)


Volume 7, Issue 4 (1-2008)

With the continuous development and changes in the credit industry, credit products play a more important role in the economy. This has led institutions to expand the role of technology in their credit management processes. Credit scoring is a method used to estimate the probability that a loan applicant or existing borrower will default or become delinquent. There are two types of methods used for scoring: Traditional statistics models like Probit and Logistic regression and Data Mining models such as Classification and Regression Trees (CART). In spite of popularity in applying Logit model in credit assessment of applicants, it is attempted to present another method which is theoretically and empirically superior to Logit model. It is also tried to study the capability and accuracy of this method in comparison with Logit model. In this paper, we have examined the performance of different models in credit scoring on real data of a bank and the two approaches above are compared as well. After building a model using Logistic regression; we have built a model using classification and regression trees. Our aim is to emphasize on the specification of CART and testing its capability and comparing its accuracy with the Logit model. The results reveal the accuracy of CART through a bootstrap simulation. Finally it is suggested that classification and regression trees method could be used in credit scoring process instead of Logit model.

Volume 7, Issue 4 (winter 2019)

This paper is a comparative study of two allegorical stories. The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan and Hosn-o-Del (Beauty and Heart) by Sibak Neishaboori are the Western and the Eastern stories in which characterization is done on the basis of human characteristics andsome parts of the human body.Based on a morphological characterization ,the characters are divided into two groups of helpers and opponents. In Bunyan's book ,Patience, Sagacity,Charity, Hopeful, Prudence, and Faithful and in Neishaboori's book Sight, Imagination, Patience, and Faithful are examples of the helpers.Opponents in The Pilgrim's Progress include Obstinate, Sloth, Formalist, Hypocrise,Mistrust and Pagan. In Hosn-o-Del lthey include Zargh,Raghib, Ghamzeh Jadoo,Naz and zolf.There are also helper and opponent places in these two books.

Volume 7, Issue 4 (Fall 2021)

Backgrounds:  Escherichia coli (E. coli) is one of the most abundant bacteria in human and animal infections. Many virulence genes in E. coli intensify its infectivity. This study explored the presence of two pathogenic genes, including fimH and bfpA, in E. coli strains isolated from pregnant women.
Materials & Methods: From autumn 2016 to spring 2017, a total of 100 E. coli isolates were collected from clinical samples (116) of pregnant women. The strains were identified using biochemical tests (catalase, Simmons citrate, indole, mobility, H2S, MR, VP, TSI, and urease). The presence of pathogenic genes in these isolates was examined using colony PCR method. Finally, the relationship between the gene and the site of infection was analyzed in SPSS-23 software. 
Findings: PCR results indicated that out of 100 E. coli samples, 15 were bfpA positive (15%), and 64 were fimH positive (64%). A significant relationship was found between the presence of bfpA gene and samples taken from urine (p<.001), blood (p=.049), and stool (p<.001). 
Conclusion: None of the urinary strains harbored the bfpA gene, while the strains isolated from stool had a significant relationship with the presence of bfpA gene (OR = 18.667), which confirms that this gene is of great importance for EPEC (enteropathogenic E. coli). There was also a significant relationship between blood-isolated strains and the presence of bfpA gene. A significant relationship was also found between the fimH gene and strains isolated from urine samples (OR=36.733), while no relationship was observed between the presence of fimH gene and blood-isolated strains.

Volume 7, Issue 27 (9-2019)

Analyzing mythical content analysis of myths is one of the most important issues in the field of folk tales research. Birds are so important to humans in the distant past that they have been present even in the myths of different nations. In this research and by adopting the content –analysis research methodology, the authors have tried to investigate mythical content of birds among Luri’s myths gathered around Chahārmahal and Bakhtiāri, Kohgiluye and Boyer Ahmad and Lorestan provinces. The objective of the current study is to analyze the functions of birds on the one hand and the manner the mythical beliefs can influence the birds’ place on the other hand.  In this research and in comparison with mythological beliefs, the authors have studied the reasons for the transformation of the roles of certain birds in Luri’s myths. The results showed that out of a total of 140 Luri’s myths in 48 myths, birds such as eagle, Simorgh, crow, owl, swan, pigeon and asparagus are present with positive functions among Luri’s myths which may indicate their popularity among the people. It is worthwhile to mention that mythological and religious beliefs alongside the eco system exert the great influence on the place and function of the birds.

Volume 7, Issue 28 (11-2019)

In Iranian mythology and since the beginning of creation war has been a current theme. Some Iranian gods, such as Bahrām, Mitrā, Bād, Hoom and Soroush, are fighting for peace, security and purity on behalf of Ahuramazdā against Angra Mainyu (Ahriman). Myths play an important role in the collective and subconscious memory. As such, they have a profound impact on religions, arts, literature and general culture of all times. Therefore, this article examines the gods of war in the legends of Chahārmahāl and Bakhtiāri, Lorestān and Kohgiluyeh and Boyerahmad province. The research context consists of legends written in Persian in Chaharmahāl and Bakhtiāri, Lorestān and Kohgiluyeh and Boyerahmad province. The purpose of this research is to explain and analyze the presence of mythological war gods in the legends of the above-mentioned provinces. Through a careful reading of this article, the reader will understand that the gods of war such as Bahrām, Soroush, Wind and Mehr are present in the legends of these provinces, sometimes superhuman and sometimes terrestrial with metamorphoses in their appearance and function.

Volume 8, Issue 2 (7-2008)

In general, the scarce resources are efficiently allocated to achieve the economic and social goals of an economy. This means the factors of production including labour force and capital stock must be allocated using rational and scientific approaches. This means investors need to be able to evaluate the cost-benefit of investment in order to make informed and efficient decisions. In this article, we analyze the cost-benefit of technical and professional trainings in Iran. Three courses which comprise skilled labor force, first-class and second-class labor forces are considered in this study and then the cost-benefit methodology is employed. This methodology can be used in future cost-benefit studies of technical and professional trainings. The result obtained from the analysis shows that the educational rate of return in all three courses is higher than the rate of return in the participation papers market in Iran. This result obtained after adjusting the effects of individual ability on their income and correcting the adjustment effects of employment.

Volume 8, Issue 2 (Number 2 - 2006)

Use of saline water for irrigation has shown considerable promise. However, its effect on the solubility and bioavailability of native soil nutrients is not well understood. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of salinity on the behavior of zinc(Zn) in calcareous soils. The soil samples with different physiochemical properties were collected from four locations in Khorasan province (Iran). The factorial experiment was carried out as a completely randomized design on soils with four levels of water salinity (0, 37.5, 75 and 150 mole m-3 prepared with the same equivalents of NaCl and CaCl2) and four reaction times (0, 10, 20, and 30 days) with three replications. DTPA-extractable Zn was measured in the incubated soil samples after the given reaction times. Different chemical forms of Zn were characterized after 30 days using the sequential extraction procedure. DTPA-extractable Zn increased by 1 to 6.3% with the increasing levels of salinity, and decreased from 8.7 to 3.9% by increasing the reaction time significantly (P<0.05). The determination of Zn compounds by the sequential extraction procedure revealed significantly different forms of Zn with the average amounts in the following order: (KNO3+H2O)-Zn(soluble+exchangeable forms) < NaOH-Zn(organic form) < EDTA-Zn (carbonate form) << HNO3 -Zn (residual). Salinity affected various forms of Zn i.e. soluble + exchangeable, organic and residual. Increasing soil salinity level increased the KNO3+H2O extractable Zn by 20 to 80% and the NaOH extractable form by 8.6 to 43%. DTPA-Zn was significantly correlated with the NaOH extractable form (r=0.98 P<0.05) and with the (KNO3+H2O)-Zn, (r=0.94 P<0.05). It was concluded that increasing salinity redistributed HNO3-extracted Zn (residual) to the KNO3+H2O extractable (soluble + exchangeable) and NaOH extractable (organic) forms of Zn.

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