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Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

Teaching and learning the Arabic language is of particular importance from a religious and legal point of view in Iran. Therefore, it is necessary to always maintain the position of this language both in the domestic and international arenas. The purpose of this article is to present a model for reforming the teaching and learning system of Arabic as a second language, relying on the identification of visible and hidden factors affecting it, as well as identifying the obstacles facing this issue. The basis of data collection was based on qualitative methods and specially conducting structured interviews with 10 professors of sociology of language. The analysis of the collected data has been done using the process of qualitative content analysis. AHP model and Expert Choise software have also been used to weight the research components.
 The results of this article show that the tendency to teach and learn Arabic as a second language is strongly influenced by basic factors such as social, psychological and economic factors. The value of AHP coefficient was obtained for social indicators (0.403), psychological indicators (0.364) and economic indicators (0.234). The results also show that the barriers and bottlenecks in the second language teaching and learning process in Iran were identified and classified in order of importance in six areas: legal barriers, political barriers, structural barriers, social barriers, cultural barriers and economic barriers.

Volume 12, Issue 2 (Spring 2024)

Aims: Infertility can cause social stigma and erode sexual self-esteem in women, highlighting the need to explore interventions like mindfulness-based cognitive therapy to address these challenges. The present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on infertility-related stigma and sexual self-esteem in infertile women.
Materials & Methods: This was a three-stage (pre-test, post-test, and follow-up) two-group (experimental and control) quasi-experimental study. To conduct the study, all infertile women referred to infertility treatment centers in Isfahan City in early 2023 were recruited using a convenience sampling method based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. A total of 40 participants were randomly assigned to either the experimental group (n=20) or the control group (n=20). The sample group completed the Infertility-Related Stigma Questionnaire and the Sexual Self-Esteem Scale in three stages: Pre-test, post-test, and follow-up. The experimental group received an 8-session MBCT (one 90-minute session per week). Repeated measures ANOVA was used to analyze the results.
Findings: Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy significantly improved infertility-related stigma in the social withdrawal, family stigma, and public stigma dimensions (p<0.01). However, the intervention was not significantly effective in enhancing sexual self-esteem in infertile women.
Conclusion: Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy significantly reduces infertility-related stigma, specifically in the social withdrawal dimension.

Volume 13, Issue 0 (kongore 94- 2015)

Volume 13, Issue 2 (5-2022)

Voicing is one of the most important phonological features in distinguishing consonants in many languages. In this study, we investigated the temporal parameters such as constriction duration, voice duration, and vowel duration in stop and fricative consonants of Azeri Turkish language in intervocalic position (VCV). The main purpose of this study is to study stop and fricative consonants in Tabrizi dialect. An attempt was made to answer the question of how the voicing of stop and fricative consonants of Turkish language affects the temporal parameters. Twelve selected words of Turkish common words were repeated by fourteen Tabrizi speakers. They were produced three times in citation form. The results showed that temporal parameters are considered as potential cues in distinguishing voiced and voiceless Turkish consonants. The results related to stop consonants also showed that only voice duration and vowel duration were effective in the voicing contrast. The results for the closure duration confirmed that there is no significant difference between voiced and voiceless stops and this cue can not be used as a distinguishing cue to voicing in Azeri Turkish stops.

1. Introduction
Glottis and its condition is one aspect of describing consonants; So the vibration in vocal cords during consonant production produces voiced sounds unless the produced sound is voiceless. Voicing is one of the phonological features that has been discussed in most languages ​​and has certain acoustic cues. Some of these cues are defined as temporal features, which include constriction duration, voice duration, and the preceding vowel duration. In other words, these temporal features are considered cues for distinguishing obstruent consonants. Steriade (1997, pp. 6-7) offers a list of cues to voicing and their distribution and believes that changing stop consonants’ position in a syllable can cause a change in the number of voicing cues. closure duration and closure voicing are two essential cues to study stop consonants voicing. Moreover, there are sixteen acoustic features classified into three groups including pre-closure, closure, and post-closure features (Lisker, 1986). Lisker (1986) argues that these features are potentially perceptual cues to voicing distinction in the intervocalic position. This means that closure duration and voice duration are associated with closure, and vowel duration relates to pre-closure features.
Turkish language is one of the most common languages in the Altaic language family which has the largest number of speakers (Crystal, 1987, p. 307). The southwestern branch is one of the main branches of Turkish language, which includes Azerbaijani, Turkish, and Turkmen (Hayat, 2001, p. 8). In general, the Turkish language of Azerbaijan can be divided into two dialects: the northern dialect in the Republic of Azerbaijan and the southern dialect in Iranian Azerbaijan (Johanson, 1998). Among the common non-Persian languages ​​in Iran, Azerbaijani Turkish with 15 to 20 million native speakers has the highest number of speakers (Crystal, 2010) and also among 26 types of Azeri dialects, Baku, Guba, Lankaran, Shirvan, and Tabrizi dialects are common in East Azarbaijan region (Heyat, 2001). This language is agglutinative ​​and has 24 consonants and 9 vowels. Vowels are /ɑ, ɯ, o, u, æ, e, i , œ, y/. Also out of 24 consonants, there are 6 stop consonants / b, p, d, t, ɡ, ɟ / and 9 fricative consonants /f, v, s, z, ʃ, ʒ, x, ɣ, h/ in this language. Additionally, there are two other stops /c/ and /k/ that are used only in the Southern dialect and in loan words (Ghaffarvand Mokri and Warner, 1396).
The main purpose of this study is to examine stop and fricative consonants of Azeri Turkish in the Tabrizi dialect, acoustically. So that these consonants will be evaluated by measuring acoustic cues such as closure duration, voice duration, and vowel duration in intervocalic position. This is an experimental study that will be performed by designing a production test. In this study, we aim at providing an answer to the following question: whether voicing has a significant effect on the duration of acoustic cues in stop and fricative consonants in Azeri Turkish language? We assume that the duration of above-mentioned cues is significantly influenced by voicing feature of obstruents.

2. Literature Review
There are several studies done on many languages evaluating acoustic cues in obstruent consonants such as stop closure duration (Shen et al., 1987; Lisker, 1957; Nikrahi, 2012; Razavi Najafabadi & Nourbakhsh, 2013), fricative constriction duration (Jongman, 2000; Nartey, 1982; Klatt, 1976; Baum &Blumstein, 1987; Rahimi, 2013), affricate closure and frication duration (Hosseinpoor Damirchan & Nourbahsh, 2021), voice onset time (Jahan, 2009; Ünal-Lugacev et al, 2018) and vowel duration ( Ladefoged, 2006, p. 58; Chen, 1970; Raphael, 1972; Warren & Marselen-Wilson, 1989).

3. Methodology
Fourteen Azeri native speakers participated in the production experiment. Twelve Turkish words containing 4 stops /d, t, b, p/ and 8 fricatives /z, s, ʒ, ʃ, ɣ, x, v, f/ were produced in the intervocalic position between vowels /ɑ/. Participants were in a quiet room and produced syllables three times in citation form and also they were asked to repeat with a short interval between each word. Thus, 504 data were obtained (14 speakers × 12 words × 3 repetitions). Praat voice Analysis Software Version 6 .1. 30 were used for acoustic analysis of data. All measurements were done manually considering both waveforms and spectrograms. Also, SPSS software Version 23 was employed for statistical analysis.

4. Results
4-1. Stop closure duration and Frication duration
Closure duration in stop consonants provides two main acoustic information associated with the voicing feature. Examining this cue showed that the length of closure is not significantly longer in viceless stops than voiced (p ≥0.05). The mean closure duration is 93.87 and 98.86 for voiced and voiceless stops respectively. Therefore, closure duration can not be considered a proper acoustic cue to contrast voicing in Azeri Turkish stops.
The results of frication length measurement showed that voiceless fricatives (mean duration: 161.7) are longer than voiced fricatives (mean duration: 91.58). Mean and standard deviation are shown in table 2 for each fricative. The longer duration of voiceless fricatives is significant (p ≤ 0.05) and leads to the result that length of frication is an important cue to fricatives voicing. Table 1 shows descriptive statistics of stops closure duration and fricative constriction duration.

Table 1.
 Descriptive statistics of constriction duration in stops and fricatives
Mean SD Min Max
Stop voiced 93.87 16.88 58 145
voiceless 98.86 23.26 48 148
fricatives voiced 91.58 24.38 50 166
voiceless 161.7 25.54 104 218
4-2. Stop and fricative voice duration
Mean and standard deviation are shown in table 2 for stop and fricative consonants. The average voice duration obtained for voiced stops is 57.79 which is longer than voice length in voiceless stops with 25.13, therefore the significant difference between voiced and voiceless stops (p ≤ 0.05) demonstrates that voice length is the main cue to voicing recognition.
The overall average voice duration for voiced fricatives is longer than the voiceless with 86.33 and 29.93 respectively. In other words, voiceless fricatives have shorter voice length and this difference is considerably significant (p ≤ 0.05). Thus, voice duration is considered an important cue to voicing category of fricatives.

Table 2.
 Descriptive statistics of voice duration in stops and fricatives
Mean SD Min Max
Stop voiced 57.79 27.37 10 112
voiceless 25.13 11.45 7 63
fricatives voiced 86.33 26.32 17 166
voiceless 29.93 10.89 10 80

4-3. Vowel duration preceding stops and fricatives
Mean and standard deviation of vowel length before stops and fricatives are shown in table 3 and indicate that length of vowel before voiced consonants are longer than voiceless ones. The significant difference of voiced and voiceless stops and fricatives (p ≤ 0.05) shows that the duration of vowel precesing obstruens is an essential cue to the voicing distinction.
Table 3
 Descriptive statistics of vowel duration before stops and fricatives
Mean SD Min Max
Stop voiced 114.87 23.43 60 184
voiceless 96.94 23.02 59 170
fricatives voiced 135.74 32.34 76 234
voiceless 101.33 23.11 53 159

6. Conclusion
In this study, three acoustic cues in stop and fricative consonants voicing were investigated for speech production in Azeri Turkish language spoken in Tabriz. Except for stop closure duration, the other cues showed significant differences between voiced and voiceless obstruents. Hence, frication duration, voice duration, and vowel duration before obstruents are potential cues to voicing distinction in Turkish language in Tabrizi dialect.


Volume 13, Issue 50 (5-2016)

Volume 13, Issue 52 (4-2016)

Silybum marianum  (Family: Astraceae) is an annual or biennial plant, which  it grows in the most regions of Iran. The extracts of the mature milk thistle seeds are used as medicinal compounds against liver diseases and liver cirrhosis and inhibitor of liver cancer. In this study, oil content,fatty acids profile and phytosterol compounds were determined in three ecotypes which are in north-west of Iran including Khoreslo, Moghan (in Ardabil) and Babakcastle (in East Azerbaijan). The extracted oil contents of the seeds were from 28% to 29.5%. linoleic acid (49-52%) was predominated followed by oleic acid (25-29%) and linolenic acid was in the lowest level in the all samples. Moreover, phytosterols such as β-Sitosterol, Stigmasterol, Campesterol, Cholesterol, Cleroesterol and ∆7- Sterol were determined in the all extracted oil samples by GC, which β-Sitosterol was the highest in comparison to the others in the all samples. Therefore, the highest content of β-Sitosterol (34.9% of total phytosterol) among the three different ecotypes was belonged to Khoreslo ecotype. In conclusion, using of milk thistle seed oil which has high nutritional value is beneficial in production of edible oil in the country.  

Volume 13, Issue 54 (8-2015)

In this study, concentrated yoghurts were produced in four methods, Tuluq and Torba bags, packed in polyethylene containers and physicochemical such as pH, acidity, total solid, protein, fat and salt content, lipolysis, syneresis, proteolysis and sensory properties was evaluated with control yoghurt during 60 days storage period. In analysied samples yoghurt, pH were (3.89-4.56), acidity (0.94-1.70 g/100 g), total solid (12.5-37.5%), protein (3.7-12.5%), fat (2.9-17.9%), salt (0.2-1.3%) content and syneresis (18.5-61.5%). In the of all yoghurt samples, lipolysis increased during storage. Also, in concentrated yoghurts lipolysis was significantly (P>0.05) lower than control yoghurt during storage period. The percentage of pH 4.6-soluble nitrogen/Total nitrogen and Non-protein nitrogen/Total nitrogen in packed and control yoghurt samples increased significantly (P>0.05) during storage but in Tuluq and Torba yoghurts decreased during first 30 days and then increased significantly (P>0.05). Electrophoretic pattern showed that degradation of αs1- and β-casein were considerable in Tuluq yoghurt. This might be due to endogenous surface bacteria and yeasts activities on Tuluq bag. It was concluded that Tuluq yoghurt had high quality and long shelf-life and it is introduced as a valuable dairy product.  

Volume 13, Issue 59 (0-0)

Tuluq and Torba bag yoghurt are the traditional concentrated yoghurt that is produced in some parts of Iran such as Azerbaijan. In this study, traditional concentrated yoghurt was produced in four methods, Tuluq and Torba bags, packed in polyethylene containers and was evaluated with control yoghurt during storage time. The chemical properties were included pH, acidity, total solid, fat and protein content. Also samples were evaluated of the Starter cultures such as Streptococcus salivarius ssp. Thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. Bulgaricus count, post contamination microbes such as coliform, psychrotrophic bacteria, mold and yeast count and pathogenic microbes such as Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli count. In analysied samples yoghurt, pH were (3.89-4.56), acidity (0.94-1.70 g/100 g), total solid (12.5-37.5%), fat (2.9-17.9%) and protein content (3.7-12.5%). Starter cultures decreased during storage time. Streptococcus Thermophilus count was more than Lactobacillus Bulgaricus count during storage time. Psychrotrophic bacteria mold and yeast count increased during storage time but the coliform, staphylococcus aureus and E. coli bacteria did not change. The results revealed that Tuluq yoghurt not only has high nutritional quality and microbiological properties but also has long shelf-life and it can be introduced as a valuable dairy product.

Volume 14, Issue 62 (4-2017)

The effect of addition of a commercial enzyme derived from Bacillus Polymyxa type IX on Iranian UF-Feta cheese during a 60- day ripening period on chemical composition, pH and proteolysis of cheese samples was investigated. No Significant differences were observed in the chemical composition between experimental and control cheeses. ​​In experimental cheese, pH values were significantly (P< 0.05) higher throughout whole ripening period and at 60d  it was 4.6 and 4.77 in control and experimental cheeses, respectively. Soluble nitrogen in pH=4.6 was significantly (P< 0.05) higher in experimental cheese at 45 and 60d.  At 60d, this index was 6.38 and 7.73% in the control and experimental treatments, respectively. Significant difference in the level of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) 12% was also observed at 45 and 60d. Urea- polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the pH 4.6-insoluble fractions showed that αs1-casein was hydrolysed faster than the β-casein. Intact αs1-casein values from 100 % on the first day reached to 82.93 % and 71.24 % and in β- casein reached to 90.28 and 90.56% at 60d in control and experimental cheeses, respectively. The concentration of total free amino acids in whole ripening period was significantly (P< 0.05) higher in experimental cheese and at the end of the ripening period was 0.68 versus 0.54 in control cheese (mg Glycine/g cheese). Levels of individual free amino acids were also different between treatments.

Volume 15, Issue 79 (9-2018)

Volume 16, Issue 7 (Supplementary Issue - 2014)

World consumption of butter has declined over the last decades partly due to its physical limitations and partly due to its poor nutritionalproperties. In this study, the effect of hazelnut addition on the properties of butter, was evaluated taking into account that hazelnut is a source of unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants. Powdered hazelnut was added to butter at 3 levels (10, 20 and 30 percent w/w). The butter samples were then kept in refrigerator for 4 weeks. The acid and peroxide values, oxidative stability, fatty acid profile, tocopherol content as well as sensory characteristics of hazelnut added butter samples were determined and compared with those of control as during cold storage. Results revealed that hazelnut fortified butter samples bore higher acid values vs. lower peroxide value, as well as oxidative stability values than the control samples. Both acid values, and peroxide values increased in all the samples throughout storage. The concentration of unsaturated fatty acids, including essential fatty acids were recorded as significantly higher (P<­ 0.05) in the fortified butter samples. The contents of α- and γ,β-tocopherol were also higher for the fortified samples, however, their levels especially the level of α-tocopherol, decreased during storage. Sensory evaluation showed no significant difference (P­>­ 0.05) between fortified vs. control samples in terms of either the overall acceptance or any undesirable flavor characteristics. This study introduces a new functional dairy product that can be a step forward towards the modification of butter nutritional drawbacks through an increase in its essential fatty acids as well as antioxidant constituents.

Volume 16, Issue 89 (7-2019)

In this study, lutein Pigment (0.07, 0.13 and 0.2 %w/w ) and whey protein concentrate (0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 %w/w) were added to the milk.  Qualitative characteristics of yogurt samples were analysed regarding physico-chemical, microbiological, textural and sensory properties over 21 days. Adding whey protein concentrate and lutein, lowered the level of synersis and acidity but increased the amount of dry matter, fat, viscosity and pH of yogurt samples. According to the results of microbe analysis, there was not any evidence of the growth of mold, yeast and coliform bacteria in the samples. In the case of sensory properties, adding whey protein concentrate and lutein, raised the scores of texture, mouthfeel evaluation and lowered the scores of appearance evaluation. Among all treatments, yogurt containing 0.2 %, w/w whey protein concentrate and 0.07 %, pigment lutein earned the best score with respect to overall flavor and quality acceptability.   

Volume 17, Issue 2 (3-2015)

In this study, the effects of incorporating grape seed powder (GSP) on flour physicochemical properties i.e. particle size, crude protein, fiber, wet gluten and gluten quality (Zeleny test), and dough rheological properties were investigated. Increasing incorporation levels of GSP from 5 to 25% (w/w flour basis) led to an increase in the amount of fat, total phenol, and total dietary fiber; whereas total protein, wet gluten, and Zeleny values of the flour blends decreased. The results of farinograph test indicated a reduction in water absorption, stability, and farinograph quality number by increasing the concentration of GSP in the flours. Addition of GSP to wheat flour increased degree of softening and mixing tolerance of dough, while arrival time was slightly affected. Incorporation level below 10% (w/w) showed no negative effect of grape seed on dough rheological performance. There was a good potential in increasing nutritional and health value of bread by incorporating GSP, while keeping attention on the negative effects of the higher concentrations of GSP. 
Pedram Mirchi, Masoud Zia Basharhagh, Majid Soltani,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (6-2017)

In this paper, the diffusion coefficient in a normal tissue and tumor are to be estimated by the method of inverse problems. At the beginning, distribution of drug (with the assumption of uniform and isentropic diffusion coefficient) in the tissue is considered as the direct problem. In the direct problem, the governing equation is the convection–diffusion, which is the generalized form of fick’s law. Here, a source and a sink are defined; the source as the rate of solute transport per unit volume from blood vessels into the interstitial space and the sink as the rate of solute transport per unit volume from the interstitial space into lymph vessels are added to this equation. To solve the direct problem, the finite difference method has been considered. Additionally, the diffusion coefficient of a normal tissue and tumor will be approximated by parameter estimation method of Levenberg-Marquardt. This method is based on minimizing the sum of squared errors which in the present study, considered error is the difference of the estimated concentration and the concentration measured by medical images (simulated numerically). Finally, the results obtained by Levenberg-Marquardt method have provided an acceptable estimation of diffusion coefficient in normal tissue and tumor.

Volume 17, Issue 101 (july 2020)

Drying due to the adverse physical and chemical changes is one of the most difficult processes in the food industry, especially to produce garlic powder. In this study, in order to avoid the Maillard reaction, garlics were pretreated by 0.5% sodium metabisulfite, 10% NaCl and citric acid (up to pH = 4) solutions. For this purpose, first, fresh garlic, after preparation according to the usual industrial method, was immersed in the pretreatment solution for 2 minutes at room temperature. The treated garlic was dried using cabinet method at 80 °C and 90 °C to achieve 5.2% water content, and then stored for 60 days at room temperature to evaluation of some quality characteristics including moisture content, vitamin C content, browning level, flavonoid content and pH. Based on the obtained results, moisture content did not change significantly in all treatments during storage. Control sample (without pretreatment) had had the highest off color and browning. Flavonoid and vitamin C contents were reduced in pretreated samples due to their solubility in water. Generally, based on the obtained results, garlic powder produced by pretreatments had lighter color than control sample which could increase their market acceptance and pretreatment with salt had highest effect in the production of garlic powder with a suitable color.  

Volume 17, Issue 107 (January 2021)

In this study, olive leaves which are rich in phenolic compounds were used as sources of natural antioxidants during extraction of oil from rapeseeds by cold press. This new method was developed to increase bioactive compounds, stability and shelf life of the oil. Canola seeds were blended with 0 (control sample) 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10% of olive leaf and their oil were extracted by cold press. Qualitative factors of extracted oil from were tested in the [production day and every 30 days of 90 days storage at room temperature. The results showed that samples containing more olive leaves had more phenolic compounds. Acidity and peroxide value increased but the amount of phenolic compounds decreased during storage. The highest amount of peroxide value was found for samples containing low percentages of olive leaves. The sample containing 10% olive leaves had the highest acidity compared to other samples. Schaal test results also indicated that the stability of the samples decreased with the addition of olive leaves. Overall the results showed that extraction of rapeseed oil by this new method will produce new product rich of phenolic compounds and similar properties compared to virgin olive oil that has more linolenic fatty acids (omega-3) than olive oil. Generally, extraction of oil from a mixture of olive leaf with rapeseeds produces a bioactive rich oil which can be introduced as a new product.

Volume 18, Issue 112 (May 2021)

Doogh is a fermented dairy drink that produced with mixing of pasteurized yogurt, water, essential oils and salt. Due to low pH, doogh is susceptible to spoilage with mold and yeast that is the main challenge for its shelf life. At the same time, the consistency is very important in quality and marketability of doogh. Nowadays, the interesting of consumers to natural antimicrobial substances rather than chemical preservatives has been progressively increased. Chitosan is a derivative of chitin, unlike synthetic polymer compounds, is non-toxic and biodegradable in nature. The aim of this study was investigation on the effect of chitosan on the qualitative features and shelf life of doogh. In this research, chitosan was added to the doogh in four levels (0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3%) and qualitative characteristics of them were investigated by physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory analysis during 60 days. The results showed that, use of chitosan resulted decreasing of phase separation rate, acidity, mold and yeast, Streptococcus salivarius subspecies thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subspecies bulgaricus counts and increasing of viscosity and pH. So that, samples containing 0.3% chitosan had 97% decrease in phase separation rate, 24% decrease in acidity, 6% decrease in mold and yeast count, 19% decrease in Streptococcus salivarius count, 11% decrease in Lactobacillus delbrueckii count, 122% increase in viscosity and 15% increase in pH compared with control samples, at the last day of storage. In the case of sensory features, chitosan did not have any effect on the color and appearance of doogh, but had effect on the flavor and also consistency was improved.

Volume 18, Issue 113 (july 2021)

Application of extracts and essential oils with antioxidative properties to stabilize edible oils is a usual approach. However, this needs extraction of essential oils and extracts which is time consuming and costly. A new method is using herbs with oilseeds during the oil extraction by press. In this study, rosemary leaf at 0 (control sample), 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10% (w/w) was added to black cumin seeds (BS) and oil then extracted by screw press. Extracted oil qualitative properties were determined in production day and every 30 days during 90 days of storage. Obtained results showed that level of essential oil increased (from 0.1 to 0.77%) by increasing the level of RL. Peroxide value of the extracted oils was decreased from 20 to 8.8 (meqO2/Kg oil) by increasing the RL with higher oxidative stability during storage. Acidity was increased in the oil samples extracted from the BS with RL higher than 5%. Chlorophyll and carotenoids contents were increased from 52 to 204 (mg/kg oil) and 5.2 to 13.7 mg/kg oil, respectively, but their content decreased due to decomposition about by half during storage.  In conclusion, obtained results showed that new method of pressing BS incorporated with RL an herb with antioxidative properties is possible and could give a new product and an oil with higher oxidative stability.

Volume 18, Issue 116 (October 2021)

Although synthetic antioxidants are effective in stabilizing oils against oxidation, because of their negative effects on the health of consumers, their use are being limited. Therefore, the use of natural antioxidants such as essential oils of some plants is increasing. In this study, the effect of three types of essential oils of  oregano, thyme and rosemary as natural antioxidants at concentrations of  0 (control sample) 250, 500, 750 and 1000 ppm and synthetic antioxidant hydroquinone tertiary butyl (TBHQ) at a concentration of 100 ppm on the oil quality characteristics of Nigella Sative seed oil (OSI index, peroxide value, acidity and thymoquinone content) were evaluated on the extraction days, 30, 60 and 90 days of storage. The results showed that the highest and lowest peroxide values ​​were related to antioxidant-free oil (61.13 meqO2/kg oil) and oil containing 750 ppm rosemary essential oil (7.7 meqO2 / kg oil), respectively. The results also showed that the oil samples did not differ significantly in terms of acidity (p <0.05). Thymoquinone as the active ingredient of the oil was better preserved in oils containing essential oils, so that the highest and lowest values ​​were related to oils containing 750 ppm rosemary essential oil (1684 ppm) and oil without antioxidants (1230 ppm), respectively. In general, the results showed that rosemary essential oil at a concentration of 750 ppm instead of TBHQ can be used to stabilize black seed oil and maintain its properties.

Volume 18, Issue 117 (November 2021)

Snacks such as puffed corn are food products that have high consumption particularly by children. But unfortunately, these products have high calorie and low amount of useful components. One way to enhance their nutritional value can be using fruit powders in their formulation. In this study, barberry fruit powder (BFP) being as a rich source of bioactive components, was used in the formulation of puffed corn at levels of 0 (control sample), 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10% and in the quality properties were analysed in the finished product. Results showed that antocyanins (from 3 to 110 ppm) increased by increasing the BFP, but pH (from 5.5 to 4.1) and oil content (from 25.5 to 19.5%) and water activity (from 0.8 to 0.65) were decreased. Also, samples containing BFP were in standard range. In addition, organoleptic tests of samples showed that sample containing 5% of BFP obtained the highest score and in higher amount of BFP the scores were decreased. In conclusion, the obtained results showed that there is possibility to produce puffed corn containing BFP which can be a new product with suitable nutritional properties and healthful in the market.

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