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Showing 114 results for Mirzaei

Volume 1, Issue 1 ((Articles in Persian) 2010)

Volume 1, Issue 2 (Fall & Winter 2025)

The Horn of Africa region in the east of this continent consists of four countries: Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti. Due to its geographical, geopolitical, strategic, geostrategic, geo-economics, etc. features, this region has always been of interest to regional and extra-regional actors. Each of the actors is trying to exert influence in this region and its countries and nations according to their national and strategic interests. Saudi Arabia is one of the active regional actors in the countries of the Horn of Africa. It seems that, in addition to its political, economic, military and security goals, this country pursues the promotion of its ideology and thinking, that is, Wahhabism. This research aims to investigate the ideological actions of Saudi Arabia in the countries of the Horn of Africa with the descriptive-analytical method and using library sources. The results show that Saudi Arabia is trying to promote Wahhabism among the Horn of Africa Muslims by spending financial expenses in the form of education, creating educational infrastructures, supporting Wahhabi groups, etc.

Volume 1, Issue 4 (12-2013)

The aims of this study were to assess the effects of drought stress on peroxidase (POD), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities as well as free proline content and growth parameters of Pistacia khinjuk seedlings under drought stress. Therefore, the one-year seedlings of Pistacia khinjuk subjected to water stress (25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% field capacity) for 8 months in greenhouse condition. Results showed that drought stress decreased height, collar diameter, shoot dry weight and root dry weight of P. khinjuk seedlings. But it had different effects onantioxidant enzyme activities in root and shoot of P. khinjuk seedlings. Drought stress increased CAT activity in shoot and root of seedlings and its activity was higher in 25% field capacity (FC) than other treatments. Also, the POD enzyme activity increased in root and shoot of seedlings subjected to drought stress. The SOD activity was at the lowest level in 100% FC than other treatments. The results also showed that free proline accumulation was lower in well watered seedlings and increased under drought stress.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2014)

Aims: Drug abuse among college students continues as a major public-health concern. Theory-driven research is necessary to address and find causes. The current research investigates the utility of Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) in designing and implementing a drug abuse educational prevention program among medical college students. Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted among 120 college students in two groups: experimental and control, who were randomly enrolled at the baseline survey. We used a questionnaire, which included three sections of background data (11 questions), knowledge about the side effects of drug abuse questionnaire (16 questions), and TPB-based questionnaire (20 questions). Educational planning was based on active learning with using group discussion, printed leaflet, and audio-visual CD. The participants were followed up after 2-month intervention. Data were analyzed by the SPSS software version 16 using appropriate statistical tests such as stepwise multiple logistic regressions and t-test. Findings: Almost 6.7% of the participants had a history of drug abuse. The three predictors of 1) attitude, 2) subjective norms, and 3) perceived behavioral control accounted for 48 % of the variation in the outcome measure of the intention to drug abuse. There was a significant improvement in average response for knowledge about the side effects of drug abuse and TPB variables among the students who were under intervention (P < 0.05). Conclusions: Designing intervention to reduce positive attitude and subjective norms toward drug abuse among college students could be useful to substance abuse prevention.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (Winter 2019)

The Horn of Africa includes four countries: Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti. One of the problems in this region is the border and territorial Conflicts and its insecurities in the border areas of the countries. Various factors are effective in creating this instability and border insecurity. Among them, history, historical mentalities, and the role of colonial history is significant. This research is a descriptive-analytical study that uses library resources to investigate the role of history in creating border insecurity with a case study of the role of colonialism in border insecurity in the Horn of Africa. The dependent variable of the research is border insecurity and independent variables are history, colonial history, and the Horn of Africa region. The main question is what is the role of history and historical changes in creating border insecurity in the Horn of Africa? In the Horn of Africa, the most important border conflicts and insecurities include border clashes between Ethiopia and Eritrea; Djibouti and Eritrea; and the insecurity has been caused by ethnic and tribal conflicts in the Somalia-Kenya border areas. The research results show that the history, colonial history, and actions of the colonial powers in drawing the borders of the countries, especially in the Horn of Africa region, which is based on colonial interests and not local interests, it has played an important role in border disputes between countries and instability and insecurity in border areas.

Volume 2, Issue 2 ((Articles in Persian) 2011)

Mystically language is one of the most important tools for expressing the mystical meanings. The language which the contemporary arab poets have well benefited from it. Abdol- Suboor is one of those poets who has met with the great heritage of Iranian Sufism. According to the poet, Attar’s and Rumi's works constitute part of his poetry. His ode “Remembrance of suffi bishr al hafi”, has been affected by the (Manteq at-tayr) of Attār, which is the story of allegorical and symbolic move toward self-perfection. He uses the mask method in this ode, so that, the ode is in motion, in an existential space towards the “pantheism” and “perfect man” and, finally, the form remains open without being finished. This research has used the method of comparative literature. By reviewing the similarities of the two works, it indicates that the ode “Remembrance of suffi Bishr al Hafi” has used the story theme of travel truth in the Attār's (Manteq at-tayr)

Volume 2, Issue 4 (4-2011)

The quality of relation between religiosity and electoral behavior as the research main question derives observation of the paradoxical result of some researches about the relation of these two variables. For deeper understanding of the relation between these two variables, the scale of religiosity, and electoral behavior in two levels of voting attitude and voting participation were analyzed. According to the review of the theoretical and experimental literature, two hypotheses were proposed as fallows: increasing in the scale of the religiosity leads to higher voting participation and voting to Osulgarayan, and decreasing in the scale of religiosity leads to lower voting participation and voting to Eslahtalaban. The research method was survey with questionair and three observational questions. The statistical population of the current research was Tarbait Modares University students. Through nonprobability sampling, 376 students were purposefully selected as sample size. Some descriptive statistics and analytical techniques were used (mean, frequency distribution cross tables, T test, linear and logistic regression). According to the findings, the scale of religiosity has a significant effect on electoral behavior (voting attitude and voting participation), such that increasing in the scale of religiosity leads to voting toosulgarayan and increasing in the voting participation, while decreasing in the scale of religiosity leads to voting to Eslahtalaban and decreasing in the voting participation.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2013)

The cypress family, Cupressaceae, has a global dispersion. Currently, endophytic microorganisms from plants are being investigated for their diversity and bioactivities. Here, we aimed at exploration and characterization of cultivable endophytic fungi from foliar tissues of Cupressaceae, i.e. Cupressus arizonica, C. sempervirens var. cereiformis, C. sempervirens var. fastigiata, Juniperus excelsa, Juniperus sp. and Thuja orientalis. Asymptomatic fresh foliar tissues, collected from mature healthy plants, were sterilized and the inner layers were plated on culture media at 26-28 °C for 2-12 weeks, until fungal colonies emerged and were purified. Endophytic Penicillia i.e. Penicillium aurantiogriseum, P. chrysogenum, P. commune, P. echinulatum, P. expansum and P. viridicatum were the dominant fungi recovered. Results indicated that both host plant and geographical location of sampling affected the biodiversity and bioactivity of endophytic Penicillia. Results also indicated that those endophytic Penicillia had significant bioactivities. According to our results, both intra-and extra-cellular secondary metabolites from all isolated Penicillia had significant cytotoxic and antifungal effects against the model fungus Pyricularia oryzae and cypress fungal phytopathogens Diplodia seriata, Phaeobotryon cupressi and Spencermartinsia viticola. Further studies indicated the significant antimicrobial bioactivities of superior Penicillia against model bacteria. Altogether, this study highlights, for the first time, the biodiversity of endophytic Penicillia from Cupressaceae plants and documents their significance for agrochemical/drug discovery and for plant disease biocontrol.  

Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2014)

To identify arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) associated with Crataegus pontica C. Koch, 54 soil samples were collected from the rhizosphere of this plant in Ilam Province, western Iran. Isolation of mycorrhizal spores was conducted by wet sieving followed by centrifuge. AMF were identified based on morphological characteristics of spores. In this study, 13 species of AMF belonging to five genera (i.e. Acaulospora, Entrophospora, Glomus, Funneliformis and Claroideo glomus) were identified. The result showed that Acaulospora was the most dominant (30.77%) isolated from the rhizosphere of C. pontica. The Glomus caesaris andClaroideoglomus etunicatum had the highest (17%) and G. pansihalos had the lowest (3.7%) frequency in this study. Results indicated that AMF spores had high variation in the rhizosphere of C. pontica.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (3-2015)

Aim: Considering the fundamental role of parents' function and family dynamics including the importance role of family communication pattern on preventing early-onset substance use in children, the present study aimed to determine the correlation between family communication pattern and mothers' preventive behavioral intention regarding preventing early-onset substance use in children. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out among 234 Iranian mothers in Tehran who were randomly selected to participate voluntarily in the study. The participants filled out a self-administered questionnaire including I- demographic information; II- family-based behavioral intention regarding preventing early- onset substance use in children; and III- family communication pattern. Data were analyzed by the SPSS software (ver. 21.0) using Pearson's correlations, independent t-test, and ANOVA at 95% significant level. Findings: The results reported a correlation between conversation (r=0.509**& P≥0.001), conformity orientation (r= -0.150*& P=0.022) and behavioral intention; as well as between conversation conformity orientation (r= -0.382*& P≥0.001), and conversation (r=0.218**& P=0.001), conformity orientation (r= -0.105& P=0.108) and age. Conclusion: The findings suggest that to develop a preventive program, it will be useful to increase family communication pattern, specially conversation orientation to prevent the onset of substance use in children.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (Winter 2020)

Regional convergence of countries is one of the common phenomena in the international arena in economic, security, political, military, cultural, scientific, environmental, etc issues. The "Council of Arab and African States Bordering the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden" is one of the regional systems that in January 2020 centered on Saudi Arabia and with the membership of 8 coastal states of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia And Jordan was established. This research uses descriptive and analytical methods and using library resources including books, scientific articles, reports of strategic centers, news, and analysis of international media, etc. seeks to identify, study and analyze the causes and goals of Saudi Arabia in pursuing the establishment of the "Council of Arab and African States Bordering the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden". The main question is what are the goals of Saudi Arabia in pursuing the establishment of the "Council of Arab and African States Bordering the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden"? The results show that Saudi Arabia in the establishment of the Council of Arab and African States Bordering the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden" pursues six goals in geopolitical, geo-economics, geostrategic, security, military, developmental, economic, political, etc dimensions.

Volume 3, Issue 5 (Supplementary Issue - 2014)

Asparaginase and amylase are widely used enzymes in various industries, which can be produced by endophytic fungi. In this study, the ability of producing these two enzymes in endophytic fungi isolated from six species of Thymus has been reported for the first time in the world. Among 89 isolates of the test, 34 isolates produced asparaginase among which M24 (Fusarium subglutinans) displayed the greatest enzyme activity. Thirty three isolates showed the ability to produce amylase while the greatest enzyme activity belonged to M53 (Curvularia akaii). This study can be regarded as a preliminary work and endophytic fungi of high activity are proposed as possible resources for control of cancer in humans and for industrial applications.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (No.2 (Tome 14), (Articles in Persian) 2013)

This paper studies the conditions of production and understanding of the meaning of “Leqa-on Fi LazateRahil” by Nasrin Edris, Lebanese author. The story of “Leqa..” can be studied sustainability from a new semantic point of view, which includes the photographer and the fighters’ active discourses. Hamzah follows the program; his skill in the photography creates the main character in the action. The Commander has an important role in the acquisition of Hamzah’s emotional ability. In the second discourse, the fighters enter into action after the contract and obtaining the ability. Therefore, the main actions are performed simultaneously; the fighters fight and Hamzah takes photos. All procedures are performed respectively. The dominant discourse is intelligent, but emotional processes, especially photographer part, play an important role in the story forming. The aim of this research was to study the semantic process and narrative traits of the “Leqa..” story in order to achieve the main meaning functions and details. Also the effect of emotion on the meaning process has been investigated

Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2015)

The fauna of the superfamily Bombylioidea was studied in Alborz province, Iran during 2012. Two families (Bombyliidae and Mythicomyiidae), eight genera and ten species were identified, of which two species, Exoprospora dispar Loew, 1869; Parageron lutescens (Bezzi, 1925), are new records for the Iranian fauna. An identification key for the species of the family Mythicomyiidae known from Iran is given.

Volume 4, Issue 3 (9-2016)

Carbon sequestration in soil, leaf and litter of three tree species, viz. Eucalyptuscamaldulensis, Prosopisjuliflora and Ziziphus spina-christi, plantation was investigated in the Dehloran city, Iran. Results showed that the amount of sequestered C in leaf, litter and soil was significantly different among these species. The highest amount of sequestrated C was in leaf and the lowest amount in the soil. The results of this study would be useful for selection of appropriate species to develop green space and forest parks. Forest plantation of these areas would capture significant amounts of atmospheric C, and would be expected to contribute to soil quality and conservation.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (Winter 2023 2022)

Due to its nature, water resources, in addition to giving life to a land and its creatures, can be the source of differences between countries and nations with common resources and cause great losses. In this regard, a new field of research called hydro politics has been created that surveys these issues. Considering the climate situation of the Middle East and the widespread limitation of water resources in this region, the purpose of this study is to investigate the hydro political situation of Iran's joint watersheds with neighbors with emphasis on the Tigris and Euphrates, especially the Arvandrud River. Using the descriptive-analytical method, first, the resources were reviewed systematically, and then the situation of water resources in the area was identified and studied using spatial analysis. Surveys were conducted on three large scales in the Tigris and Euphrates basins, the middle scale in the Karkheh and Karun basins, and the local scale in the Arvandrud River joint area. Studies have shown that the hydro political situation in the region will become tenser with the control of water by upstream countries and due to the very high population growth and water consumption in Iraq. Also, due to Iraq's limited access to open waters and its very small and unsuitable coastline for maritime transport, there is a potential for tension in the region in the future

Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2015)

The main purpose of this research is to develope a model for identification of organizational skepticism and its concepts. Grounded theory method applied for this research. Available non probable sampling method has been used and structural interviews have been performed with employees of private companies. Sampling continued until saturation point in answers has been reached (24 interviews). After using this method, including open and axial and selecting coding, causes and consequences of organizational skepticism have been identified. causes have been investigated in two fields. First, organizational management (management style and personal characteristics of manager and human resource management process and activities and Performance evaluation system) and Second, Organization related fields (organizational cynicism, organizational justice and organizational climate). Consequences of organizational skepticism also have been investigated in two fields of individual and organizational. Short-term effects of individual variables such as organizational indifference, motivational, lack of willingness to participate, job stress and burnout and long-term effects of individual variables such as low productivity of individual, corporate sabotage, poor quality of external engagement, life satisfaction and organizational frustration were classified. These consequences have also led to a long-term impact on organizational outcomes such as low productivity of the organization.

Volume 5, Issue 5 (No.5 (Tome 21), (Articles in Persian) 2014)

Entering into the Arabic language and literature in the early Islamic centuries, Iranian culture generally turned to become a position of Arabic culture and common among the people in the 4th century (A.H.). This culture has been transferred though the language tool; therefore, it has influenced on the Iranian authors who used to write in Arabic.  Abu-Hahyyan Al-Tawhidi is one of  the greatest scientists in the Islamic world in the 4th  century (A.D.) whose  works have Iranian vein. In his book, Titled  Al-Amtaa  Wal-Muanassa, there are almost100 pension load words, among which 20 words, have appeared  for the first time in his work, 21 words have been taken from the Ignorance Age introduced into the Arabic language, and 57 words are loan words borrowed from the Islamic and Arabic eras. The Persian loan words mainly include the names of food stuff, birds, animals, and mechanic herbs. The names of flowers, musical instruments, plays, building tools, etc. have rarely been used in this books. Since, the Persian loanwords are meaningful by themselves; hence, the goal of this study is to assign the cultural meaning/concept of Persian words, which have conveyed in to Arabic Language.  As such, through knowing the Semitics of words, the kind of influencing culture can be easily specified.  

Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2017)

The effect of dietary composition and starvation on growth and plasma metabolites in rainbow trout of 14 g average initial weight was investigated. A group of 240 trout juveniles were distributed in 12 of 150 L tanks. The experiment was performed in a 2*2 factorial design with 2 lipid levels (10 and 18%) and 2 feeding conditions (feeding and starvation) with 4 treatments each with 3 replicates. The fish were fed on diet 1 (lipid 10%, carbohydrate 29%) and diet 2 (lipid 18%, carbohydrate 19%) with the same protein level (47%) and energy. The juveniles were fed to apparent satiation for 3 weeks, followed by starving for 2 weeks and then refed for 3 weeks. The biometery and plasma biochemical parameters were analysed in the day of 21 (end of 3 weeks feeding), 35 (after 2 weeks starvation) and 60 (end of 3 weeks refeeding). Based on the result, the best growth performance in the fish occurred in diet with 10% lipid in control group (feeding group) and no compensatory growth occurred in this treatmennt after 2 weeks starvation. Moreover, the result of body composition showed the starvation and diet composition had more effect on body lipid than body protein and body lipid content decreased by starvation. The starvation and diet composition did not have any significant effect on cholesterol and triglyceride, but they induced decreasing plasma glucose level in the trout.  

Volume 6, Issue 3 (Summer 2018)

Aims: Cement industry is considered as one of the major consuming energies, producing large amounts of environmental contaminants. The aim of this study was to examine the extent of metals Cadmium (Cd), Zinc (Zn), Lead (Pb), and Manganese (Mn) in the soil and leaves of planted around the cement factory in Pinus eldarica, Ulmus umbraculifera, and Quercus brantii naturally grown there.
Materials and Methods: In the present experimental study, to perform this, the level of elements was examined in the leaves as well as depths of 0-10 and 10-20cm of soil across the three studied species using atomic absorption device. The extent of elements sequestrated in the factory’s electro filter was also measured. One-way ANOVA test, Duncan’s test, and SPSS 20 software were used for Statistical analysis.
Findings: Cadmium was sequestrated in the electro filter was almost close to the level of cadmium in the leaf and soil samples. The level of lead, zinc, and manganese in the electro filter of the factory were higher than the extent of sequestration of these three elements in the leaf of three tree species and the soil below them. Across the three species, with increased depth of soil, the extent of lead sequestration declined. Pinus eldarica had the minimum extent of sequestration for the four studied elements both in the soil and leaf across the three studied species.
Conclusion: Quercus brantii and Ulmus umbraculifera have a greater potential in sequestration of heavy metals in comparison with Pinus eldarica.

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