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Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2018)

There are many similarities in the ups and downs of social and literary life of Nizar Qabbani, Arabic poet, and Ahmad Shamlu who is Iranian poet. This article examine concept of freedom in the poems of these two poets to consider differences and similarities of thought of the poets in this issue. People and rulers share in the acquisition and preservation of liberty, which these two poets have focused on both of them, using the symbol and the combination of lyrical concepts and political and social concepts, have presented their subject. Shamlu praises the freedom-loving people and defines “poverty” as lack of freedom. Qabbani tries to summon the people of the Arab lands to reform their affairs. he blames the heads of Arabic countries more, but does not name a certain person and notes the danger of the Jews. Ahmad Shamlu and Nizar Qabbani believe that gunfight is one of the ways which can be achieved freedom through it. So, they loathe silence of people against cruelty, autocracy and injustice, and they blame or chide and sometimes humiliate people for that. Both poets condemn autocracy and additionally they show their unique talent and genius in describing “freedom”. Clarity and simplicity of Nizar’s poems and mysterious and elusive words in Shamlu’s poesies are the characteristics of these two poets in the concept of freedom.

Volume 4, Issue 8 (6-2016)

Family is one of the most important kernels of society that was noteworthy in all ages and marriage as the most essential step in the formation of this kernel has a special place among all generations. Finding a partner who causes feeling fortune and happiness is most highlighted human's dream that man try to fulfill. The need for peace and prosperity in folk literature has a wide appearance. Also there are lots of tale, proverb, song and etc in popular literature in Iran that those formed according to marriage. In this article we try to study the formation of marriage and identify the collective imagination in this country with analyses the stereotypes and repetitious nodes. The dominant issues in this folk tales are stereotypes such as jealous, love at a glance, marring the poor girl and prince or poor boy and princess and etc. there is an evil agent often that is obstacle for marriage but at the end, joiner is the hero with the help of good or supernatural agent

Volume 8, Issue 2 (10-2016)

Despite its importance in the process of political modernity in Iran, ‘Iranian Constitutionalism’ has been scarcely studied from the viewpoint of nation-building/ nationalism ideologies. From the perspective of historical sociology, constitutionalism paved the way for the appearance of the multiple images of Iranian nationalism emerging from the 19th century. Iranian constitutionalism encountered, on one hand, the emergence of political nationalism based on the sovereignty of nation and the rule of law, and the reaction of cultural nationalism, on the other hand. Although the expedient, short-term convergence of these nationalistic tendencies at the beginning of the Iranian Constitutional Revolution was fruitful in some respects, the divergence of these tendencies and the escalating conflict between them throughout the process of constitutionalism reveal restrictive, substantial contrasts in the process of Iranian political nationalism. The multiplicity of Iranian nationalism due to the diversity of values and cultural resources and the divergent orientations of the nationalistic tendencies in the Iranian constitutionalism undermined the possibility of agreement on a comprehensive definition of nation and the establishment and institutionalization of the sovereignty of nation and the rule of law. Thus, from the Constitutional Revolution onward ‘the issue of nation’ and ‘the sovereignty of nation’ have remained the focus of attention of discussions as the most important issues in contemporary Iran.    

Volume 9, Issue 2 (2-2020)

The two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) is one of the most important pests of field crops, orchard trees and ornamentals around the world. The short life cycle, high reproductive potential, accompanied by frequent acaricide applications have caused resistance development to wide range of acaricides. In this study the susceptibility of two populations, collected from Karaj and Mahllat, was investigated against fenpyroximate. The bioassay test was carried out by using the leaf-dip method. The results showed that the LC50 values for Karaj and Mahallat population were 2.1 and 92 (mg/ml), respectively. The resistance ratio was 43.8. The enzyme assay results revealed that the activity ratios of esterase in Mahallat to Karaj populations were 2.5 and 1.2 when α-NA and β-NA were used as a substrate, respectively. The activity of cytochrome P450 in Mahallat population was 1.37 times higher than the Karaj population. There was no significant difference in glutathion S-transferase activity between the two populations. The gene expression (qRT-PCR) results showed that the expression level of CYP392A11 in Mahallat population was 3.52 times higher than Karaj population. These results suggested that esterase and cytochrome P450 monoxygenase are probably involved in resistance of T. urticae to fenpyroximate. 

Volume 10, Issue 3 (Summer 2019)

Aims: Prediction of three-dimensional structure from a sequence of amino acids is one of the important problems in structural bioinformatics. Proteins select a special structure among many possible conformations in order of seconds. Levinthal paradox expresses that random searches could not be an effective way to form a native structure and a principal mechanism should be available. Reduced alphabet fewer than 20 have been interested in protein structure because it could sufficiently simplify the protein folding problem. It is generally assumed that the native structure form in the lowest free energy among all conformational states. Therefore, it is needed to design a trustworthy potential function that could discriminate protein fold from incorrect ones.
Materials and Methods: Knowledge-based potential functions are one type of energy functions derived from a database of known protein structures. In this study, we introduce a knowledge-based potential and assess the power of five amino acids ALA, LEU, ILE, VAL, and PHE in discrimination of native structure using the reduced model. In the reduced model only the energy between the aforementioned amino acids are calculated.
Finding: The reduced model was evaluated using four criteria. The results indicate that there is no significant difference between the 20- amino acid model and the reduced model.
Conclusion: The presented model indicates that the power of discrimination of native structure is originally from the interaction between the aforementioned amino acids. Therefore, it needed a new strategy to capture the remaining interactions to improve the power of knowledge-based potential function.

Volume 13, Issue 2 (1-2023)

The number of microbial cells on the planet is much larger than the stars we know in the galaxies. However, the microbial diversity and their ecological network remain unknown, they have key roles on the Earth's ecosystems. Omics technologies such as metagenomics provide tools for recognizing a large part of these cryptic forms of life accurately, which are much higher than the uncultivated majority. One example is the diversity of the Vampyrellids from protista and micro-eukaryotes. Using meta-omics technologies, it found that the diversity within this one group equals that of the entire kingdom of fungi, and they are found in all corners of nature, from the oceans to terrestrial soils. It is noticeable that they are only one of the seven protista groups. In this article, in addition to introducing Omics technologies, some of big relevant projects and their results have also been discussed covering all of the Earth's environment. Metagenomics is the direct sequencing and characterization of genes and genomes present in complex microbial ecosystems (e.g. metagenomes). Viromics is the research of viral metagenome. In metatranscriptomics the mRNA is being analyzed which is due to its notoriously labile nature in environmental samples, its conservation and analyzing are the main challenges in this omics. Identification and measurement of various proteins that can directly measure microbial activity is performed in metaproteomics. Environmental metabolomics includes the study of low molecular weight metabolites generated from interactions between microorganisms, such as small eukaryotes, plants, animals, predators, abiotic stresses, and other stimulants.

Volume 13, Issue 55 (9-2015)

The combined effects of salt percentage (0.5 or 1%), its adding order (before or after the fermentation) and different ratios of NaCl/KCl (100/0 and 50/50) were used in the probiotic Doogh. Two probiotic bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 and Bifidobacterium lactis BB-12), along with the yogurt bacteria were used. pH, acidification and redox potential were measured during the fermentation period. Moreover, viability of probiotic bacteria was determined within 7-day intervals during the storage period. The sensory parameters were also evaluated at days 0 and 21. The partial substitution of NaCl with KCl in the studied concentration had a positive influence on the viability of probiotics. Treatments containing 1% NaCl/KCl and 0.5% NaCl/KCl which were added before fermentation showed the maximum viability of probiotics. The treatments with 0.5% NaCl and then 0.5% NaCl/KCl before fermentation showed higher acceptance. Thus the substitution of 0.5% NaCl with KCl was acceptable. In whole, the treatment containing 0.5% NaCl/KCl before fermentation was the best one for probiotic Doogh with substituted salt.

Volume 13, Issue 61 (3-2016)

Abdolhamid Gorji, Esmaeil Mohammadian, Mohammad Ali Mirzai,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (6-2015)

Forming media in metal forming processes is so important. Since the forming media in Ball deep-drawing process is discrete, it is quite flexible. In this paper, thickness distribution and required force for forming of conical part by ball deep-drawing and conventional deep-drawing processes using finite element simulation and experimental stages, were studied. In this research, sheets were used made St14 steel and brass wit 1mm thickness. The experimental results are in good agreement with simulation results. The results showed the sample formed by conventional deep-drawing process had more uniform thickness distribution than ball deep-drawing, but the maximum thinning in the parts of ball forming process was less than conventional deep-drawing process. Also it was observed that required force for ball deep drawing process is more than the conventional deep-drawing process. It was observed that with increasing radius of the input die, the force required to stretch the ball deep-drawing and ball processes is decreased, also with increasing radius of the input die is reduced thinning amount. It was noted that one of the advantages of ball deep drawing process than traditional deep drawing process is achieved a negative slope part.

Volume 16, Issue 1 (3-2016)

Many of the past experimental research on the design of road pavement layers was confined to the behavior of saturated pavements materials. Among the experimental studies to determine the road layers properties, California bearing ratio (CBR) has been one of the most common and applicable parameter for determination of the resistance of roads subgrade in both design and practical purposes. An extensive amount of research exist in the literature that explains the behavior of California bearing ratio of saturated soils. However, any change in the degree of saturation of subgrade materials and in particular different hydraulic response in wetting and drying paths can affect the CBR value of a pavement material. In compare to the extensive previous studies on the California bearing ratio of soils, this phenomenon is rarely concerned in the previous studies. The goal of this laboratory research is to examine the influence of the initial compaction void ratio, moisture content, degree of saturation, matrix suction and hydraulic hysteresis on the California bearing ratio of a pavement material. To this end, California bearing ratio of sand-kaolin mixture was measured in a range of initial void ratios and initial water contents along drying and wetting portions of the soil-water characteristic curve. The CBR tests along wetting paths was performed on the soil samples that were dynamically compacted and wetted in a range of initial void ratios and initial water contents. The CBR tests for drying paths was also carried out on the soil samples that were compacted identically to the samples used in wetting tests, but they were air dried for seven days before CBR measurements. The air drying process was achieved from the both ends of soil samples as to maintain a homogenous moisture distribution thorough the soil. This was experimentally verified by measuring the moisture contents of top, middle, and bottom portions of the specimens. The CBR values of soil samples were measured within the loading speed of 1.2 mm/min both for wetting and drying paths. According to the laboratory results, it is observed that the CBR value is increased within the increment of initial soil compaction and matrix suction. Based on the results, it is also observed that the value of California bearing ratio of the understudying soil is decreased within increment of the degree of saturation and initial moisture content of the soil. The experimental data also revealed that the California bearing ratio of the pavement material along the drying and wetting paths are not identical, and for a given suction, the CBR values for drying paths possess lower values than the wetting paths. This hysteretic trend for the change of CBR along drying and wetting paths is explained with regard to the hysteretic behavior of the soil-water characteristic curve.
Shahrzad Mirzaie, Seyed Masoud Hoseini Sarvari,
Volume 16, Issue 9 (11-2016)

In this paper, inverse design to determine unknown heat source distribution in a radiant enclosure using an optimization method is investigated to produce desired emissive power and heat flux profiles on a diffuse-nongray design surface of a two-dimensional radiant enclosure. The medium of enclosure is emitting-absorbing, and the design surface's emissivity is assumed to be varied with respect to wavelength. Regarding diffuse-nongray design surface, the variation of emissivity with respect to the wavelength is approximated by considering a set of nongray bands with constant emissivity and then the radiative transfer equation is solved by the discrete ordinates method for each band. The total heat flux on each surface element of the design surface is approximated by a summation over the contribution of nongray bands. The conjugate gradient method is used to minimize an objective function, expressed by the sum of square residuals between estimated and desired heat fluxes over the design surface. The sensitivity problem is approximated by differentiation of the radiative transfer equation with respect to the unknown variables. The performance of the present method is evaluated by comparing the results with those obtained by considering a diffuse-gray design surface. The results show that the heat source distribution is well recovered over the heat flux specified design surface in an appropriate range of accuracy.

Volume 17, Issue 5 (12-2017)

Soil mixtures such as clayey sands, silty sands, or clayey silts are among the categories of common natural soils observed in liquefied sites. The substantial amount of liquefactions discussed in previous contributions appeared to occur in sands containing plastic fines. In saturated soils, a notable amount of experimental studies were performed in past to examine the influence of fine content on the liquefaction potential of sands. In spite to the occurrence of liquefaction in unsaturated zones due to ground motions observed in past, there are few amount of experimental data that relate the potential of liquefaction with degree of saturation, Sr, specifically for soils with high degrees of saturations. In this article, the results of a series of careful laboratory test program is represented to determine the liquefaction behaviour of a sand mixed with a range of kaolinite including zero to 30 perect at elevated saturation conditions. This is experimentally achieved using a double-walled suction controlled triaxial cell specifically developed to conduct cyclic triaxial tests at high degree of saturations that were 80, 85, 90, 95 and 100 percent. The stress-strain behaviour of the soil is represented and compared with respect to the amount existing data available in the literature. The variation of excess pore water pressure during the cyclic loading indicate that, in saturated pure sand, the generation of excess pore water pressure was mainly occurred at higher cycle of loads while, in saturated specimens with 30% clay content, it is observed from the early cycle of loading stage. Also a change in suction of specimen during cyclic loading under undrained condition is observed. Due to the presence of air in unsaturated soil volume change occurs during cyclic loading. It can be observed that void ratio decrease while saturation ratio increases. Matric suction is almost constant during cyclic loading until pore air pressure reached at maximum value and by increasing pore water pressure matric suction decrease. During cyclic loading axial strain is small until pore water pressure reached the effective confining pressure. In this case sudden increase in axial strain occurs and liquefaction starts. Accordingly, it is seen that during the cyclic loads all tested specimens reached to the liquefaction state. The liquefaction potential within the soil is represented according to CSR20 and is found to be a function of fine content. It is appeared to be initially decreased within the increment of fine content up to 20%, and consequently, it is slightly increased with increasing the percentage of fines up to 30 percent. The above behaviour aspect was obvious in all the range of degree of saturation considered. Additionally, it is seen that at a given fine content, a slight desaturation of specimens caused a significant increment in the liquefaction resistance ratio (LRR) within the soil and was more evident within the decrement of the fine content. The trend observed for the variation of liquefaction resistance ratio versus the potential volumetric strains in pure sands appeared to be consistent to the logarithmic relationship as suggested in the literature.

Volume 18, Issue 113 (july 2021)

Ketchup is a stuffing based on extract, concentrate, puree, or tomato paste which, given the increasing consumption formes of this product, it is necessary to improve the formulation using prebiotic compounds. In this study, chemical (pH, acidity, total sugar, brix and ash), physical (Synersis and color) and sensory characteristics of ketchup samples including different amounts of sweet potato puree, inulin and date liquid sugar (as a sugar substitute) was analyzed and the results were analyzed by statistical method of response surface and central composite design. The results showed that potato puree had no significant effect on chemical properties of the samples compared to two independent variables of inulin and date liquid sugar. But the linear effects and the second power of inulin and date liquid sugar were significantly different in all chemical properties compared to the control samples. The results of data analysis showed that the second power effects of potato puree and date liquid sugar variables were significant for the amount of Synersis ketchup sauce produced. The color components (L * a * b *) increased with increasing potato puree, inulin, and date liquid sugar, and the overall color difference was higher for samples containing inulin and potato puree. Sensory properties of color and general acceptance were significantly different with increasing potato puree. Except for the taste that did not have a significant effect on inulin, the increase in the amount of inulin and date liquid sugar had an influence on the other process sensory factors. Finally, this study showed that using optimum amounts of 11.25% potato puree, 3.75% inulin and 2.9% date liquid sugar as substitute for sugar, in addition to achieving physicochemical and sensory and calorie-lowering sauces also utilize functional ingredients in ketchup formulation.

Volume 19, Issue 3 (5-2017)

 Transition from vegetative to reproductive growth is an important stage in plant’s life. Flowering pathways including photoperiod, vernalization, gibberellins, and autonomous pathway are regulated by different genes. Identification of flowering genes is essential for the development of bolting-resistant sugar beet cultivars. In this study, a set of 118 Arabidopsis thaliana genes involved in flowering time control were used as a reference to identify homologous counterparts in Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) and Transcriptome Shotgun Assembly (TSA) sequence of sugar beet. Based on obtained ESTs, primers were designed for Suppressor of Frigida 4 (SUF4), Curly Leaf (CLF), Constitutive Photomorphogenesis1 (COP1), and Cycling Dof Factor (CDF) genes. SUF4 and CLF are components of vernalization pathway and COP1 and CDF are in photoperiod pathway. The sequence regions of these genes were amplified using cDNA PCR technique, and compared with other identified sequences in Gene Bank. Four genes namely CLF, COP1, CDF and SUF4 were deposited in Gene Bank. Results showed that most of the flowering pathway genes in Arabidopsis are detectable in sugar beet which can be contributed to the understanding of the genetic control of bolting resistance.

Volume 21, Issue 7 (Supplementury Issue 2019)

Capital as the engine of economic growth and development is one of the fundamental pillars of economy. Many developing countries are struggling to achieve sustainable economic growth through investment in order to achieve economic development. Investing in agricultural sector, due to the steady increase in demand for food and other agricultural products, is of particular importance and can lead to growth in production and employment in this sector. In addition, backward and forward relationships of the agricultural sector with other sectors also contribute to the growth of production and employment. Accordingly, in the present study, the analysis of the effects of the policy of investment growth in agriculture based on the method of Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) was considered. The effects of applying this policy (including net, open and closed effects) have been analyzed in three scenarios. The results of net effects showed that the incomes of production activities would be increased in each of these scenarios. In addition, due to the implementation of the first scenario, industrial and agricultural sectors, and because of the implementation of the second and third scenarios, the sectors of industries, agriculture, and horticulture had the maximum increase in production. Also, the study of open effects also shows an increase in the income of the factors of production and institutions caused by the application of the above policies. Investigating the closed effects of the package also showed that the overall economy resulting from the above scenarios increases, such that closed effects are much stronger than direct effects. The findings also showed that the closed effects of the aforementioned scenarios on the industries, services, and commerce were more than the agricultural sector itself and its sub-sectors, indicating a strong link between these sectors and the agricultural sector and its sub-sectors.

Volume 22, Issue 1 (10-2015)

Narrative frequency is one of the main temporal and stylistic categories as well as an important miraculous aspect de-familiarizing Qur’an. The story of Adam is among the Qur’anic stories that have been repeated in seven verses. Of the artistic aspects of this story, it can be referred to its narrative dissemination. The types of frequency differing from singular, anaphoric, style and anaphoric frequency where the last two have been used more due to their semantic aspects. Of the functions of frequency in the story of Adam, one can mention the emphasis on the former meaning by verbal and stylistic dislocation or the verbal correlation, fixation of meaning in the mind of the addressee and immortality of the content, surprise of the reader, signification and enrichment, clarification of the event and character and concentration on the theme in the story and expansion of the concepts and aesthetic function. This story has employed unique narrative styles in selection that inspires different meanings such as de-familiarization frequency, frequent retrospective and prospective  and combination of both of them and utilization of different viewpoints, usage of continuous tense and these styles serve for religious and educational purposes. This paper tries to explain the de-familiarization of frequency.  

Volume 22, Issue 6 (11-2020)

 We evaluated the effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) on percentage of Essential Oil (EO) content, EO yield, EO composition, and anatomical characteristics of lemongrass at four levels of water availability [100, 75, 50, and 25% Field Capacity (FC)]. EO composition was determined by GC-MS analysis, and scanning electron microscopy was used to investigate the anatomical parameters (stomatal density and size as well as glandular trichomes). EO content and yield significantly increased under moderate water stress (50% FC) and AMF inoculation. The highest EO content (1.09%) and yield (0.26 g plant-1) occurred in 50% FC combined with AMF inoculation treatment. In contrast, the lowest EO content (0.68%) and yield (g plant-1) were observed at 25% FC and no AMF inoculation. The main EO components were geranial, neral, β-pinene and nerol. Water stress increased the content of geranial, β-pinene, whereas it decreased the neral and nerol content. In general, AMF inoculation enhanced the geranial, neral, and β-pinene, but nerol was slightly decreased in total. The highest geranial (48.02%) and β-pinene (7.72%) was observed in AMF inoculated plants at 50% FC. However, the maximum content of neral (35.02%) was found in inoculated plants at 100% FC. Water stress changed the stomatal density and size as well as the number of glandular trichomes. The highest stomatal density was observed in 50% FC (148.1 stomata number mm-2). Water stress decreased the stomatal size, with the lowest stomatal length (24.1 µm) and width (14.1 µm) observed at 25% FC. In addition, the number of glandular trichomes at 50% FC (24.6 trichome number mm-2) was greater than the other treatments. This study suggests inoculating lemongrass plants with AMF and maintaining a moderate water stress to obtain the optimum EO.

Volume 24, Issue 1 (2-2018)

Universal literary theory is a new critical approach that aims to study universal mechanisms literary work at the levels of Inline text, language, and framework. The Universality is to achieve the level of universal recognition of the greatness of literary work and the desire to translate, read and study. There is no doubt that the efforts of Najib Mahfouz in the case of the novel had a great significance in the movement of Arab narratives towards the world. This article attempts to investigate the Universal literary elements in the novel "Our neighborhood kids" within the Universal literary theory, through a curriculum that is a bridge between the Universal literary theory and the descriptive-analytical approach. The results indicate that this novel has the advantages to qualify for the presence in the world space, the most important is the victory of Najib Mahfouz Nobel Prize. In addition to the presence of Inline text element’s such as the conflict between religion and knowledge, and the balance between Egyptian society and the Universal level in terms of ideas, the author's involvement in Egypt's political power and culture has helped him gain access to the Universal literary space. Then translating the novel into the most important languages of the world, such as English and French, which helped her to cross the border of Egypt. But the universality of this novel does not imply the availability of all the elements of the Universal literary

Volume 25, Issue 1 (Winter 2022)

Objective: Genetic studies point to the effective role of protein levels or expression of gluconeogenic genes in hepatic glucose release in healthy or diseased individuals. This study aimed to assess the effect of resistance training on PEPCK expression in hepatocytes in obese rats with type 2 diabetes (T2D).
Methods: For this purpose, 21 rats obesed by 6 weeks high-fat diet (HFD) were randomly divided to 1) non-diabetic, 2) control T2D, 3) exercise T2D groups. Type 2 diabetes induced by intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (STZ: 25 mg/kg) in diabetes groups. The rat of exercise group were completed resistance training for six weeks (5 times weekly) in the form of climbing the ladder by applying resistance. The non-diabetic and control T2D groups did not participate in the exercise program. 48 hours after the lasting exercise session, PEPCK expression in hepatocytes, serum insulin and glucose were compared between groups. Data compared by One-Way ANOVA and Tukey post hoc test (P< 0.05).
Results: T2D induction resulted in significant decrease in insulin and increase in fasting glucose and PEPCK expression in hepatocytes compare with non-diabetes rats. Resistance training resulted in significant increase in insulin and decrease in fasting glucose and PEPCK expression in hepatocytes of exercise T2D than control T2D group.
Conclusion: Based on these data, we conclude that resistance training can be improve glucose in diabetes rats and tis effect may be attributed decrease PEPCK expression in response to this training method.

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