Showing 81 results for Mohamadi
Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2013)
Aims: Evaluation of Patient Satisfaction (PS) is one of the most essential factors in improving the quality of healthcare systems. The aim of this study is to determine the norms and to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Najmiyeh Outpatients Satisfaction Questionnaire (NOSQ). Methods and Materials: This study has been conducted on 240 outpatients in Najmiyeh subspecialty hospital (Tehran-Iran) in 2011. They were selected using the proportional simple random sampling method. Following the confirmation of the content validity, we considered the construct validity and reliability applying Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Explanatory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Cronbach's Alpha. Also, SPSS and AMOS version 18 were used for data analysis. Findings: The sample population consisted of 240 subjects, including 132 females (55.1%) and 108 males (44.9%). The EFA reported three important factors in this regard, with a variance of 54% and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin index of 0.82, all approved by the CFA (RMSEA= 0.04, CFI= 0.96). The outpatients' satisfaction factors were: “hospital information system, treatment and conditions”. The reliability of the questionnaire was reported at %71 based on the Cronbach's alpha. Conclusions: Both validity and the reliability indexes of the NOSQ have been reported at a desirable level; therefore it can be used as a valid and reliable instrument to measure the outpatients' satisfaction.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2013)
Aim: Patients' satisfaction (PS) is a dominant concept in medical care, due to the gap in the literature on Persian version of PS instruments, this study has conducted with aim to analyze the validity and reliability of self-designed Najmiyeh Inpatient Satisfaction Questionnaire (NISQ). Methods: This study was carried out on 247 inpatients that came in Najmiyeh subspecialty hospital in Tehran (the capital city of Iran) during year 2011 who were selected by proportional stratified sampling method. Statistical analysis used: In this study, after checking content validity we used confirmatory and explanatory factor analysis and Cronbach's Alpha in order to examine construct validity and reliability, respectively. SPSS (version18) and AMOS (version 20) programmer were used to analyze data. Findings: Samples consisted of 247 subjects (222 women (90%) and 25 men (10%)). The explanatory factor analysis showed 5 factors with 64% total variance and 0.91 Kaser-Meyer-Olkin Index, the result also confirmed with confirmatory factor analysis (PNFI=0.71, RMR=0.03, PCFI=0.76). Extracted factors consisted of: “satisfaction from nursing services and their behaviour”, “satisfaction from one’s doctor”, “satisfaction from inpatient department”, “companions’ satisfaction”, “satisfaction from one’s room”. Also the questionnaire’s reliability was 0.96 using the Cronbach's Alpha method. Conclusions: Because validity and reliability indexes of NISQ were reported in suitable range, we can confirm that this questionnaire is a valid and reliable tool for measuring inpatient satisfaction.
Volume 1, Issue 3 (Summer 2023)
The current study suggests the utilization of steel wool as an extended anode electrode in an electrochemical process to enhance the efficiency of Remazol Brilliant Blue R (RBBR) removal from wastewater. The effect of the operating parameters of initial pH, applied current, supporting electrolyte, and initial dye concentration on textile dye removal efficiency was investigated to determine the optimum conditions of the process. Kinetic studies were performed in the optimum conditions. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and x-ray fluorescence (XRF) were carried out to determine the morphology and characterization of the extended anode surface. Under the optimum conditions, the dye and chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal were obtained 99.42% and 72.72%, respectively. The reaction kinetic data of the electrochemical process was followed by the pseudo-second-order kinetic rate equation (R2 = 0.99). These findings might be useful in treating the various pollutants in industrial wastewater.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (11-2012)
Certainly the fair rewarding between personnel based on their productivity and performance which could motivate the employee and increase productivity of organization is one of the most important matters for managers. Obviously, allocating rewards and bonuses that result from productivity or other which has been defined from management should be justly and based on people effectiveness and efficiency. The purpose of this research is designing a productivity model for allocating bonuses through determining the productivity and performance indexes and then measuring and also analyzing, as well as allocating rewards and bonuses among employees based on their own productivity and performance. This is an applied research, uses descriptive statistics and the data are collected from random stratified sampling in Niro Mohareke Company. Finally, the model which is confirmed and validated by experts and managers of Niro Mohareke Company, is used as a practical example in the Strategic dep.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (Summer 2022)
The rule "There is No Effect on the Existence Except Allah" is emphasized by the Ash'arites and Mulla Sadra. But each has offered a different interpretation of this rule; According to this rule, the Ash'arites have denied any causation, influence, or effect among the possibilities, and attribute all actions exclusively and directly to God Almighty. But Mulla Sadra, based on his philosophical principles in transcendent wisdom, while proving the near activity of God for all actions, also accepts a role for other possibilities in actions and proves a kind of influence and effect among the obligatory sub-transcendence. In this article, with a descriptive-analytical-critical method, both views in this regard were examined. Accordingly, neither view is flawed. Of course, Mulla Sadra's view, with the explanation given by Mullah Ali Modarres, is largely free from problems.
Volume 2, Issue 7 (Autumn 2021)
This research aims to survey the cultural status of clubs in the Persian Gulf Pro League. This research is a type of grounded theory research. The present study is of applied type. In terms of location, the scope of the research included all the professional football league clubs across the country. All interviewees were chosen voluntarily and purposefully. Sampling was done with the snowball technique, and a total of 25 elite football players were interviewed in depth—the data analysis process was based on the Strauss-Corbin model. Then, MAXQDA12 software was used for qualitative analysis of the interviews. Results showed that the current cultural status of the clubs is in the very bad category, and more work should be done to improve it in the future. Also, regarding the solutions to enhance the cultural status of the clubs, the following answers were found, which are: strengthening and reforming the management process, providing information and proper education and training, correct planning and legislation and its strict implementation, exercising supervision and control, distance From materialism and result orientation, using authentic Iranian Islamic culture, increasing budget and facilities, using domestic and foreign experiences, professionalism and updating football, helping to solve the general and contextual problems of society and establishing communication between different classes. Therefore, by implementing these solutions for Iranian football clubs, we can try to improve the cultural level of the clubs at least at the same level as their technical level and display a worthy and dignified culture of Islam and Iran in the region and the world.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (11-2012)
In biological methods, microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, actinomycets and yeasts are used to produce metal nanoparticles. Fungi are extremely good candidates in the synthesis of silver nanoparticles because of their ability to secrete large amounts of enzymes. The aim of this study was the biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles by Penicillium spp. isolated from the soil of plump and zinc mine in Zanjan city (Iran). After culturing, growth of colonies and isolation of Penicillium spp., 15 g of the fungal biomass was mixed into 1 mM silver solution for 72 h incubation. The production of silver nanoparticles was characterized by UV-vis spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction(XRD) and transmission electron microscopy. Among the sixteen kinds of isolated fungi, six species were recognized as Penicillium of which just the fungus Penicilliumbrevicompactum was found to be able to produce silver nanoparticles. The production of silver nanoparticles was preliminarily approved by observing the color change of the reaction solution from colorless to yellowish brown. The synthesis of silver nanoparticles was confirmed by observing the characteristic peak at 406-425 nm. The presence of crystalline silver nanoparticles was confirmed by observing peaks in (111), (200), (220), (311) in the XRD analysis. Transmission electron microscopy images showed that silver nanoparticles were produced in the size range of 50 -100 nm in spherical shape mainly extracellular at the surface of mycelium. The fungus was recognized to be Penicilliumbrevicompactumusing slide culture method, growth on Czapek yeast agar and Keratin-sucrose agar.
Volume 3, Issue 7 (12-2015)
Hakim Ferdowsi's Shahnameh has been always the focus of attention by Kurdish-speakers. This issue has encouraged Kurdish poets to compose epopees in Kurdish due to the style of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh. The epopees named Kurdish Shahnameh available in Kurdish Goorani dialect are not totally abstracted from Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, but they have some famous stories, characteristics and poetic formats and even epic and heroic nature in common with Ferdowsi original work. Studies have revealed that the narrated stories in Kurdish Shahnameh are in accordance with the stories narrated in narrative cliques and the content of narrators' scroll. Narrating epic stories in narrative and story-telling cliques have directly influenced on the Kurdish poets. It also has made Kurdish Shahnameh like narrators' narration, influenced by the oeuvre's contemporary needs, mixed with Islamic themes being careless about word superficial features.
Volume 4, Issue 2 (No.2 (Tome 14), (Articles in Persian) 2013)
In all languages, grammar instruction is one of the most important concerns of language teaching connoisseurs. In Arabian language, due to its specific structural and instructional properties, grammar and its teaching procedure have been investigated by teachers and connoisseurs for decades. Similarly in Iran, Arabic grammar instruction has been one of the most important components of teaching this language forever; so many of famous connoisseurs and book authors in Arabic grammar are Iranian. However, nowadays, one of the most challenging fields in teaching Arabic in Iran is grammar instruction. Despite of instructing 20 units in B.A. Arabic language and literature, it seems that students are facing with paramount deficiencies in applying Arabic grammar since it is for long years that grammar is instructed with old methods and many professors are not using modern and proper. strategies. The present study attempts to study instructional methods and the rate of implementing proper strategies by a survey and questionnaires. The research findings showed that traditional deductive method is more frequently used in grammar instruction, and new strategies, namely technology and contributive application and strategy, are implemented less than traditional methods in providing feedback information.
Volume 5, Issue 2 (6-2015)
Designing complex subway station and mixing them with crisis management provides an opportunity to understand multi-functional of station spaces. This article seeks to reduce vulnerabilities in the analysis subway stations measures to be considered as temporary accommodation in an emergencies and provide a safe space research questions inclusive weather do you have ability to the performance is also, in addition to its roles as station for transport and cultural and commercial complex; in critical condition become to temporary housing? Or what factors effect on flexibility of architectural complex subway? We have very good station complex in our country. A station complex itself consists of several levels of services areas include entertainment and office. This type of sorting and spatial layout is designed based on the needs. But in this paper we discussed bout benefits of this wide space and advantages of all the facilities and equipment in emergencies. Developing countries, including Iran, in addition to being more prone to accidents and natural disasters than other communities, total human casualties and property damage in case of accident these communities are heavier. To prevent the occurrence, planning to rescue damaged area and temporary accommodation, all communities need new Disaster Management. In the present study we have tried through a multi-functional and flexible design, the central station with the highest integrity economic, social and environmental be prepared to deal with the sudden crises. Despite the unexpected event and the space subway stations is located in the basement created a good spaces for sheltering people affected. Theoretical Framework of research was formed on professional background. Description of the research subjects are used to identify a type of descriptive research. They checked through classified questions by the nature of the condition or a relationship between phenomena. This study uses for recognition of flexible spaces with different activities, after studying previous research, analysis and identification of deficiencies and issues that the extent of the subject matter. Factors were identified and then among them some of the most important factors affecting the enhanced versatility stations and related elements are removed and in the form of a questionnaire was developed. Considering that the present selective approach of the Delphi Survey. These questionnaires gave to professionals and experts in related field to examine their views on this issue answered questions. At the end of the questionnaire they provided the new classification according to their own idea. The thirteen components shaped on the form of a questionnaire. The flexibility of components and elements were created in the form of a table, then each component is associated with a short description and an example and then its influence were examined on the subway stations the fifty questionnaires were prepared and given to fifty experts. After one week about forty persons answered. Finally through analyzing these answers with the software SPSS defined two factors (Adaptation) and (Convertible) have the most effect on multi-functional design. Discuss about flexible architecture used in most developing countries. Use the subway as one of the most important infra structure of transport industry. And different countries follow the various purposes about construction and expansion of the system based on their political and socio-economic strategy and structure. In this research, urban transportation industry used toward protection, facilitating crisis management and reduce potential vulnerabilities and providing satisfaction in critical and noncritical periods. Following the development of the industry in the transportation and services the most of countries used of subway station as space towards temporary accommodation with the aim of maintaining and relief protection. On the other, stations being able to protect of people and providing essential supplies for certain time periods at a critical time. These information is done based on limited studies are available. One of deficiency in new architecture is lack of planning toward multi-purpose use. In the other word we can use from the facilities and equipment for temporary accommodation. Becausepeople take refuge the subway station unconsciously, In this regard in many countries subway stations is used as a shelter space. The main issue in this research is multi-functional and flexible design for example station while there are main function and accessories (transportation and provide daily needs), another function will have to meet the needs of citizens in a secure environment. These views with the aim of identify a plan to solve the unpredictable problems and issues in organization critical and methods to reduce the vulnerability of disaster, including recognition of the six stages of crisis management planning. Planning, forecasting, equipment, coordination, implementation, analysis, documentation and temporary accommodation, and how to solve the crisis management in 3 section including of identification, decision and evaluation of temporary emergency measures and consequence of after crisis, including the reconstruction in low-risk areas, construction of building according to the rules of retrofitting and flexible designing of the building and cities in the faces of crisis. Multi-purpose in architecture while has many advantages, there is a little attention has been paid. The research studies began with introduction includes the purpose and expanse of information about the main problem of the research. After classifying articles, books and theses and noted the main provisions of the existing theories, the case study was cleared. This research began with the most general resources and ended with the most relevant resources. A review of existing knowledge and to clarify the deficiencies found the concepts to understood multi-purpose architecture. After classifying component based on the measure of affectively, these components were described. These categories gave to the expert. In this time adaptation was priority. In the other word the flexible space will have greater flexibility and create the space, that provide needs of travelers and transport, facilities, crisis management, reducing vulnerabilities and satisfaction while helping temporary accommodation. In according to assumption of this research, if complex station designed multi-purpose and considerate required spaces for critical conditions can be held accountable as a temporary accommodation and components such as versatility and consistent spatial have a high impact on flexibility of architectural complexes.
Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2016)
One of the best strategies to control bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum (Smith) is generally based on breeding resistant cultivars. The information obtained from the expression of plant defense genes will provide new insight for improving plant resistance against pathogens. This study was to identify inducible genes under defense no death (DND) reaction of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)-R. solanacearum interaction using cDNA-AFLP technique. In this assay five different primer combinations were used. Out of 1320 Transcript derived fragments (TDF) that were detected, 101 fragments were identified as differentially expressed genes in 0, 24, 48 and 72 hours post inoculation. Most of the differentially expressed genes were obtained 48 hours post inoculation. Following sequencing, most of sequenced TDFs showed homology to known genes interfering in signaling, regulation and defense functions. DND phenotype in tobacco has some similarities specially in signaling process with mechanism associated with induction of the hypersensitive reaction and it is distinct from general defense mechanisms.
Volume 5, Issue 7 (9-2020)
Boasting poem is one of the special features of epic literature that includes the vaunt of the heroes and the expression of their works and honors, and is most commonly used during the war, but in other situations we also find it. None of the heroic stories of Shahnameh of this kind of discourse is empty. In this research, which done based on the documentary-analytical method and with a library study has been completed, We are going to explore the aspects of the content and language of the two poets in the area of boasting poem by studying the epic rebellion in the Shahnameh (Story of Rostam and Esfandiar) and the epic poem of Amr-ibn Kolthum Taqlabli. The central question of the research is whether the two poets are approaching each other in the direction in which they are located; whether the element or elements in the two branches are present and how effective the canvas and the climate have in their quality. After review we found that the language of the two poets, especially Ferdowsi, in the report of Rostam’s Rajaz, has a markedly diminished literary significance, and there is little rhetorical in his language, From the rhetorical point of view, "allusion" is the central axis of two poets, but indigenous and climatic elements have been effective in their regressive quality, as the vast landscape and geography of the inherent features of the epic does not appear in Amr-ibn Kolthum's poetry. Alongside the horse, which is a pivotal epic, the Arab poet has mentioned camels, which are the main capital and native Arabic animal. Esfandiar's Rajaz is accompanied by Rostam's reproach and humiliation. The rhetoric expressed in this story in the early years of the story is longer than the final stages of the tragedy of Esfandiar's death; that is, the more we get closer to the story and death of Esfandiar, the shorter and more violent ones are. Of the ten cases of Rajazi's intentions, two poets shared in seven categories, the expression of power, and the description of abusive acts, rape and race, the concern of disgrace and name, weakening of morale, threats, intimidation and in three cases Humiliation and expression of rival, admonition and uncompromising and oppression are different.
Volume 6, Issue 3 (Summer 2024)
One of the centers of regional crisis is Afghanistan in the east of Iran. This country has common cultural, social, religious and political structures with Iran, but due to the weakness of political structures, it has been the center of geopolitical competition of regional and global powers. Due to its geographical proximity on the one hand and the competition of the powers, it is one of the geopolitical regions that can have many effects on Iran's regional actions. Therefore, Iran is bound to play a geopolitical role in this region. One of the most important reasons for the importance of Iran's role in the East, especially in today's Afghanistan, is activities of the groups that are religiously sympathetic to the Taliban. Therefore, national interests require Iran to prevent these groups from approaching radicalism through regional de-escalation. During the sanctions period, the Afghan market is one of the main markets for Iran's exports, the dependence of Sistan and Baluchistan province in eastern Iran on Hirmand River can be better achieved by maintaining the relationship with the Taliban, and finally, being present in Afghanistan prevents the country from turning into the backyard of Iran's regional and extra-regional rivals.
The research method is applied in terms of purpose and is descriptive-analytic in terms of method and nature. Data gathering procedure is based on library findings. The statistical population of the research consists of experts and professors of the university and fields related to geopolitics, geostrategy and geoculture, and the sample size was determined based on Cochran's model of 50 people. In order to analyze the findings, the average test was used in SPSS software.
Results and discussion
The factors of Iran's role-playing in the geopolitical region of the East with an emphasis on Afghanistan are subject to relevant factors and variables at three internal, regional and extra-regional "global" levels. In this context, the ambiguous future indicators of power in Afghanistan and Iran's capabilities in playing its role, ethnic diversity in Afghanistan and the Pashtuns' role in power and the roles played by the Islamic Republic with regard to its civilizational characteristics in Afghanistan and playing a role, the Islamic Republic of Iran is considered as one of the main and most important factors in the geopolitical region of the East in terms of building universities and scientific centers in Afghanistan and Pakistan and producing knowledge and increasing general literacy in Afghanistan, and the influencing factors. The role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the fields of increasing the construction of cultural bases such as Basij, seminaries, knowledge centers and cultural centers, etc. is prominent. Preventing illegal immigration on the borders of Pakistan and Afghanistan has not been successful. In the context of evaluating Iran's role-playing achievements in the direction of securing the national interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the East, 12 indicators were presented, and the results showed that factors such as Iran's achievements in solving hydropolitical disputes with Afghanistan, Iran's achievements in the construction of the Chabahar Free Zone, Iran's achievements in the field of spreading the Persian language in Afghanistan and Iran's roles in preventing the spread of the Salafist ideology of Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia are the most achievements for Iran in the East, and finally factors such as Iran's role in preventing the transit of narcotics on the borders of Pakistan and Afghanistan and Iran's role in preventing arms smuggling in the borders of the peripheral east are not considered as the achievements of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the peripheral east.
The results showed that Iran's role-playing in the geopolitical region of its peripheral east, with an emphasis on Afghanistan, will be subject to relevant factors and variables at three internal, regional and extra-regional "global" levels, and the greatest share of this role-playing includes extra-regional factors. Also, factors such as Iran's achievements in the field of settling hydropolitical disputes with Afghanistan, Iran's achievements in the field of establishing the Chabahar Free Zone, Iran's achievements in the field of spreading the Persian language in Afghanistan and Iran's roles in preventing the spread of Salafist ideology in Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia will bring the most achievements for Iran in its peripheral east.
Volume 6, Issue 4 (winter 2018)
According to the intertextuality theory, each text is formed from the previous texts and cultures which are hidden in the present one and form its existence. Intertextuality theory is going to decode the presence of the previous texts in the present one. Based on this theory, this article wants to decode the Simultaneous presence of Quran and Kashf al-asrar (a translation and interpretation of the Quran) in Ahmad shampoo’s poems. The importance of this subject is in its efforts to show the role of the Quran in the rhythm of Iranian contemporary Blanc poem. Authors in this article have tried to apply the theory without considering the intentions of the poet and his ideology. The results of this research show that the Intertextual relationships between these three texts have been seen in the levels like external and internal music of poem (meter, rhyme), rhythm, Structures of sentences, Quranic horizontal style of writing.
Volume 7, Issue 3 (12-2017)
In today's competitive world, attention to the improvement and development of employees has become increasingly important. One of the procedures that organizations can use to improve their employees is implementation of assessment and development centers. But it should be noted that the implementation of improvement programs for each participants in the assessment center is time-consuming and costly. Accordingly, the aim of this study is reducing costs of assessment center implementation by segmenting the participants in assessment center and providing improvement programs for each sector. Sampling method is targeted and based on criteria and the sample consists of 75 employees. In this research, self-organizing maps have been used for segmentation of employees and the data were analyzed by Viscovery Profiler software. According to the findings, four sectors identified in the assessment center and they have been named: Talented, improvable employee (with a focus on competence), improvable employee (with focus on character) and insusceptible experts. Results of this segmentation can be used in five areas, including training, promotion, solve organizational challenges, recruitment and retention policies and rewards. Based on the results, for the areas that identified in the assessment center, suggestions are offered.
Volume 8, Issue 1 (Spring 2020)
Iranian familiarity with western poem dates back to the early 14th solar century. After September 1941, the translation of western works into Persian language became more and more popular due to prosperity in book and magazine market in Iran. Among the fields that were translated into Persian since then, was contemporary poem of French. Thus, many Iranian poets studied and translated French poem works. Ahmad Shamloo is one of the poets who read the poets of many French poets and translated some of them due to familiarity with French language and has been influenced by them. French poet, Paul Éluard, is one of those who has influenced Shamloo, the matter confessed by Shamloo. In the present paper, based on a comprative approach, it has been tried to analyze Shamloo’s impressionability from Éluard in the level of poem form and to decode its different types. The results obtained from this paper are as follows: Shamloo is influenced by Éluard at the level of vocabulary, syntax combinations, conjunctions, repetition, special use of adjective and adverb in the poem music, ellipsis and the style of the poem start. The impressionability is not in a way that we consider Shamloo as a mere imitator, but he has turned the structures of Eluard poem into Persian by his mastery, and has mixed with the ones of classic Persian texts and created his own special role.
Volume 8, Issue 3 (No. 8 (Tome 38), (Articles in Persian) 2017)
This study aims at comparing the effectiveness of direct instruction and multimedia instruction on six type of Dysgraphia. In this study the authors answered three questions. Does direct instruction of six types reduce misspelling? Does multimedia education reduce misspelling in just six types? Does the effectiveness of direct teaching and learning effectiveness multimedia reduce misspellings together in six different categories? The Method of this study is experimental with pretest and posttest and control group. After preparing the necessary instrument for this research including instruction spelling software and spelling test Karimi and Wechsler intelligence scale children- review (WISC- R), 39 female students in the third grade of elementary school were selected based on multistage sampling method and were divided into three groups. The first group was exposed to independent variable of direct instruction, the second group was exposed to independent variable of multimedia instruction and the third one-control group-received no instruction. After collecting the spelling scores from all three groups in the pretest and posttest, the data were analyzed by SPSS software univariate analysis of variance. The result indicated that direct instruction and multimedia instruction was significantly effective on dysgraphia improvement. Also effectiveness direct instruction was more effective than multimedia instruction on some of spelling mistakes and multimedia instruction also effectiveness was more effective than multimedia instruction on some of spelling mistakes.
Volume 8, Issue 16 (Fall & Winter 2022)
Although Quran’s text is obvious and comprehensible, but it has delicate meanings and it is written with an eloquent syntax and unique brevity. According to this description, one should try in Quran translation to transmit its clarity as well as its delicate meanings and syntactical and rhetorical details. Tahereh Saffarzadeh has translated Quran in Persian by an obvious and understandable language, but in some cases, she has not conveyed the word’s significations and syntax of text with accuracy and brevity. Investigating Safarzadeh’s Persian translation of Quran and comparing it with Arabic lexicons and syntaxical structures, authors of present article has figured out that some parts of translation cannot reflect the Arabic text and is influenced by English translation of Quran. In order to meet the purpose, text of last for parts of Saffarzade translation has been compared with Quran and Abdullah Yosef Ali’s translation and the aspects by which saffarzade has been influenced, has been extracted and investigated. A more in depth analysis, the results show that in safarzade’s translation, changes such as ungrammaticality, linguistic adjuncts, change of implication, inappropriate equivalents and descriptive equivalents have been made under the influence of English translation.
Yusef. Hojjat, Mohammad. Morad. Sheikhi, Hosein . Mosavi. Hondori, Ramin. AliMohamadi,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (12-2009)
In recent years many researches have been focused on active magnetic bearing (AMB) systems. AMB offers advantages such as, contact less and friction free operation, excellent performance over a wide range of temperature, no need for lubricant and longer life. Technology of magnetic bearings can be considered as a new field of research in Iran. This paper presents design, manufacturing and control of a magnetically levitation system with successful operation. This research concluded with documentation of the AMB technology which is prerequisite for earning the technology of active magnetic systems (AMS) and paves the way to develop it.
Volume 9, Issue 1 (12-2020)
Potato tuber moth (PTM), Phthorimaea operculella (Lep.: Gelechiidae) is a serious pest of potato, Solanum tuberosum (Solanaceae). To study factors influencing capture of male PTM by pheromone traps, two sets of experiments were conducted in a split-plot factorial design. In the first experiment, four factors were studied: potato cultivar (Agria, Marfona, Jelly, Arinda, Santea and Sabalan), storage type (cold and conventional), trap shape (funnel and delta) and trap color (white and green). Significant differences were found among storage types and potato cultivars. Total moth catches were eight times higher in conventional storage than that of cold storage. Agria and Marfona cultivars had the highest capture, while Arinda and Sabalan cultivars had the lowest. There were no significant differences between trap shapes and trap colors. Results showed that trap catches in different cultivars were affected by storage conditions. In cold storages the highest and lowest captures were 7.00 and 5.58 moth/trap/week, whereas in conventional storages the highest and lowest captures were 59.9 and 42.3. The second experiment was aimed to assess the effect of cellulose mulch on the capturing of PTM in conventional storages containing Agria. Results showed that pheromone traps in control (no-mulch) treatments caught three times more PTM than the mulched treatments. It is concluded that lower numbers of PTM were caught in potatoes held in cold storages than that of conventional storages. Otherwise, in conventional storages, cellulose mulch can be applied to reduce PTM population density.