Showing 11 results for Moon
Volume 10, Issue 48 (February and March 2022)
The theorists of intertextuality observed a new meaning of the text that there is no text without a pretext, that the text is not closed, independent and self-sufficient, and that every text is a memory of other texts. In this research, we investigated the ritual and performance in the ceremony of "Tir-ma-size Sho" in Mazandaran. Considering this ritual as a text, and using Genette's transtextuality, the effect of this ritual from previous texts (hypertextuality) was investigated and the role of different texts in the performance of this ritual (intertextuality) was discussed. The purpose of this research is to study the relationship between ritual and drama in order to answer the following question: What is the co-presence of ritual and drama in "Tir-ma-size Sho" from the aspect of transtextuality? The article is done in a descriptive and analytical way borrowing Genette's transtextuality approach based on library research. The hypothesis indicated that in the transtextual relationships of "Tir-ma-size" ceremony, there is a co-presence of various systems such as the dramatic and ritual system with the pretext derived from the mythological sources. The action of "trifunctional" based on “Sovereignty”, “Military” and “Productivity” can be checked in this ritual. The practical battle of good and evil is a dramatization of Tishtar's fight with the demon of drought. It is also a manifestation of the battle with the demon, the enemy of the vegetable gods and plants. "Laal Shu" can be seen as the continuation of Arash's life in the form of a plant symbol that brings existence, birth, and life to people.
S.m.h. Seyedkashi, , , , Young Hoon Moon,
Volume 12, Issue 5 (1-2013)
Due to the strict emission standards and fuel consumption restrictions, automotive industry is greatly interested in warm tube hydroforming of aluminum and magnesium alloys. The main shortcoming of these alloys is their inferior formability at room temperature, which can be improved by forming at temperatures below the crystallization temperature. Because of the complex nature of forming at high temperatures, the proper determination and control of forming parameters are very important in fulfillment of the process. In this paper, the effects of tube geometry, bulge height, corner fillets and strain rate are investigated on optimal internal pressure and axial feeding loading paths, which are required for successful hydroforming of annealed AA6061 tubes at 300 °C. A new method based on simulated annealing algorithm is developed for optimization of pressure and feed loading paths. Numerical results are discussed, verified and validated by experiments. A good agreement is observed between numerical and experimental results.
Alireza Alipoor, Kiumars Mazaheri, Ali ShaMoonipour,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (6-2014)
In the present work, the dynamics of lean (ϕ =0.5) premixed hydrogen/air flames in a micro channel with prescribed wall temperature is studied. The investigation is carried out using the low Mach formulation of Navier-Stokes equations with detailed chemistry and molecular transport for different inflow velocity. Ignition-extinction repetitive, steady symmetry flame and asymmetric flame are observed as the inlet velocity increased. Close to lower flammability limit, ignition-extinction repetitive flame was observed duo to imbalance between chemical time scale and residence time scale. In this regime, the reacting flow is affected by high wall temperature and the extinction occurred by the flow temperature. Upon increasing the inlet velocity, symmetric flame can be observed due to the balance between time scales. It is observed that further increasing the inlet velocity would cause symmetry flame to become unstable because of presence of some perturbations in flow field. Based on the obtained results, it is suggested that the perturbations are created by preferential diffusion of species.
DaMoon Aghazadeh Dokandari, Seyyed Mohammad Seyyed Mahmoudi, Alireza Setayesh Hagh,
Volume 14, Issue 7 (10-2014)
Throttling process through expansion valves causes a considerable amount of exergy loss so that reducing this loss improves the performance of compressed refrigeration cycle considerably. In the present work, the effect of using an ejector on the performance of a cascade refrigeration cycle is evaluated. It is concluded that the using ejector and selecting R134a as the high temperature circuit refrigerant cause the COP and second law efficiency to increase by approximately 6.5 percent as compared to the conventional cascade cycle with the same cooling capacity. In addition, several refrigerants including R717, R290, R134a, and R123 are examined to reveal the effect of refrigerant type in the high temperature circuit on the cycle performance. It is also found that, at a temperature of more than 255.4 K, for the evaporator of high temperature circuit, the refrigerant combination of R744-R123 results in a better performance as compared to the other combinations. Finally, the cycle performance is optimized with respect to the temperatures of low temperature evaporator, high temperature evaporator, and the ambient from the view points of both the first and second laws of thermodynamics. It is concluded that the COP and the second law efficiency are the highest when R123 is used as the refrigerant at the high temperature circuit.
Volume 15, Issue 5 (9-2013)
One of the important bottle-necks in production of microalgae based biodiesel is the lack of an efficient method for harvesting of microalgae from the culture medium. In this study, the electroflocculation method was developed for harvesting of microalgae Dunaliella cells from culture medium. The effect of several parameters such as the current density, electrical conductivity of culture medium, time, electrode gap, and electrode type on harvesting efficiency and energy consumption were also determined. The maximum harvesting efficiency of this method was 97.44% at EC= 1.35 S m-1 and current density of 90 A m-2 during 3 minutes electroflocculation process in a 300 ml beaker. The maximum efficiency was achieved by aluminum electrodes with 1 cm distance between electrodes and the maximum energy consumption for this practice was 0.621 kW h m-3. It was concluded that electroflocculation is an efficient and cost effective method for microalgae harvesting.
HaMoon Pourmirzaagha, Vahid Esfahanian, Fereidoun Sabetghadam, Farshad Torabi,
Volume 15, Issue 9 (11-2015)
In this paper, one-dimensional numerical optimization of lead-acid battery with finite-volume method is performed using the governing equations of battery dynamics. For validation, the present results are compared with previous studies which show good agreement. The demand for batteries with high energy and power has increased due to their use in hybrid vehicles.The major shortcoming of lead-acid batteries in industry is low energy and high weight; therefore, a cell with higher energy and lower thickness is designed by using particle swarm optimization based on developed simulation code which is less time consuming and much faster than experimental method. The results of optimization show that an optimal battery that has 85 percent higher energy can be made with the same cell length. The results also show that an optimum cell battery can be obtained with a decrease of 25 percent in weight and 23 percent in dimensions while keeping the energy content constant.
HaMoon Jafarian, Hoseyn Sayyaadi, Farschad Torabi,
Volume 17, Issue 7 (9-2017)
This paper presented a numerical modeling of dew-point counter-flow indirect evaporative coolers as a potential alternative to the conventional cooling systems. Unlike the conventional method of assuming constant surface heat (mass) flux or constant surface temperature boundary condition on the separating wall, the present article calculated real boundary conditions. Real boundary conditions were obtained by simultaneous solving of momentum, energy and mass transfer equations of the two flows coupled on the wall. Calculating real boundary conditions lead to a real distribution of humidity ratio and temperature on the separating wall where at each point, the summation of heat fluxes from air streams in adjacent channels is equal to the latent heat of evaporation at that point. Moreover, the model accuracy was increased through considering hydrodynamic and thermal developing flows of two air streams. The model predicted supply air temperature under different conditions, and the results were compared against experimental data as well as previous numerical models. It was shown that the maximum deviation of the supply air temperature was under ±3.3%. Then, a parametric analysis was conducted, which studies the effects of the inlet air velocity, channel gap, channel length and returned air ratio on the supply air temperature, dew-point effectiveness, cooling capacity and pressure drop. The results indicated that increasing channel length and returned air ratio, and reducing channel gap and inlet air velocity improved the dew-point effectiveness but increased the initial cost and pressure drop and decreased the cooling capacity.
DaMoon Aghazadeh Dokandari, Ali Naseri, Mokhtar Bidi, Ramin Haghighi Khoshkhoo,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (3-2018)
An ejector-expansion refrigeration cycle employing N2O is studied in this paper and thermodynamic and exergy analysis is carried out to find out the effect of some key factor within the system. The results show that Ejector-Expansion Refrigeration Cycle (EERC) obviously has the highest maximum coefficient of performance and exergy efficiency by about 12% and 14% more than Internal Heat Exchanger Cycle (IHEC); meanwhile these are about 15% and 16.5% higher than Vapor-Compression Refrigeration Cycle (VCRC) ones, respectively. Moreover, the total exergy destruction in N2O ejector-expansion cycle is 63.3% and 54% less than IHEC and VCRC and the exergy destructed in expansion process within EERC is 19.39% and 40.497% of total destruction less than IHEC and VCRC. Furthermore, the highest COP for vapor-compression refrigeration, internal heat exchanger and ejector-expansion refrigeration cycles is corresponding to the high side pressure of 7.328 Mpa, while this value for CO2 refrigeration cycle is about 8.5 Mpa.
Volume 20, Issue 5 (7-2018)
The present study aimed to evaluate effectiveness of Superheated Solvent Extraction (SSE) compared with instant Controlled Pressure Drop (DIC) assisted Solvent Extraction (DIC-SE) on total phenolic, flavonoids, and anthocyanins compounds from pomegranate peels. The effects of temperature, extraction time, and water:ethanol ratio for SSE method, and temperature and heating time for DIC-SE were studied. The highest phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and extraction yields by SSE was achieved at 160˚C, ethanol: water 50:50 and 20 minutes, subsequently in the DIC-SE, the most effectiveness was approached at 150˚C for 5 seconds (P< 0.05). The SSE improved the total phenolic compounds (563.16±1.04 mg g-1), anthocyanins (285.11±1.02 mg 100 g-1), extraction yield (68.7%) and shortened the extraction times compared to DIC-SE, but flavonoid content was more in DIC-SE extract (439.07±0.05 mg g-1). Based on HPLC analyses, gallic acid was not detected in any of the obtained extracts, but the amount of ellagic acid and punicalagin A and B in DIC-SE extract was higher than SSE. The current study clearly shows that the SSE is an effective extraction method to obtain phenolic compounds and the DIC is an advantageous pretreatment for extraction of flavonoids from pomegranate peels.
S.a. BehMoonesi, F. Jafarkazemi,
Volume 20, Issue 6 (June 2020)
The aim of this paper is to compare the electric power output of the photovoltaic Module (PV) and photovoltaic-thermal water collector (PV/T). The electrical efficiency of photovoltaic Modules is greatly reduced by increasing their surface temperature. The hybrid photovoltaic-thermal collector consists of a PV Module with a thermal collector attached behind it. The circulating fluid in the collector removes heat from the module and increases its electrical efficiency. In the first part of this paper, a theoretical analysis of a liquid PV/T collector is made based on thermal modeling using the first law of thermodynamics. An unglazed hybrid photovoltaic-thermal collector with serpentine tubes has been designed and manufactured to validate the theoretical results. Then the collector has been tested for three days and results have been compared with a sample photovoltaic module. The theoretical calculations were performed using Matlab software and its results showed good agreement with experimental results. Our finding shows a maximum increase of 6% in the electrical efficiency of PV/T in comparison to the PV module. At the same time, the water temperature has increased by 5°C.
Volume 31, Issue 3 (Fall 2025)
The concept of salvation is presented in different religions according to special principles. In Christianity, it is presented on the basis of Christian faith, and in Islam, it is presented within several concepts, but the most prominent of which is “najat” which is based on the faith that Islam calls for. From this view, the opinions of contemporary Arab thinkers differed toward varied religions and salvation. From this standpoint, the views of the most prominent contemporary Arab Christian and Muslim thinkers on the issue of salvation range between Inclusivism and exclusivism. Some of them adopt an Inclusivism vision and do not reject religious pluralism and believe in the possibility of salvation for followers of other religions, while others adopt an exclusive vision on the basis of which they reject the possibility of salvation for followers of other religions. Some of them do not believe in the possibility of salvation for followers of other sects that branch off from their religion. This article was conducted according to a descriptive analytical research method relying on library sources with the aim of exploring the opinions of the contemporary Iraqi thinker Dr. Abdul-Jabbar Al-Refae with a review of the opinions of some contemporary Arab thinkers regarding what was mentioned. The results indicated that he adopts an Inclusive vision in light of his belief in the breadth and universality of God’s mercy, and based on significant rational and religious evidence that proves the possibility of salvation for followers of other religions away from religious and sectarian fanaticism. He believes in the principle of pluralism of religions, so he calls for the necessity of respecting all religions and not underestimating their credos, and rejects “takfir” and doctrinal disputes that provoke hostility and hatred. However, there are others who hold an exclusive view based on their religious and sectarian fanaticism, relying only on religious evidence, some of which is shrouded in doubt in terms of historical support or whose significance does not amount to generalizing punishment to all human beings. Its implications can also be interpreted in another way such that its exclusivity at the level of salvation for followers of other religions is denied.