Showing 109 results for Mortazavi
Volume 1, Issue 2 (7-2014)
Background: Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP) is an lgA mediated small vessel systemic vasculitis disease in children. The etiology and pathogenesis of HSP disease remain unknown. However, environmental and genetic risk factors could play important roles in susceptibility to HSP disease. In this study we investigated the association of 5՛-untranslated region polymorphism (-634G/C) of VEGF gene with HSP among Iranian Azeri Turkish population. Methods: Thirty unrelated Iranian Azeri Turkish children with HSP and fifty healthy unrelated subjects without HSP and other inflammatory diseases were enrolled in this population. -634G/C polymorphism of VEGF gene was genotyped by polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR–RFLP) technique. Results: The distribution of CC genotype in VEGF -634G/C polymorphism statistically showed a significant difference in HSP patients in compare to that of control group (P= 0.009). Conclusions: The CC genotype of VEGF -634G/C polymorphism could be associated with susceptibility to HSP disease in Iranian Azeri Turkish ethnic group.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (Number 3 - 2000)
Studies of postmeiotic chromosomes have been impeded by the thick exine of immature pollen grains. Chromosome staining of immature and adult pollen grains through conven-tional acetocarmine procedure is tedious and often leads to unsatisfactory results. An acetocarmine stain, used in conjugation with Carnoy’s solution as fixative for 72 hrs or until the chlorophyll-containing tissues of spike became colorless, were successfully used to stain chromosome bands and nucleoli of the immature pollen grain in Aegilops cylin-drica. Mitosis of immature pollen exhibited several remarkable features, one being the distinguishable haploid chromosome set of immature pollen. Only one of two nucleolus organizer regions of Ae. cylindrica produced nucleolus at the prophase of first pollen mi-tosis. An acetocarmine-banded karyotype with only minor variations in the acetocarmine-banding pattern was revealed within and between plants of the accession of Ae. cylindrica. Some of banding patterns in the chromosome complement was identical to marker C-bands or accession-specific bands in corresponding genome in Ae. caudata (CC) or Ae. squarrosa (DD). The reliability of the acetocarmine banding for Triticeae chromosome identification is discussed.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (12-2013)
Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2016)
The total concentration and percentage of heavy metals content in the sediment of Hashilan wetland, Kermanshah province, was assessed in summer 2015. The total concentrations of Cu, Pb, and Fe were around 18.57, 6.95 and 379.24 μg g-1, respectively. Successive extractions of the samples showed a decreasing trend as follows: residual>organic matter>iron and manganese oxides>exchangeable parts. The comparison of the total metal concentrations and SQGs and NOAA standards proposed high concentrations of Pb and Fe contents, while RAC suggested that Cu, Pb, and Fe had posed a low-moderate risk, low risk and no risk to the system, respectively. Furthermore, the results showed that the most common sources of Pb and Fe were natural while sources of Cu was anthropogenic. Continuous monitoring of the wetlands, particularly water inputs are recommended.
Volume 4, Issue 4 (3-2016)
The effect of ozonized ice on shelf-life of Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) muscle was studied during 16 days storage period, based on chemical and microbial assessments. Chemical analysis (pH, total volatile nitrogen bases, peroxide, trimethylamine) and microbial analysis (total bacterial load and psychrophillic bacteria) was done every four days. The lowest pH, TVB-N and TMA values were observed in the ozonized ice treatment, while its PV value was higher. The ozonized ice effectively reduced the total viable count (TVC) and psychrophillic bacterial count (PTC) by 2.22 and 2.07 log10 CFU cm-2, respectively, at 12 days period. Thus, the ozonized ice protected fish quality better than the control treatment until the end of storage.
Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2016)
Pomegranate fruit moth (PFM), Apomyelois ceratoniae Zeller is a major pest of pomegranate in Iran. In this study, the effect of four diets including pistachio, pomegranate, semi-artificial and artificial diets were studied on biological parameters of PFM in a growth chamber under controlled conditions at 30 ± 2 °C, 65 ± 5% RH and 16:8 (L: D) h. The results demonstrated that the longest incubation period, larval developmental time and preimaginal development time was observed on artificial diet and the shortest was on the pomegranate. The highest and lowest body length of fifth instar larvae were observed on pistachio and artificial diet, respectively. The heaviest weight of third day pupae was recorded for the larvae that were reared on pistachio (0.0275 ± 0.0004 g) while the lightest was on artificial diet (0.0216 ± 0.0004 g). In the next experiment, the effect of four diets was considered to assess the efficiency of pheromone traps in a twenty year old pomegranate orchard cultivated with Malasse Yazdi cultivars. The effect of food on catch of traps showed a significant difference. The virgin PFM that were fed with pomegranate attracted more males. Also the traps caught the males mostly from 11:00 pm until 4:00 am, with the peak time between 23:00 and midnight. No significant difference was seen between diet and time of catch, indicating that starting or ending time and the maximum time of catch was not affected by the diets.
Volume 5, Issue 2 (6-2017)
Background: Sediments are integral part of wetlands providing a valuable key to recognize heavy metal fluctuations in the past.
Materials and Methods: The surface sediment samples were taken from thirteen sites, then prepared and digested with percholoric acid and nitric acid at 1:4 ratio, followed by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry analysis.
Results: The average of total metal concentration in 13 sites were found to be 9.182, 9.514, 45.351 and 43.456 µg g-1 for Pb, Zn, Cu and Ni, respectively. Also, comparison of sediment quality indices, including contamination factor (Cf), contamination degree (Cd), and modified contamination degree (mCd)) showed that Cu contamination was significantly different from the other heavy metals, while Ni contamination was average, and Pb and Zn contaminations were low.
Discussion and Conclusions: This research confirms that the Mighan wetland is polluted with heavy metals and their excessive accumulation in sediments.
Volume 6, Issue 3 (Summer 2021)
Aims: MusculoSkeletal Disorders (MSDs) are one of the most common problems of students which if not prevented and treated can lead to physical and psychosocial disorders.The aim of this study was to compare MSDs in two groups of students with special needs who suffering from low vision and hearing impairment.
Method and Materials: A cross-sectional study was conducted with of 62 students aged between 10-15 years old in Hamadan in 2019-2020 . Of these participants, 32 students living with hearing impairment and 30 students living with low visions. Demographic questionnaires and Nordic musculoskeletal disorders were used to collect data. SPSS software version 23 was used to analyse data through two-sample independent t-test, chi- square test and logestic regression.
Finding: Tottaly 62 students took part in the study. The mean age of Low Vision Students( LVS) and Hearing Impairment Students (HIS) was 12.101.47± and 12.47± 1.64 years respectively. Of all students with low vision 10 individual (33.3%) and of all students with hearing impaiement 10 individuals (31.3%) were suffering from MSDs. The most MSD affected areas in HIS was lumbar (15.6%) and in LVS was shoulder (16.7%). The results showed that MSDs did not differ significantly between the two groups of LVS and HIS (P> 0.05).
Conclusion: This study showed that at least one-third of LVS and HIS suffered from MSDs. The need for therapeutic and educational strategies in the field of ergonomics interventional program for health promoting of these students with special needs should be considered.
Volume 6, Issue 3 (Fall 2022)
Research subject: Low biodegradation rate of plastics, especially different grades of the polyethylene leads to many environmental problems. To reduce these effects, pro-oxidant added to the polyethylene to increase the photo-degradation and subsequently the bio-degradation rate of the polymer matrix. Besides the pro-oxidant, it seems that the photocatalysts can affect on the photo-degradation of the polyethylene and the subject of this study is to examine this idea.
Research approach: Photodegradable films of LDPE were prepared by melt blending of the polymer with cadmium selenide (CdSe) and trisilver phosphate (Ag3PO4) as photo-catalysts and manganese stearate as pro-oxidant. The samples were irradiated with visible and ultra-violet light. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and viscometry measurements were used to investigate the microstructure of the films.
Main results: FTIR spectra indicated to increment of the carbonyl index (CI) and vinyl index (VI) of the samples with photo-catalysts. In addition, SEM imaged confirmed higher and more homogeneous photo-degradation for these samples in comparison with other ones. Also, the dynamic-mechanical-thermal analysis showed that the polyethylene samples without the additives had higher modulus compared to other samples. However, the crystallinity of the samples with photo-catalysts increased due to nucleating agent effects of their particles. The viscosity of the samples containing the photo-catalysts and pro-oxidants decreased significantly and the modeling results showed that this decrement was due to the polymer chain degradation and reduction of their molecular weights. In general, the results showed that the combination of the photo-catalysts and the pro-oxidants had synergistic effect on the photo-degradation of the LDPE and accelerates its degradation process a lot more in comparison when only the pro-oxidant was used.
Volume 7, Issue 2 (9-2017)
Nowadays, the use of quality management capabilities can lead to an improvement in the operation of supply chains. Regarding this, in recent years, the notion of quality management of supply chain has emerged as a new managing idea, which has combined some aspects of the supply chain management and the quality management. But there has been a limited number of studies in this area. Therefore, the following study tries to explore and define the notion of quality in the management of supply chain by the use of personal constructions of the elite, who in the broad supply chain of zinc industry of province of Zanjan, are in the ventricle of the quality management proceedings. Therefore, based on the above mentioned approach, 20 of the elite were interviewed. Since the quantity of the gained constructions were exceeding than the number to be analyzed, the similar constructions were collected and combined by content analysis approach and then were categorized as secondary construction under proper titles. Then these 31 secondary constructions, based on the theoretical foundations and the literature review, were clustered into 8 dimensions and to ensure more the clustering went under the observation of 15 members of the scientific board of the Management Faculties of universities of Zanjan province. These 8 dimensions indicate the multi-dimension-ness of the notion of supply chain quality management.
Volume 7, Issue 2 (Spring 2018)
Aims: King Nase fish (Chondrostoma regium) is a benthopelagic species that lives in stagnant and current water with a temperature range of 3-21°C and in the middle and upper parts of the river. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reproductive characteristics of King Nase fish.
Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, 335 fish were randomly caught and transferred to the laboratory after anesthetization and fixation for biometric measurements and dissections. The data were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), Duncan's multiple range test (MRT), and unpaired T-test and SPSS 19 software.
Findings: The fork length and weight changes in male and female fish in all age groups, except for 1 and 2 year in females, showed a significant difference. There was a significant correlation between fork length, weight, and age of fish with its fecundity (r2=0.6922; r2=0.6852; r2=0.7284). Age groups of the males and females were 1 to 5 and 1 to 6 years, respectively. The sex ratio of male to female was 1:1.3. The oocyte diameter significantly increased from April to June and decreased in July and August. Changes in oocyte diameter corresponded to gonadosomatic index. The highest gonadosomatic index in males and females was in April and June, respectively, and varied with other months (p<0.05). The mean of this index was significantly higher in females than in males. The hepatosomatic index showed a significant difference during the months of the year (p<0.05). The spawning season was from late March to June.
Conclusion: The spawning season of King Nase fish is from late March to June and has a group simultaneous spawning pattern.
Volume 8, Issue 1 (Winter 2019)
toxicology. Considering the specific conditions of the Persian Gulf and the impact of pollutants, the aim of the present study was to evaluation of toxic elements bioavailability from the total amount of surface sediments in the Persian Gulf.
Materials & Methods: In the present study, the total concentration and bioavailability fraction of copper, lead, zinc, cadmium, nickel, and chromium were measured at 14 coastal stations of Hormozgan province and Qeshm island. Nitric acid and perchloric acid were used to measuring the total concentration and K protease enzyme solution was used to measuring the bioavailable fraction.
Findings: Zinc and chromium have the highest mean of total concentration, respectively. Qeshm island has more pollution than Hormozgan. The higher bioavailability and higher percentage of components were observed in lead and chromium than the other elements. With increasing concentrations of lead, chromium, and copper, the bioavailability of these elements also increased. As well as, zinc and nickel showed the lowest bioavailability. The concentration of copper, lead, and nickel was also higher than the sediments world average and the WHO / US EPA maximum, and the nickel concentration was above the ERM, PEL, and SEL.
Conclusion: Due to the low accuracy of determining the total concentration of metals in sediment toxicity for aquatics and the need to pay attention to bioavailability fraction, the probability of ecological risk of lead and chromium elements is higher than the other elements for aquatics of Persian Gulf. Zinc and nickel, have the lowest risk to the environment despite the high total concentration.
Volume 8, Issue 2 (9-2018)
A proper and complete understanding of stakeholders is one of the main elements of strategic decision-making. Banks, as an important part of the country's economy, are confronted with various stakeholders and faced with different changes in their stakeholder structure.Recognizing and categorizing these stakeholders and adopting an appropriate strategy for engaging with them is one of the ways to improve Performance. The purpose of this study was to provide a model for managing bank interactions with strategic stakeholders.
This research in terms of gole is applied, in terms of data is qualitative, and in terms of nature and research method is Grounded .The sampling strategy was selective with snowball method. Measurement of internal validity (reliability) of the findings has been done by comparing the results with theoretical foundations and experts verification, and verifying the accuracy of the data has been approved by the members of the research, and the validity of the interview’s form has been done through content validity.
The results obtained from three phases: interviewing, Delphi technique and Brainstorming, 2 dimensions; Identification of strategic stakeholders including 4 components (power, influence, influence, interests and legitimacy) and interaction with strategic stakeholders including 6 components (policy making, Rules, regulation, organization, control and supervision, supply of resources and sales of services), which are derived from 76 indicators.
Volume 8, Issue 3 (Summer 2020)
Aims: The current study investigated the concentration of Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Ni, and Cr in shell and soft tissue of Saccostrea cucullata, water, and sediments of seven stations in Qeshm Island of Persian Gulf.
Materials & Methods: The samples were digested by a combination of nitric acid and perchloric acid and the concentration of elements was measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy.
Findings: The results indicated that the concentrations of Cu and Zn in all samples, Ni in the sediment and Cd in oyster were the highest bio-water accumulation factor were significantly higher than those of bio-sediment accumulation factor. Also, these factors in the soft tissue were higher than in the shell. Furthermore, the macro-concentrators of soft tissue were Cd, Cu, and Zn, while the macro-concentrator of shell was Cd.
Conclusion: The shell can be an appropriate monitoring tool for evaluating Cu and Zn in water and Cu in sediments. Also, the soft tissue can be practical for monitoring Cu and Zn in sediments.
Volume 9, Issue 2 (Spring 2020)
The aim of the present study was to identify the phytoplankton species which producing domoic acid and okadaic acid toxins in coastal waters of Banar Abbas city, and to determine the concentration of domoic acid and okadaic acid toxins in water and shellfish samples.Water sampling was performed in winter 2015 and summer 2016 from coastal areas overlooking the discharge of municipal and industrial effluents. Shellfish were collected from the coasts of Bandar Abbas and Bandar-e- Lengeh. Phytoplankton toxins were measured by kit method and instrumental analysis based on ELIZA method.Pseudonitzschia delicatissima, Pseudo-nitzschia pungens and Pseudo-nitzschia seriata were identified in the production of domoic acid, while Dinophysis caudate and Prorocentrum Lima were recorded as okadaic acid producers in the coastal waters of Bandar Abbas. Water-soluble okadaic acid showed significantly higher concentrations than domoic acid. Instudied shellfish samples (Circenita callipyga, Barbatia candida, Telescopium telescopiumandThalessa savignyi), the measured concentrations of okadaic acid ranged from 59.8 ± 2.38 to 121.96 ± 28.25 μg / kg. This value for domoic acid was from 0.85 to 83.59 ± 38.72 μg / kg.Compared to the guideline values, the observed concentrations of okadaic acid and domoic acid toxins in the studied shellfish were lower than the allowable level. But this value was recorded for the water-soluble domoic acid above the allowable value, which requires continuous monitoring to achieve the quantitative and qualitative pattern of phytoplankton toxins in order to support the safety of the marine ecosystem users in Hormozgan province.
Volume 9, Issue 20 (Supplementary Issue (Tome 42)- 2005)
Study of the relationship between two important variables, emotional intelligence and leadership style, has been the main purpose of this research.
The population under study consists of 266 marketing and sales managers from Mashhad food and automobile industries from which a sample of 73 peaple was drawn. Data was collected by means of two questionnaires, including Weisinger’s emotional intelligence questionnair and Barak’s leadership style questionnair.
Face validity and split half method were used to determine the questionnaires validity and reliability respectively. The result of split half reliability for emotional intelligence and leadership style questionnaires was known to be .083 and .079 respectively, which the results of the research revealed that there is a positive and meaningful relation between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership style, and a negative relation between emotional intelligence and transactional leadership style of the population under study.
Volume 10, Issue 2 (10-2020)
Creation of capacity concentrates on understanding obstacles halting people, governments, and organizations from the realization of development goals. It also makes them achieve results of consistent development. The goal of this study is to propose a conceptual analysis of elements and results of organizational capacity building in higher education to respond to expectations of the society. The directionality of this research is developmental and its methodology is content analysis using an analogy approach concentrating on words, inspections, and precision in the text in order to analyze, describe, explain, and interpret the texts through creating primary codes and coding. The statistical population of this project involves academic scholars and the set of documents and papers related to the questions and variables in this study. 13 samples chosed through Snowball sampling. In this section, semi - structured interview method was used to collect data. To assess the accuracy of findings we used theoretical validation through the points posed by the scholars in the field known as the specialist committee to assess as well as Cohen's kappa coefficient for assurance of accuracy of study method and data collection in the intended phenomenon. By confirmation of the focal group and the estimation of the coefficient 0.761, the research findings had the ability to validate and trust. Results showed that organizational capacity building contains five major concepts of strategic, structural, systemic and procedural, cultural, resources and infrastructures development and a social responsiveness concept as the outcome of the phenomenon under investigations. Therefore, it is suggested to study individual analysis and environmental analysis levels in creating capacity.
Volume 10, Issue 4 (1-2011)
Due to urbanization and consequent environmental problems in Iran, many people have been interested in improving the weather quality. Lack of information about health risks as a result of pollution is a big obstacle which stops policy-making in this regard. The present study examines the type of relationship between low air quality and Tehran citizens’ willingness to pay in order to improve weather quality. To achieve the goals two-stage Heckman method has been used so as to quantify the tendency to pay in people (WTP) for improving weather quality. A sample including 1010 Tehran citizens have been used according to random sampling method and the citizens have been interviewed face to face. The results have revealed that 55.7 percent of respondents are able to pay WTP and monthly average per person has been estimated about 3500 Rials. A Probit model for relationship between endogenous variables and WTP and a regression equation for getting the average willingness to pay have been used and what has been concluded is that age, income and the number of years spent in education have a significant effect on WTP and the women, and those suffering from respiratory diseases and habitants of polluted areas have more willingness to pay than others. Unlike developed countries, most respondents consider the government in charge of weather quality improvement and 44 percent of people were not motivated at all to spend money or make any effort to improve weather quality.
Volume 10, Issue 4 (Fall 2019)
Aims: Hematopoietic stem cells are responsible for the production of blood cells in the bone marrow. During the process of differentiation, these cells commitment to two precursor cell lines include myeloid and lymphoid cells. Various blood cells, excluded lymphocytes, generates from myeloid cells. Some patients with severe anemia or thrombocytopenia receive hematopoietic stem cell through transplantation. Finding a potential component for inducing differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells before transplantation, could be an appropriate strategy for the acceleration of blood cells production in recipient persons. Various studies indicate the ability of Curcumin for inducing of cell differentiation. This component can alter many of cellular mechanisms.
Material and methods: The aim of this project was to evaluate the effects of Nanocurcumin on mRNA expression levels of GATA1, GATA2, c-Myb and Hhex genes and alteration of cellular ROS in umbilical cord blood-derived hematopoietic stem cells. Nanocurcumin was synthesized from Curcumin, Oleic acid, and PEG400. The rate of Nanocurcumin delivery into the cells was also evaluated.
Findings: Our results show that intracellular ROS and expression levels of GATA1, c-Myb, and Hhex transcription factors were significantly increased after treatment with Nanocurcumin (p<0.05). These transcription factors involve in myeloid differentiation.
Conclusion: Enhancement of these transcription factors expression making Nanocurcumin a potential candidate for applying in myeloid differentiation media and basic and clinical studies.
Volume 11, Issue 2 (3-2020)
According to the studies conducted by western archaeologists in a number of plains in Iran such as Doroodzan and Shahabad Plains, they have estimated population of the nuclear villages in the above plains between 100 and 150 people per hectare. This estimation is mostly related to large sedimentary plains with agricultural and animal husbandry livelihood. It seems, the condition in highland is different with those villages in lowlands due to differences in their lifestyle. Accordingly, Laran County, which is located in the highland with nomadic lifestyle and animal husbandry, was studied to estimate its population in each period and assess its population changes during long period. By applying Descriptive-Analytical and statistical methods such as SPSS, it was attempted to have a better understanding of the population changes. To estimate population of the area, population census of the modern day villages during year 2012 and ethno-archaeological activities such as study of 21 modern campsites were applied in this study. Finally, it was estimated that each person occupies 5/6 sq. m in village houses and 6/5 sq. m in campsites. Consequently, based on our studies in village houses and surrounding areas, it seems 51 persons are living in each hectare. For campsites, which are located close to the village houses, it was estimated to 27 persons per hectare. Then the prehistoric population of Laran County was estimated in both site and region scales.