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Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

Some muslim scholars and theologians believe in monotheistic creation, but others believe that Allah The Almighty has inspired monotheism to man after his creation. Aiming to investigate the collection of Mulla Sadra's works on monotheism (tawhid) and its correspondent beliefs, the Topic-based Discourse Analysis Model (See Mazinani, Alizadeh, and Azad, 1397) was applied. The results were categorised in three sections: claims, warrants/topos, and certainty in assertion. Sadra claims that the belief in the monotheism is Man's very nature and a necessity for his existence. He has made most of his claims by refering to Quranic verses and hadiths by their explicit quotation, implication and interpretation. In the maze of this important matter, this philosopher occasionally takes an implicit rational position by denoting the topos such as "benefit", "harm", "fundamental need", "necessity", "fulfillment of treaties", "trustworthiness" "Pressure", and "attribution", which these can also be infered from the quoted verses and hadiths. Of course, such kind of argumentation by Mulla Sadra makes it difficult for non-Muslims and rationalists to accept his claims and theory. In all the data considered, however, an influential decisive declarative tone prevails in the claims so that no words or signs of doubt or any item suggesting Mitigation Strategy were observed. In the same vein, the Intensification Sterategy application was nearly observed in 20% of the data, and the processes of negation and passivization with their specific function were seen in 10% of the data.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (ARTICLES IN PRESS 2024)

Traditional farming faces significant challenges to sustainable development due to climate change, water scarcity, and environmental, social, and economic threats. Adopting complementary activities like agritourism can help address these challenges and promote sustainable village development. This study examines farmers' behavioral intentions and willingness to participate in agritourism as a supplementary activity. Data were collected through questionnaires using stratified random sampling with proportional assignment from farmers in five agriculturally diverse villages in Marvdasht County, Fars Province, Iran. The data were analyzed using the extended Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), which explained 78.8% of farmers' behavioral intentions and 61.8% of their actual behavior. The results show that attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control—traditional TPB constructs—significantly influence farmers' intentions to adopt agritourism. Additionally, self-identity, social capital, environmental values, and the perception of farmer’s risks enhance the predictive power of farmers' behavioral intentions. However, perceived behavioral control did not significantly impact farmers' actual behavior, while their intentions had the strongest positive influence on agritourism adoption. These findings suggest that promoting farmers' attitudes, beliefs, and self-confidence through training and information campaigns can increase their engagement in agritourism. Policymakers should implement cultural programs, incentives, and social networks to enhance agritourism's occupational value and encourage collaboration within the agricultural sector. Furthermore, measures should ensure agritourism aligns with environmental goals and educate farmers about the risks of traditional farming practices. Such efforts can foster sustainable development and strengthen the role of agritourism as a complementary activity to traditional farming.


Volume 0, Issue 0 (in press 2024)

The use of pozzolans is very necessary and inseparable for the sustainable development and better performance of the concrete industry. In the production of concrete, the combination of iron powder, fly ash, metakaolin and limestone powder under the name of fracking is used as materials and substitutes for cement in different percentages. The compressive strength of this concrete is higher than normal concrete. This type of concrete is a very new concrete that few tests have been done on it in the world, so there is not lot of information available about it. According to the studies, the most important features of this concrete are the use of iron waste, reduction of air and environmental pollution, cost savings and higher compressive strength than ordinary concrete. In this research, in order to protect the environment and reduce environmental pollution, fracking has been used as a relative substitute for cement. After obtaining the appropriate proportions, the frac mixture with percentages of 0, 3, 6, and 9 was considered as a substitute for cement. There were 8 tests in this research, 4 tests of the first category were carried out with the mentioned percentages of frac and 0% of steel fibers, but in the 4 tests of the second category, the volume of 1% of steel fibers was considered in the mixture. In this research, a total of 16 concrete samples were made, of which 8 of the first batch were used for pre-heating tests and 8 of the second batch were used to collect the results and performance of the concrete after heating. took After making the concrete samples and performing the necessary processes, the concrete samples were molded and placed on the vibrating table in order to make them denser and prevent voids in the concrete. After vibrating for a sufficient time, the samples were placed in the open space for 24 hours and then placed in the water basin for the processing process. A group of samples was taken out of the pond after 7 days to perform compressive and tensile strength tests (at the age of 7 days, due to the freshness of the concrete, exposure to high heat was not done) . After 28 days, the second batch was removed from the water and prepared for testing. The tests performed on these samples include compressive strength before and after heating, bending strength before and after heating, ultrasonic before and after heating, and water absorption before and after high heat. To test the performance of the samples after heating, the samples were placed in the furnace at a temperature of 450 degrees Celsius for 60 minutes (one hour) and after one hour, the samples were removed from the furnace and The samples were cooled at a temperature of 24 degrees Celsius. After the cooling of the samples, the tests were conducted on the samples, and the results indicated that the increase in the amount of frac leads to a 16% increase in the compressive strength before heating and improving its mechanical properties compared to ordinary concrete.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (in press 2024)

Fire can not only lead to many human and financial losses, but also can cause structures to collapse and destroy them. For this reason, it is necessary and inevitable to protect buildings against fire and conduct more research in the field of better understanding the effects of combining different materials with each other and obtaining materials with greater resistance to fire. Concrete and concrete structures are always used by construction engineers due to their resistance, availability and resilience against fire. Ordinary concrete loses its strength at high temperatures, and the use of unreinforced concrete is not very useful due to its brittleness and weakness in tensile strength. In concrete, the tensile strength is lower than its compressive strength, and for this reason, researchers are trying to increase the resistance to fire and heating by improving the tensile strength of concrete. Reinforcing concrete with rebar is always a solution to increase the tensile strength in concrete parts, one of the most important weaknesses of using rebar in concrete is that the reinforcements form a small part of the concrete cross-section and actually cause the concrete to be inhomogeneous. In this research, double-bent steel fibers have been used to overcome the mentioned weakness and reinforce the concrete. It should be noted that concrete containing steel fibers has favorable compressive and tensile strength due to the high tensile strength of steel fibers. In order to achieve this goal and achieve fiber concrete that has good fire resistance, we defined seven different mixing plans with different percentages of steel fibers and lubricants. Concrete samples were produced using double-bent steel fibers in amounts of 0.5, 1, and 1.2 percent by volume of concrete and superlubricant in 0.5, 1, and 1.3 percent by weight of cement, and then in Cubic molds with dimensions of 10x10x10 cm and cylindrical ones were sampled as standard, and after setting the cement, the 28-day-old concrete samples, after heating and placing inside the electric heater with different temperatures, were divided into two The method of gradual cooling with ambient air and fog spraying (water spraying) is similar to what firefighters do when extinguishing a fire, after measuring the amount of weight loss of the heated samples, the weight loss values ​​were presented in the form of a diagram, then the samples were subjected to tests Compressive strength, tensile strength (Brazilian test) and ultrasonic wave speed (ultrasonic test) were placed, and the results and data of each of them for each mixing design were presented in the form of a diagram after examination and classification, so that the effect of high heat on Concrete containing steel fibers and super-lubricant should be determined. The results clearly showed the improvement of the tensile strength in three volume percentages of fibers by 14.6, 16.8 and 64.5%, respectively, compared to concrete without fibers, and also the compressive strength of concrete after bearing the heat of 250 degrees Celsius and cooling to the fogging method had 44.5, 31.6, and 9.3 percent, respectively, and in the gradual air cooling method, the compressive strength was 43.3, 44.9, and 50 percent, respectively.


Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2014)

Background:Accumulative research is in progress to clarify clinical aspects of GBV-C. The possibility of interaction between HCV and GBV-C as well as its consequence on development of liver diseases is the most important clinical aspect which encourages researchers to develop a rapid and cost effective technique for simultaneous detection of both viruses. Methods: In this study, a SYBR Green real time multiplex RT-PCR technique as a new economical and sensitive method was designed and validated for simultaneous detection of HCV/GBV-C in HCV positive plasma samples. SYBR green real time RT-PCR technique optimization was performed separately for each virus. Multiplex PCR was established next. Standard sera with known concentrations of HCV RNA and dual HCV/GBV-C positive control samples along with negative control samples were used to validate the assay. Results and Conclusions:  Fifty six non cirrhotic HCV positive plasma samples [29 of genotype 3a and 27 of genotype 1a] were collected from patients before receiving treatment. 20.6% of genotype 3a and 18.7% of genotype 1a showed HCV/GBV-C co-infection. As a result, 19.6% of 56 samples had HCV/GBV-C co-infection that was compatible with other results from all over the world. SYBR Green real time multiplex RT-PCR technique can be used to detect HCV/GBV-C co-infection in plasma samples. Furthermore, with application of this method more time and cost could be saved in clinical-research settings.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (Spring 2021)

The act of a political offender which is manifested in depicting the ineffectiveness of a governing structure or policy with a reformation motive and without violence requires a distinct legislative strategy and differential trial over ordinary criminals.
   In countries that have recognized the principle of freedom of expression, there has been no criminalization of political activities at all, but in countries where criminalization has done, penalizing in comparison to other cases especially with regard to security offenses, is balanced and distinctive.
   In Iran, after nearly four decades after the promise of the constitution to define political offences in ordinary law and how to investigate it, finally in 2015, the Law of Political Offence was adopted. However, on the one hand, the legal ambiguity about the definition of political offences and the explanation of its cases violates the "transparency principle" and has provided the basis for interpretability of legal articles and dispersion in judgments. On the other hand, judges' stereotype in considering any protesting behavior or speech of citizens anti-security due to legislator's high sensitivity to banning any act or statement of protest or critique of the sovereignty and also preferring the presumption of guilt and malice instead of the presumption of Innocence and prima facie by judges has become a serious obstacle in the way of differential investigation to political charges.  This research, in a descriptive-analytical way, explores the criminal policy of Iran with regard to political offence and its challenges using library resources.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (1-2017)

Adopted healthy lifestyle known as changing the high risk behaviors to protective behaviors regarding Knee Osteoarthritis (KO) prevention. This study aimed to evaluate the preventive behaviors of KO in women over 40 years referred to health centers in Shiraz, Iran. This cross-sectional study randomized 151 women over 40 years, who referred to the health centers in Shiraz in 2016. Data were gathered using a questionnaire including demographic questions and measures based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) constructs regarding KO. Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 22.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (Spring 2018)

Electronic wastes are known as the most important solid wastes in 21th century. They are producing two or three time faster than other solid waste streams. Many researchers studied bioleaching of e-wastes using Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. The presence of alkaline metals cause e-wastes show an alkalinity nature. By adding e-wastes to the environment the pH of solution increases sensibly. Many researchers supposed the optimal pH range of A. ferrooxidans which is 1.5-2.5 as the optimal pH range to reach maximum recovery. So in the bioleaching process by daily pH adjusting in the range and using sensible amount of sulfuric acid, control the pH of solution about 2. In this research two same experiments, just the pH of one of them was adjusted daily, were done. In both experiments the environmental situation including pulp density of 15 g/l, inoculum 10% (v/v), the temperature of 30ºC, and shaking rate of 130 rpm was the same. For 25 days Cu recovery, bacterial count, pH, and Eh were examined. The results showed the maximum Cu recovery at the sample without pH adjusting was about 100% but at the sample with pH adjusting recovery was reduced to 90%. The bacterial count diagram showed the bacterium is well active in both experiments. To maximize recovery, reducing acid consumption, and increasing process economy there is no need to adjust the pH of solution.

Volume 2, Issue 3 (9-2013)

One of the important technical obstacles in the study of many filamentous fungi is the development of efficient transformation system. Transformation of filamentous fungi is difficult because they have a cell wall and for most frequently used approaches preparing of protoplast is necessary. Protoplast preparation is batch-dependent and often frustrating work. In this study, a modified method was introduced for gene transfer to the plant pathogenic fungus, Fusarium graminearum, the major causal agent of Fusarium Head Blight disease in small grains. This protocol was based on protoplast-PEG method. Age of mycelia, enzymes exposure time and mycelium/enzyme ratio were optimized for the purpose of protoplast preparation. The outcome showed that the best result for protoplast preparation was obtained when 1.5 × 105 spores were let germinate for 6 h then exposed to 10 ml of enzyme solution for 3 h. The effect of other parameters that might enhance transformation yields including PEG concentration, DNA quantity and number of protoplasts was also examined. The most efficient condition for transformation involved the use of 106 protoplasts, 20 µg DNA and 30% PEG (w/v). In the course of this study, a simple and appropriate modified protocol for transformation of F. graminearum was established. The method introduced is also more economical and faster than other current methods.

Volume 2, Issue 3 (Autumn 2019)

Due to increase in global demand of propylene, many extensive studies and research have been done to find alternative method for lower energy consumption and efficiency. In this research, gamma alumina is used for molybdenum catalyst base in oxidative dehydrogenation process of propane, in order to produce the propylene. The catalysts are prepared based on wet impregnation method. The analysis of  FTIR, XRD, BET, SEM, and XRF are done to evaluate and determine the  characteristics of prepared catalysts. Central composition method is employed to study the influence of reaction temperature, molybdenum loading percentage, oxygen to propane ratio, and the effect of interactions between them in propylene production. The molybdenum in the range of 4-16%, propane to oxygen ratio in ‎the range of 1-3%, and temperature in the range of 380-540 ºC are the input parameters of ‎the central composite method. Finally, according to reactor test and analysis of the results of the Design expert software, it is shown that the predicted models for propane conversion, propylene selectivity, and efficiency persentage of oxidation dehydrogenation are about 95%. Maximum of efficiency percentage with a value of 14.02% is obtained at 487 ºC, 11.22% molybdenum percentage, and propane to oxygen ratio of 1.5, which in experimental results, achieving an accuracy of 94% is possible as compared to the optimal design of the test design model.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (, (Articles in Persian) 2011)

Unwillingness-to-communicatation in a foreign language (UTC) on the part of learners, which is a tendency to avoid oral communication, is one of the main problems of language teachers. In a way, if the source of this unwillingness is determined, language teachers can decide better about those students who seem reluctant in the communication and usually avoid interactions. Yet the extent of this unwillingness is not constant among different individuals and it can be the result of many diverse factors. This study has focused on the relationship between the students' personality traits and their UTC, and the role of gender in the levels of UTC. In so doing, two highly validated measures of NEO Five Factor Model (NEO-FFM) and UTC scale of unwillingness to communicate were administered to 250 participants from four universities. The results of step-wise multiple regression showed that, from the five factors of personality (extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness, openness to experience and agreeableness), extraversion was the best predictor of UTC. The second and the third predictive variables were neuroticism and conscientiousness, respectively. While extraversion and conscientiousness had a negative relationship with UTC, neuroticism had a positive correlation. Moreover, the results of t-test proved no significant difference between the two groups of males and females with respect to their levels of UTC. In the end, drawing on the relevant literature, the results of the study have been discussed and the importance of findings has been explicated for teachers and language teaching practitioners.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (10-2016)

Background: Group B streptococcus (GBS) is the major cause of serious life threatening infections in neonates, pregnant women, and other adults with underlying diseases. Capsular polysaccharide typing is a significant way for epidemiological studies of GBS, the pathogenesis, and other studies associated with GBS infections including surveillance programs and vaccine development in future. Molecular serotyping (MS) methods offer more accurate and reliable typing of bacteria. The aim of current study was to differentiate genotypes of clinical GBS isolates based on PCR assay to acquire information about the distribution of GBS types in Hamadan, Iran.
Materials and Methods: A total of 62 clinical GBS strains including vaginal swabs, urine cultures, and blood culture isolates were examined for genotyping using multiplex PCR assay.
Results:Among the 62 GBS isolates examined, all capsular types, except VI, VII, and VIII, were found. Type III was the predominant type with 35 isolates (56.5%), followed by Type V with 11 isolates (17.7%), Type II with 7 isolates (11.3%), Type Ia with 5 isolates (8.1%), and Types Ib and IV with similar prevalence of 2 isolates (3.2%) for each type.
Conclusion: The results of the current study demonstrated that Type III is the predominant type in Hamadan, followed by Types V, II, Ia, Ib, and IV, respectively. Using MS method leads to accurate, sensitive, specific, and fast typing of GBS isolates. The advantages of MS method allow it to analyze various populations and to examine invasive and colonizing isolates in extensive epidemiological studies and surveillance activities. In fact, MS will facilitate the proper formulation of candidate GBS vaccines.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (Winter 97 2019)

In this study, sonochemical synthesis was used to prepare nanostructured HZSM-5 catalysts. The three most effective ultrasound related variables including ultrasound power, irradiation time, and sonication temperature were investigated. The combined effect of these variables on relative crystallinity and mean crystal size of HZSM-5 nanocatalysts was studied using a central composite design. Higher crystallinity and lower crystal size were obtained by increasing ultrasound power, irradiation time, and sonication temperature while there was an optimum range for mentioned variables. The maximum relative crystallinity and minimum mean crystal size were obtained as 55.51% and 62.37 nm, respectively, under the optimal conditions of ultrasound power (231 W), irradiation time (21.18 min), and sonication temperature (42.68 °C). The results confirmed that sonochemical method considerably increased crysatllinity and reduced crystal size of HZSM-5 nanocatalysts at lower time. Hydrothermal method produced catalyst with full crystallinity and mean crystal size of 893 nm with 120 min aging and 48 h crystallization in autoclave while sonicated HZSM-5 catalyst with 21 min sonication and 4 h crystallization has 55.51% crystllinity and 62.37 nm mean crystal size. On the other hand, no HZSM-5 phase was formed in hydrothermal method with 120 min aging and 4 h crystallization in autoclave. These results strongly suggests that a catalyst with smaller crystal size, higher crystallinity and BET surface area at lower crystallization time can be obtained by using ultrasound instead of aging step in HZSM-5 synthesis

Volume 3, Issue 1 (8-2011)

Public sphere and social ethics are always among the basic topics of sociology discussions. The main hypothesis of this study is that «action in the public sphere» is an effective factor on increasing the experience of shame as social ethics. For examining the relationship between these two, Hannah Arendt's «Public sphere theory» and Morris Rosenberg's «Reflective evaluation» principles were used. The model considered in this study includes freedom belief, plurality, private self-disclosure and public self-disclosure, which are participated as effective variables (in two forms: directed and indirected) on the experience of shame. Statistical population of this study includes the students of Tehran University at undergraduate, graduate and PhD degrees. 400 of them were selected by quota sampling for responding using proportional size method. The required data were collected using survey and questionnaire methods. The results of statistical analysis showed that students' public self-disclosure, freedom belief, plurality, gender and education degree have significant impacts on the experience of shame as social ethics. Only the significant effect of private self-disclosure was not confirmed statistically.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (Winter 2018)

Aims: Manual tasks and load carrying and handling are the most important tasks in a sofa making workshop. Evaluation of these types of tasks is very important for identifying the health risks to which workers are exposed. The aim of this study was the ergonomic evaluation of occupational tasks in a sofa making workshop based on KIM and presentation of corrective actions.
Instruments and Methods: The present descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in a sofa making workshop in Ardabil in 2017. All tasks of the sofa making workers (n=22) were examined, among which 7 main tasks were identified. The identified tasks were analyzed, using KLM-MHO and KLM-LHC methods. Manual tasks and load lifting and carrying tasks were evaluated, scored, and checked out, using EXCELL 2010.
Findings: Among the tasks examined, the tasks of woodcarving, preparation for coloring, and sofa dressing showed the highest final score (Risk Grade 4), followed by jointing wood parts with glue and coloring (Risk Grade 3). Most items with high workload were related to grips status, repetitive movement in the hand-finger area, position and repetitive movements of the joints at the end of motion range, and curved forward trunk posture.
Conclusion: In carving, preparation for coloring, and dressing tasks, the amount of workload is high. In jointing wood parts with glue and coloring tasks, the amount of workload increases dramatically. And, in designing layout on wood and cutting tasks, the amount of load increases.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (Winter 2018)

Aims: Musculoskeletal disorders are the most common work-related complications in industrial environments. Inappropriate body working postures are considered as one of the most important risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders. The aim of this study was the ergonomic assessment of body working postures among the employees of a car services workshop, using OWAS technique.
Instruments and Methods: This study was a descriptive cross sectional study conducted in 2017 in a car services workshop selected through simple random sampling method. The study sample was one of the representatives of Iran Khodro Company in Ahwaz. Based on the study sample, 960 different body postures were recorded. Using OWAS method as a posture assessment method, each of the occupations was photographed for 40 minutes at 30 second intervals. The data were evaluated by Excel 2012 software and the photographs were evaluated by OWAS method.
Findings: Workers' work environment was ergonomically appropriate. Generally, 95.0% of the working postures were related to Level 1, indicating that most of the workstations did not need to be modified. The repetitive movements had the highest body working postures score.
Conclusion: Just in the case of car repairers, there was a need for redesigning the workstation. In other cases, the tasks of repairing, coloring, and pressing were related to Code 1.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (Spring 98 2019)

Research Subject: Nowadays, application of biosurfactants in microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR) have aroused much attention and several investigations have been conducted on this field. But their performance in comparison to synthetic surfactants in enhanced oil recovery has little been studied. Most of these researches are limited to comparison of one produced biosurfactant with only a chemical surfactant. To fill this gap, in this research, the potential use of a rhamnolipid type biosurfactant  in MEOR was compared to several conventional synthesized surfactants: SDS, SDBS, CTAB and DTAB.
Research Approach: Since the main goal of this research is the comparison between produced biosurfactant and conventional chemical surfactants in oil recovery, several flooding tests were conducted and involved mechanisms were investigated. All of tests were conducted in an oil wet glass micromodel saturated with heavy oil at ambient condition. Injected solutions were prepared at critical micelle concentration of surfactants. During the flooding tests, high quality pictures were taken with a camera connected to the computer to monitor the motion of injected solution in the micromodel.
 Main Results: 40% oil recovery was achieved after biosurfactant flooding while SDBS, SDS, CTAB and DTAB resulted 36%, 34%, 32% and 29% oil recovery, respectively. For mechanistic study, the surface tension (ST) and viscosity measurements were performed and contact angle was determined. The surface tension reduction, wettability alteration towards more water-wet condition and increasing the ratio of injected fluid viscosity to oil viscosity were dominant mechanisms. The rhamnolipid was more effective than other surfactants in reduction of surface tension and altering the wettability towards favorable water-wet conditions. It decreased the surface tension of water from 72 to 28 mN/m, which was the least comparing to other surfactants and increased the capillary number about 19.4 times greater than in water flooding. Additionally, it changed the contact angle from 106 to 6, 94.3%, the widest change among applied surfactants. 

Volume 3, Issue 3 (fall 2022)

Statement problem: Today, due to contradictory approaches and lack of proper orientation, it has unfortunately created inappropriate urban facades and destroyed physical identity in Iranian cities.
Aim: To evaluate the factors affecting the identity of the anatomical views in the historical area of ​​Tabriz city.
Methods: The analytical-inferential method was used. The statistical population was two groups of building users and experts. Structural equation method with Smart Pls software was used to collect information. Results: According to the users, the greatest impact on the physical identity of the facades of the historical context of Tabriz city is related to the destruction of historical facades and personal taste, order and harmony, and the least is related to the corner and the connection line to the ground. According to experts, the most effective is related to human scale and size, facade materials and personal taste. The lowest is related to the corner and connecting line. In the end, both groups were unanimous in the field of least impact, i.e. the criterion of the corner and the line connecting to the ground.
Conclusion: All the examined components have been effective on the anatomical identity of the historical fabric of Tabriz city. Considering the close relationship between physical identity and urban views, it can be said that with proper management of views, tangible physical identity can be achieved.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (3-2014)

  Leadership is one of the most important concepts in management literature. Organizations cannot achieve their predetermined goals without an efficient leadership. This study tries to identify the most effective factors on leadership intention and demonstrate them as a conceptual model. Leadership intention means persons’ scheduling for self-individuals future and whether he or she is willing to be responsible for leaderships roles. The conceptual model of this study is created according to subject literature. Questionnaires distributed among management students of Tehran universities using convenience sampling and 845 were collected. Data analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results showed that fame-seeking, social networks, leadership motivation and person’s leadership efficiency have positive and significant Influence on his/her leadership intent. Dream, risk taking, independence, confidence, curiosity and emotional intelligence were among other variables that their effects on leadership intent was not confirmed.        

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