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Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

Among the challenges of language acquisition, developing writing proficiency is widely acknowledged as particularly demanding. Learners must not only select appropriate vocabulary but also use it effectively within a specific context. However, the emphasis on writing skill development should not solely lie in memorizing grammatical rules. Rather, grammar should serve as a tool to facilitate clear and effective communication of ideas. Consequently, prioritizing and strategically selecting essential grammar rules for instruction can significantly enhance and expedite the acquisition of writing skills. This research employs a descriptive-analytical method and utilizes a questionnaire to investigate the potential effects of streamlining Arabic grammar instruction on facilitating and accelerating the development of writing skills in Arabic among Persian undergraduate students majoring in Arabic Language and Literature. To achieve this objective, the study employed a researcher-designed questionnaire distributed among a sample of 16 Arabic language teachers and experts. This instrument aimed to identify the relative importance of Arabic grammar components across three proficiency levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Informed by expert opinion, the research proposes a tiered approach to Arabic grammar instruction. At the beginner level, priority is given to mastering structural order and interrogative particles. The intermediate level focuses on relative nouns, causative constructions, and the mood system. Finally, advanced learners concentrate on verbal mode and aspects. Additionally, the findings highlight the experts' emphasis on introducing similar Arabic and Persian grammar rules in the early stages of education, and Arabic-specific rules at higher levels.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

Prepositions are linguistic elements that indicate the physical properties of referent and relatum and the geometry of the manner in which they interact with one another. Numerous studies have shown that prepositions in their abstract usages retain at least one of their spatial geometric features which is testimony to embodiment theory and it also suggests that understanding of abstract usages of prepositions can be better done by first studying the spatial usages of them. In this research we consider and analayse spatial geometry of different usages of Persain preposition /dᴂr/ applying Talmy's approach towards spatial structuring in language. Fourteen distinct usages were extracted from Hamshahri Corpus. The spatial geometry of each usage was analaysed and at least one image schema has been proposed for each usage. As a result of close study of various usages we observed that in all usages either the factor "enclosure" or "locus of control" or both are present in the geometry of  the preposition. In one instance we observed a tertiary reference object for locating the Figure in the scene. An investigation of one spatial geometry ascribed to the preposition /dᴂr/ led to suggesting a volumar schema for "way". Also in some usages the use of metonomy can be seen where part of the real Ground or an entity related to it appears as Ground in the sentence.

Volume 1, Issue 3 (9-2013)

Fish larvae have a high requirement of amino acid (AA) for energy production and growth. This study was aimed to increase knowledge of AA profile during feral carp larval ontogeny and estimate larval AA requirements. Larvae were collected randomly at 1, 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 26 and 33 days post hatch for growth and AA analysis. The composition of total AA changed significantly during ontogeny. The essential AA profile of marine carp showed low correlation with rotifers (R2=0.22). High correlation was found between dry food and early larval ages (R2≥0.7) but was lower in late stage (R2≥0.37). At day 7, when larvae were fed on rotifers, methionine seemed to be the limiting AA and when larvae were fed dry food at day 11, 15, 19, 26 and 33, arginine seemed to be the limiting AA. Larval indispensible AA profile can be used as index of the IAA requirements of carp larvae. Supplementation of larval diet used with limiting AA is one way for compensating the deficient amino acid.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (Summer 2014)

Hakim Omar Khayyam, the famous Persian poet, is always regarded by many scholars and poets. Khayam has always been preoccupied with issues such as complex secret of existence, life, death, predetermination, and authority, and these issues have wandered him. Sometimes, these issues have drawn him to skeptisism and pessimism, and sometimes, have invited him to gain the opportunity. Mahmud Sami Albarudi, the Egyptian politician and poet, has been inspired by Khayam in such issues as skeptisism to the time, invitation to gain opportunity and enjoyment, and has discussed them. The difference between his philosophy is much narrower than that of Khayam so that he cannot be known as master of a philosophy school. The present study aimed to investigate the roots and signs of Albarudiˊs influence in a comparative view with Khayam. 

Volume 2, Issue 3 (Autumn 2019)

The pot life of high-energy composites is one of the most important parameters of their manufacturing process. This is mainly influenced by the pot life of the binder system. In this research, the effect of different amounts of two types of curing catalyst (dibutyltin dilaurate (DBTDL) and triphenyl bismuth (TPB)) and different ratios of NCO / OH (R) on the pot life and physical properties of the polyurethane binder system  based on Hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) was investigated. By increasing the amount of curing catalyst for both types of catalysts, the viscosity build-up of the binder system measured by the rotation viscometer was intensified. Also, increasing the amount of R from 0.8 to 1 increases the viscosity and crosslink density. Isophorone Diisocyanate (IPDI) binder system shows two distinct steps of increasing viscosity with two different rates, which is attributed to the presence of two different isocyanate groups in the molecular structure of IPDI with different reactivity. In the following, the physical properties and swelling of binder samples were investigated. Based on these results, binders with the highest crosslink density have the lowest swelling. The pot life value increases from R of 1 to 1.1, contrary to expectation, with pot life range value between R of 1 to 0.9. When using the DBTDL catalyst, it is clearly identifiable between different reactivity of two groups IPDI isocyanates, but when used with the TPB curing catalyst, this difference was not observed significantly.

Volume 2, Issue 3 (8-2017)

Volume 2, Issue 5 (Spring 2021)

This study aimed to classify sport managers according to communication skills on cultural intelligence, managerial skills. A descriptive study was conducted through a survey. The study population consisted of Isfahan’s Sport Managers. In this research 600, sport managers as a Statistical society were considered. 207 as the statistical sample was selected from Statistical society. Measuring instruments consisted of demographic questions, Barton G. The reliability of communication skills, cultural intelligence questionnaire, and classifying sport managers questioner was. Statistical methods included analysis of both descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS and LISREL, and structural equation modeling was performed to assess the relationships between variables. The results show that the communication skills and cultural intelligence and class of sport managers, there is a significant relationship, the output shows the application of structural equation model is appropriate. Hence the required proper planning to improve their communication skills and cultural intelligence organizations for sports managers in these organizations is effective. Because of the significant aims of the athletic directors, managers tend to imitate and ambassadors. Therefore, the authorities have the right people in the suitable management strategy because it seems intuitive managers and analysts can better brighter prospects for the exercise of the imagination.

Volume 2, Issue 7 (Autumn 2021)

Every business owner knows that profitability is delivering what customers want. In the sports industry, to stimulate the desire for sports and create a sense of sportsmanship, it is necessary to pay attention to the desires of society. The purpose of this study is to identify the influential factors of the sense of desire for sports in Iranian society, which is among qualitative research and in terms of purpose, fundamentals and terms of strategy; Qualitative research is an exploratory type, and in terms of research method, it uses the technique of fundamental theory. The statistical population of the study was 16 managers, specialists and experts. In-depth and semi-structured interviews were conducted purposely using the snowball method. Findings showed that the development of public sports, emphasis on health-oriented sports, the need to pay attention to educational sports, and economic and cultural factors are the main categories of the final model of the present study. 

Volume 3, Issue 1 (1-2017)

Multidrug resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii is a growing public health concern all over the world. In the current study, the isolation and antimicrobial resistance pattern and detection of blaOXA-51 and lpxC genes by multiplex PCR method was performed.
All the isolates demonstrated high levels of resistance rates to amikacin, ciprofloxacin, meropenem, imipenem, ceftriaxone, gentamicin, and colistin. Screening of two resistance genes by multiplex PCR showed that all the isolates contained blaOXA-51 and lpxC genes. As we previously reported, nosocomial infections caused by A. baumannii isolates are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in our hospital.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (Number 2 - 2001)

A single column cation exchanger resin was used to eliminate cations from renet cheese whey, with particular reference to the improvement of taste and flavor. Ten panelists were convened to assess the contribution of the mineral components to the salty taste of whey, judging on the basis of taste, flavor and color. The organoleptic characteristics of untreated whey were arbitrarily assigned a score of zero and the best treated whey in terms of quality, a score of 20. The use of a strong-acid cation exchange resin resulted in the removal of 28% of the calcium and 45% of the magnesium from treated whey with a concomitant increase in the concentration of sodium. The average score of treated whey increased from zero, for untreated whey, to 19.7 for the first element of whey passed through cation exchange resin.

Volume 3, Issue 7 (12-2015)

Work Songs during the work have a great extent .Several examples of these songs can be observed among the farmers, stockbreeders and weavers. These songs make the work space free from the monotony and strictness alleviating the tiredness and exhausting pain of work, and reinforce the men and women effort, resulting in  movement sensation and hope during the work. The composed poems in the field of work and business in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad, form at large scale the literature of this area. In the environment of work, men and women from Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad have had the poem in tune with someone who was doing the work. This kind of poem has had an appropriate music and sensation. They are anonym composers who compose these songs to show their happiness, sorrows, loneliness, and pains. These songs have had an important role in transferring the cultures; rituals and manners between the generations. In the rural and tribal society of this area, there have been some works such as farming, rice milling, milking and dyeing where the workers composed songs to have the pleasure and fun. This article tries to consider and analyze the agricultural songs (rice milling, rice farming), livestock songs, breeding and knitting songs.

Volume 3, Issue 11 (Autumn 2022)

The current research aimed to provide a model of the social responsibilities of the table tennis federation. The method of the current study was a mixed method that used a mixed-exploratory strategy. The statistical population was sports management professors, social science professors, elite athletes and sports managers, and in the qualitative part, 14 people were selected by purposeful sampling. In the quantitative part, 387 samples were included in the study. The tool of the qualitative part was a semi-structured interview. In the quantitative section, a researcher-made questionnaire, which had 36 questions, was used. In this research, thematic analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data. In the quantitative part, descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, frequency, frequency percentage, etc.) and inferential statistics (Cronbach's alpha coefficients, first- and second-order confirmatory factor analysis, one-sample t-tests, and Friedman's test) were used. The results showed that 53 subcategories were obtained from qualitative data analysis, which were placed in 12 main categories. Finally, from the obtained categories, five main concepts of sustainable development, diplomatic, social, health and organizational responsibilities were obtained. It was also found that the final research model has sufficient fit. According to the results, the social responsibility dimensions of the table tennis federation are prioritized as follows: sports, organizational, legal and economic, political, international, social-cultural, media, environmental, humanitarian, health and ethical. The results of this research can serve as a road map for the table tennis federation to fulfill its social responsibilities.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (Winter 2019)

Aims: Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in people over 50 years old. This study aims to investigate the status of preventive behaviors against arthritis in middle-aged women in order to take a small step in promoting the health of women in the community.
Instruments & Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive-analytic study was conducted on 325 women aged 29-59 years referring to health centers in Birjand in 2017Data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire that covered demographics and preventive behaviours items , entered into SPSS-19 and analyzed using mean and frequency distribution tests.
Findings:Totally 325 women with mean age of 39.1 ± 8.4 years were studied. The majority of all women, were married and housewives (87% and 69.5% respectively). A total of 57% of the women did preventive behavior against arthritis. Furthermore, 30% of the women had regular tensile and warm-up exercise, 42% had moderate consumption of vegetables, 71% kept proper sitting posture, 60% rested after heavy work, 61% used proper flooring at home, and finally 21% moved objects in a correct manner.
Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, A significant proportion of women did not have favorable performance in regarding preventive behaviors of arthritis. Therefore it is suggested that in educational centers, educational classes be held to improve the behaviors of women towards arthritis prevention.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (No.2 (Tome 14), (Articles in Persian) 2013)

Ancient Muslim linguists paid due attention to both linguistic and non-linguistic contexts. An investigation into Hāzim Qarṭājannī's views can help in developing a relatively comprehensive framework in this respect. However, in general, ancient linguists' views are not the same and vary from social perspectives on language (i.e. paying attention to non-linguistic factors) to pure formalistic views. Hence, ancient Muslim linguists' views have to be considered as a whole to be able to reach a comprehensive framework on context and its uses in action. The reasons behind the ancient linguists' attention to context were threefold: evaluating the accuracy, analyzing the meaning of the texts, and regenerating the lost non-linguistic context from the linguistic context to arrive at the meaning. The present study investigates the ancient linguists' views on context mainly through the framework derived from Ḥāzim Qarṭājannī's "Minhāj al-Bulaghā".     

Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2015)

Ninety one monoconidial Bipolaris isolates were obtained from lesions on different parts of rice in different locations of Mazandaran province during the summer of 2009. Bipolaris species were identified using morphological features such as color and shape of colony and color and size of conidia and conidiophores. The isolates were separated into two species; 85 (93.4%) isolates belonged to Bipolaris oryzae and the remaining 6 (6.6%) isolates to Bipolaris cynodontis. Therefore B. oryzae is regarded as the major cause of rice brown spot disease in Mazandaran province. In order to analyze genetic diversity among B. oryzae isolates, 71 isolates were subjected to fingerprinting analysis by rep-PCR using BOX and REP primers. In cluster analysis, 15 clonal lineages and 54 haplotypes were identified. The largest clonal lineage contained with 36 haplotypes was the most common lineage. These results also indicate a relatively high level of genetic diversity among B. oryzae isolates. Also, pathogenicity test of a few B. oryzae isolates (12 isolates) was conducted under greenhouse condition and showed that those isolates were pathogenic to rice seedlings of cv. Tarom. All isolates produced some leaf spots 24 h after inoculation.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2016)

The effect of two insecticides, imidacloprid and pyriproxyfen, were investigated on some biological parameters of ladybird beetle Menochilus sexmaculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) under laboratory condition. Theladybird beetle were exposed to insecticides by ingestion of the common pistachio psylla, Agonoscena pistaciae Burckhardt and Lauterer (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) (prey). For imidacloprid, maximum field recommended concentration (MFRC) (1/1 MFRC = 140 ppm), 1/2 and 1/4 MFRC were tested. For pyriproxyfen dilutions of 1/1 MFRC (50 ppm), 2/1 and 1/2 MFRC were used after 24 h. The 100% mortality was observed with imidacloprid in all tested concentrations, whereas no mortality was observed by pyriproxyfen even at the highest concentration (2/1 MFRC). Because of the high mortality observed with imidacloprid, lower concentrations of 1/10, 1/20 and 1/40 MFRC were tested and all predators were killed 3, 7 and 10 days after treatment, respectively. At 1/100 MFRC, no eggs were laid but prey consumption was continued for two weeks. At 1/1 and 2/1 MFRC of pyriproxyfen, ingestion of prey was reduced by 18% and 23%, respectively. At 1/1 and 1/2 MFRC of pyriproxyfen, fecundity and fertility of the coccinellid predator was decreased to 43% and 24.5%, respectively. Imidacloprid at 1/100 MFRC caused significant reduction on fecundity but had no detrimental effect on fertility of the produced eggs. Therefore, unlike the pyriproxyfen that had not acute toxicity, the imidacloprid was extremely toxic to coccinellid at MFRC. However, pyriproxyfen was able to affect on feeding ratio and reproduction of M. sexmaculatus.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (6-2019)

In this study 46 species of bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) and their 17 associated mite species from Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province reigns with some specimens collected from Yasouj and Dezful have been examined. Four species of mites were new for Iran: Sennertia zhelochovtsevi Zachvatkin, Vidia lineata Oudemans, Sennertionyx manicati (Giard) and Crabrovidia oudemansi Fain. These mites were found on bees’ families of Halictidae, Megachilidae, Apidae and Andrenidae. The identified mites were belonging to families of Neopygmephoridae, Scutacaridae, Chaetodactylidae, Anoetidae, Acaridae, Saproglyphidae and Winterschmidtiidae. Among bees’ families, the most association was observed on Halictidae and the lowest was on Andrenidae. Bee species of Halictus (Halictus) resurgens Nurse, 1903 had the highest percentage of association. All specimens are deposited in the Iranian Pollinator Insects Museum of Yasouj University. Herein a list of mite species associated with bees and bees’ species list are provided. Some specimens belong to genera of Imparipes Berlese, 1903 (n=12 specimens) and Chaetodactylus Rondani, 1866 (n=11 specimens) were new for science which would be described in a subsequent paper.

Volume 5, Issue 7 (9-2020)

In the process of learning and teaching the second language, errors are the inevitable part. According to the importance of this topic, this study attempts to investigate the errors of Arabic native speakers learning Persian based on the four morpheme model. Morphemes are classified into two groups of early systematic morphemes and late systematic morphemes in the frame of four morpheme model. The data have been collected  of 50 Arabic native speakers learning Persian in Imam Khomeini international university. it was found that Arabic native speakers learning Persian  have more errors in utilization of late systematic morphemes (for instance the sign of” را than early systematic morphemes and they will learn it  later. Their writing errors have been investigated on the basis of three inter lingual, interalingual, and ambiguous sources. After the analysis based on the origin, it has been determined that most of the errors of Arabic native speakers learning Persian are interalingual. By comparing the data of this study with previous studies, it was found that the arrangement pattern of learning morpheme is like mediator additional sign “ی”, the sign of “را”, extra letters, verb, plural morpheme.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (3-2017)

Surfactin is one of the most efficient biosurfactants excreted by Bacillus subtilis which displays the highest potential as induced systemic resistance elicitor among all metabolites produced by B. subtilis. Environmental factors have considerable effect on surfactin production. In this study surfactin production of two Bacillus subtilis strains were analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). C14 and C15 surfactins were detected in the ethanol extract from acid-precipitated supernatant. HPLC analyses of different media including Nutrient Broth (NB) medium, NB plus 40g/l glucose, NB plus 10% soil extract and NB plus 10% plant extract medium, clearly showed that these bacteria produced different amounts of surfactins C14 and C15 in these media. Surfactin production in NB/plant medium was relatively the highest in quantity. Microelements analysis of media containing plant and soil extract with atomic absorption spectrometry showed high amounts of Fe, Mn and Zn in medium containing plant extract compared with that of soil extract. Since these elements play an important role in surfactin production, high amounts of Fe, Mn and Zn in NB/plant extract medium compared to the NB/soil extract medium could be the possible reason for relatively higher amounts of surfactins C14 and C15 produced in NB/plant medium. So adding these important elements to soil may boost biocontrol effect of B. subtilis against plant pathogens.

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