Showing 12 results for Ommi
Volume 1, Issue 2 (winter 2018)
The main aim of this paper is to analysis of chemical performance of hydrogen peroxide based on numerical and parametric methods. The proper chemical function of the catalytic bed, as one of the components of monopropellant thruster, plays a significant role in achieving the two design main goals in (minimizing mass and maximizing the specific impulse). To this end, the effect of catalyst diameter (granules) on the bed chemical performance, optimal length and pressure drop, simulations for beds with different catalytic pellet diameters have been made to 0.4-0.9 cm diameters. Hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of 90% is defined as an inlet fluid at 0.014 m/s in simulations. The calculation of flow pressure drop across the catalyst bed is one of the activities undertaken in this study. The results of this study indicate that with increasing the pellet diameter, the reaction effective surface is reduced and the catalyst bed length is increased for complete decomposition of the propellant. In addition to the required length for complete decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, the pressure drop in various catalyst beds have also been calculated and evaluated. The results of the catalytic bed drop evaluation indicate that at a specific flow rate, a minimum pressure drop will be made in a specific diameter. The reason for this is the interaction of reaction surface and catalyst bed lengths on the pressure drop generated during the propellant decomposition process. Verification and validation of achieved results was conducted by comparing with experimental results.
Seyed Mostafa Hosseinalipour, Hadiseh Karimaei, Fathollah Ommi,
Volume 14, Issue 10 (1-2015)
In this paper, 5 samples of one kind of swirl injector with tangential inlets, which has been designed and manufactured by using CNC, have been tested. Above injector has a spray cone in the shape of very thin layer because it is formed an air core in injector center. In fact, this is a one-fluid injector but its operation is two-phase. In order to detect acceptable injector among them, characterization tests have been done in the propulsion laboratory of Tarbiat Modarres University for all sample injectors. The methods of experimental characterization have been described in detail in current paper and also important parameters introduced. In these tests, injection uniformity, symmetry, mass flow rate versus pressure difference and some other parameter such as spray cone angle are investigated. Experimental results have been compared with design points. Finally, one injector has been selected as a suitable and nearer to theoretical design injector among them. The selected injector can be used for validation of numerical analysis results and also doing some complemental microscopic experiments. The results show good agreement between theoretical predictions and experimental results.
Fathollah Ommi, Zoheir Saboohi,
Volume 16, Issue 10 (1-2017)
The design of combustor has long been the most challenging portion in the design process of a gas turbine. This paper focused on the conceptual design methodology for aircraft combustors. The necessity of this work arose from an urgent need for a comprehensive model that can quickly provide data in the initial phases (conceptual design and preliminary design) of the design process. The proposed methodology integrated the performance and the design of combustors. To accomplish this, a computer code has been developed based on the design procedures. The design model could provide the combustor geometry and the combustor performance. Based on the available inputs data in the initial phases of the design process, a chemical reactor network (CRN) approach is selected to model the combustion with a detailed chemistry. In this way, three different chemical mechanisms are studied for Jet-A aviation fuel. Furthermore, the droplet evaporation for liquid fuel and the non-uniformity in the fuel-air mixture are modelled. The results of a developed design tool are compared with data of an annular engine’s combustor. The results have good agreement with the actual geometry and outputs of engine test rig emissions.
Javad Vaziri Naeen Nejad, Fatollah Ommi, Seyed Hossein Moosavy,
Volume 16, Issue 13 (Conference Special Issue 2017)
Fathollah Ommi, Javad Vaziri Naeen Nejad, Seyed Hossein Moosavy,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (5-2017)
At the core of the conventional hydro cyclone, the secondary flow is created in opposite direction of the primary flow which is adjacent the wall and causes a sink pressure on the central axis of the hydro cyclone. This low pressure zone may drag fine particles to the core and escape them from the upper section of hydro cyclone. In this research by adding a sound source at the core of the hydro cyclone, the separation performance of an acoustic hydro cyclone is studied. Then the effects of the hydro cyclone’s body tilt angle with the horizon reviewed in next step. To this end, the flow simulation carried out by the appropriate turbulent and two-phase fluid flow model selection and consequently the results validated with experimental data. The result shows the optimum strength and frequency of acoustic stimulation and the performance of conventional hydro cyclone in different tilt angles, particles diameter and inlet velocities. In addition in this study, the optimum injection velocity for any diameters which use of sound source impacts greatly on increasing the separation efficiency, is introduced. Finally, by applying a genetic algorithm with two objectives function, among all the states, the model that have the highest efficiency and lowest pressure drop is selected.
Mohammad Aelaei, Fathollah Ommi, Saeed Karimian Aliabadi,
Volume 17, Issue 9 (11-2017)
In this paper, the importance of accurate estimation of the aerodynamic performance of delta wing has been mentioned. Some available and conventional methods of estimating the aerodynamic coefficients composed of CFD methods and industrial and commercial software have been selected and for comparison, a wing similar to delta wing mounted on Pegasus Air-launch-to-orbit missile as a template is being selected. The reason for this selection, mainly is the lack of wind tunnel in design process and flying in a wide range of flow regimes. As many parameters may be utilized in design process such as the aerodynamic force and moment coefficients, stability derivatives, heat transfer coefficient and the structural loading parameters are being required. In this study, the accuracy of the results of different methods in estimating the force and moment coefficients, as the most significant quantities for performance analysis, at any flow regime has been checked and the suitable method has been introduced in terms of the flight condition. With respect to available parallel processing system, different CFD methods are compared together. Then validity of solution of Reynolds-averaged equations (RANS) and Euler method have been evaluated based on the comparison by DES solutions. Therefore, the valid intervals of the subsequent methods have been presented. Results are indicating the advantage of computational methods to industrial and semi-empirical software. Semi-empirical code and industrial software are shown satisfactory for computation in the linear range i.e. the small angle of attacks.
Bahram Jalili, Fathollah Ommi, Salman Nourazar,
Volume 17, Issue 12 (2-2018)
Jet injected transversely into a crossflow is used to the propulsion system such as, turbo jet engines, ram jet and scram jet engines and cooling of combustion chamber. Earliest research of a jet in a crossflow has been motivated by applications related to environmental problems such as plume dispersal from exhaust but gradually its application increased. In comparison to co-axial injection, transversely injection have a better efficiency. Difference in direction of injection helped to forming the smaller particles indeed, increases the combustion chamber performance. In this paper, effective factors on liquid jet trajectory and breakup are studied. Effect of nozzle geometry, Weber number and moment ratio of liquid jet to the air crossflow are investigated and equation of trajectory for elliptical and circular nozzle is obtained. In addition, length and height of breakup point are obtained and Show that the elliptical and circular liquid jet trajectory have different together. Also the breakup height equation has investigated and comparison to other study. These results are very important for designing of combustion chamber. The results compared to other researchers, the results shows, answers have a good compatibility and accuracy, and they are reliable and trustworthy.
Morteza Habibi, Fathollah Ommi, Zoheir Saboohi,
Volume 18, Issue 6 (10-2018)
Now a days gas turbines are widely used in the transportation and energy industry. According to Combustion of fossil fuels in these engine, environmental concerns have increased due to production of nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide. Various methods have been offered to reduce the emission of pollutants. One of these methods is adding steam or water to the combustion chamber to reduce the flame temperature. Different methods can be applied to add steam to the combustion chamber, in this study, the steam is added to the diffuser and premixed with air into the combustion chamber. Steam addition influences the combustion process inside the combustion chamber, which should be considered during the combustion chamber design process. Therefore, a model for the conceptual design of the chamber geometry and the effect of adding steam on it will be presented. For this purpose, the data from an actual combustion chamber will be used to compare results of geometry design by using this model and to study the influence of steam on the chamber geometry. To investigate the combustion chamber performance, the chemical reactor network method for combustion modeling will be used. First, with this procedure an annular conventional combustion chamber will be modeled without steam addition and the results of this method will be compared with the actual data of this combustor. Then the effect of adding steam on the performance will be investigated. The study will show adding steam is an effective way to reduce the flame temperature and emission of pollutants.
M. Zahedzadeh , F. Ommi ,
Volume 19, Issue 5 (May 2019)
Fuel-air mixing is one of the challenging issues in supersonic velocities that is mostly used in scramjet engine combustors. Sufficient mixing between the supersonic airstream and the fuel jet is critical for designing of scramjet engines, and this is due to the very short residence timescale for the mixture in supersonic flows. Various studies and investigations have been conducted on enhancing the fuel-air mixture. One way to improve fuel-air mixture is to employ step before the injection point, so a low-speed recirculation zone is created before the injection point and causes to improve fuel-air mixture. Employing step causes to increase stagnation pressure loss and we should compromise between mixing efficiency and stagnation pressure loss. In this paper, the effects of step on Gaseous sonic transverse injection in supersonic crossflow are investigated numerically. Two-dimensional Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equations and k-ω sst turbulence model and the perfect gas equation have been solved, using Fluent software. The results of the numerical solution are compared and validated with available experimental data. Numerical results showed good agreement with the experimental values. Then, the effects of varying step heights and distance of step from injection point on Mach disc height and stagnation pressure loss are considered numerically.
F. Ommi, H. Golchin,
Volume 19, Issue 7 (July 2019)
In this research, the possibility of measuring total pressure, mass flow, and velocity of a high energy flow of air at 0.6-0.7 Mach is investigated experimentally, using 6 different types of commercial sensors. For this end, a fixed area annular nozzle, mounted at the exit of micro-turbojet engine, was used. Also, a test bench with the capability of measuring total pressure, static pressure, total temperature, mass flow, RPM, and the thrust force was used. The results of the L-type sensors calibrated for such velocities indicate that the total pressure and velocity are similar, near to each other, and among the engineering precision. The largest difference between the measured and calculated mass flow was 9.1% and related to L-type probes with the length of 68mm and the outside diameter of 3mm. This difference for all other probes was less than 8%. Also, the calculated mass flow based on Rod-type probe data shows a difference of only 4.4% with the measured mass flow; so, there is a distinct difference between these two kinds of probes. Also, the measurements include useful information of the variations of main flow characteristics along the length of annular nozzle, among which the most important are an intense drop of about 29% in total pressure and about 48°C drop in total temperature.
D. Zhaleh, F. Ommi, Z. Saboohi,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (January 2020)
The idea of designing new geometries for catalytic bed in the decomposition chamber of monopropellant thrusters is introduced with numerical simulations of pore-scale turbulent flows. The LES numerical technique is used for simulation of turbulent structures in the flow-field. The efficiency and reliability of the results obtained from numerical simulation have been determined by solving a benchmark problem of turbulent flow over the pack of cubes. The results show very good agreement with the experimental data, indicating the accuracy of the used model and numerical solution process. The characteristics of turbulent flow over two different geometries have been investigated using the numerical method. The results have been analyzed to evaluate the effectiveness of geometrical changes on the parameters associated with the catalytic reaction. All simulations have been conducted for cold flow, and the exact effects of the geometrical design of porous bed on reactive flow have not been quantified. The eddy dissipation and length scales of turbulence have been considered as the main parameters, because of their effect on rates of turbulent mixing and rate of reaction. The difference between the turbulent dissipation and length scales in the investigated flows in two different geometries indicates the effectiveness of the geometrical changes of the porous bed on the flow characteristics. Coherent structures are seen in the new geometry and the wall shear stress is reduced significantly, which increases the life of the catalytic coating.
Alireza Moradi, Fathollah Ommi, Zoheir Saboohi, Mohsen Bahrami,
Volume 21, Issue 11 (November 2021)
Thermoacoustic engine is an energy conversion device that uses the energy carrying capacity of sound waves to generate sound power from thermal energy. Although it is not difficult to build thermoacoustic engines due to having no moving parts, many researchers have always tried to reduce the temperature difference required to run thermoacoustic engines, so that these devices can be used in most industries. To investigate the onset conditions of the system, temperature changes in the stack section of a standing wave Thermoacoustic engine were investigated.
Numerical analysis of temperature changes along the stack, was performed using the rotts thermoacoustic equations. The temperature was calculated instantaneously along the stack, and this process continued until the thermal equilibrium was established in the system. A standing wave with an open end was designed and built to validate the temperature curves obtained at different moments. This thermoacoustic engine was able to display the temperature instantaneously along the stack with parallel plates structure. The data obtained from the experimental tests and the temperature changes diagram resulting from the numerical solution method, showed a good agreement with each other for the onset process in the system.